172 research outputs found

    Estudo de caso para regularização fundiária de imóvel rural no município de Mandirituba - PR

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    Orientadores: Prof. Dr. Luis Augusto Koenig Veiga, Profª. Drª Daniele Regina PontesMonografia (graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Terra, Curso de Graduação em Engenharia Cartográfica e de AgrimensuraInclui referênciasResumo : O presente trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar o levantamento georreferenciado e os possíveis processos para Regularização Fundiária de um imóvel localizado no município de Mandirituba - PR. Para isto serão descritas as ações para tal objetivo, onde serão tratados aspectos técnicos do Curso de Engenharia Cartográfica e de Agrimensura para elaboração de carta cadastral e memorial descritivo da área a ser estudada e caracterização da situação. A partir da análise da documentação existente do imóvel, são apresentadas possíveis soluções e discussões oriundas do Direito Agrário para regularização do mesmo.Abstract : The present paper or research aims to present the topographic survey and the possible processes for Land Regularization of a property located in the municipality of Mandirituba - PR. For this, the actions for this objective will be described, where technical aspects of the Cartographic Engineering and Surveying Course will be discussed for the elaboration of a map and descriptive memorial of the area to be studied and characterization of the situation. As well as possible solutions and discussions arising from Agrarian Law to regularize the property studied

