198 research outputs found

    MORPHOMETRY OF MATA DO AMPARO DAM, ITAMARACÁ ISLAND, PERNAMBUCO, BRAZIL: Morfometria do Reservatório Mata do Amparo, Ilha de Itamaracá, Pernambuco, Brasil

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    Lake morphology is closely related to the geomorphological process responsible for its origin, and influences the dynamics of most physical, chemical and biological properties of lacustrine environments. Different methodologies and highly accurate equipment have greatly improved the technological capacity for bathymetric mapping in the last decade, but their use has been applied to a limited number of environments in Brazil, owing to their high cost and lack of trained personnel. In the present study, an accessible and low-cost approach was used to characterize the morphometrics of Mata do Amparo Dam, a man-made lake in Itamaracá Island, Pernambuco State, northeastern Brazil. Lake bathymetry with a portable echosounder and GPS was conducted in 372 points, and additional 138 points of lake perimeter were digitalized from a satellite image and later interpolated for generation of a bathymetry chart, 3D views and estimation of volume. The reservoir has a surface area of 0.042 km2, a maximum depth of 6.2 m and an estimated volume of 0.11 x 106 m3. The methodology used provided an acceptable estimate of morphometric parameters, and a physical background for future limnological studies on the reservoir. Keywords: bathymetry, morphology, volumeA morfologia de lagos está intimamente associada ao processo geomorfológico responsável por sua origem, e influencia a dinâmica da maioria das propriedades físicas, químicas e biológicas de ambientes lacustres. Diferentes metodologias e equipamentos altamente precisos têm melhorado a capacidade técnica do mapeamento batimétrico na última década, mas seu uso tem sido aplicado a um número limitado de ambientes no Brasil, devido a seu elevado custo e carência de pessoal treinado. No presente estudo, uma abordagem acessível e de baixo custo foi usada para caracterizar a morfometria do Reservatório Mata do Amparo, um lago artificial na Ilha de Itamaracá, Estado de Pernambuco, nordeste do Brasil. Uma batimetria do lago com ecobatímetro portátil e GPS foi realizada em 372 pontos e 138 pontos adicionais do perímetro foram digitalizados numa imagem de satélite, e posteriormente interpolados para geração de mapa batimétrico, perfis em 3D e estimativa do volume. O reservatório tem área superficial de 0,042 km2, profundidade máxima de 6,2 m e volume estimado de 0,11 x 106 m3. A metodologia utilizada forneceu uma estimativa aceitável dos parâmetros morfométricos, sendo um referencial físico para futuros estudos limnológicos no reservatório

    Effects of two commercial feeds with high and low crude protein content on the performance of white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei raised in an integrated biofloc system with the seaweed Gracilaria birdiae

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                A trial was conducted for 42 days to evaluate the effects of two commercial feeds with high and low crude protein content on the performance of white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei cultivated in an integrated biofloc system with the seaweed Gracilaria birdiae. The experiment had a 2 × 2 factorial design (a biofloc monoculture or an integrated system with 32% (low) or 40% (high) crude protein content) with the following treatments: IS32 (an integrated system using low protein commercial feed); IS40 (an integrated system using high protein commercial feed); M32 (a monoculture system using low protein commercial feed); and M40 (a monoculture system using high protein commercial feed), all in triplicate. Shrimp individuals (0.23 ± 0.04 g) were stocked at a density of 500 shrimp/m3 and no water exchange was carried out during the experimental period. No significant influence (p > 0.05) was found to be caused by the integrated system or the crude protein levels on water quality. However, a significant influence (p < 0.05) was found for final weight (3.21–4.12 g), weight gain (2.97–3.89 g), yield (1.39–1.96 kg/m3) and feed conversion ratio (1.47–1.74). Growth was similar in IS32, M40 and IS40, indicating that crude protein levels can be reduced with no adverse effect on shrimp performance variables in integrated biofloc systems with G. birdiae

