58 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Variasi Dopan Lantanum pada Lapisan TipisBarium Strontium Titanat Terhadap Struktur Kristal

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    Barium Strontium Titanate (BST) and Lanthanum doping BST (BSLT) thin films have been successfully grown by sol gel method on the substrate Pt / Si which were prepared with spin coater. Thin layer of BST and BSLT made of 3 layers with mole ratio of Barium (Ba) and Strontium (Sr) 0.8:0.2 and mole prosentage variation of composition Lanthanum (La) as dopant 1%, 3% and 5%. The thin film samples of BST and BSLT were characterized by XRD (X-ray Diffraction) and do refinement process by GSAS software.XRD characterization showsthat along with the increase in mole prosentage of composition Lanthanum (La) as dopant ,the difraction angle shifts to the left (smaller). Lattice parameter values from refinement process showsthat a thin layer of BST and BSLT have a tetragonal structure. Keyword :BST, BSLT, sol gel, spin coater, lattice paramete

    Fraksinasi Flavonoid Spirulina platensis dengan Metode Kromatografi Lapis Tipis dan Aktivitas Inhibisi Enzim α-Glukosidase

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    Spirulina platensis is a type of Cyanobacterium microalgae that forms multicellular helicoidal filaments. Spirulina platensis contains primary and secondary metabolites. The type and amount of the active compound Spirulina platensis depends on the method of extraction, fractionation, and isolation. So far, there are not much research data related to the active compound of Spirulina platensis extract cultured on Walne. The purpose of this study was to use of thin layer chromatography (TLC) method to separate flavonoids from Spirulina platensis biomass extract cultured on Walne media and the activity of a-glucosidase enzyme inhibition using biomass, crude extract, active fraction of flavonoids and phycocyanins from Spirulina platensis. This research method is descriptive experimental, which the Spirulina platensis is cultured on 80 g/L NaNO3 modified Walne media, extracted by maceration, fractionated by TLC and isolated the active compound by Preparative TLC (PTLC). The analysis included fraction and isolation of flavonoids from Spirulina platensis. The results showed that the TLC could be used to identify the active compound of Spirulina platensis extract cultured on Walne. Fractionation of Spirulina platensis extract using stationary phase silica gel Si 60 GF254 and the best mobile phase with a combination of chloroform:ethyl acetate (6:4) and an Rf1 value of 0.58; Rf2 0.71; and Rf3 0.83, as well as yellow-orange spots. Isolation of the active compound of Spirulina platensis extract using PLTC stationary phase silica gel Si 60 PF254 and the best mobile phase combination eluent chloroform:ethyl acetate (9:1). RF value of Rf2 0.57; Rf3 0.86; and Rf4 0.93 with dark yellow-brown spots. The color of the spots from the PLTC results shows that the active compounds of Spirulina platensis extract are flavonoid compounds. Biomass, crude extract, phycocyanine extract and flavonoids from Spirulina do not have inhibitory activity against α-glucosidase enzyme.  Spirulina platensis merupakan jenis mikroalga Cyanobacterium yang membentuk filamen helicoidal multiseluler. Spirulina platensis mengandung senyawa metabolit primer dan sekunder. Jenis dan jumlah senyawa aktif Spirulina platensis tergantung pada metode ekstraksi, fraksinasi dan isolasi. Sejauh ini belum banyak data hasil penelitian terkait senyawa aktif ekstrak biomassa Spirulina platensis yang dikultur pada media Walne. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu penggunaan metode kromatografi lapis tipis (KLT) untuk memisahkan flavonoid ekstrak biomassa Spirulina platensis yang dikultur pada media Walne serta aktivitas inhibisi enzim α-glukosidase menggunakan biomassa, ekstrak kasar, fraksi aktif flavonoid dan fikosianin dari Spirulina platensis. Metode penelitian ini adalah eksprimental deksriptif dimana mikroalga Spirulina platensis dikultur pada media Walne modifikasi 80 g/L NaNO3, diekstraksi dengan maserasi, difraksinasi dengan KLT dan diisolasi senyawa aktif dengan KLT Preparatif (KLTP). Analisis yang dilakukan meliputi analisis fraksi dan isolasi flavonoid dari Spirulina platensis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan metode KLT dapat digunakan untuk mengindetifikasi senyawa aktif ekstrak Spirulina platensis yang dikultur pada media Walne. Fraksinasi ekstrak Spirulina platensis menggunakan fase diam silika gel Si 60 GF254 dan fase gerak kombinasi eluen terbaik kloroform:etil asetat (6:4) dan nilai Rf1 0,58; Rf2 0,71; dan Rf3 0,83, serta bercak berwarna kuning-oranye. Isolasi senyawa aktif ekstrak Spirulina platensis menggunakan KLTP fase diam silika gel Si 60 PF254 dan fase gerak kombinasi eluen terbaik kloroform:etil asetat (9:1). Nilai Rf2 0,57; Rf3 0,86; dan Rf4 0,93 dengan bercak berwarna kuning-cokelat gelap. Warna bercak hasil KLTP menunjukkan komponen senyawa aktif ekstrak Spirulina platensis berupa senyawa golongan flavonoid. Biomassa, ekstrak kasar, ekstrak fikosianin dan flavonoid dari Spirulina tidak memiliki aktivitas penghambatan terhadap enzim α-glukosidase

