10 research outputs found

    The Potency of Indigenous Lactobacillus farciminis LIPI12-2-LAB033 Isolated from Non-Dairy Product of Indonesian Fermented Food as a New Source of β-galactosidase Enzyme

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    AbstractThe β-galactosidase is an enzyme that plays an essential role in the lactose hydrolysis into glucose and galactose. This study examines the potential of β-galactosidase from several lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from non-dairy products Indonesian fermented foods and purifies them to increase their specific activity. The enzyme was extracted using ultrasonication, purified with ammonium sulfate, and dialyzed with a cellulose membrane (11 kDa). The result of isolates tests showed that Lactobacillus farciminis LIPI12-2-LAB033 had the highest specific activity of 13.9 U/mg protein. Precipitation using 40% ammonium sulfate increased the specific activity up to 19.6 U/mg protein. This enzyme works optimally at a temperature of 40 °C and pH of 7. The specific activity of this enzyme increases to 75.6 U/mg protein after dialysis. The dialysis process purifies the enzyme 5.44 times with a yield of 26.7%. These findings indicate that Lactobacillus farciminis LIPI12-2-LAB033 can be considered as a source of β-galactosidase enzyme production.Keywords: enzyme, β-galactosidase, Lactobacillus farciminis, indigenous, partial purification  Abstrakβ-galaktosidase merupakan enzim yang berperan penting dalam hidrolisis laktosa menjadi glukosa dan galaktosa. Penelitian ini mengkaji potensi β-galaktosidase dari beberapa bakteri asam laktat yang diisolasi dari makanan fermentasi Indonesia yang bukan produk turunan susu dan memurnikannya untuk meningkatkan aktivitas spesifiknya. Enzim diekstraksi dari sel menggunakan ultrasonikasi kemudian dimurnikan dengan amonium sulfat dan didialisis dengan membran selulosa (11 kDa). Hasil uji isolat menunjukkan bahwa Lactobacillus farciminis LIPI12-2-LAB033 memiliki aktivitas spesifik tertinggi sebesar 13.9 U/mg protein. Pengendapan menggunakan ammonium sulfat 40% meningkatkan aktivitas spesifiknya hingga 19.6 U/mg protein. Enzim ini bekerja optimal pada suhu 40 °C dan pH 7. Aktivitas spesifik enzim ini meningkat hingga 75.6 U/mg protein setelah proses dialisis. Proses dialisis memurnikan enzim menjadi 5.44 kali lipat dengan rendemen 26.7%. Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa Lactobacillus farciminis LIPI12-2-LAB033 dapat dipertimbangkan sebagai sumber produksi enzim β-galaktosidase.Kata kunci: enzim, β-galaktosidase, Lactobacillus farciminis, indigenous, purifikasi sebagian

    Pemanfaatan modified cassava flour dan tepung tapioka sebagai bahan pengisi keju cedar olahan

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    Ubi kayu merupakan sumber karbohidrat yang berpotensi sebagai bahan pengisi keju cedar olahan. Pengkajian terhadap karakteristik fisikokimia keju cedar olahan bertujuan untuk memperoleh model formula penambahan bahan pengisi berbasis ubi kayu dan mengetahui nilai kesukaan terhadap keju cedar olahan terpilih. Penelitian terdiri dari beberapa tahap yaitu pembuatan keju cedar olahan, karakterisasi keju olahan, penentuan model fomula penambahan bahan pengisi berbasis ubi kayu, verifikasi formula terpilih dan uji organoleptik terhadap produk dengan model formula terpilih. Pembuatan keju cedar olahan mengunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan satu faktor. Penentuan model formula mengunakan respon permukaan historical data. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penambahan mocaf dan tapioka dengan variasi konsentrasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kadar lemak dan karbohidrat produk, sedangkan kadar air, kadar abu, kadar protein dan profil tekstur produk tidak dipengaruhi secara signifikan. Penambahan tapioka 3% (b/b) merupakan model formula terpilih keju cedar olahan dengan karakteristik kadar air 46,96 %; kadar protein 36,39 % (bk); kadar lemak 36,05 % (bk); kadar karbohidrat 5,09% (bk), nilai kekerasan 844,518 gF; daya adhesive 69,739 g/s; elastisitas 0,421; daya kohesif 0,424; kelengketan 358,697 gF; dan daya kunyah 151,244 gF serta nilai kesukaan keju cedar olehan formula terpilih cenderung netral. Mocaf dan tapioka dapat dijadikan bahan pengisi keju cedar olahan.AbstractCassava is a potential source of carbohydrate as a filler for processed cedar cheese. Study of physicochemical characteristics of processed cheddar cheese was done to obtain the formula of the cassava based filler addition and preferential value of the selected formula. The research  consisted of some steps, i.e. processed cheddar cheese production, processed cheddar cheese characterization, determination of processed cheddar cheese formula model, verification of selected formula, and hedonic test on selected formula product. Preparation of processed cheddar cheese using randomized complete design with one factor, while the formula modeling using response surface with historical data method. The result showed that the use of modified cassava flour (mocaf) and tapioca with different concentration significantly influenced (p&lt;0,05) to the increasing fat and decreasing carbohydrate content of the product, while the water, ash, protein and texture profile ore not significantly influenced. The addition of 3% tapioca (w/w) was selected as formula model with the characteristic water content 46.96%; protein 36.39% (db); fat 36.05% (db); carbohydrate 5.09% (db), hardness 844.518 gF; adhesiveness 69.739 g/s; springiness 0.421; cohesiveness 0.424; gumminess 358.697 gF; and chewiness 151.244 gF, with preferential value tend to be neutral. Mocaf and tapioca could be used as filler in processing processed cheddar cheese.</p

