5 research outputs found

    An Open-Source Plate Reader

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    Microplate readers are foundational instruments in experimental biology and bioengineering that enable multiplexed spectrophotometric measurements. To enhance their accessibility, we here report the design, construction, validation, and benchmarking of an open-source microplate reader. The system features full-spectrum absorbance and fluorescence emission detection, in situ optogenetic stimulation, and stand-alone touch screen programming of automated assay protocols. The total system cost

    Toolbox for Exploring Modular Gene Regulation in Synthetic Biology Training

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    We report a toolbox for exploring the modular tuning of genetic circuits, which has been specifically optimized for widespread deployment in STEM environments through a combination of bacterial strain engineering and distributable hardware development. The transfer functions of 16 genetic switches, programmed to express a GFP reporter under the regulation of the (acyl-homoserine lactone) AHL-sensitive luxR transcriptional activator, can be parametrically tuned by adjusting high/low degrees of transcriptional, translational, and post-translational processing. Strains were optimized to facilitate daily large-scale preparation and reliable performance at room temperature in order to eliminate the need for temperature controlled apparatuses, which are both cost-limiting and space-constraining. The custom-designed, automated, and web-enabled fluorescence documentation system allows time-lapse imaging of AHL-induced GFP expression on bacterial plates with real-time remote data access, thereby requiring trainees to only be present for experimental setup. When coupled with mathematical models in agreement with empirical data, this toolbox expands the scalability and scope of reliable synthetic biology experiments for STEM training

    Risk Factors for Nurses Working with Patients

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    Bakalaura darba tēma ir „Riska faktori māsas darbā ar ilgtermiņa farmakoterapijas programmas pacientiem”. Darba mērķis ir noskaidrot riska faktorus māsas darbā šīs programmas ietvaros. Pētījumā izmantota kvalitatīvā pētniecības metode. Respondenti ir 6 māsas, kuras stradā ilgtermiņa farmakoterapijas programmā. Darba pētniecības jautājums: Ar kādiem riska faktoriem saskaras māsas, strādājot ar ilgtermiņa farmakoterapijas programmas pacientiem? Pētījuma uzdevumi ir: analizēt zinātnisko literatūru, izstrādāt pētījuma instrumentu, veikt māsu intervēšanu, analizēt pētījumā iegūtos rezultātus un izstrādāt secinājumus. Pētniecības instruments – strukturēta intervija. Iegūtie rezultāti atspoguļo: māsu viedokli par riska faktoriem viņu darba vietā. Māsu darbā ilgtermiņa farmakoterapijas programmā pastāv vairāki riska fakori, taču par būtiskākiem, respondenti uzskata psihosociālos riska faktorus.Bachelor’s paper is written on “Risk factors for nurses working with patients”. The aim of the paper is to define risk factors for nurses working in this program. To achieve the aim of the paper qualitative research method was used. Respondents are 6 long-term pharmacological therapy nurses. According to the theme of the bachelor’s paper a following question was made: Which risk factors do nurses face while working with long-term pharmacological therapy patients? Tasks of the research: to analyze academic literature, to develop a research tool, to interview nurses, analyze gathered results and make conclusions. Research tool – structured interview. Gathered results reflect nurses’ opinion on risk factors while working in long-term pharmacological program. There are a lot of risk factors of working in long-term pharmacological program however respondents point out psychosocial factors as most important