26 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Jenis Dan Waktu Pemberian Bokashi Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Jagung Manis (Zea Mays L. Saccharata Sturt) Varietas Super Sweet

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    Effect of Type and Bokashi Application Time on the Growth and Yield of Sweet Corn (Zea mays L. saccharata Sturt), Super Sweet variety. Objectives of the research were to know the effect of Bokashi types and application time as well as their interactions on the growth and yield of sweet maize. The research lasted for about four months, started from February 2013 to May 2013, carried out in Dempar Village, Nyuatan Sub-District of West Kutai District, East Kalimantan Province. The research employed Randomised Block Design (RBD) with factorial 3x3 experiment and 3 replications. The first factor was Bokashi fertilizer types (A), that consisted of three levels, namely: no bokashi fertilizer (a1), bokashi of paddy straw (a2) and bokashi of reeds (a3). The second factor was Application Time of Bokashi (B), that consisted of three levels, namely: bokashi was given 1 week before planting (b1), given 2 weeks before planting (b2), and given 3 weeks before planting (b3). Results of the research indicated that Bokashi fertilizer types (A) affect significantly on plant height at 15 days after planting, but it did not affect significantly on plant height at 35 days and 45 days after planting, male flowers appear, cob length, cob diameter, cob weight, and cob production. Application time of bokashi (B) did not affect significantly on plant height at15 days, 35 days, and 45 days after planting, male flowers appear, cob length, cob diameter, cob weight, and cob production. The interaction between bokashi fertilizer types and application time of bokashi did not affect significantly on plant height at 35 days 15 days 45 days after planting, flowers males appear, cob length, cob diameter, cob weight and cob production

    Peningkatan Pengetahuan Ibu-ibu Mengenai Perilaku Pengobatan Sendiri Dengan Menggunakan Metode Cbia Di Tiga Kabupaten Di Jawa Tengah

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    Increased availability and access to over the counter (OTC) and pharmacist-only drugs has resulted in the higher tendencies of people indulging in self-medication. However, irrational behaviour of self- medication may lead to both increasing incidence of adverse events and soaring cost of medication. Therefore, knowledge regarding the appropriate use of medicines, particulary those used for self-medication is essesential. CBIA (Cara Belajar Ibu Aktif) is an active learning method aimed to improve mother's knowledge and skills in using mainly over the counter drugs for self medication. CBIA module was designed by Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, in 1993 and eventually adopted by Indonesian Ministry of Health in 2008 is to be used as national reference. CBIA applies problem-based and self-learning process which actively involves the participants to observe, record and evaluate drug-related informations provided mainly on the pharmaceuticals packages. This research aimed at evaluation of effectiveness of CBIA in improving mothers knowledge, behaviour and attitude toward self-medication in compare to seminar, a more convensional method in delivering information. The research was conducted in three districts in Central Java involving 776 people. In each district, 194 women were recruited as participants and equally divided into 2 groups. First group recievied information according to CBIA module while in the second group, the information was delivered through seminar method. Before and after treatment, a set of questions were asked to all of the participants to measure their knowledge and attitude toward self-medication. The resultant data obtained were quantified and analised statistically using T-test. The result showed that there was a significant raise in knowledge and attitude of participants in both groups (

    Preparasi Dan Karakterisasi Edible Film Dari Poliblend Pati Sukun-Kitosan

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    Biodegradable and renewable plastic such as edible film is one of solution the environmental problem. The main raw material is from starch, because of it is abundant and varied in Indonesia, one of them is breadfruit starch which has enough high starch content (60 %). But edible film based on starch give less mechanical properties and less water resistance. In this research the edible film was made from poliblend of breadfruit starch-chitosan with sorbitol addition. The Method was done, preparation and characterization of breadfruit starch then preparation and characterization of edible film. The characteristic result of breadfruit starch was obtained for total starch content 76.39 %, content of amylose and amylopecktin were 26.76 % and 73.24 % respectively, the gelatinitation temperature of breadfruit starch was 73.98 ĀŗC, water content 22,38 % and the degree of brightness showed bright characteristic and pale grey colour. The characteristic result of edible film showed the increasing of chitosan concentration, the tensile strength and water resistance tended to rise. Generally the best result of edible film was on breadfruit starch-chitosan formulation 6:4 g/g by the value of water uptake was 212.98 %, tensile strength was 16.34 MPa, elongation was 6,00 % and modulus young was 2,72 MPa. However, the result of mhorphology analysis showed that the edible film of breadfruit starch-chitosan formulation 6:4 are still pores and cracks

    Perubahan Mutu Hedonik Telur Asin Sangrai Selama Penyimpanan

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    Egg is one of the food product derived from avian that is easily damaged and nonperishable. Therefore, one of the ways to prevent damage is by processing it into another product that is more durable. Marinating the egg is one way of preservation. The egg preservation process conducted by using brick powder mixed with salt and water. This stage is considered as processing effort because it creates new product named salted eggs. Storage time of salted eggs that have been boiled which only 1-2 weeks are still not enough, so another process would require in order to extend the storage time of salted eggs and maintain the nutritional quality. Salted eggs which processed by applying roast process technology is improving the quality of livestock products that have high economic value. The product is mainly used as a food source for humans. Meat, milk, and eggs are the major commodities of the farm. High nutritive value and flavor favored by most people is the main attraction of these products. Nevertheless, these products have a weakness that is easily damaged and nonperishable. Water is a good medium for microbial growth therefore roasting process conducted to reduce the water content of the egg. It makes salted egg more durable. Generally, roasting process can also reduce the fishy smell on salted eggs. The results of the analysis shows that the roasting process have a significant impact on salted eggs (P <0.05) against its white and yellow color but does not significantly affect its chewy and salty taste. The best result can be seen in the stage with 5 minutes roasting time and 2 weeks for storage time