    Pemanfaatan modified cassava flour dan tepung tapioka sebagai bahan pengisi keju cedar olahan

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    Ubi kayu merupakan sumber karbohidrat yang berpotensi sebagai bahan pengisi keju cedar olahan. Pengkajian terhadap karakteristik fisikokimia keju cedar olahan bertujuan untuk memperoleh model formula penambahan bahan pengisi berbasis ubi kayu dan mengetahui nilai kesukaan terhadap keju cedar olahan terpilih. Penelitian terdiri dari beberapa tahap yaitu pembuatan keju cedar olahan, karakterisasi keju olahan, penentuan model fomula penambahan bahan pengisi berbasis ubi kayu, verifikasi formula terpilih dan uji organoleptik terhadap produk dengan model formula terpilih. Pembuatan keju cedar olahan mengunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan satu faktor. Penentuan model formula mengunakan respon permukaan historical data. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penambahan mocaf dan tapioka dengan variasi konsentrasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kadar lemak dan karbohidrat produk, sedangkan kadar air, kadar abu, kadar protein dan profil tekstur produk tidak dipengaruhi secara signifikan. Penambahan tapioka 3% (b/b) merupakan model formula terpilih keju cedar olahan dengan karakteristik kadar air 46,96 %; kadar protein 36,39 % (bk); kadar lemak 36,05 % (bk); kadar karbohidrat 5,09% (bk), nilai kekerasan 844,518 gF; daya adhesive 69,739 g/s; elastisitas 0,421; daya kohesif 0,424; kelengketan 358,697 gF; dan daya kunyah 151,244 gF serta nilai kesukaan keju cedar olehan formula terpilih cenderung netral. Mocaf dan tapioka dapat dijadikan bahan pengisi keju cedar olahan.AbstractCassava is a potential source of carbohydrate as a filler for processed cedar cheese. Study of physicochemical characteristics of processed cheddar cheese was done to obtain the formula of the cassava based filler addition and preferential value of the selected formula. The research  consisted of some steps, i.e. processed cheddar cheese production, processed cheddar cheese characterization, determination of processed cheddar cheese formula model, verification of selected formula, and hedonic test on selected formula product. Preparation of processed cheddar cheese using randomized complete design with one factor, while the formula modeling using response surface with historical data method. The result showed that the use of modified cassava flour (mocaf) and tapioca with different concentration significantly influenced (p&lt;0,05) to the increasing fat and decreasing carbohydrate content of the product, while the water, ash, protein and texture profile ore not significantly influenced. The addition of 3% tapioca (w/w) was selected as formula model with the characteristic water content 46.96%; protein 36.39% (db); fat 36.05% (db); carbohydrate 5.09% (db), hardness 844.518 gF; adhesiveness 69.739 g/s; springiness 0.421; cohesiveness 0.424; gumminess 358.697 gF; and chewiness 151.244 gF, with preferential value tend to be neutral. Mocaf and tapioca could be used as filler in processing processed cheddar cheese

    Pendugaan umur simpan sediaan bawang tunggal hitam dengan metode accelerated shelf-life testing (ASLT)

