12 research outputs found

    Foot morphology of Turkish football players according to foot preference

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    Football is the most popular sport in the world. Foot morphology and foot preference are important factors in football player’s performance. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to evaluate the foot morphology of elite football players with different foot preferences. 407 male football players participated in this study. 328 of them preferred their right foot, while 79 of them preferred the left one. Eleven anthropometric measurements were taken from each foot with standard anthropometric methods. Foot length, T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 lengths, foot circumference of right and left feet and right foot width of right foot preference group were higher than those of left foot preference group, which is statistically significant (p < 0.05). Left foot measurements of right foot preference group were interestingly higher than those of the right side. It was suggested that these data may be useful to define the foot morphology of elite football players.Key words: Foot morphology, football, measurements

    Foot morphology of Turkish football players according to foot preference

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    Football is the most popular sport in the world. Foot morphology and foot preference are important factors in football player's performance. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to evaluate the foot morphology of elite football players with different foot preferences. 407 male football players participated in this study. 328 of them preferred their right foot, while 79 of them preferred the left one. Eleven anthropometric measurements were taken from each foot with standard anthropometric methods. Foot length, T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 lengths, foot circumference of right and left feet and right foot width of right foot preference group were higher than those of left foot preference group, which is statistically significant (p < 0.05). Left foot measurements of right foot preference group were interestingly higher than those of the right side. It was suggested that these data may be useful to define the foot morphology of elite football players. © 2011 Academic Journals

    The effects of preparation period exercises on the hematological parameters of the taekwondo athletes

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    Purpose: This study aimed at examining the effects of preparation period exercises, which were applied for eight weeks to elite level taekwondo athletes, on the hematological parameters. Material: Totally 21 athletes with international degrees from the university taekwondo team participated in this study, 12 of whom were female (Mean age: 20.3 - Mean exercise age: 8.8) and 9 of whom were male athletes (Mean age: 20.3 - Mean exercise age: 9.5). The participants attended an 8-week exercise program for 5 days a week, which included basic motoric features and technical and tactical development. 4 cc blood samples were taken from the right antecubital vein before and after the preparation period exercises. On the blood samples, WBC, GRAN, GRAN %, LYM, LYM %, MID and MID % values were examined among leukocyte sub-groups; RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC and RDWC values were examined among the erythrocyte sub-groups, and PLT, MPV, PCT and PDW values were examined among thrombocyte sub-groups. Results: At the end of the study, we determined that there was a statistically significant increase in the MCHC values of both the male and the female taekwondo athletes. Moreover, it was determined that there were statistically significant decreases in the HCT, MCV, MCH, MPV and PCT values of the female taekwondo athletes, and in the MCV, MPV and PCT values of the male taekwondo athletes. Conclusions: As a conclusion, we can state that the 8-week exercises applied during the preparation period affected the hematological parameters of the male and female taekwondo athletes to an extent, however, this effect was limited and it did not cause an important change

    Вплив підготовчих вправ на гематологічні показники атлетів тхеквондо

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    Purpose: This study aimed at examining the effects of preparation period exercises, which were applied for eight weeks to elite level taekwondo athletes, on the hematological parameters. Material: Totally 21 athletes with international degrees from the university taekwondo team participated in this study, 12 of whom were female (Mean age: 20.3 - Mean exercise age: 8.8) and 9 of whom were male athletes (Mean age: 20.3 - Mean exercise age: 9.5). The participants attended an 8-week exercise program for 5 days a week, which included basic motoric features and technical and tactical development. 4 cc blood samples were taken from the right antecubital vein before and after the preparation period exercises. On the blood samples, WBC, GRAN, GRAN %, LYM, LYM %, MID and MID % values were examined among leukocyte sub-groups; RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC and RDWC values were examined among the erythrocyte sub-groups, and PLT, MPV, PCT and PDW values were examined among thrombocyte sub-groups. Results: At the end of the study, we determined that there was a statistically significant increase in the MCHC values of both the male and the female taekwondo athletes. Moreover, it was determined that there were statistically significant decreases in the HCT, MCV, MCH, MPV and PCT values of the female taekwondo athletes, and in the MCV, MPV and PCT values of the male taekwondo athletes. Conclusions: As a conclusion, we can state that the 8-week exercises applied during the preparation period affected the hematological parameters of the male and female taekwondo athletes to an extent, however, this effect was limited and it did not cause an important change.Это исследование было направлено на изучение влияния упражнений периода подготовки, которые применялись в течение восьми недель для спортсменов тхэквондо элитного уровня, на гематологические показатели. Материал: Всего 21 спортсмен тхэквондо с международными степенями из команды университета участвовал в этом исследовании, 12 из которых были женщинами (средний возраст: 20,3 года - стаж занятий: 8,8 года) и 9 из них были мужчинами (средний возраст: 20,3 года - стаж занятий: 9,5 лет). Атлеты посещали 8-недельную программу упражнений по 5 дней в неделю, которая включала в себя основные двигательные функции и технико-тактическое развитие. Из правой переднекубитальной вены было взято 4 кубика крови до и после подготовительного периода упражнений. На образцах крови были исследованы значения WBC, GRAN, GRAN%, LYM, LYM%, MID и MID% среди подгрупп лейкоцитов; Значения RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC и RDWC были исследованы среди подгрупп эритроцитов, а значения PLT, MPV, PCT и PDW были исследованы среди подгрупп тромбоцитов. Результаты: в конце исследования мы определили, что произошло статистически значимое увеличение значений MCHC как у мужчин, так и у женщин-спортсменов тхэквондо. Кроме того, было установлено, что статистически значимые снижения у женщин-спортсменов-тхэквондо и HCT, MCV, MCH, MPV и PCT были, а также у мужчин-спортсменов-тхэквондо MCV, MPV и PCT. Выводы. В заключение можно констатировать, что 8-недельные упражнения, применяемые в течение подготовительного периода, повлияли на гематологические параметры спортсменов-тхэквондо мужского и женского пола, однако этот эффект был ограниченным и не вызвал значительных изменений.Це дослідження було спрямоване на вивчення впливу вправ періоду підготовки, які застосовувалися протягом восьми тижнів для спортсменів тхеквондо елітного рівня, на гематологічні показники. Матеріал: Всього 21 спортсмен тхеквондо з міжнародними ступенями з команди університету брав участь в цьому дослідженні, 12 з яких були жінками (середній вік: 20,3 року - стаж занять: 8,8 року) і 9 з них були чоловіками (середній вік: 20,3 року - стаж занять: 9,5 років). Атлети відвідували 8-тижневу програму вправ по 5 днів на тиждень, яка включала в себе основні рухові функції і техніко-тактичний розвиток. З правої переднекубітальной вени було взято 4 кубика крові до і після підготовчого періоду вправ. На зразках крові були досліджені значення WBC, GRAN, GRAN%, LYM, LYM%, MID і MID% серед підгруп лейкоцитів; Значення RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC і RDWC були досліджені серед підгруп еритроцитів, а значення PLT, MPV, PCT і PDW були досліджені серед підгруп тромбоцитів. Результати: в кінці дослідження ми визначили, що сталося статистично значуще збільшення значень MCHC як у чоловіків, так і у жінок-спортсменів тхеквондо. Крім того, було встановлено, що статистично значущі зниження у жінок-спортсменів-тхеквондо і HCT, MCV, MCH, MPV і PCT були, а також у чоловіків-спортсменів-тхеквондо MCV, MPV і PCT. Висновки. На закінчення можна констатувати, що 8-тижневі вправи, що застосовуються протягом підготовчого періоду, вплинули на гематологічні параметри спортсменів-тхеквондо чоловічої і жіночої статі, проте цей ефект був обмеженим і не викликав значних змін