    Leitura e escrita no contexto de aulas de física : possibilidades e dificuldades

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    Orientadora: Profª Drª Ivanilda HigaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação. Defesa: Curitiba, 30/03/2016Inclui referências : f. 174-181Resumo: Esta investigação busca compreender possibilidades e dificuldades do uso da leitura e da escrita de textos para ensinar e aprender Física, através das perspectivas dos diferentes sujeitos escolares sobre a temática: professor e estudantes. Como referencial teórico para a construção das interpretações, utiliza-se os conceitos de Cultura Escolar e Cultura da Escola, a partir de Forquin (1993) e outros autores, e compreende-se a leitura e a escrita como práticas socioculturais e escolarizadas, a partir de Vigotski (1984; 2008) e de Bakhtin (1992). Dentro de uma perspectiva qualitativa de pesquisa, utilizam-se diferentes técnicas de investigação na construção dos dados: observação participante, entrevistas e análise documental. A pesquisa foi realizada em uma escola pública, junto a um professor de Física, em três turmas de terceiro ano do Ensino Médio, durante um bimestre letivo, onde todas as aulas foram acompanhadas pela pesquisadora. Partindo da observação participante, faz-se uma caracterização da utilização da leitura e da escrita neste contexto escolar, evidenciando que essas integram as diversas práticas de ensino do professor participante, porém, muitas vezes, a escrita acontece apenas em registros de conteúdos e as leituras em buscas de informações. A partir desta caracterização, uma atividade didática foi construída em conjunto com o professor participante, utilizando-se da leitura de textos do livro didático e a escrita de uma carta pelos estudantes, modos não usuais naquele contexto. O professor colaborador desenvolveu as atividades em suas aulas, e os registros escritos produzidos pelos estudantes foram recolhidos e analisados. Finalmente, foram realizadas entrevistas com 14 estudantes e com o professor, buscando evidenciar e compreender suas percepções a partir das experiências vivenciadas nas atividades recém-desenvolvidas. Através das entrevistas e da análise documental das produções, evidencia-se que cada aluno estabeleceu certa relação com a atividade proposta, dependendo de sua subjetividade e interesse pela leitura, escrita ou temática da atividade. Por um lado, a proposta didática tornou possível ampliar as contribuições da leitura e da escrita para a aprendizagem, auxiliando no processo de construção de conhecimentos. Por outro lado, essa representou um elemento de reflexões dos sujeitos envolvidos, que puderam se expressar sobre suas dificuldades e perspectivas diante das situações vivenciadas, permitindo nesta pesquisa se obter uma melhor compreensão acerca do funcionamento desses processos em aulas de Física. O estudo mostra que é possível, dentro das condições objetivas de tempo e espaço escolares, desenvolver atividades a fim de potencializar o uso desses processos na aprendizagem da disciplina. Os resultados indicam também que a origem das dificuldades na utilização da leitura e da escrita na construção do conhecimento em aulas de Física centra-se numa cultura da escola, que estabelece determinadas formas como pertencentes ou não à forma escolar de trabalhar o conhecimento nessa disciplina, sendo a leitura e a escrita de textos não compreendidas como formas para ensinar ou aprender Física. Esses obstáculos levam ao não incentivo do uso da leitura e da escrita e, consequentemente, às dificuldades de interpretação e estruturação de enunciados pelos estudantes, já que essas habilidades, ao não serem incentivadas, acabam não sendo desenvolvidas. Palavras-chave: Leitura. Escrita. Ensino de Física. Ensino Médio. Cultura.Abstract: This research seeks to understand the possibilities and difficulties of using reading and writing texts in Physics classes, through the perspectives of different school subjects on the subject: Physics teacher and students. As a theoretical framework for the construction of interpretations, it is used the concepts of School Culture and Culture of the School from Forquin (1993) and other authors, and reading and writing are understood as sociocultural and schooling practices, based on Vygotsky (1984; 2008) and Bakhtin (1992). Within a qualitative research perspective, different techniques of research were used in the construction of the data: participant observation, interviews and documentary analysis. The research was conducted in a public school, with a Physics teacher, in three classes of third year of high school, during two months, where all classes were accompanied by the researcher. From the participant observation, the use of reading and writing in this school context was characterized, showing that these processes had already taken part of the various teaching practices of the participant teacher, however, writing often happens only in recording content and readings in information searches. After this characterization, a teaching activity was built together with the participant teacher, involving using the reading of texts from the textbook and writing a letter by students, unusual ways in that scholar context. The teacher developed the activity in his classes, and the written records produced by students were collected and analyzed. Finally, interviews were conducted with 14 students and the teacher, seeking to highlight and understand their perceptions from the experiences of the newly experienced activities. Through interviews and documentary analysis of the students'production, it was clarified that each student has established a certain relationship to the proposed activity, depending on his/her subjectivity and interests in reading, writing or the thematic of the text. On one hand, the didactic proposal developed in classroom enabled to expand the contributions of reading and writing for learning, helping in the process of knowledge construction. On the other hand, it represented an element of reflections for those involved, who could express themselves about their difficulties and perspectives on the situations experienced, allowing this research to gain a better understanding of the functioning of the use of these processes in Physics classes, under these subject's view. The study shows that it is possible, within the objective conditions of school time and space, to develop activities to enhance the use of these processes in learning the discipline, going beyond the usual methods of its use. The results also indicate that the origin of the difficulties in the use of reading and writing in the construction of knowledge in Physics classes is focused on a school culture that establishes certain ways as belonging to the school way of working knowledge in this discipline, and reading and writing texts are not understood as ways to teach or learn Physics. These barriers lead to no encouragement of reading and writing use at Physics classes, and consequently, to the difficulties of interpretation and structuring of statements by students, since these skills, when not encouraged, end up not being developed. Key-words: Reading. Writing. Physics Teaching. High School. Culture