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    Sediaan bawang tunggal hitam terdiri atas bawang tunggal hitam utuh, ekstrak dan mikroenkapsulat. Senyawa antioksidan dalam sediaan bawang tunggal hitam akan mengalami kerusakan selama penyimpanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan kinetika degradasi kapasitas antioksidan dan total fenolik pada sediaan bawang tunggal hitam dan memperkirakan umum simpannya dengan metode accelerated shelf-life testing (ASLT). Hasil penelitian menunjukan kapasitas antioksidan dan total fenolik sediaan bawang tunggal hitam mengalami penurunan selama penyimpanan. Total fenolik dijadikan parameter penentuan umur simpan sediaan bawang tunggal hitam. Bawang tunggal hitam utuh mengalami kerusakan lebih cepat dibandingkan sediaan lainnya. Umur simpan sediaan bawang tunggal hitam pada suhu 25°C adalah: bawang tunggal hitam utuh 199 hari, ekstrak bawang tunggal hitam 259 hari, dan mikroenkapsulat 255 hari.ABSTRACTSolo black garlic products consisted of whole solo black garlic, extract, and microencapsulated. Antioxidant compounds in the black garlic products will be damaged during storage. The study was aimed to determine the kinetics degradation of antioxidant capacity and total phenolic of black garlic products and to estimate their shelf life using accelerated shelf life testing (ASLT) method. The result showed that antioxidants and total phenolic of products decreased during storage. Total phenolic was used to predict the shelf life of products. The whole black garlic deterioration is faster than other products. The shelf life of whole black garlic, black garlic extract and microencapsulated black garlic extract at 25°C were 199 days, 259 days, and 255 days respectively

    Optimasi formula yogurt bawang hitam menggunakan response surface methodology (RSM)

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    Proses suplementasi akan menambah nilai manfaat pada produk akhir. Komposisi bahan yang tepat memberikan nilai kelebihan pada proses produksi, ekonomi, dan nilai penerimaan konsumen. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengoptimasi formula yogurt yang ditambahkan dengan bawang hitam. Variabel bebas yang diamati adalah konsentrasi gelatin, skim dan ekstrak bawang hitam. Bawang hitam yang digunakan adalah bawang hitam non fermentasi dan bawang hitam terfermentasi. Optimasi formulasi yogurt dilakukan menggunakan Response Surface Methodology (RSM) dengan desain Combine D-optimal. Respon yang dipilih adalah total bakteri asam laktat, kandungan protein, lemak, total padatan, total asam tertitrasi, kapasitas antioksidan, sineresis, dan total polifenol. Hasil penelitian menunjukan kondisi optimum formulasi yogurt bawang hitam non fermentasi adalah gelatin 0,25%, skim 3,19%, dan ekstrak bawang hitam non fermentasi 3,31%. Pada yogurt bawang hitam terfermentasi diperoleh formula optimum gelatin 0,49%, skim 2,50%, dan ekstrak bawang hitam terfermentasi 3,76%. Yogurt suplementasi bawang hitam memiliki kandungan bakteri asam laktat 1,42–6,87x108, total asam tertitrasi 1,26–1.88%, dan protein 4,13–5,30%. Proses suplementasi bawang hitam menghasilkan yogurt sesuai dengan standar dan nilai fungsionalnya meningkat


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    Indonesia has a rich variety of fermented foods. The lactic acid bacteria contained in such fermented foods can act as probotics providing positive effects on digestive health. Lack of information about the characteristics of the native LAB caused insufficient use of them in functional food products. The purpose of this study was to carry out in vitro selection of potential probiotics of lactic acid bacteria isolated from non-dairy fermented foods i.e. pickle, cassava tape, terasi and dadih. The probiotic property tests are acid and bile salt tolerance assays, hydrophobicity test, adhesion test and coaggregation test. LAB isolates passing all tests indicate that they are potential as probiotics. This study obtained 4 LABs having probiotics properties by in vitro tests, i.e. L. plantarum LIPI12-2-LAB004 from pickle (Yogyakarta), L. plantarum LIPI12-2-LAB031 from cassava tape (Yogyakarta), L. plantarum LIPI13-2-LAB011 from terasi (Bali), and L. plantarum LIPI13-2-LAB087 from terasi (Solok). The four LAB were able to survive high acid and bile salt concentrations above 85%, had hydrophobicities above 95%, capable of adhering to solid surfaces for 24 hours, and were able to co-aggregate with other LAB isolates

    Optimizing the making of modified plantain flour by the mixed-culture of lactic acid bacteria and yeast

