25 research outputs found

    Migrationsverkets styrning utifrÄn demokrativÀrden och ekonomivÀrden - En idéanalys av verksamhetsÄren 1993/1994 och 2013

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    Undersökningen Ă€r en idĂ©analys av Statens Invandrarverk/Migrationsverkets Ă„rsredovisning frĂ„n hösten Ă„r 1993/vĂ„ren 1994 samt Ă„r 2013. Vi har valt att granska Ă„rsredovisningarna med utgĂ„ngspunkt i Lennart Lundquist teori gĂ€llande ”VĂ„rt offentliga etos”. Teorin innehĂ„ller demokrati- och ekonomivĂ€rden som Ă€ven Ă€r vĂ„rt val av idealtyper. VĂ„ra operationaliserade begrepp/idĂ©er anvĂ€nds för att utforma de tvĂ„ idealtyperna. Vi har skapat en tabell med ord och ordstrĂ€ngar, vilka Ă€r vĂ„ra operationaliserade begrepp, som Ă€r indikationer pĂ„ de tvĂ„ skilda idealtyperna. Dessa har hjĂ€lpt oss i avgörandet av huruvida ett omrĂ„de i materialet Ă€r demokrati- eller ekonomivĂ€rde. Vi redogör för teorin New Public Management men endast som en möjlig förklaring till varför svensk förvaltning styrs som den gör. Vi diskuterar genomgĂ„ende i vĂ„r analys av materialet huruvida det Ă€r demokrati- eller ekonomivĂ€rden som styr verket. I slutsatsen som sedan följer görs en jĂ€mförelse mellan resultatet av Ă„rsredovisningen frĂ„n 93/94 och 2013 för att presentera den vĂ€rdeförskjutning som analysen visat. I slutsatsen presenteras Ă€ven ekonomivĂ€rdena som det vĂ€rde som vĂ€ger tyngst i bĂ„da Ă„rsredovisningarna

    Phase-Changing Glauber Salt Solution for Medical Applications in the 28-32 °C Interval

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    (1) Background: The field of medicine requires simple cooling materials. However, there is little knowledge documented about phase change materials (PCM) covering the range of 28 to 40 degrees Celsius, as needed for medical use. Induced mild hypothermia, started within 6 h after birth, is an emerging therapy for reducing death and severe disabilities in asphyxiated infants. Currently, this hypothermia is accomplished with equipment that needs a power source and a liquid supply. Neonatal cooling is more frequent in low-resource settings, where ~1 million deaths are caused by birth-asphyxia. (2) Methods: A simple and safe cooling method suitable for medical application is needed for the 28 to 37.5 °C window. (3) Results: Using empirical experiments in which the ingredients in Glauber salt were changed, we studied the effects of temperature on material in the indicated temperature range. The examination, in a controlled manner, of different mixtures of NaCl, Na2SO4 and water resulted in a better understanding of how the different mixtures act and how to compose salt solutions that can satisfy clinical cooling specifications. (4) Conclusions: Our Glauber salt solution is a clinically suited PCM in the temperature interval needed for the cooling of infants suffering from asphyxia

    Experimental Correlation of Combined Heat and Mass Transfer for NH 3 -H 2 0 falling film absorption

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    vection. The main conclusion from this study is that the negative concentration gradient of the surface tension is a trigger for inducement of Marangoni convection before the additive solubility, while the imbalance of the surface tension and the interfacial tension is a trigger after the solubility limit. Acknowledgment The authors thank Mr. K. Iizuka, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, for his experimental assistance. The authors acknowledge that this work has been partially funded by the Japan Science and Technology Corporation (JST). References Beutler, A., Greiter, I., Wagner, A., Hohhmann, L., Schreier, S., and Alefeld, G., 1996, "Surfactants and Fluid Properties," Int. J. Refrigeration, Vol. 19, No. 5, pp. 342-346. Chavepeyer, G" Salajan, M., Platten, J. K., and Smet, P., 1995, "InterfacialTension and Surface Adsorption in j-Heptanol/Water Systems," Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 174, Daiguji, H,, Hihara, E., and Saito, T., 1997, "Mechanism of Absorption Enhancement by Surfactant," Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 40, No. 8, pp. 1743-1752. Fujita, T., 1993, "Falling Liquid Films in Absorption Machines," Int. J. Refrigeration, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 282-294. Hihara, E" and Saito, T., 1993 Journal of Heat Transfer TL = temperature of the fluid far away from the plate t' = time t R = reference time u = velocity of the fluid UD = reference velocity at' = frequency X,, = distance of the transition point from the leading edge |3 = coefficient of volume expansion p = density e = amplitude (constant) 9 = nondimensional temperature u = nondimensional velocity i = y-i Introduction Transient laminar-free convection flow past an infinite vertical plate under different plate conditions was studied by many researchers. The first closed-form solutions for Prandtl number Pr = 1.0 in case of a step change in wall temperature with time was derived by Illingworth (1950) and for Pr # 1.0, he derived the solution in integral form. Siegel (1958) studied the unsteady freeconvection flow past a semi-infinite vertical plate under stepchange in wall temperature or surface heat flux by employing the momentum integral method. Experimental evidence for such a situation was presented by Goldstein and Eckert (1960). For a semi-infinite vertical plate, unsteady free-convection flow was studied analytically b