    Samambaias aquáticas da bacia do rio de Contas, Bahia, Brasil

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    Despite their importance to the control of erosion on the banks of rivers, filtration and depollution of waters, shelter for fish, insects and mollusks and the cycling of nutrients in the aquatic environments, few studies have specifically addressed the composition and distribution of aquatic ferns in Brazil. The aim of the present study was to perform an inventory of these plants at 28 points along the Contas River in the state of Bahia, Brazil, distributed in five different environments (lake, river, tributaries, reservoir and delta), and record ecological aspects, such as frequency of occurrence, forms of life and seasonality. Sampling was performed six times between January 2008 and November 2010. Fourteen species of aquatic ferns belonging to seven genera and four families were recorded. The families with the highest species richness were Salviniaceae (5 species) and Pteridaceae (4 species). The highest richness was found in the rainy season (43% of the collection sites), although these plants exhibit adaptations for survival in dry environments and/or periods. Five collection sites had the greatest richness (three tributaries and two in the Funil Reservoir). Less than half of the species (43%) were infrequent. Free-floating and amphibious species were the most representative (36%). The aquatic fern flora in the Contas River is generally rich and exhibits a high degree of representativeness for northeastern Brazil (77.77%).Keywords: aquatic plants, hydrographic basin, ecological aspects.As samambaias aquáticas participam do controle da erosão hídrica das margens, da filtração e despoluição das águas e da ciclagem de nutrientes do ambiente aquático, além de fornecerem proteção e abrigo para diversos animais, entre eles peixes, insetos e moluscos. No entanto, poucos estudos abordam, especificamente, a composição e a distribuição das samambaias aquáticas no Brasil. Assim, este estudo inventariou essas plantas em 28 pontos da bacia do rio de Contas, Bahia, Brasil, distribuídos em cinco ambientes distintos (lagoa, rios, tributários, reservatórios e foz), com registro de aspectos ecológicos (frequências de ocorrência, formas de vida e sazonalidade). Seis amostragens foram realizadas entre janeiro de 2008 e novembro de 2010. Quatorze espécies de samambaias límnicas pertencentes a sete gêneros e quatro famílias foram registradas. As famílias de maior riqueza de espécies foram Salviniaceae (cinco espécies) e Pteridaceae (quatro espécies), sendo o período chuvoso o de maior riqueza (43% dos locais de coleta), apesar dessas plantas apresentarem adaptações para sobreviver em ambientes e/ ou períodos secos. Cinco pontos de coleta apresentaram maior riqueza (três tributários e dois no Reservatório de Funil). Menos da metade das espécies (43%) foi pouco frequente e espécies flutuantes livres e anfíbias foram as mais representativas (36%). No geral, verificou-se que a flora de samambaias aquáticas do rio de Contas é rica e apresenta alta representatividade para a Região Nordeste do Brasil (77,77%).Palavras-chave: plantas aquáticas, bacia hidrográfica, aspectos ecológicos


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    Mme Carmen BERNANDMerci beaucoup pour l’exposé. Devant ces quatre exposés d’une très grande richesse, je ne peux pas lancer une question unique comme cela a été réalisé la veille. C’est sans doute par incompétence de ma part, mais je vais tout de même faire quelques commentaires de ce qui m’a impressionnée et ensuite lancer la discussion avec les personnes intéressées et la salle. Au fur et à mesure que j’entendais les communications et surtout les citations de ces trois ouvrages de Nathan qu..

    Hypertensive pressure mechanosensing alone triggers lipid droplet accumulation and transdifferentiation of vascular smooth muscle cells to foam cells

