6,068 research outputs found

    Immigració, immersió en català i rendiment escolar: dos estudis revisats

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    Després de repassar, aportant-hi dades empíriques, que la llengua del país és la porta d'entrada dels immigrants a la societat receptora, són revistats dos estudis sobre el reeiximent acadèmic i la immersió en català. El primer estudi examina els expedients acadèmics d'una escola vallesana d'educació general bàsica (EGB) des de set anys abans de la Llei del català del 1983 fins al curs 1983-1984. El segon és una enquesta sobre adaptació al país a estudiants de diversos instituts de les Balears, ja sota el règim de la Llei de normalització del català a les Balears del 1986. En ambdós casos hom relaciona els resultats acadèmics en funció de la llengua familiar (català o castellà) o dels indicadors d'integració. Com a conclusions: 1) L'adquisició de la llengua catalana no compleix una simple funció comunicativa sinó que principalment facilita l'adquisició de la cultura subjectiva del país. 2) La immersió escolar en català millora, com més va, més, els rendiments dels infants d'immigrants de la resta d'Espanya. 3) El progrés acadèmic, en instituts balears de secundària, està relacionat positivament i significativa amb l'ús de la llengua catalana i amb la integració dels alumnes a la cultura subjectiva del país.After considering, with the provision of empirical facts, the assertion that a country's language is the gateway to the host society for immigrants, two research studies on academic success and Catalan language are reviewed. The first study deals with the academic records in a primary school in the Vallès region in the period extending from seven years before the enactment of the Catalan Language Law of 1983 up to the school year 1983-1984. The second study is a survey among students from different Balearic secondary schools on their adaptation to the country during the period under the Catalan Normalisation Law of the Balearic Islands enacted in 1986. In both cases the academic results are presented on the basis of the mother tongue (Catalan or Spanish) or of integration indicators. The following conclusions are reached: 1) The acquisition of the Catalan language has not a mere communicative function but above all it facilitates the acquisition of the subjective culture of the country. 2) Increased Catalan language immersion at school improves proportionally the academic results of the children of Spanish immigrants. 3) School progress, in Balearic high schools, is positively and significantly correlated to the use of the Catalan language and to students' integration into the subjective culture of the country

    Diseño de un nuevo test para evaluar las aptitudes cognitivas en el deporte : estudio de fiabilidad y validez

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    The aim of this study was to determine the reliability and validity of a new test for assessing cognitive skills in sport from a psychometric perspective. In order to show different sports situations clearly and reduce the influence of verbal reasoning from written items, 64 sports situations that corresponded to real problems found in sport and represented basic, technical, and tactical skills were drawn. The items were presented in a software application that is userfriendly for subjects not familiar with computers. Each situation had 5 response options. The experts' opinion, Cronbach's a (a=.77), a test-retest correlation (r = .72; p < .01), a Pearson's correlation between the test result and the external criterion of the Physical Education teacher (r = .40; p < .01), a mean comparison between sample subgroups, and the factorial analysis showed reasonable evidence for assessing the test's reliability and validity

    Independència de la deambulació i la defecació en un camp obert poc atemoridor, posada de manifest en un estudi generacional

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    El principal objetivo del presente trabajo ha sido poner en evidencia la independencia de la deambulación y la defecación en un campo abierto poco atemorizador, mediante un estudio generacional. Los sujetos experimentales que formaban una nueva generación eran descendientes de padres seleccionados por puntuaciones extremas de deambulación. Cruzando entre sí los sujetos con más altas puntuaciones en deambulación y, a su vez, los de más bajas puntuaciones, obteníamos dos líneas con características de deambulación distintas. Un análisis de la evolución de la característica defecación, muestra la independencia de esta medida con la deambulación.The main purpose of the present paper has been to make evident that ambulation and defecation scores in a low-frigtening open field are independent. Subjects with highest and lowest expression of the ambulation character are selected. Mating like with like will tend to increase the mean score in subsequent generations giving two lines: high and low ambulator ' ones. The effect of ambulation upon the leve1 of defecation is analized. The results showed that ambulation measure is independent to defecation one

    Correspondence Model Of Occupational Accidents

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    We present a new generalized model for the diagnosis and prediction of accidents among the Spanish workforce. Based on observational data of the accident rate in all Spanish companies over eleven years (7,519,732 accidents), we classified them in a new risk-injury contingency table (19x19). Through correspondence analysis, we obtained a structure composed of three axes whose combination identifies three separate risk and injury groups, which we used as a general Spanish pattern. The most likely or frequent relationships between the risk and injuries identified in the pattern facilitated the decision-making process in companies at an early stage of risk assessment. Each risk-injury group has its own characteristics, which are understandable within the phenomenological framework of the accident. The main advantages of this model are its potential application to any other country and the feasibility of contrasting different country results. One limiting factor, however, is the need to set a common classification framework for risks and injuries to enhance comparison, a framework that does not exist today. The model aims to manage work-related accidents automatically at any level