    Miljökommunikation för miljöinspektörer

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    NÀr man öppnar en handbok i kommunikation, förvÀntar man sig kanske att fÄ en utförlig lista med metoder, som underlÀttar arbetet i specifika situationer. Man hoppas pÄ klara besked om hur man ska gÄ tillvÀga i mötet med verksamhetsutövare som inte lyssnar, inte vill göra som de förvÀntas, vÀgrar att hÄlla sig till "fakta" eller bemöter en frÄga med en utskÀllning. Den hÀr boken innehÄller inga sÄdana recept Vi tror helt enkelt inte att det finns nÄgra enkla instruktioner eller patentmetoder för att hantera sÄdana situationer. Vi skulle naturligtvis kunna skriva: "se till att fÄ en bra dialog med verksamhetsutövare" Men vÀrdet av en sÄdan instruktion Àr inte sÀrskilt högt, för frÄgan kvarstÄr ju: "Hur dÄ?" Att utveckla sin kommunikativa kompetens tror vi handlar om att utveckla sitt eget förhÄllningssÀtt, sitt intresse och sin förstÄelse för varför mÀnniskor inte gör som man förvÀntar sig. Den hÀr handboken bestÄr till stor del av modeller eller "bilder" som ger vÀgledning i hur man teoretiskt kan förstÄ kommunikationssituationer. Bilderna svarar pÄ frÄgor om vad mÀnniskor generellt kan behöva för att kÀnna sig inkluderade och vilja bidra. Den ger ocksÄ instruktioner om hur man som myndighetsutövare kan försöka förhÄlla sig till detta. Men modeller Àr ÀndÄ alltid modeller. För att kunna omsÀtta vÄra teoretiska kunskaper till praktiska fÀrdigheter mÄste vi ge oss ut i verkligheten och möta de dÀr 'trasslande' verksamhetsutövarna. Vid det första kurstillfÀllet fick kursdeltagarna dÀrför i uppgift att pröva de olika modellerna i sin vardag. DÀrefter trÀffades vi igen för att tillsammans reflektera över de vunna erfarenheterna. Genom att pröva modellerna i praktiken fÄr man nya erfarenheter som gör det möjligt att reflektera över modellerna pÄ nya sÀtt. Vi menar att ett kontinuerligt prövande varvat med samtal och reflektion, enskilt och tillsammans med andra inspektörer, Àr viktigt för att man ska kunna göra modellerna till sina 'egna' och fortsÀtta att utveckla sin kommunikativa kompetens

    (Double) Standard Librarians. : Two case studies of librarians as motives and tools in film

