17 research outputs found

    Alat Terapi Gerak Jari Tangan untuk Pasien dengan Cedera Plexus Brachialis

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    People with damaged or injured plexus brachialisneed immediate therapy after the surgery, as an effort to restore the nerves function, even thou it is hard to achieve. But, continuous treatment may prevent the muscle to become stiff and shrink. So, patient needs assistive device to be used at home for regular self therapy.Physical therapy method was chose to be developed in this research because of lower risk than electrical therapy. This assistive device is designed in two modes, manual and automatic, and it is limited to fingers movement of adults right hand. Manual mode is focusing to 1 finger movement, while automatic mode will move the five fingers consecutively. The movement procedure is imitated those given in the clinic, by controlling the speed and angle rotation of a dc servo motor and certain design of lever for each finger.This assistive device works effectively for a certain fingers size. It takes 5.29 sec to finish one cycle in automatic mode, and about 2 sec in manual mode. The degree of finger movement yield by the device is about 20 degree less than finger maximum ROM for MCP and PIP joint of index finger, pinky, and thumb

    Pengaruh Pemaparan Gas Ozon terhadap Kadar Air, Lignin, Selulosa dan Hemiselulosa pada Azolla pinnata

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    Azolla pinnata memiliki protein berkisar antara 25%-30% sehingga berpotensi dijadikan bahan pakan untuk ruminansia, unggas maupun ikan. Kandungan serat kasar yang cukup tinggi mencapai 20% menjadi penghambat kecernaan nutrien. Gas ozon dikenal sebagai senyawa oksidatif yang dan mampu mengurai struktur lignin menjadi asam maleat dan asam oksalat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemaparan gas ozon terhadap kadar air, lignin, selulosa dan hemiselulosa pada Azolla pinnata. Penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimental menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 5 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Parameter yang diukur adalah kadar air, lignin, selulosa dan hemiselulosa. Perlakuan ozon yang digunakan adalah durasi pemaparan 0 menit (T0), 60 menit (T1), 120 Menit (T2), 180 menit (T3) dan 240 menit (T4). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perlakuan pemaparan gas ozon tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap kadar air akan tetapi dapat menurunkan kandungan lignin, selulosa dan hemiselulosa dengan signifikan. Pemaparan selama 180 menit merupakan waktu yang optimal untuk menurunkan kadar lignin, selulosa dan hemiselulosa.

    Menjamurnya Usaha Franchise di YOGYAKARTA (Tahu Bulat Tiara)

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    Eksistensi Tarian Kuda Lumping pada Masyarakat Sunda Berdasarkan Dimensi Tri Tangtu: Sebuah Kajian Hermeneutik

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    Kuda Lumping or ébég is a typical Sundanese traditional dance that requires the presence of spontaneity when it is played. In it, the elements of profane from the dance and the elements of sacred from its rituals are combined as a medium for the manifestation of the spiritual to the material. It is said that spiritual power is present in the human world through this spontaneity. This is why trance often occurs in the riders of Kuda Lumping as a medium for the presence of spiritual power. The Sundanese people with the Tri Tangtu philosophy believe that mediation through Kuda Lumping is a way for the community to communicate with Sang Hyang or Batara Tunggal. In this paper, the exploration of cultural hermeneutic studies on the Kuda Lumping dance will be discussed based on the dimensions of Tri Tangtu.  Kuda lumping, atau ébég merupakan kesenian tradisional khas Sunda yang sarat dengan hadirnya spontanitas ketika dimainkan. Di dalamnya, bercampur unsur seni tari yang profan dan tujuan ritual yang sakral sebagai medium manifestasi yang spiritual ke yang material. Konon, melalui spontanitas tersebut, daya spiritual hadir di dunia manusia. Inilah mengapa kesurupan seringkali terjadi kepada penunggang Kuda Lumping sebagai media dihadirkannya kekuatan roh. Masyarakat Sunda dengan falsafah Tri Tangtu mempercayai bahwa mediasasi melalui Kuda Lumping adalah cara masyarakat berkomunikasi dengan Sang Hyang atau Batara Tunggal. Pada tulisan ini, eksplorasi kajian hermeneutika kebudayaan tentang tarian Kuda Lumping akan dibahas berdasarkan dimensi Tri Tangtu

    Eksistensi Tarian Kuda Lumping pada Masyarakat Sunda Berdasarkan Dimensi Tri Tangtu: Sebuah Kajian Hermeneutik

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    Kuda Lumping, or ébég, is a deep spiritual traditional art form from Indonesia. Communities, especially in Java, are increasingly focused on preserving it. The dance is not just entertainment, but also has a spiritual dimension with frequent possessions. It involves dancers, horse-shaped vehicles made of animal skin or bamboo, and spiritual figures. As an intangible cultural heritage, Kuda Lumping serves to bind communities, educate, perform rituals, and express art. Evolving interpretations regarding its profane and sacred aspects will be unveiled through cultural research. This research utilizes a literature review method with hermeneutics as an interpretative tool to understand related texts. Data is collected through readings and analyzed using content analysis. Hermeneutics, as a social-humanistic approach, focuses on the internal aspects of humans. In conclusion, Kuda Lumping expresses its spiritual function, provides entertainment and education, and conveys messages about awareness and goodness. Preservation requires attention to choreography and philosophy. Government, artists, society, and academics play an important role in promoting and developing this dance while considering the Tri Tangtu concept

    Plagiarism and AI Assistance Misuse in Web Programming: Unfair Benefits and Characteristics

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    In programming education, plagiarism and misuse of artificial intelligence (AI) assistance are emerging issues. However, not many relevant studies are focused on web programming. We plan to develop automated tools to help instructors identify both misconducts. To fully understand the issues, we conducted a controlled experiment to observe the unfair benefits and the characteristics. We compared student performance in completing web programming tasks independently, with a submission to plagiarize, and with the help of AI assistance (ChatGPT). Our study shows that students who are involved in such misconducts get comparable test marks with less completion time. Plagiarized submissions are similar to the independent ones except in trivial aspects such as color and identifier names. AI-assisted submissions are more complex, making them less readable. Students believe AI assistance could be useful given proper acknowledgment of the use, although they are not convinced with readability and correctness of the solutions.Comment: Accepted at IEEE TALE 202


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    The objective of this research is to setimate cost, revenue, profit, and the feasibity of redonion farming in Tanah Miring District. The method use primary and secondary data. All the redonion farms (46 famers) in Tanah Miring District become free responden. Data analisis used costanalisis, R/C ratio and BEP (Break Event Point) analisized. The result showed that red onion farmingin Tanah Miring District have the cost Rp. 23.526.255 for 3 (three) month in 0,3 ha. The revenueof red onion farming is Rp. 45.738.745/3 (three) month/0,3 ha, with BEP production volume is672/kg and BEP price production is Rp. 11.888/kg. The R/C ratio is 2,9 means that every Rp. 1capital produce 2,9% profit. The concluetion is red onion farming is feasible to developed.Keyword: cost analisys, red onion, dan feasibility analisys

    Laporan Praktik Keinsinyuran PT. Power LED Jl. Medokan Ayu MA 1A/30, Surabaya 01 Februari 2019 - 16 Mei 2019

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