    Fragilidade física em idosos e a correlação entre as síndromes geriátricas

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    Orientadora: Prof.ª Dr.a Maria Helena LenardtDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem. Defesa : Curitiba, 12/12/2019Inclui referências: p. 92-108Área de concentração: Prática Profissional em EnfermagemResumo: Trata-se de estudo quantitativo de corte transversal realizado no Ambulatório de Geriatria e Gerontologia (AGG), do Município de São José dos Pinhais/PR, Brasil. O estudo objetivou analisar a correlação entre a condição da fragilidade física e as síndromes geriátricas em idosos da assistência ambulatorial de geriatria e gerontologia. O estudo é subprojeto do estudo matriz intitulado "Fragilidade física e as Síndromes Geriátricas em idosos", aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa em Seres Humanos do Setor de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade Federal do Paraná, sob o Parecer CEP/SD 1.755.394. Participaram do estudo 381 idosos (? 60 anos de idade), este quantitativo foi determinado com base no cálculo da amostra representativa da população de idosos do município. O recrutamento dos idosos ocorreu mediante a fixação de cartazes nas dependências do ambulatório e durante a espera para a consulta do AGG, e foram selecionados por critérios préestabelecidos de inclusão e exclusão. Foram objeto de estudo as síndromes de instabilidade postural, incontinência urinária e insuficiência familiar. Inicialmente, para a coleta de dados foi realizado o rastreio cognitivo dos idosos pelo Miniexame do Estado Mental, posteriormente, foram aplicados os questionários sociodemográficos e clínicos, testes de avaliação do fenótipo da fragilidade física, Escala de Equilíbrio de Berg, International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire - Short Form, APGAR de Família, e Avaliação Complementar das Relações Familiares. Os dados foram organizados no programa computacional Microsoft Excel® 2007, o software utilizado foi o R CORE TEAM. Analisaram-se os dados mediante estatística descritiva, análises bivariadas (nível de significância estatística p<0,05), análises de regressão pelo modelo ordinal, testes de Kruskal-Wallis, qui-quadrado, Fisher e análise linear. Dos 381 idosos, 108 (28,3%) idosos eram frágeis; 217 (57%), pré-frágeis; e 56 (14,7%), não frágeis; 103 (27%) apresentavam incontinência urinária; 98 (25,7%), insuficiência familiar; e 62 (16,3%), instabilidade postural. Quanto ao número de síndromes geriátricas, 183 (48%) idosos não apresentaram nenhuma síndrome geriátrica; 139 (36,5%), uma síndrome; 53 (14%), duas síndromes; e seis (1,5%), três síndromes. Houve associação entre fragilidade física e as covariáveis sociodemográficas e clínicas idade (p<0,001), número de medicamentos (p=0,001) e o número de doenças (p= 0,024), no modelo de regressão, tontura (p=0,003), internamento (p=0,017) e polifarmácia (p=0,006). As síndromes geriátricas associaram-se ao número de doenças (p=0,0012), medicamentos (p=0,1325) e idade (p=0,2278), no modelo de regressão associaram-se ao número de doenças (p<0,001), queda (p=0,005), dificuldade para ouvir (p=0,034) e polifarmácia (p=0,024). Houve associação (p<0,001) e correlação (Cramer's V=0,496) significativas entre fragilidade física e instabilidade postural. A presença de instabilidade postural determinou maior chance de o idoso ser categorizado como frágil ou pré-frágil. Os resultados apontam que a associação entre fragilidade física e as síndromes geriátricas e as covariáveis sociodemográficas e clínicas está ligada a desfechos desfavoráveis à saúde dos idosos. Acrescenta-se a necessidade do olhar apurado do profissional de enfermagem e da equipe multiprofissional durante a avaliação gerontológica, para assegurar melhor gestão da fragilidade física e proporcionar qualidade no atendimento e nos cuidados ofertados aos idosos. Palavras-chave: Idoso fragilizado. Enfermagem. Síndromes geriátricas. Instabilidade postural. Relações familiares. Incontinência urinária.Abstract: This is a quantitative cross-sectional study conducted at the Geriatrics and Gerontology Outpatient Clinic (AGG), in São José dos Pinhais / PR, Brazil. The study aimed to analyze the correlation between the condition of physical frailty and geriatric syndromes in elderly people in outpatient care for geriatrics and gerontology. The study is part of a bigger project entitled "Physical frailty and Geriatric Syndromes in the elderly", and was approved by number CEP / SD 1,755,394 in the Ethics Committee on Human Research in the Health Sciences Sector of the Federal University of Paraná. All over 381 elderly people (? 60 years of age) participated in the study, this amount was determined based on a calculation that could be representative sample of the elderly population in the town that was made the research. The recruitment of the elderly was placing posters on the clinic's premises and inviting the elderly ones while waiting for the consultation in the AGG, and were selected according the preestablished inclusion and exclusion criteria. Were studied postural instability syndromes, urinary incontinence and family insufficiency. Initially, for data collection, was applied a cognitive screening of the elderly, Mini Mental State Examination, later, sociodemographic and clinical questionnaires, physical frailty phenotype assessment tests, Berg Balance Scale, International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire were applied. - Short Form, APGAR of Family, and Complementary Evaluation of Family Relations. The data were organized in the computer program Microsoft Excel® 2007, the software used was R CORE TEAM. After the data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, bivariate analyzes (level of statistical significance p <0.05), regression analysis using the ordinal model, Kruskal-Wallis tests, chi-square, Fisher and linear analysis. Of the 381 elderly, 108 (28.3%) elderly were fragile; 217 (57%), pre-fragile; and 56 (14.7%), not fragile; 103 (27%) had urinary incontinence; 98 (25.7%), family insufficiency; and 62 (16.3%), postural instability. As for the number of geriatric syndromes, 183 (48%) elderly people did not have any geriatric syndrome; 139 (36.5%), a syndrome; 53 (14%), two syndromes; and six (1.5%), three syndromes. There was an association between physical frailty and sociodemographic and clinical covariates age (p <0.001), number of medications (p = 0.001) and number of diseases (p = 0.024), in the regression model, dizziness (p = 0.003), hospitalization (p = 0.017) and polypharmacy (p = 0.006). Geriatric syndromes were associated with the number of diseases (p = 0.0012), medications (p = 0.1325) and age (p = 0.2278), in the regression model they were associated with the number of diseases (p < 0.001), fall (p = 0.005), difficulty hearing (p = 0.034) and polypharmacy (p = 0.024). There was a significant association (p <0.001) and correlation (Cramer's V = 0.496) between physical frailty and postural instability. The presence of postural instability determined a greater chance of the elderly being categorized as frail or pre-frail. The results show an association between physical frailty and geriatric syndromes and sociodemographic and clinical covariates is linked to unfavorable outcomes for the health of the elderly. Adds up the need for a keen eye from the nursing professional and the multiprofessional team during the gerontological assessment searching to ensure better management of physical frailty and provide quality care to the elderly ones. Keywords: Frail Elderly. Geriatric Nursing. Postural Balance. Family Relations. Urinary Incontinence