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    This thesis focuses on fictious librarians in film. It uses three research questions: Firstly, how the movies make use of typical elements from movie genres and narrative modes in their portrayal of library work and librarians. Secondly, the way in which myths, stereotypes and ideas surrounding librarians and library work are used – typically or atypically – to build librarian characters and the narrative. Thirdly and lastly, it discusses the protagonists, focusing on their personalities and character arcs in relation to their role as librarians. The theoretical background departs partly in discourse surrounding librarian imagery in general, but also in film genre and mode theories. The thesis consists of two case studies, each focusing on one film, both with librarian protagonists. Even though this thesis focuses on them, the other librarian roles are also discussed, as well as the dynamics of the librarian teams. The two films discussed in this thesis are vastly different. One, Grabben i graven bredvid (2002), is a romantic relationship film with a female public librarian as protagonist, and the other, Bibliotekstjuven (2011), is a dark drama about a male research librarian turned book thief. Both films tie librarian myths to genre patterns: the single yet snotty female librarian is well fit as a romantic lead, and the male librarian as a pale, mysterious underdog makes a great villain protagonist. However, the films also present common themes and traits. Both librarian protagonists display elitism in relation to their professional identity, at the expense of their non-librarian partners. I argue that this is rooted in the historical idea of the librarian as a judgemental snob, but also that of librarians as ambiguous (and possibly false) “guardians” of the treasures of the library. Both librarian protagonists studied here lead double lives in one sense or another – most obvioulsy the book thief in Bibliotekstjuven, but also the confused female librarian in Grabben i graven bredvid who tries to hide her infatuation with a farmer from her colleagues. Some other results concern the use of the library as idea in relation to genre and mode elements. I argue, for example, that the Royal Library of Sweden in different stages of the narrative in Bibli- otekstjuven is not only a crime scene but also plays the part of a betrayed lover. This of course is connected to the societal role of libraries, in particular the relationship between “ordinary people” and libraries - a central theme in both films. One ends in a healing of a historic wound between a working man and an educated woman through love, while the other, in fact, ends in melodrama when the crime of stealing books is punished by death, yet also forgiven in an ideological sense given the protagonists humble beginnings and desperation. To conclude, both films thematise ideas surrounding personal morals, truth, social status and social justice, and do so through struggling librarian protagonists. Both films take place in worlds with a dual structure, where the fine world (represented by libraries) collides with the mundane, and the librarian protagonists try to navigate. Both films, finally, use librarian stereotypes to build the narratives – but they do not, apart from in a few scenes, reproduce them. This is a two years master’s thesis in library and information science

    "Literature, Lies and the pursuit of Love" : "Writers, publishing and artistic ideals in five Swedish relationship films"