    Proposal of a methodology for implementing a service-oriented architecture in distributed manufacturing systems

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    As envisioned by Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS), Next Generation Manufacturing Systems (NGMS) will satisfy the needs of an increasingly fast-paced and demanding market by dynamically integrating systems from inside and outside the manufacturing firm itself into a so-called extended enterprise. However, organizing these systems to ensure the maximum flexibility and interoperability with those from other organizations is difficult. Additionally, a defect in the system would have a great impact: it would affect not only its owner, but also its partners. For these reasons, we argue that a service-oriented architecture (SOA) would be a good candidate. It should be designed following a methodology where services play a central role, instead of being an implementation detail. In order for the architecture to be reliable enough as a whole, the methodology will need to help find errors before they arise in a production environment. In this paper we propose using SOA-specific testing techniques, compare some of the existing methodologies and outline several extensions upon one of them to integrate testing techniques

    Expression and insulin-regulated distribution of caveolin in skeletal muscle. Caveolin does not colocalize with GLUT4 in intracellular membranes

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    Caveolin is believed to play an important role in sorting processes, vesicular trafficking, transmembrane signaling, and molecular transport across membranes. In this study we have evaluated the expression and distribution of caveolin in skeletal muscle and its interaction with GLUT4 glucose carriers. Caveolin was expressed to substantial levels in muscle and its expression was regulated in muscle; aging and high fat diet enhanced caveolin expression in skeletal muscle and inversely, myogenesis down-regulated caveolin in L6E9 cells. Under fasting conditions, most of caveolin was found in intracellular membranes and the caveolin present in the cell surface was found in both sarcolemma and T-tubules. Insulin administration led to a redistribution of caveolin from intracellular high density membrane fractions to intracellular lighter density fractions and to the cell surface; this pattern of insulin-induced redistribution was different to what was shown by GLUT4. These results suggests that caveolin is a component of an insulin-regulated machinery of vesicular transport in muscle. Quantitative immunoisolation of GLUT4 vesicles obtained from different intracellular GLUT4 populations revealed the absence of caveolin which substantiates the lack of colocalization of intracellular GLUT4 and caveolin. This indicates that caveolin is not involved in intracellular GLUT4 trafficking in skeletal muscle

    El paper d'un laboratori de psicologia anormal dins un hospital universitari

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    Les planes que segueixen miren de posar en relleu les competències, les funcions i els avantatges d'un laboratori de psicologia anormal dins un hospital universitari. Un laboratori així hauria d'ésser de recerca bàsica, i no tant per ella mateixa sinó com a dinamo de qualsevol altre tipus de recerca. Si no hi ha cap laboratori com el proposat al nostre país. país, és degut, en principi, a la irracional distribució de la renda i a la irracional organització social. D'altra banda, en absència d'aquestes irracionalitats però sense autogovern, aquest laboratori fóra a uns 700 km de distancia, a Madrid. Som molt conscients que ara com ara no és possible de fundar laboratoris com cal. Però també estam convençuts que no cal restar amb les mans plegades,..

    Characterization of two distinct intracellular GLUT4 membrane populations in muscle fiber: differential protein composition and sensivity to insulin

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    A major objective for the understanding of muscle glucose disposal is the elucidation of the intracellular trafficking pathway of GLUT4 glucose carriers in the muscle fiber. In this report, we provide functional and biochemical characterization of two distinct intracellular GLUT4 vesicle pools obtained from rat skeletal muscle. The two pools showed a differential response to insulin; thus, one showed a marked decrease in GLUT4 levels but the other did not. They also showed a markedly different protein composition as detected by quantitative vesicle immunoisolation analysis. The GLUT4 pool showing no response to insulin contained SCAMP proteins and the vSNARE proteins VAMP2 and cellubrevin, whereas only VAMP2 was found in the insulin-recruitable GLUT4 pool. SDS-PAGE and further silver staining of the immunoprecipitates revealed discrete polypeptide bands associated to the insulin-sensitive pool, and all these polypeptide bands were found in the insulin-insensitive population. Furthermore, some polypeptide bands were exclusive to the insulin-insensitive population. The presence of cellubrevin and SCAMP proteins, endosomal markers, suggest that the insulin-insensitive GLUT4 membrane population belongs to an endosomal compartment. In addition, we favor the view that the insulin-sensitive GLUT4 membrane pool is segregated from the endosomal GLUT4 population and is undergoes exocytosis to the cell surface in response to insulin. Intracellular GLUT4 membranes obtained from skeletal muscle contain cellubrevin, and VAMP2 and GLUT4-vesicles from cardiomyocytes also contain cellubrevin. This suggests that vSNARE proteins are key constituents of GLUT4 vesicles. The presence of the tSNARE protein SNAP25 in skeletal muscle membranes and SNAP25 and syntaxin 1A and syntaxin 1B in cardiomyocyte plasma membranes further suggest a role of the SNAREs in GLUT4 trafficking in muscle