    Instabilidade postural e a condição de fragilidade física em idosos

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    Objetivo: analisar a relação entre instabilidade postural e a condição e os marcadores de fragilidade física de idosos em assistência ambulatorial de geriatria e gerontologia. Método: estudo transversal com amostra constituída por 381 idosos. A fragilidade física foi avaliada mediante o fenótipo de fragilidade e a instabilidade postural pela Escala de Equilíbrio de Berg. Realizaram-se análises univariadas pelo teste Qui-quadrado e multivariadas pelo Forward Stepwise, que resultou no modelo de fragilidade física associado à instabilidade postural. Resultados: dos participantes, 56 (14,7%) eram frágeis, 217 (57%) pré-frágeis e 68 (28,3%) não frágeis. Associaram-se à instabilidade postural a pré-fragilidade (p&lt;0,001), fragilidade (p=0,000) e os marcadores força de preensão manual (p=0,0008), perda de peso não intencional (p=0,0094), nível de atividade física (p=0,0001), fadiga/exaustão (p&lt;0,0001) e velocidade da marcha (p&lt;0,0001). Conclusão: a presença de instabilidade postural determina maior chance do idoso ser frágil ou pré-frágil. Esse resultado favorece o planejamento dos cuidados gerontológicos de enfermagem e fortalece o plano de tratamento sob uma abordagem específica.Objetivo: analizar la relación entre inestabilidad postural, la condición y los marcadores de fragilidad física de adultos mayores en consultorio de geriatría y gerontología. Método: estudio transversal con muestra constituida por 381 adultos mayores. La fragilidad física fue evaluada mediante el fenotipo de fragilidad y la inestabilidad postural por la Escala de Equilibrio de Berg. Se realizaron análisis univariados con el test Chi-cuadrado y multivariados con el Forward Stepwise, que resultó en el modelo de fragilidad física asociado a la inestabilidad postural. Resultados: de los participantes, 56 (14,7%) eran frágiles, 217 (57%) pre-frágiles y 68 (28,3%) no frágiles. Se asociaron a la inestabilidad postural la prefragilidad (p&lt;0,001), fragilidad (p=0,000) y los marcadores fuerza de prensión manual (p=0,0008), pérdida de peso no intencional (p=0,0094), nivel de actividad física (p=0,0001), fatiga/agotamiento (p&lt;0,0001) y velocidad de la marcha (p&lt;0,0001). Conclusión: la presencia de inestabilidad postural determina mayor chance del adulto mayor de ser frágil o pre-frágil. Ese resultado favorece la planificación de los cuidados gerontológicos de enfermería y fortalece el plan de tratamiento bajo un abordaje específico.Objective: to analyze the relationship between postural instability and the condition and markers of physical frailty of the elderly people in outpatient geriatric and gerontology care. Method: a cross-sectional study with a sample of 381 elderly subjects. Physical frailty was evaluated by the frailty phenotype and postural instability through the Berg Balance Scale. Univariate analyses consisted in Chi-square tests, and multivariate analyses used the Forward Stepwise method, which resulted in a model of physical frailty associated with postural instability. Results: among the participants, 56 (14.7%) were frail, 217 (57%) pre-frail, and 68 (28.3%) non-frail. Pre-frailty (p &lt; 0.001), frailty (p = 0.000), and the markers hand grip strength (p = 0.0008), unintentional weight loss (p = 0.0094), level of physical activity (p = 0.0001), fatigue/exhaustion (p = 0.0001), and gait speed (p = 0.0001) were associated with postural instability. Conclusion: the presence of postural instability determines a greater chance of the elderly being frail or pre-frail. This result favors the planning of gerontological nursing care and strengthens the treatment plan under a specific approach