    Analisis Kesulitan Mahasiswa Pbj Unnes dalam Mengerjakan Soal Choukai N3

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    UniversitasNegeri Semarang memiliki program studi Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang dan menyediakanmata kuliah menyimak, salah satunya yaitu choukai.Salah satu target yang diharapkan dapat dicapai dari mata kuliah ini adalahdapat lulus ujian kemampuan bahasa Jepang (NihongoNouryokushiken). Untuk dapat mencapai kelulusan pada Nihongo Nouryokushiken tersebut, materi yang disampaikan di kelas disediakan berjenjangsesuai dengan tingkatan mahasiswa. Untuk angkatan 2012 yaitu mahasiswa semester6, latihan soal yang diberikan di kelas setara dengan soal-soal dalam NihongoNouryokushiken N3 maupun N2.Karenapenelitian ini menitikberatkan kesulitan NihongoNouryokushiken pada choukai, makasebelumnya peneliti melakukan 3 studi pendahuluan untuk menguatkan penelitianperlu dilakukan. Dari studi pendahuluan yang peneliti lakukan, sebagian besarresponden yaitu 58 mahasiswa PBJ UNNES angkatan 2012 yang mengikuti N3 diJogjakarta pada tanggal 7 Desember 2014 merasa kesulitan pada materi dokkai. Meskipun begitu setelah dilihatdari hasil tes keseluruhan responden diketahui hampir setengahnya memperolehskor choukai dibawah 30. Dan dari latihan soal choukai N3 diketahui masih adaresponden yang skornya dibawah 50%. Hal ini dapat dijadikan indikasi bahwamahasiswa masih mengalami kesulitan ketika mengerjakan soal choukai N3.Pendekatanyang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Dalampenelitian ini sampel yang diteliti adalah mahasiswa PBJ UNNES angkatan 2012yang mengikuti N3 di Jogjakarta pada tanggal 7 Desember 2014. Teknikpengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan angket. Teknik analisis datadalam penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif persentase.Berdasarkanpembahasan dan interpretasi data diketahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhikegiatan menyimak yang pertama yaitu faktor psikologis, pengalaman, motivasi,lingkungan fisik. Sedangkan kesulitan mahasiswa PBJ UNNES angkatan 2012 dalammengerjakan choukai N3 dari kelima jenis soal choukai Nihongo Nouryokushiken, kesulitan yang paling banyakdialami responden adalah jenis soal kadairikaiļ¼ˆčŖ²é”Œē†č§£ļ¼‰, dan gaiyou rikaiļ¼ˆę¦‚要ē†č§£ļ¼‰

    Analisis Nilai High Conservation Value-5 Pada Kawasan Hutan di Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru

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    Kawasan hutan berperan untuk mengatur suplai air, mempertahankan kesuburan tanah, menyediakan sumber makanan dan energi, serta sumber daya genetik hidup. Kawasan Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru (TNBTS) merupakan salah satu area taman nasional di Indonesia. Cakupan wilayah TNBTS terdiri dari kawasan lindung seluas 50.276,2 ha yang didalamnya terdapat desa-desa penyangga. HCV-5 merupakan penilaian untuk area yang memiliki fungsi untuk pemenuhan dasar kebutuhan masyarakat lokal. Definisi dari HCV-5 mencakup pemanfaatan sumber daya hutan untuk keperluan mendapatkan uang tunai jika uang tunai tersebut dipergunakan untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan pokok keluarga dan ada indikasi pemanfaatan sumber daya dilakukan dengan cara lestari. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukkan hasil hutan yang dimanfaatkan antara lain kayu cemara, kayu akasia, kayu kirinyuh, pakis uling, dan jamur pasang. Nilai tingkat ketergantungan relatif masyarakat terhadap hutan yang didapatkan sebesar 23%, yang apabila dikonversi kedalam skor ranking HCV-5 masuk pada skor 1 yakni kurang pentingnya keberadaan kawasan hutan TNBTS terhadap masyarakat desa sekitarnya. Hal ini dikarenakan masyarakat dapat mencukupi kebutuhan hidupnya dari sektor ladang yang diatur dalam skema perhutanan sosial yaitu kemitraan konservasi. Skema kemitraan konservasi dapat menjadi solusi atas kelestarian lingkungan dan peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat. Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam penerapan kemitraan konservasi antara lain pembinaan intensif untuk masyarakat dari pihak TNBTS, kerjasama dan relasi yang kuat antara masyarakat dan pihak TNBTS, serta terjalinnya komunikasi yang baik untuk menghindari konflik dengan masyarakat

    Pembuatan Green Membrane dari Selulosa Asetat dengan Pelarut Cyrene untuk Desalinasi Air Laut Menggunakan Sistem Forward Osmosis

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    Teknologi membran kini banyak diminati oleh negara- negara untuk melakukan desalinasi air laut. Desalinasi merupakan suatu cara untuk mengurangi kadar garam yang terdapat dalam air laut sehingga menghasilkan air dengan kandungan garam yang rendah. Air tersebut kemudian digunakan untuk fertigasi. Pembuatan green membrane dilakukan dengan metode inversi fasa dimana membran yang awalnya berasal dari fase cair akan menjadi fase padat. Bahan yang digunakan untuk membuat green membrane adalah selulosa asetat yang dlilarutkan dengan Cyrene. Green membrane yang dibuat ditargetkan memiliki ukuran pori yang sesuai dengan sistem Forward Osmosis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil uji performansi pada green membrane seperti uji SEM, uji fluks, uji RSF, dan uji FTIR serta mengetahui kadar optimum dari selulosa asetat dan Cyrene. Penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimental dalam skala laboratoriu