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    Den hĂ€r uppsatsen ingĂ„r i det forskningsfĂ€lt som undersöker hur konstnĂ€rer skildras i fiktion. Specifikt handlar den om författarroller pĂ„ film, ett omrĂ„de som beforskats i sĂ„vĂ€l Tyskland som den anglosaxiska vĂ€rlden (kĂ€nda exempel Ă€r Kirsten Netzows Schriftstellerfilme(2005) samt antologin The Writer on Film (2013)) men knappt alls i Sverige. Den kretsar dĂ€rför kring svensk film, samtidigt som den anknyter till det internationella fĂ€ltet. Undersökningen baseras pĂ„ kunskap om genrer i svensk film samt litteratursociologiska perspektiv. I det senare skiljer den sig frĂ„n det mesta inom omrĂ„det, inte minst i ambitionen att undersöka sociala och professionella sammanhang kring författarroller pĂ„ film. Efter inledande breda kapitel om historia och ideal kring författarroller följer undersökningens djupanalyser, vilka fokuserar pĂ„ filmer inom det spann som kallas relationsfilm. Detta begrepp spĂ€nner över en stor del av svensk filmhistoria som kĂ€nnetecknas av fokus pĂ„ romantik, familje- och vĂ€nskapsrelationer och dessas spĂ€nningar, problem och utveckling.        Som fallstudier har valts fem relationsfilmer frĂ„n olika perioder i svensk filmhistoria: Thomas Graals bĂ€sta film (1917),En KĂ€rleksnatt vid Öresund (1931),Vi tre debutera (1953),KĂ€nd frĂ„n TV(2001) samt KĂ€rlek Deluxe (2014).Samtliga dessa filmer har författare i bĂ€rande roller och skildrar samtidigt i nĂ„gon mening hĂ€ndelser inom litteratursamhĂ€llet, inte minst förlagsbranschen.         Materialet undersöks utifrĂ„n fem perspektiv, baserade i kunskap frĂ„n befintlig forskning: Omgivningar; Genrer, modus och troper; Drivkraft och processer; Relationer samtIdeal och sensmoral.  I undersökningen diskuteras relationsfilmens konventioner sĂ„vĂ€l i relation till myter och traditioner kring författares kĂ€rleksliv som i anslutning till professionella relationer. Bland annat diskuteras tendensen att skildra litteratursamhĂ€llet som en tudelad vĂ€rld byggd pĂ„ – till exempel - konkurrens mellan olika genrer, ”högt och lĂ„gt”, eller dolt och offentligt.      En av flera centrala slutsatser Ă€r att författarfilmer generellt möjliggör en extra dimension av berĂ€ttande inom berĂ€ttelsen, ofta i form av en bok som produceras under handlingens gĂ„ng, och som förstĂ€rker och speglar filmhandlingen. I just relationsfilmer blir detta ett ytterligare lager av den identifikation med författarpositionen som Ă„skĂ„daren bjuds in till. Författarna i dessa filmer Ă€r, sammantaget, vardagliga gestalter med allmĂ€nmĂ€nskliga problem och egenskaper, men ges samtidigt – genom myter om yrket, berĂ€ttandekonventioner kring kreativitet och skildringar av branschrelationer - fler dimensioner som gör dem till attraktiva protagonister i breda filmgenrer. Uppsatsens titel syftar pĂ„ just denna balans mellan spĂ€nning och vardaglighet, som Anders Marklund kallat ”inte alltför frĂ€mmande”.      Efter analyskapitlen och diskussionen följer ocksĂ„ en skiss till en historik - utan minsta ansprĂ„k pĂ„ fullstĂ€ndighet - över författare i svensk film. This thesis connects to the research field studying how artists are portrayed in fiction. Specifically, it deals with representations of writers and authorship in film, an area explored both in Germany and in the English speaking world (notable examples are Kirsten NetzowsSchriftstellerfilmefrom 2005 and the anthology The Writer on Filmfrom 2013) but hardly at all in Sweden. This thesis evolves around Swedish film, while also connecting to the international field.     The study is based in knowledge of genres in Swedish film in general as well as in literature sociology. In terms of the latter it differs from many contributions to the area, especially in the ambition to look at the social and professional contexts around the figure of the writer in film.      The initial broad chapters on writer history and myths are followed by five film studies, focusing on one film each within the genre known as ”relationship film” (relationsfilm): films focused on the tensions, problems and developments of romantic relationships as well as those of family and friendship. (The concept itself encompasses a large part of Swedish film history).       The five chosen case studies are relationship films from different eras of Swedish film history: Thomas Graals bĂ€sta film (1917),En KĂ€rleksnatt vid Öresund (1931),Vi tre debutera (1953),KĂ€nd frĂ„n TV(2001) and KĂ€rlek Deluxe (2014).The films all feature writers as main or central characters while also depicting events within the world of literature, particularly the publishing industry. The analysis departs in five perspectives, based in existing research on the area: Environments (Omgivningar); Genres, modes and tropes(Genrer, modus och troper); Incentives and processes (Drivkraft och processer); Relations (Relationer) and Ideals and message (Ideal och sensmoral).       The analysis discusses the conventions of relationship films in connection to myths surrounding the love lives of writers as well as to professional relationships in the book trade. One example is the tendency to depict the world of literature as a divided, dual world built on competition between things like different genres, ”highbrow and lowbrow” material or public versus hidden aspects of the creative process.      One conclusion is that writer films in general enables an additional dimension of storytelling within the frame narrative, often in the shape of a book produced during the course of the film, which mirrors and strengthens the message and moral of the story. In relationship films in particular, this can serve to create an extra layer to the identification with the writer position into which the spectator is invited. Writers in these movies are, in general, everyday figures with common, relatable problems and characteristics, but at the same time – through myths about the profession and narrative conventions surrounding creativity - given additional dimensions which make them attractive as protagonists in popular film genres.The title of the thesis, which can roughly be translated as ”No total strangers”, is a paraphrase of the concept ”Inte alltför frĂ€mmande” (”Not too strange”) by the Swedish movie and literature scholar Anders Marklund. It refers to a central feature of relationship films: the balance between making the central characters relatable and common, and at the same time interesting enough to provide some escapism. In this thesis, it refers to this balance in relation to fictional writers (and others in the book trade) in particular.      In addition to the chapters of analysis and the discussion, I have also included a first draft – without any claims of completeness - for a history of writers in Swedish film.