    Instabilidade postural e a condição de fragilidade física em idosos

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    Objetivo: analisar a relação entre instabilidade postural e a condição e os marcadores de fragilidade física de idosos em assistência ambulatorial de geriatria e gerontologia. Método: estudo transversal com amostra constituída por 381 idosos. A fragilidade física foi avaliada mediante o fenótipo de fragilidade e a instabilidade postural pela Escala de Equilíbrio de Berg. Realizaram-se análises univariadas pelo teste Qui-quadrado e multivariadas pelo Forward Stepwise, que resultou no modelo de fragilidade física associado à instabilidade postural. Resultados: dos participantes, 56 (14,7%) eram frágeis, 217 (57%) pré-frágeis e 68 (28,3%) não frágeis. Associaram-se à instabilidade postural a pré-fragilidade (p&lt;0,001), fragilidade (p=0,000) e os marcadores força de preensão manual (p=0,0008), perda de peso não intencional (p=0,0094), nível de atividade física (p=0,0001), fadiga/exaustão (p&lt;0,0001) e velocidade da marcha (p&lt;0,0001). Conclusão: a presença de instabilidade postural determina maior chance do idoso ser frágil ou pré-frágil. Esse resultado favorece o planejamento dos cuidados gerontológicos de enfermagem e fortalece o plano de tratamento sob uma abordagem específica.Objetivo: analizar la relación entre inestabilidad postural, la condición y los marcadores de fragilidad física de adultos mayores en consultorio de geriatría y gerontología. Método: estudio transversal con muestra constituida por 381 adultos mayores. La fragilidad física fue evaluada mediante el fenotipo de fragilidad y la inestabilidad postural por la Escala de Equilibrio de Berg. Se realizaron análisis univariados con el test Chi-cuadrado y multivariados con el Forward Stepwise, que resultó en el modelo de fragilidad física asociado a la inestabilidad postural. Resultados: de los participantes, 56 (14,7%) eran frágiles, 217 (57%) pre-frágiles y 68 (28,3%) no frágiles. Se asociaron a la inestabilidad postural la prefragilidad (p&lt;0,001), fragilidad (p=0,000) y los marcadores fuerza de prensión manual (p=0,0008), pérdida de peso no intencional (p=0,0094), nivel de actividad física (p=0,0001), fatiga/agotamiento (p&lt;0,0001) y velocidad de la marcha (p&lt;0,0001). Conclusión: la presencia de inestabilidad postural determina mayor chance del adulto mayor de ser frágil o pre-frágil. Ese resultado favorece la planificación de los cuidados gerontológicos de enfermería y fortalece el plan de tratamiento bajo un abordaje específico.Objective: to analyze the relationship between postural instability and the condition and markers of physical frailty of the elderly people in outpatient geriatric and gerontology care. Method: a cross-sectional study with a sample of 381 elderly subjects. Physical frailty was evaluated by the frailty phenotype and postural instability through the Berg Balance Scale. Univariate analyses consisted in Chi-square tests, and multivariate analyses used the Forward Stepwise method, which resulted in a model of physical frailty associated with postural instability. Results: among the participants, 56 (14.7%) were frail, 217 (57%) pre-frail, and 68 (28.3%) non-frail. Pre-frailty (p &lt; 0.001), frailty (p = 0.000), and the markers hand grip strength (p = 0.0008), unintentional weight loss (p = 0.0094), level of physical activity (p = 0.0001), fatigue/exhaustion (p = 0.0001), and gait speed (p = 0.0001) were associated with postural instability. Conclusion: the presence of postural instability determines a greater chance of the elderly being frail or pre-frail. This result favors the planning of gerontological nursing care and strengthens the treatment plan under a specific approach