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    Fermentation factors in the making of modified plantain flour must be optimized to obtain optimum conditions that produce the desired characteristics of flour/starch. In this research, we used mix-cultured lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and yeast for plantain fermentation. Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was used to explain the quantitative relationship between input and response variables. The design used is Combine D-optimal. The quantitative independent variables (X) selected were A = culture concentration (lower limit 2%; upper limit 6%) and B = fermentation time (lower limit 8 hours; upper limit 24 hours). Descriptive variables were C = type of plantain (C1 = “tanduk” plantain; C2 = “nangka” plantain) and D = type of culture (D1 = SC; D2 = LAB1 + LAB2; D3 = LAB1 + LAB3; D4 = LAB2 + LAB3; D5 = LAB1 + LAB1 + SC; D6 = LAB1 + LAB3 + SC; D7 = LAB2 + LAB3 + SC). Parameters of flour characteristic analyzed or response (Y) were carboxyl number (Y1), total acid (Y2), swelling number (Y3), pH (Y4), paste clarity (Y5), gelatinization properties: peak (Y6); trough 1 (Y7); breakdown (Y8); final viscosity (Y9); setback(Y10); peak time (Y11); pasting temperature (Y12), water content (Y13), color : *L (Y14); *a(Y15); *b (Y16) and c (Y17). The result showed that a combination of 6% culture concentration and 12.62 hours of fermentation time with a desirability value of 0.66 was the optimum condition with carboxyl value 0.15, total acid 0.47, swelling rate 13.49, peak time 5397.02, breakdown 2259.22, final viscosity 4125.22, setback 98.99, and dL 65.59.Keywords: modification flour, optimum condition, fermentation

    Pemanfaatan Modified Cassava Flour dan Tepung Tapioka sebagai Bahan Pengisi Keju Cedar Olahan

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    Ubi kayu merupakan sumber karbohidrat yang berpotensi sebagai bahan pengisi keju cedar olahan. Pengkajian terhadap karakteristik fisikokimia keju cedar olahan bertujuan untuk memperoleh model formula penambahan bahan pengisi berbasis ubi kayu dan mengetahui nilai kesukaan terhadap keju cedar olahan terpilih. Penelitian terdiri dari beberapa tahap yaitu pembuatan keju cedar olahan, karakterisasi keju olahan, penentuan model fomula penambahan bahan pengisi berbasis ubi kayu, verifikasi formula terpilih dan uji organoleptik terhadap produk dengan model formula terpilih. Pembuatan keju cedar olahan mengunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan satu faktor. Penentuan model formula mengunakan respon permukaan historical data. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penambahan mocaf dan tapioka dengan variasi konsentrasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kadar lemak dan karbohidrat produk, sedangkan kadar air, kadar abu, kadar protein dan profil tekstur produk tidak dipengaruhi secara signifikan. Penambahan tapioka 3% (b/b) merupakan model formula terpilih keju cedar olahan dengan karakteristik kadar air 46,96 %; kadar protein 36,39 % (bk); kadar lemak 36,05 % (bk); kadar karbohidrat 5,09% (bk), nilai kekerasan 844,518 gF; daya adhesive 69,739 g/s; elastisitas 0,421; daya kohesif 0,424; kelengketan 358,697 gF; dan daya kunyah 151,244 gF serta nilai kesukaan keju cedar olehan formula terpilih cenderung netral. Mocaf dan tapioka dapat dijadikan bahan pengisi keju cedar olahan

    Evaluation of Fluidized-Bed and Drum Roaster Performance in Roasting of Robusta Green Bean

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    The roasting process is essential in producing ground coffee as it is where coffee's distinctive aroma and flavour are developed. There are two coffee roasters: drum and fluidized bed roasters, each with benefits and drawbacks. This study aimed to determine the effects of roasting machine type and roasting level on the characteristics of Robusta coffee. The experimental design used was a 2x3 factorial of a Randomized Block Design. The results indicated that the water content, ash content, caffeine content, total phenol content, bulk density, colour, coffee ground aroma, brewing colour, brewing aroma, bitterness, acidity, and sweetness were all affected by roasting level. The interaction between roaster type and roasting level affected the water content, total phenol content, bulk density, colour, ground coffee aroma, brewing aroma, bitterness, and acidity. The analysis of volatile compounds in ground roasted coffee by hot-air and drum roasters at light, medium, and dark levels revealed 40, 20, 18 and, 46, 48, 48 volatile compounds, respectively. As a conclusion it was found that the type of roasting machine and the degree of roasting have a strong influence on different characteristics of coffee powder, including moisture content, ash content, total phenol content, volatile compounds, bulk density, colour, and sensory qualities like aroma, bitterness, acidity, and sweetness. However, they didn't have a significant impact on the caffeine content