    Stadsodlingens roll i den hÄllbara staden : En översiktlig rapport

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    Stadsodling Ă€r ett aktuellt Ă€mne som Ă€r relativt outforskat. VĂ€rldens stĂ€der vĂ€xer i och med ökad urbanisering och befolkningstillvĂ€xt samtidigt som fossila brĂ€nslen och andra Ă€ndliga resurser sinar. Det innebĂ€r att sĂ€ttet maten som konsumeras i stĂ€derna produceras pĂ„ mĂ„ste förĂ€ndras, stadsodling kan vara en del av denna förĂ€ndring. Den hĂ€r rapporten syftar till att undersöka stadsodlingens roll i den hĂ„llbara staden – vilka ekonomiska, ekologiska och sociala effekter ger den upphov till och har den betydelse för stadens matbehov? I framtiden kommer matproduktionen att behöva öka för att mĂ€tta den ökande befolkningen. Att anvĂ€nda outnyttjade platser i stĂ€derna för odling kan minska behovet av att utöka andelen jordbruksmark, nĂ„got som skulle innebĂ€ra att vĂ€rdefulla naturomrĂ„den försvann. Stadsodling leder till minskade transporter, mindre anvĂ€ndning av gifter i odlingen och en mer levande stad. Ökade grönomrĂ„den bidrar till bĂ€ttre luft, minskad översvĂ€mningsrisk vid hĂ€ftiga regnvĂ€der och minskad vĂ€rmeeffekt pĂ„ sommaren. Gröna tak och vĂ€ggar pĂ„ byggnader fungerar isolerande och kan minska behovet av uppvĂ€rmning pĂ„ vintern och kylning pĂ„ sommaren. Stadsodling kan Ă€ven öka biodiversiteten i stĂ€derna dĂ„ pollinerare, fĂ„glar och andra arter lockas av heterogena odlingar. Den har Ă€ven positiva ekonomiska och sociala effekter. En stadsodlingsmarknad kan skapa nya arbetstillfĂ€llen och kollektivt skötta odlingar leder till tryggare omrĂ„den dĂ„ mĂ€nniskor lĂ€r kĂ€nna varandra. Stadsodlingar har Ă€ven positiva pedagogiska effekter dĂ„ stadsbor lĂ€r sig mer om livsmedelsproduktion och lokala ekosystem. Mycket tyder pĂ„ att stadsodlingen har en viktig roll att spela i framtidens hĂ„llbara stĂ€der.Because of population growth and urbanization the population in cities all over the world is increasing, at the same time fossil fuels and other finite resources dwindle. This means that the way food is consumed and produced in cities today need to change and urban farming can be an important part of that change. This report aims to study the role of urban farming in the sustainable city. What ecological, economic and social effects does it contribute to and does it have important impact on the city's nutritional needs? In the future, food production will have to increase in order to feed the growing population. Using vacant places in the city for farming can decrease the need to expand the proportion of agricultural land, which might lead to loss of valuable natural areas. Urban farming lead to reduced transports, less use of pollutants in agriculture and a more vibrant city. More green areas in the cities are contributing to better air, reduced flood risk during heavy rain and reduced heat outputs in the summer. Green roof and walls work as isolation and can reduce the need of heating in winter and cooling in summer. Urban farming can also increase biodiversity in cities, because pollinators, birds and other species are attracted by heterogeneous cultures. Urban farming also has positive economic and social impacts. An increasing market for urban food and urban farming will create new jobs and collectively managed plantations leads to safer areas when people in the area get to know each other. Urban farming has positive educational effects; citizens learn more about food production and local ecosystems. Because of this, urban farming probably has an important role to play in sustainable cities in the future

    Evaluating information visualization's impact on prostate cancer research workflow

