23 research outputs found

    Meningitis Due to Bacillus Anthracis

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    The first case of haemorrhagic meningitis due to Bacillus anthracis in the European part of Turkey is reported here. B. anthracis, sensitive to penicillin, was isolated from the cerebrospinal fluid and blood cultures. Although appropriate therapy was administered, the patient died two days after hospitalization

    Clinical and pathological features of adrenal myelolipoma and myelolipomatous metaplasia cases in our hospital over 13 years

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    BACKGROUND/AIMS: The development and widespread use of abdominal imaging techniques has increased the incidence of unexpected adrenal tumors called adrenal incidentaloma. Adrenal myelolipomas are the second most common incidentalomas. Similar myelolipomatous morphology appears as a secondary degenerative change in other adrenal lesions and is called myelolipomatous metaplasia. This study investigated the adrenal entities of the last 13 years which had myelolipomatous components.MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this retrospective observational study, cases diagnosed as adrenal myelolipoma or myelolipomatous metaplasia between January, 2009 and January, 2022 were re-examined regarding their age, gender, localization, lesion size, and secondary histopathological changes, accompanying pathological diagnoses as well as clinical and radiological data.RESULTS: Eleven adrenal myelolipoma cases and 6 myelolipomatous metaplasia cases were detected. In myelolipomas, the mean age was 55.45 years, 73% were female and 82% were located on the right side. The lesions were encapsulated and their mean size was 7 cm. One case had a diagnosis of subclinical Cushing's syndrome and the others were hormonally inactive. Some cases were accompanied with hypertension (27%), type 2 diabetes (18%), and asthma (18%). All myelolipomatous metaplasias, which are non-encapsulated, were detected in adrenocortical adenomas. The mean age was 58 years; nonencapsulated and 67% were located on the right side with no gender predilection. Concomitant hypertension (50%), diabetes /33%, and asthma (33%) were frequent.CONCLUSION: Adrenal myelolipoma and myelolipomatous metaplasia both contain adipose and myeloid components. Myelolipoma is a benign and encapsulated neoplasia which is usually detected incidentally. They frequently coexist with chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and asthma

    Etiology, diagnosis, and treatment in childhood atelectasis

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    Introduction: Atelectasis is the loss of lung volume secondary to collapse. Narrow and collapsible airways and underlying chronic diseases facilitate the development of atelectasis in children. Since atelectasis is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in children, early diagnosis and treatment are of great importance. Methods: Thirty-six patients who were followed up in the pediatric service and pediatric intensive care unit of our clinic be - tween December 1, 2018, and June 1, 2019, and were diagnosed radiologically with atelectasis were evaluated retrospectively. Results: The median age was 1.85 years (1.0–7.37). The most common cause for hospitalization was pneumonia (n=30, 83%). Except for two patients, all patients had an underlying disease that increased the risk of atelectasis. Neurological diseases were the most common diseases among the underlying diseases (n=12, 36%). For the treatment, 4 (11.1%) patients received chest physiotherapy, 19 (52.7%) patients received nebulized medications, and chest physiotherapy, and 13 (36.1%) patients received positive end-expiratory pressure support in addition to these treatments. The frequency of atelectasis in more than one localization was higher in children with the neurological disease than in other patients (n=7, [54%] vs. n=3, [13%]; p=0.018). In patients with atelectasis in more than one localization, the duration of hospitalization was longer (median 12.5 days [9.5–16.75] vs. 19 days [13–22.75]; p=0.034). Discussion and Conclusion: Atelectasis is common in hospitalized children with an underlying disease. In the presence of pathological respiratory symptoms and signs, atelectasis should be kept in mind, and treatment should be started early

    Determination of fenolic components and antioxidan activities of apple pomace powder and research potentiality use of bread making