    Konsentrasi Hambatan Minimum Ekstrak Chlorella sp. terhadap Bakteri dan Kapang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengekstrak antimikroba intraseluler dari mikroalga jenis Chlorella sp. dan menentukan konsentrasi hambatan minimumnya pada bakteri Salmonella typhi dan Escherichia coli serta kapang Aspergillus niger dan Penicillium sp. Tahapan penelitian meliputi kultivasi, ekstraksi antimikroba dan uji aktivitasnya terhadap bakteri dan kapang serta penentuan konsentrasi hambatan minimum. Chlorella sp. dikultur dalam medium PHM, yang dilengkapi dengan aerator dan lampu neon sebagai sumber cahaya. Ekstraksi antimikroba dilakukan terhadap sel biomassa yang dipanen pada hari ke-40. Biomassa yang diperoleh sebesar 53,85 gram. Konsentrasi hambatan minimum dari esktrak intraseluler Chlorella sp. dalam menhambat Salmonella typhi adalah 500 ppm dan potensi hambatan terhadap streptomycin sebesar 40 %, konsentrasi hambatan minimum ekstrak terhapad E. coli adalah 250 ppm dan potensi hambatan terhadap streptomycin adalah 46,2 %. Akan tetapi ekstrak yang dihasilkan tidak dapat menghambat pertumbuhan kapang Aspergillus niger dan Penicillium sp.sampai pada konsentrasi 3000 ppm.Key words : Bakteri, chlorella, hambatan minimum

    Formulation of Red Seaweed and Spirulina platensis Based Jelly Drinks

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    Generally, jelly drinks in the market contain synthetic sweeteners, coloring and flavoring agents, as well as low in nutrients content, therefore it needs to be developed in order to obtain more healthy product by adding seaweed and Spirulina. The aims of this research were to determine the best formula of jelly drinks with seaweed (Eucheuma cottonii) and Spirulina platensis and to compare the characteristics (nutrients and antioxidant activity) of jelly drinks made from culture-based Spirulina and from commercial Spirulina. Jelly drinks made from commercial Spirulina (0.2%; 0.4%; and 0.6%) had protein content 1.218-2.750% (db) and the IC50 value was 3363.5-6070 ppm. Bayes test showed that jelly drink with commercial Spirulina 0.4% was the selected product and was used as the reference formula on this research. Types of Spirulina (commercial and culture) gave no significant effect (p>0.05) to the hedonic test results and antioxidant activity however affected significantly on protein content (p<0.05). Jelly drink supplemented with 0.4% of culture-based Spirulina produced 92 kcal of energy; meanwhile the jelly drink with 0.4% of commercial Spirulina produced 79 kcal of energy. Keywords: Dietary fiber, jelly drink, protein, seaweed, Spirulina platensi