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    Prostatacancer Àr en vanligt förekommande sjukdom i Sverige. För att fÄ bukt med sjukdomen krÀvs att mer resurser sÀtts in för att effektivisera forskningen inom omrÄdet. Ett samarbete mellan Karolinska Institutet, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan och Janssen- Cilag AB har resulterat i LUPA, ett informationsvisualiseringssystem, med ambitionen att Ästadkomma en effektivare process för hypotesgenerering gÀllande prostatacancer. Det hÀr projektet handlar om att validera systemets funktion för den tilltÀnkta mÄlgruppen; det vill sÀga att göra hypotesgenereringsprocessen enklare och mer effektiv för forskare som arbetar med prostatacancerdata i Stockholms lÀn. FrÄn resultatet kan man se att ett informationsvisualiseringsverktyg skulle vara anvÀndbart för att effektivisera dagens cancerforskningsprocess. TidsÄtgÄngen för nystartade projekts första grundlÀggande steg skulle kunna reduceras drastiskt, sÀrskilt stegen för införskaffning av data och datamanipulation. Dessutom upplevdes systemet frÀmja hypotesgenereringsprocessen genom enkelheten att kvickt generera nya visuella strukturer för olika variabler. Slutligen visade det hÀr projektet att organiserad och ren rÄdata Àr sÀllsynt. Testdeltagarna uppskattade informationsvisualiseringen men sÄg mest potential i dess möjlighet att stÀda och strukturera data.Prostate cancer is a common disease in Sweden. In order to overcome the disease, more resources must be invested to streamline research in the field. A collaboration between Karolinska Institutet, the Royal Institute of Technology and Janssen-Cilag AB has resulted in LUPA, an information visualization system with the ambition of achieving a more efficient process for hypothesis generation regarding prostate cancer. This thesis project is about validating the system's function for the intended target group; that is, to make the hypothesis generation process simpler and more efficient for researchers working with prostate cancer data in Stockholm County. From the results, it can be seen that an information visualization tool would be useful to streamline the current cancer research process. The time required for the first basic steps of new projects could be drastically reduced, especially the steps for data acquisition and data manipulation. In addition, the system was perceived to promote the hypothesis generation process through the simple methods of quickly generating new visual structures for different variables. Finally, this project showed that organized and clean raw data is rare. The test participants appreciated the information visualization but saw the most potential in its ability to clean and structure data.

    (Double) Standard Librarians. : Two case studies of librarians as motives and tools in film

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    This thesis focuses on fictious librarians in film. It uses three research questions: Firstly, how the movies make use of typical elements from movie genres and narrative modes in their portrayal of library work and librarians. Secondly, the way in which myths, stereotypes and ideas surrounding librarians and library work are used – typically or atypically – to build librarian characters and the narrative. Thirdly and lastly, it discusses the protagonists, focusing on their personalities and character arcs in relation to their role as librarians. The theoretical background departs partly in discourse surrounding librarian imagery in general, but also in film genre and mode theories. The thesis consists of two case studies, each focusing on one film, both with librarian protagonists. Even though this thesis focuses on them, the other librarian roles are also discussed, as well as the dynamics of the librarian teams. The two films discussed in this thesis are vastly different. One, Grabben i graven bredvid (2002), is a romantic relationship film with a female public librarian as protagonist, and the other, Bibliotekstjuven (2011), is a dark drama about a male research librarian turned book thief. Both films tie librarian myths to genre patterns: the single yet snotty female librarian is well fit as a romantic lead, and the male librarian as a pale, mysterious underdog makes a great villain protagonist. However, the films also present common themes and traits. Both librarian protagonists display elitism in relation to their professional identity, at the expense of their non-librarian partners. I argue that this is rooted in the historical idea of the librarian as a judgemental snob, but also that of librarians as ambiguous (and possibly false) “guardians” of the treasures of the library. Both librarian protagonists studied here lead double lives in one sense or another – most obvioulsy the book thief in Bibliotekstjuven, but also the confused female librarian in Grabben i graven bredvid who tries to hide her infatuation with a farmer from her colleagues. Some other results concern the use of the library as idea in relation to genre and mode elements. I argue, for example, that the Royal Library of Sweden in different stages of the narrative in Bibli- otekstjuven is not only a crime scene but also plays the part of a betrayed lover. This of course is connected to the societal role of libraries, in particular the relationship between “ordinary people” and libraries - a central theme in both films. One ends in a healing of a historic wound between a working man and an educated woman through love, while the other, in fact, ends in melodrama when the crime of stealing books is punished by death, yet also forgiven in an ideological sense given the protagonists humble beginnings and desperation. To conclude, both films thematise ideas surrounding personal morals, truth, social status and social justice, and do so through struggling librarian protagonists. Both films take place in worlds with a dual structure, where the fine world (represented by libraries) collides with the mundane, and the librarian protagonists try to navigate. Both films, finally, use librarian stereotypes to build the narratives – but they do not, apart from in a few scenes, reproduce them. This is a two years master’s thesis in library and information science