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    Arterial Vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) play a central role in the onset and progression of atherosclerosis. Upon exposure to pathological stimuli, they can take on alternative phenotypes that, among others, have been described as macrophage like, or foam cells. VSMC foam cells make up >50% of all arterial foam cells and have been suggested to retain an even higher proportion of the cell stored lipid droplets, further leading to apoptosis, secondary necrosis, and an inflammatory response. However, the mechanism of VSMC foam cell formation is still unclear. Here, it is identified that mechanical stimulation through hypertensive pressure alone is sufficient for the phenotypic switch. Hyperspectral stimulated Raman scattering imaging demonstrates rapid lipid droplet formation and changes to lipid metabolism and changes are confirmed in ABCA1, KLF4, LDLR, and CD68 expression, cell proliferation, and migration. Further, a mechanosignaling route is identified involving Piezo1, phospholipid, and arachidonic acid signaling, as well as epigenetic regulation, whereby CUT&Tag epigenomic analysis confirms changes in the cells (lipid) metabolism and atherosclerotic pathways. Overall, the results show for the first time that VSMC foam cell formation can be triggered by mechanical stimulation alone, suggesting modulation of mechanosignaling can be harnessed as potential therapeutic strategy

    Novidade no mercado, novidade no ambiente: invasão do peixe não nativo acará onça no nordeste do Brasil

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    In Brazil, more than 150 non-native fish species have been introduced either intentionally or unintentionally, mainly due to aquaculture, fishery improvement and ornamental trade. The non-native jaguar guapote Parachromis managuensis was recorded in two artificial ponds, four rivers, one stream and two reservoirs, ecosystems belonging to the Una, Ipojuca, Capibaribe and Pajeú River basins, Pernambuco, northeastern Brazil. The sampling period was between October 2006 and July 2015. A total of 376 individuals of P. managuensis was captured by seines, casting nets and gillnets. This species may have been introduced in the study sites by accidental release during pond drainage in fish farms, stocking for the purpose of animal protein production or by aquarium dumping. The presence of various ontogenetic life stages in all studied environments is a strong evidence that the species is established. Seven management actions are proposed to prevent further introductions of P. managuensis in other environments of the region.Keywords: exotic, bioinvasion, introduction, aquarism, freshwater fish.No Brasil, mais de 150 espécies de peixes não nativos foram introduzidas intencionalmente ou não, especialmente devido à aquicultura, pesca e aquarismo. A presença do peixe não nativo Parachromis managuensis, o acará onça, foi registrada em dois açudes, quatro rios, um córrego e duas barragens distribuídos nas bacias hidrográficas dos rios Una, Ipojuca, Capibaribe e Pajeú, no estado de Pernambuco, nordeste do Brasil. O período de amostragem ocorreu entre outubro/2006 e julho/2015. Um total de 376 indivíduos de P. managuensis foi capturado utilizando tarrafas, redes de arrasto e redes de espera. Esse peixe pode ter sido introduzido nos locais estudados por escape acidental durante a drenagem de viveiros de piscicultura, estocagem com a finalidade de produção de proteína animal e através do descarte de aquários. A presença de vários estágios ontogênicos em todos os ambientes estudados representa uma forte evidência de que a espécie está estabelecida. Ações de manejo são propostas para evitar novas introduções de P. managuensis em outros ambientes da região.Palavras-chave: exótica, bioinvasão, introdução, aquarismo, peixes de água doce

    Prediagnosis Leisure-Time Physical Activity and Lung Cancer Survival: A Pooled Analysis of 11 Cohorts