    The injuries of Turkish national free-style and Graeco-Roman wrestlers

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    WOS: 000318963800011Aim. The purpose of this study was to investigate the types of injuries in Turkish national senior free style and Greco-roman wrestlers. Methods. The data of 145 wrestling injuries were collected with the help of injury surveillance forms maintained (75 in free style and 70 in Greco-Roman) throughout three years. The relationship between injuries of regions and mechanism, and style preferred by wrestlers were analyzed by using a chi(2) test. Results. The results showed that there were 166 injuries in Greco-Roman style and 179 injuries in free style. The most common injuries in Greco-Roman wrestlers were found in upper extremities (36.75%), lower extremities (19.28%) and head (15.66%), and the most common injuries in free style wrestlers were in lower extremities (40.22%), upper extremities (31.84%) and head (13.41%). (An injury rate per one wrestler was found 2.37 in Greco-Roman and 2.39 in free style). The injuries which occurred during training were 54.20% and during competition were 5.79%. The frequencies of injuries per 100h of training were found 0.11. For competitions the injury frequency per 1 match was found 1.05. The most common injury types in both styles were joint sprain, muscle strain and contusion. Nevertheless, 57.97% of injuries resulted in the injured wrestler were for being absence of training or competitions less than seven days. Finally, There was a significant (P<0.05) relationship between injured parts and both styles. Conclusions. The injuries in Greco-Roman Wrestlers commonly occurred in upper extremities, and in free style wrestlers they commonly occurred in lower extremities. Using proper safety gear and learning a better technique can reduce the risk of injuries during wrestling

    The injuries of Turkish national free-style and Graeco-Roman wrestlers [Infortuni nei lottatori in stile libero e greco-romano della nazionale turca]

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    Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate the types of injuries in Turkish national senior free style and Grecoroman wrestlers. Methods: The data of 145 wrestling injuries were collected with the help of injury surveillance forms maintained (75 in free style and 70 in Greco-Roman) throughout three years. The relationship between injuries of regions and mechanism, and style preferred by wrestlers were analyzed by using a ?2 test. Results: The results showed that there were 166 injuries in Greco-Roman style and 179 injuries in free style. The most common injuries in Greco-Roman wrestlers were found in upper extremities (36.75%), lower extremities (19.28%) and head (15.66%), and the most common injuries in free style wrestlers were in lower extremities (40.22%), upper extremities (31.84%) and head (13.41%). (An injury rate per one wrestler was found 2.37 in Greco-Roman and 2.39 in free style). The injuries which occurred during training were 54.20% and during competition were 5.79%. The frequencies of injuries per 100h of training were found 0.11. For competitions the injury frequency per 1 match was found 1.05. The most common injury types in both styles were joint sprain, muscle strain and contusion. Nevertheless, 57.97% of injuries resulted in the injured wrestler were for being absence of training or competitions less than seven days. Finally, There was a significant (P&lt;0.05) relationship between injured parts and both styles. Conclusions: The injuries in Greco-Roman Wrestlers commonly occurred in upper extremities, and in free style wrestlers they commonly occurred in lower extremities. Using proper safety gear and learning a better technique can reduce the risk of injuries during wrestling

    Alexithymia and reaching group consensus

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