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    Meyve işleme sanayi yan ürünleri önemli bir atık problemi olmaktadır. Atıkların içerdiği bileşenlerin besin değerlerinin yüksek olması ve geri kazanımlarının mümkün olabilmesi, atıkların gıda katkısı ve tamamlayıcısı olarak kullanım imkanını doğurmuş ve atıklara olan ilgiyi artırmıştır. Yapılan çalışma ile gıda sanayinde farklı ürünlere katkı olarak işlenebilecek olan elma suyu sanayinin atığı olan posa kurutularak toz haline getirilmiştir. Bu amaçla Yalova Atatürk Bahçe Kültürleri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü elma bahçesinde bulunan elma çeşitlerinden, Starkrimson Delicious, Stark Spur Golden Delicious ve sanayiden alınan elma posası ile çalışma yürütülmüştür. Enstitü bahçesinden hasat edilen elmalar önce parçalayıcıdan daha sonra presten geçirilerek posa elde edilmiş, ticari posa da dahil olmak üzere tüm posalar infrared yöntemi ve dondurularak kurutulmuş, değirmende öğütülerek toz haline getirilmiştir. Taze meyvede (etli kısım, kabuk, ham elma suyu), yaş posada ve kurutularak öğütülmüş posa tozunda; antioksidan aktivitesi, fenolik bileşenler, ham lif, toplam bakteri sayımı ve patulin analizleri yapılmıştır. Ticari posadan elde edilen kurutulmuş posa tozu Pakmaya Fırıncılık Araştırma Geliştirme Merkezi’nde değirmende öğütülüp, farklı çaplarda eleklerden elenerek paçal yapılmış ve buğday unu ile %5, 10, 15 oranlarında karıştırılarak ekmek denemeleri yapılmıştır. Ekmekte; antioksidan aktivitesi, fenolik bileşenler, ham lif, reolojik analizler, Minolta Lab renk değerleri ve duyusal değerlendirme analizleri yapılmış böylelikle ekmek yapımında katkı olarak kullanım imkanları araştırılmıştır. Sonuçta; Starkrimson Delicious ve Stark Spur Golden Delicious elma çeşitlerinin kabuklarında toplam fenolik madde, toplam antioksidan aktivite, fenolik bileşenler, elma etine, suyuna ve posaya göre daha fazla belirlenmiştir. Elma kabuklarını ticari yaş posa takip etmiş, ticari elma posasının kurutulması ile fenolik bileşikler korunmuştur. Ticari posanın ham lif miktarı elma etine ve kabuklarına göre yüksek belirlenmiş, bu nitelikleri ile ekmek yapımında katkı olarak kullanım imkanının olduğu, özellikle ekmeğin lif oranını artırdığı tespit edilmiştir. Yapılan tüm analizler toplu olarak değerlendirildiğinde %5 elma posası tozu katkılı ekmek duyusal olarak kabul edilebilir belirlenmiş ancak elma posasından gelen besleyici özelliklerin daha belirgin olduğu %10 elma posası katkılı ekmekte yenilebilir olarak belirlenmiştir. Bundan sonra yapılacak çalışmalarda gıda katkı maddesi olarak kullanım alanının genişletilmesi ve farklı unlu mamullerde kullanım imkanlarının araştırılması yerinde olacaktır.Considerably higher ratios of by-products arise from fruit processing. Thus new aspects concerning the use of these wastes as by-products for further exploitation on the production of food additives or supplements with high nutritional value have gained increasing interest because these are high-value products and their recovery may be economically attractive. In the research, the waste of apple juice process was processed as ingredient for different products and apple pulp was studied. The pulp was dried and apple powder formed. The pulp was dried in air current drying oven and in freezer dryer and powder was produced. The apple powder was mixed up with wheat flour at different ratios and bread was made. Antioxidant activity, total phenolic content, phenolic composition, crude fiber, total bacteria counting, patulin, color account analysis, rheological and sensory analysis were carried out in fresh fruit (fleshy part, skin), in pulp, in powder and in bread. In conclusion, total phenolic content, total antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds are higher in the shell of the Starkrimson Delicious and Stark Spur Golden Delicious apple varieties than in apple flesh, apple juice and pomace. Apple shell pulp was followed by commercial apple pomace and phenolic compounds were remained during the drying process. Crude fiber content of commercial apple pomace was higher than apple flesh and shell so that it has been possible to use as a bread additive and especially has causes a contribution in the crude fiber content of bread. The evaluation of all the analysis showed that 5% apple pomace powder fortified bread could be determined as sensory acceptable but 10% apple pomace powder fortified bread was rich for nutritional properties and could be determined as edible. After this study, the using possibility of commercial apple pomace should be expanded as a food additive and using potential in bakery products should be determined with future studies

    Treatment of dentigerous cysts by marsupialization in children

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    Dentijeröz kistler, sürmemiş dişleri çevreleyen mine organı artıklarından köken alan odontojenik kistlerdir. Dentijeröz kistlerin tedavisinde kullanılan temel tekniklerden biri olan marsüpiyalizasyon ile kist kavitesinin içerisindeki sıvı basıncının azaltılması ve mevcut defektin yeniden kemikle dolması hedeflenir. Tekniğin önemli avantajları olarak komşu anatomik oluşumların korunmasını sağlaması, enükleasyon sonrası oluşabilecek patolojik kırık riskini azaltması ve gömülü kalmış dişlerin sürmesine izin vermesi sayılabilir. Marsüpiyalizasyon, kemik rejenerasyonunun daha hızlı olması ve kök gelişimini henüz tamamlamamış dişlerin sürme potansiyellerin yüksek olması nedeni ile çocuklarda görülen kistlerin tedavisinde uygun bir tedavi yöntemidir. Bu makalede kliniğimizde marsüpiyalizasyon ile tedavi edilmiş olan 3 olgu sunularak tedavi alternatifleri ve olası komplikasyonları tartışılmıştır.Dentigerous cysts are odontogenic cysts, which originate from the remnants of the enamel organ around the crowns of unerupted teeth. The target of marsupialization, which is one of the basic methods described for the treatment of dentigerous cysts, is the relief of the cystic fluid pressure followed by the ingrowth of new bone into the defect. Advantages of the technique maybe described as: preservation of the anatomical structures, lowering the risk of pathologic fractures following enucleation and. allowing the eruption of impacted teeth. Marsupialization may be a better choice of treatment in children because of the faster bone regeneration in children and the higher eruption . potential of teeth with immature roots. In this article we presented three cases of dentigerous cysts that had been treated with marsupialization in our clinic and discussed alternative treatments and possible complications

    Unusual reason of a neck mass: Secondary hydatid cyst

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    Hydatic cyct is a common parasitic infestation caused by the parasite Echinococcus granulosus. It may affect any organ and tissue in the body, in particular the liver and lung. Hydatid cyst in the head and neck region is very rare, even in countries where echinococcus infestation is endemic. We report the case of a 52-year-old female patient presenting with a hydatid cyst in supraclavicular region with hepatic involvement. The definitive therapy comprised excision of the cystic mass and postoperative medical treatment