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    Background: Little is known about the association between physical activity before cancer diagnosis and survival among lung cancer patients. In this pooled analysis of 11 prospective cohorts, we investigated associations of prediagnosis leisuretime physical activity (LTPA) with all-cause and lung cancer–specific mortality among incident lung cancer patients. Methods: Using self-reported data on regular engagement in exercise and sports activities collected at study enrollment, we assessed metabolic equivalent hours (MET-h) of prediagnosis LTPA per week. According to the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, prediagnosis LTPA was classified into inactivity, less than 8.3 and at least 8.3 MET-h per week (the minimum recommended range). Cox regression was used to estimate hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence interval (CIs) for all-cause and lung cancer–specific mortality after adjustment for major prognostic factors and lifetime smoking history. Results: Of 20 494 incident lung cancer patients, 16 864 died, including 13 596 deaths from lung cancer (overall 5-year relative survival rate ¼ 20.9%, 95% CI ¼ 20.3% to 21.5%). Compared with inactivity, prediagnosis LTPA of more than 8.3 MET-h per week was associated with a lower hazard of all-cause mortality (multivariable-adjusted HR ¼ 0.93, 95% CI ¼ 0.88 to 0.99), but not with lung cancer–specific mortality (multivariable-adjusted HR ¼ 0.99, 95% CI ¼ 0.95 to 1.04), among the overall population. Additive interaction was found by tumor stage (Pinteraction ¼ .008 for all-cause mortality and .003 for lung cancer–specific mortality). When restricted to localized cancer, prediagnosis LTPA of at least 8.3 MET-h per week linked to 20% lower mortality: multivariableadjusted HRs were 0.80 (95% CI¼ 0.67 to 0.97) for all-cause mortality and 0.80 (95% CI¼ 0.65 to 0.99) for lung cancer–specific mortality. Conclusions: Regular participation in LTPA that met or exceeded the minimum Physical Activity Guidelines was associated with reduced hazards of mortality among lung cancer patients, especially those with early stage cancer

    Chromosomes 4 and 8 implicated in a genome wide SNP linkage scan of 762 prostate cancer families collected by the ICPCG

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    BACKGROUND In spite of intensive efforts, understanding of the genetic aspects of familial prostate cancer (PC) remains largely incomplete. In a previous microsatellite‐based linkage scan of 1,233 PC families, we identified suggestive evidence for linkage (i.e., LOD ≥ 1.86) at 5q12, 15q11, 17q21, 22q12, and two loci on 8p, with additional regions implicated in subsets of families defined by age at diagnosis, disease aggressiveness, or number of affected members. METHODS In an attempt to replicate these findings and increase linkage resolution, we used the Illumina 6000 SNP linkage panel to perform a genome‐wide linkage scan of an independent set of 762 multiplex PC families, collected by 11 International Consortium for Prostate Cancer Genetics (ICPCG) groups. RESULTS Of the regions identified previously, modest evidence of replication was observed only on the short arm of chromosome 8, where HLOD scores of 1.63 and 3.60 were observed in the complete set of families and families with young average age at diagnosis, respectively. The most significant linkage signals found in the complete set of families were observed across a broad, 37 cM interval on 4q13–25, with LOD scores ranging from 2.02 to 2.62, increasing to 4.50 in families with older average age at diagnosis. In families with multiple cases presenting with more aggressive disease, LOD scores over 3.0 were observed at 8q24 in the vicinity of previously identified common PC risk variants, as well as MYC , an important gene in PC biology. CONCLUSIONS These results will be useful in prioritizing future susceptibility gene discovery efforts in this common cancer. Prostate 72:410–426, 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/90245/1/21443_ftp.pd

    Serum estrogen levels and prostate cancer risk in the prostate cancer prevention trial: a nested case–control study

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    OBJECTIVE: Finasteride reduces prostate cancer risk by blocking the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. However, whether finasteride affects estrogens levels or change in estrogens affects prostate cancer risk is unknown. METHODS: These questions were investigated in a case-control study nested within the prostate cancer prevention trial (PCPT) with 1,798 biopsy-proven prostate cancer cases and 1,798 matched controls. RESULTS: Among men on placebo, no relationship of serum estrogens with risk of prostate cancer was found. Among those on finasteride, those in the highest quartile of baseline estrogen levels had a moderately increased risk of Gleason score < 7 prostate cancer (for estrone, odds ratio [OR] = 1.51, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.06-2.15; for estradiol, OR = 1.50, 95% CI = 1.03-2.18). Finasteride treatment increased serum estrogen concentrations; however, these changes were not associated with prostate cancer risk. CONCLUSION: Our findings confirm those from previous studies that there are no associations of serum estrogen with prostate cancer risk in untreated men. In addition, finasteride results in a modest increase in serum estrogen levels, which are not related to prostate cancer risk. Whether finasteride is less effective in men with high serum estrogens, or finasteride interacts with estrogen to increase cancer risk, is uncertain and warrants further investigation