    Local anesthetics worsen renal function after ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats

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    . Local anesthetics worsen renal function after ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 286: F111-F119, 2004. First published September 30, 2003 10.1152 10. /ajprenal.00108.2003ics are widely used during the perioperative period, even in patients with preexisting renal disease. However, local anesthestics have been shown to cause cell death in multiple cell lines, including human kidney proximal tubule cells. We questioned whether local anesthetics potentiate renal dysfunction after ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury in vivo. Rats were implanted with subcutaneous miniosmotic pumps that continuously delivered lidocaine (2 mg⅐kg Ϫ1 ⅐h Ϫ1 ), bupivacaine (0.4 mg⅐kg Ϫ1 ⅐h Ϫ1 ), tetracaine (1 mg⅐kg Ϫ1 ⅐h Ϫ1 ), or saline vehicle, and 6 h later the rats were subjected to 30 min of renal ischemia or to sham operation. Renal function was assessed by measurement of plasma creatinine at 24 and 48 h after renal I/R injury in the presence or absence of chronic infusions of local anesthetics and correlated to histological changes indicative of necrosis. The degree of renal apoptosis was assessed by three methods: 1) DNA fragmentation detected by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase biotin-dUTP nickend labeling staining, 2) DNA laddering detected after agarose gel electrophoresis, and 3) morphological identification of apoptotic tubules at the corticomedullary junction. We also measured the expression of the proinflammatory markers ICAM-1 and TNF-␣. Continuous local anesthetic infusion with renal I/R injury resulted in an increased magnitude and duration of renal dysfunction compared with the saline-infused I/R group. Additionally, both apoptotic and necrotic renal cell death as well as inflammatory changes were significantly potentiated in local anesthetic-treated rat kidneys. Local anesthetic infusion alone without I/R injury had no effect on renal function. We conclude that local anesthetics potentiated renal injury after I/R by increasing necrosis, apoptosis, and inflammation. acute renal failure; apoptosis; bupivacaine; inflammation; lidocaine; necrosis; tetracaine ACUTE RENAL FAILURE (ARF) secondary to ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury continues to be a significant clinical problem Patients with impaired preoperative renal function undergoing aortovascular surgery are at greatest risk for developing perioperative ARF (26). Local anesthetics are widely used in clinical practice, even in patients with impaired preoperative renal function. Epidural infusions of local anesthetic are routinely used for intraoperative and postoperative analgesia (frequently lasting several days) in patients undergoing major abdominal and vascular procedures. During induction of general anesthesia for endotracheal intubation, intravenous lidocaine is given routinely to blunt the sympathetic reflex to direct laryngoscopy. Local anesthetics are used to provide surgical anesthesia and analgesia in peripheral and central nervous system nerve blocks (spinal and epidural anesthesia). In the intensive care unit, lidocaine is frequently used as an antiarrythmic agent. Several in vitro studies found that local anesthetics increase cell death via apoptosis in neuronal, lymphocytic, and osteoblastic cell lines MATERIALS AND METHODS Implantation of Miniosmotic Pumps and Renal I/R Injury All protocols were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of Columbia University. Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats (225-275 g, Harlan Sprague-Dawley, Indianapolis, IN) were used. They had free access to rodent chow and water. Rats were anesthetized with intraperitoneal (ip) pentobarbital sodium (50 mg/kg or to effect) and implanted with subcutaneous miniosmotic pumps (model 2ML1, Alzet) that continuously delivered 10 l/h of 5% lidocaine (2 mg⅐kg Ϫ1 ⅐h Ϫ1 ), 1% bupivacaine (0.4 mg⅐kg Ϫ1 ⅐h Ϫ1 ), 2.5% tetracaine (1 mg⅐kg Ϫ1 ⅐h Ϫ1 ), or saline vehicle. The doses of local anesthetics delivered mimicked clinically administered doses for continuous epidural infusion for a 70-kg person during and after abdominal and vascular surgical procedures. Some rats were infused with 0.5% bupivacaine instead of 1% bupivacaine. Six hours later (the time required for osmotic pump priming), rats were reanesthetized with pentobarbital sodium. After 500 U of heparin were given ip, rats were placed on an electric heating pad under a warming light. Body temperature was monitored with a rectal probe and maintained at 37°C. They were allowed to spontaneously breath room air. After a laparotomy, rats were subjected to 30-min left renal ischemia after right nephrectomy. The duration of ischemia was shown in pilot studies to produce reversible and moderate renal dysfunction in rats. Some rats were subjected to only sham operation (anesthesia, laparotomy, and right nephrectomy) and received vehicle (saline) infusion, and others received a sham operation plus local anestheti

    Cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor-deficiency leads to degeneration of enteric neurons and altered brain dopamine neuronal function in mice

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    Cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor (CDNF) is neuroprotective for nigrostriatal dopamine neurons and restores dopaminergic function in animal models of Parkinson's disease (PD). To understand the role of CDNF in mammals, we generated CDNF knockout mice (Cdnf(-/-)), which are viable, fertile, and have a normal life-span. Surprisingly, an age-dependent loss of enteric neurons occurs selectively in the submucosal but not in the myenteric plexus. This neuronal loss is a consequence not of increased apoptosis but of neurodegeneration and autophagy. Quantitatively, the neurodegeneration and autophagy found in the submucosal plexus in duodenum, ileum and colon of the Cdnf(-/-) mouse are much greater than in those of Cdnf(+/+) mice. The selective vulnerability of submucosal neurons to the absence of CDNF is reminiscent of the tendency of pathological abnormalities to occur in the submucosal plexus in biopsies of patients with PD. In contrast, the number of substantia nigra dopamine neurons and dopamine and its metabolite concentrations in the striatum are unaltered in Cdnf(-/-) mice; however, there is an age-dependent deficit in the function of the dopamine system in Cdnf(-/-) male mice analyzed. This is observed as D-amphetamine-induced hyperactivity, aberrant dopamine transporter function, and as increased D-amphetamine-induced dopamine release demonstrating that dopaminergic axon terminal function in the striatum of the Cdnf(-/-) mouse brain is altered. The deficiencies of Cdnf(-/-) mice, therefore, are reminiscent of those seen in early stages of Parkinson's disease.Peer reviewe