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    ABSTRACT Spirulina contains complete nutrition and bioactive components as a source of antioxidants. The aims of this research were to determine a formula of troche from Spirulina platensis according to the physical characteristic standard of the Indonesian Health Ministry, and to determine the antioxidant activity of the selected troche from Spirulina platensis. This research was conducted in three stages. The first stage was troches formulation. The second stage was troches physical analyses, including weight uniformity, friability, hardnes, and disintegration time. The third stage was to determine the antioxidant activity of the selected formula of troche from Spirulina platensis. There were five formulas of troches i.e., FTS 1, FTS 2, FTS 3, FTS 4, and FTS 5. The troche consisted of Spirulina platensis powder, carrageenan, gelatin, corn flour, sugarleaf, and mint powder. Based on the weight uniformity of the troche, all formulas met the standard. However, according to friability aspect, the best formula was FTS 1 with rate of 1.7%. The hardness of five formula ranged from 0.65 to 2.3 Kp, and none met the standard. The best formula based on disintegration time measurement was FTS 1 (24:47 minutes). Based on the physical characteristics of the troches, the selected formula was FTS 1. The antioxidant activity (IC50 of the selected formula (FTS 1) was 288,68 ppm.   Keywords: antioxidant, troches, physical characteristics of troches, Spirulina platensi

    Penggunaan Fikosianin sebagai Light Harvesting pada Sel Surya Nanopartikel TiO2 Anatase

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    Telah dibuat film dye sensitized solar cell (DSSC) menggunakan film hibrid nanopartikel tatanium oksida (TiO2)/fikosianin. Sintesis TiO2 menggunakan metode sol gel dari titanium klorida (TiCl4) sebagai prekursor melalui tahap hidrolisis menggunakan asam sulfat (H2SO4). Pola XRD menunjukkan bahwa fase kristal TiO2 (fase anatase) ketika suhu kalsinasi 800 0C. Berdasarkan hasil XRD dan SEM diperoleh ukuran kristal dan partikel masing-masing 72,09 nm dan 64,99 nm. Pengukuran sifat optik film hibrid TiO2/fikosianin menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis. Penambahan fikosianin mampu menambah lebar serapan dari daerah ultraviolet (UV) sampai daerah tampak (visible). Nilai efisiensi yang dihasilkan adalah 1,04%, hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa fikosianin memiliki peranan penting sebagai sensitiser dalam pembuatan sel surya

    Kandungan Senyawa Aktif Spirulina platensis yang Ditumbuhkan pada Media Walne dengan Konsentrasi NaNO3 Berbeda

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    Spirulina platensis merupakan sumber makanan organik  yang mengandung protein tinggi dengan asam amino yang seimbang. Spirulina juga memiliki kandungan senyawa aktif yaitu fikosianin dan flavonoid. Senyawa aktif tersebut pada umumnya memiliki aktivitas yang potential sebagai suplemen dan sediaan bahan aktif pada pangan fungsional. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kandungan fikosianin dan flavonoid dari mikroalga adalah nutrisi yang digunakan dalam media pertumbuhan sehingga perlu dilakukan kajian mengenai pengaruh komposisi media terhadap kandungan fikosianin dan flavonoid. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan pengaruh variasi kandungan NaNO3 pada media pertumbuhan terhadap kandungan fikosianin dan flavonoid S. platensis; serta menentukan konsentrasi NaNO3 terbaik pada media Walne untuk menghasilkan biomassa S. platensis dengan kandungan fikosianin dan flavonoid  tertinggi. Penelitian ini terdiri dari 2 tahapan yaitu kultivasi S. platensis; dan ekstraksi fikosianin, flavonoid, dan komponen aktif lainnya. Kultur S. platensis menggunakan media Walne dengan variasi kandungan NaNO3 yaitu masing-masing sebesar 80, 100 dan 120 g selama 11 hari. Total protein dan nitrogen tertinggi diperoleh pada perlakuan 100 g NaNO3 masing-masing sebesar 44,30% dan 7,09%. Biomassa S. platensis setiap perlakuan NaNO3 mengandung flavonoid, steroid, fenol dan saponin. Konsentrasi dan rendemen fikosianin terbaik diperoleh pada perlakuan 80 g NaNO3 sebesar 1,32 mg/ml dan 32,93%.Total flavonoid ekstrak S. platensis tertinggi diperoleh pada perlakuan 80 g NaNO3 sebesar 16,56%. S. platensis terpilih adalah perlakuan NaNO3 80 g karena menghasilkan kandungan senyawa aktif flavonoid dan fikosianin tertinggi. ncentration

