30 research outputs found

    Family and Human Development Introduction

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    Personality and Social Introduction

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    Industrial/Organizational Perspectives Introduction

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    Basic Processes and Methodology Introduction

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    AbstrakPenelitian ini membedah metode “among” sebagai metode pendidikan yang menerapkan model kepemimpinan Ki Hajar Dewantara (KHD). Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan melakukan content analysis terhadap hasil wawancara yang dilakukan dengan 13 subjek yang terlibat langsung dalam pendidikan di Perguruan Tamansiswa dan alumni Perguruan Tamansiswa.  Penelitian mengenai pendidikan kepemimpinan melalui metode “among” ini menghasilkan tiga rumusan konsep kepemimpinan KHD dan satu poin rumusan hambatan pelaksanaan metode “among”. Kepemimpinan KHD adalah kemampuan seseorang untuk menjadi teladan dalam membangun kemauan pengikutnya untuk belajar dan membentuk swa-disiplin dan pelaksanaannya tertuang dalam metode “among”. Pendidikan kepemimpinan melalui metode “among” menghasilkan anak didik yang mampu menjalankan hidup yang bermanfaat bagi diri sendiri dan orang lain, serta mampu memerintah dirinya sendiri untuk mengusahakan kesejahteraan bersama.Kata kunci: disiplin diri, kepemimpinan, metode “among”AbstractThis study examines the “among” (literally taking care of), a method in education which applies the Ki Hajar Dewantara (KHD) management model. Using a quantitative approach, it conducted a content analysis of an interview result of thirteen subjects (students and alumnae) of the “Perguruan Taman Siswa. This study formulated three concepts of the KHD management in one point formulation of the hindrance of the “among” method application. The KHD management is the ability of a student to be a model of learning and discipline, which is found in the “among” method. This method produces students who are able to live a valuable life both for themselves and others, as well as to self-govern so as to make efforts for the common goods. Key words: self-discipline, leadership, “among’ metho

    Friends’ Support, Motivation to Learn, Emotional Adjustment, and Academic Performance among Indonesian First-year students

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    First-year students face academic and social challenges which will undermine their motivation to learn and emotional adjustment. Friends’ support helps them to cope which then influences their academic performance. This study aimed to investigate relations between friends’ support and academic performance, as mediated by a motivation to learn and emotional adjustment. Participants were 327 first-year university students at the end of their first year, recruited from random cluster sampling. Datawereanalyzed using Sobel Test indicated that motivation to learn and emotional adjustment fully mediated the relationship between friendship quality and academic performance, between lack of intimacy with friends and academic performance, and between conflict with friends and academic performance. Friends provide support which enables students to have discussion to solve their difficulties in facing academic challenges and to disclose their thoughts and feelings to face their emotional challenges. We recommend that further studies collect the data from students in each year and universities to design a curriculum that promotes supportive collaboration among students

    Ongoing Themes in Psychology and Culture

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    Selected Papers from the Sixteenth International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2002, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. (c) 2004, International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychologyhttps://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/iaccp_proceedings/1007/thumbnail.jp

    The Role of Internalized Stigma and Perceived Discrimination Regarding the Self-Esteem of People Living with HIV/AIDS in Jakarta

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    The aim of this study was to examine the role or internalized stigma and the perception of discrimination in relation to the self esteem of People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) in Jakarta, Indonesia. It would appear that negative stigmatization and discrimination towards PLWA in Indonesia have risen rapidly, in line with the increase in the number of people diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. The instruments employed were the Rosenberg Internalized Stigma, Perception of Discrimination, and Self Esteem scales. The participants in this study were PLWHA (N = 96), living in Jakarta, with an age range of 15 to 59 years. The results of regression analysis indicated that internalized stigma (t = 1.31; p > .05) and the perception of discrimination (t = - 0.50; p > .05) played no role in predicting self esteem amongst PLWHA. A difference is found regarding internalized stigma and perceived discrimination, seen from the viewpoint of the work status of the participants

    Temporal Orientation and its Relationships with Organizationally Valued Outcomes: Results from a 14 Country Investigation

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    In this investigation we were concerned with the cultural covariates of temporal orientation in 14 different national contexts. Data were collected from United States of America (US), Australia, Germany, Poland, Chile, Venezuela, Turkey, United Arab Emirates (UAE), India, Indonesia, Malaysia Japan, South Korea and China. Analyses show that collectivistic cultural orientation tends to be relatively important in the prediction of three facets of temporal orientation (i.e. emphasis on planning and scheduling; sense of time and attitude towards time)