    Long-lived intestinal tuft cells serve as colon cancer-initiating cells

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    Doublecortin-like kinase 1 protein (DCLK1) is a gastrointestinal tuft cell marker that has been proposed to identify quiescent and tumor growth-sustaining stem cells. DCLK1+ tuft cells are increased in inflammation-induced carcinogenesis; however, the role of these cells within the gastrointestinal epithelium and their potential as cancer-initiating cells are poorly understood. Here, using a BAC-CreERT-dependent genetic lineage-tracing strategy, we determined that a subpopulation of DCLK1+ cells is extremely long lived and possesses rare stem cell abilities. Moreover, genetic ablation of Dclk1 revealed that DCLK1+ tuft cells contribute to recovery following intestinal and colonic injury. Surprisingly, conditional knockdown of the Wnt regulator APC in DCLK1+ cells was not sufficient to drive colonic carcinogenesis under normal conditions; however, dextran sodium sulfate-induced (DSS-induced) colitis promoted the development of poorly differentiated colonic adenocarcinoma in mice lacking APC in DCLK1+ cells. Importantly, colonic tumor formation occurred even when colitis onset was delayed for up to 3 months after induced APC loss in DCLK1+ cells. Thus, our data define an intestinal DCLK1+ tuft cell population that is long lived, quiescent, and important for intestinal homeostasis and regeneration. Long-lived DCLK1+ cells maintain quiescence even following oncogenic mutation, but are activated by tissue injury and can serve to initiate colon cancer


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    Objective: To analyze the association of markers and physical frailty condition with urinaryincontinence in outpatient geriatric and gerontological care.Method: A cross-sectional study, developed in the secondary health care of an outpatient clinicof Paraná, with 384 elderly. Data were collected between September 2016 and March 2017through frailty phenotype and the questionnaire International Consultation on IncontinenceQuestionnaire - Short Form.Results: of the elderly 118 (30.7%) were considered non-frail, 212 (55.2%) pre-frail, 54 (14.1%)frail, 106 (27.6%) with urinary incontinence, 50 (47.2 %) with very severe impact on daily routine,18 (17.0%) severe, 16 (15.0%) moderate, 11 (10.4%) mild to no impact. Urinary incontinencewas associated with the condition of frailty (p=0.011), the markers for decreased handgripstrength (p=0.027), fatigue and exhaustion (p=0.002) and reduced gait speed (p=0.000).Conclusion: The results contribute to the critical development of nursing when assessing theneeds of gerontological care.Objetivo: analisar a associação dos marcadores e da condição de fragilidade física à incontinênciaurinária em assistência ambulatorial de geriatria e gerontologia.Método: estudo transversal, desenvolvido na atenção secundária à saúde de ambulatório doParaná, com 384 idosos. Coletaram-se dados entre setembro de 2016 a março de 2017 mediantefenótipo de fragilidade e questionário International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire -Short Form.Resultados: dos idosos 118 (30,7%) foram considerados não frágeis, 212 (55,2%) pré-frágeis, 54(14,1%) frágeis, 106 (27,6%) com incontinência urinária, 50 (47,2%) com impacto muito gravena rotina diária, 18 (17,0%) grave, 16 (15,0%) moderado, 11 (10,4%) leve a nenhum impacto.Associaram-se à incontinência urinária a condição de fragilidade (p=0,011), os marcadores forçade preensão manual diminuída (p=0,027), fadiga e exaustão (p=0,002) e velocidade da marchareduzida (p=0,000).Conclusão: os resultados contribuem com o desenvolvimento crítico da enfermagem no momentode avaliar as necessidades de cuidado gerontológico.Objetivo: analizar la asociación de los marcadores y la condición de fragilidad física a laincontinencia urinaria en la atención ambulatoria en geriatría y gerontología.Método: estudio transversal, desarrollado en atención secundaria ambulatoria de saluddel estado de Paraná (Brasil), con 384 ancianos. La recolección de datos se realizó entreseptiembre de 2016 y marzo de 2017, mediante fenotipo de fragilidad y cuestionarioInternational Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire - Short Form.Resultados: 118 (30,7%) ancianos se consideraron no débiles, 212 (55,2%) pre débiles, 54(14,1%) débiles, 106 (27,6%) con incontinencia urinaria, 50 (47,2%) con impacto muy grave en larutina diaria, 18 (17,0%) con impacto grave, 16 (15,0%) con impacto moderado, 11 (10,4%) conleve o ningún impacto. Se asociaron a la incontinencia la condición de fragilidad (p=0,011), losmarcadores fuerza de sujeción manual disminuida (p=0,027), fatiga y agotamiento (p=0,002)y velocidad da marcha reducida (p=0,000).Conclusión: los resultados contribuyen al desarrollo crítico de la enfermería al momento deevaluar las necesidades de cuidado gerontológico