    Chemical Composition of Spirulina platensis which Cultivated in Photobioreactors with Different Photoperiodes

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    Spirulina platensis known as filamentous cyanobacteria, single-celled and spiral-shaped. It is often  called  blue-green microalgae. This study aimed to determine the effect of photoperiod on the characteristic of S. platensis which were cultivated in a controlled photobioreactor (FK) and uncontrolled photobioreactor (FTK). The observed characteristics include the growth curves, dried weight of biomass, carbohydrates content,  protein, fat and bioactive compounds. The research used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with two replications. S. platensis was cultured in 10 L volume using combination of urea, organic fertilizer RI1 and Plant catalyst (URC medium) at 24:0, 16:8, 12:12 and 6:18 (light hours:dark hours) photoperiods. The results showed the controlled photobioreactor (FK) with 24:0 photoperiods had Optical Density (0.882), dried biomass (0.31 g/L) and carbohydrate (25.85%) highest than those of other treatments. Uncontrolled photobioreactor (FTK) with photoperiods 12:12 and 16:8 had the higher protein content (58,44%) than of other treatments. The highest total fat (6.60%) occurred in photoperiod 6:18. The results of bioactive compounds based on phytochemical analysis for the whole treatment positively contained flavonoids, phenols, steroids and saponins.</p

    Harvesting and Separation Technique of Porphyridium cruentum Polysaccharide Using Ultrafiltration Membrane

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    Red microalga Porphyridium cruentum secreting polysaccharides into its medium culture. Harvestingand separation of polysaccharide of P. cruentum usually use centrifugation and in large scale needs highcost. The use of ultrafiltration membrane can be one of the alternatives for harvesting and separation ofP. cruentum polysaccharide. This study aimed to determine the characteristic of membrane and permeatfrom harvesting and separation of P. cruentum polysaccharide using ultrafiltration. Research consisted offour stages : membrane characterization, cultivation of P. cruentum, harvesting using 0.05 μm ultrafiltrationmembrane, and polysaccharide separation using 0.01 μm ultrafiltration membrane. Characterization ofmembrane permeability and internal resistance on ultrafiltration 0.05 μm dan 0.01 μm were 137.32 L/m2hbarand 62.38 L/m2hbar and 0.01 barm2h/L and 0.02 barm2h/L, respectively. Harvesting using ultrafiltration 0.05μm produced flux 131.37-94.75 L/m2h, biomass rejection 96% and permeate with OD (Optical Density) (0.01± 0.00), viscosity (2.4 ± 0.17 cp), pH (8 ± 0.00), and salinity (42.37 ± 0.11 ‰). Separation of polysaccharideusing ultrafiltration 0.05 μm produced flux 58.11-51.53 L/m2h and permeate with viscosity (2.2 ± 0.30 cp),pH (7.8 ± 0.01), and salinity (38.73 ± 0.05 ‰). Ultrafiltration process decreased OD, viscosity, and salinityof permeate