8 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKSI LYRA SETIA MAYANGSARI, UPAYA PENINGKATAN KOMPETENSI PROFESIONAL PENDIDIK DI TK NEGERI PEMBINA KABUPATEN NGANJUK OLEH DINAS PENDIDIKAN KABUPATEN NGANJUK Pendidikan merupakan suatu hal yang memberikan pengaruh pada kehidupan, sehingga pendidikan memiliki peran penting dalam setiap aspek kehidupan manusia. Dengan pendidikan akan membawa manusia pada arah kehidupan yang lebih baik, serta akan menuju kepada kondisi yang lebih maju. Sehingga untuk mencapai hal itu pendidikan perlu di tanam sejak usia dini. Pendidikan anak usia dini (PAUD) merupakan salah satu jenjang pendidikan paling dasar untuk tumbuh kembang anak bangsa, yang juga penyelenggaraannya tidak lepas dari kebijakan dan sistem pendidikan nasional. Standar tentang kompetensi guru merupakan salah satu standar yang penting menjadi perhatian pemerintah. Memahami hal tersebut, Nampak jelas bahwa guru yang bertugas sebagai pengelola pembelajaran dituntut untuk memiliki standar kompetensi dan professional. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. lokasi penelitian di TK Negeri Pembina Kabupaten Nganjuk. Fokus penelitian ini berdasarkan pada teori dari Nana Sudjana tentang kinerja pegawai, dalam hal ini ada 2 (Dua) fokus penelitian yaitu pertama, Pelatihan dan yang kedua Supervisi Akademik. Hasil Penelitian ini adalah Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Nganjuk memberikan suatu kegiatan kepada Guru TK Negeri Pembina Kabupaten Nganjuk. Dimana kegiatan itu terdiri 2 (Dua) Kegiatan yaitu Pelatihan dan Supervisi Akademik. Untuk kegiatan pelatihan ini memiliki 4 (Empat) Kegiatan yang dilakukan yaitu Kegiatan workshop, diklat dan KKG (Kelompok Kerja Guru). Dan kegiatan Pelatihan ini dilakukan 1 bulan sekali pada jam 08.00 – 15.00 WIB. Tujuan adanya kegiatan pelatihan ini adalah yang pertama dapat meningkatkan mutu kualitas pembelajaran di TK, yang kedua dapat meningkatkan SDM guru dan manfaat yang terakhir dapat memajukan TK tersebut. setelah kegiatan pelatihan ini dilakukan, adapun hasil yang dapat dicapai yaitu tentang kurikulum, keterampilan seni dan sains, serta tentang perilaku. Dari ketiga hasil ini dapat disampaikan ke semua guru yang mengikuti pelatihan tersebut agar kinerja mereka dapat lebih baik dalam memberikan pendidikan ke anak didik mereka masing-masing. Kemudian untuk kegiatan selanjutnya adalah supervisi akademik. Untuk kegiatan supervisi akademik ini memiliki 1(Satu) Kegiatan yaitu studi banding. Studi banding ini dilakukan biasanya tergantung keuangan dan situasinya. Terkadang dilakukan 1 semester sekali atau 1 tahun sekali. Dan Studi banding ini dilakukan selama 3 hari. Tujuan adanya studi banding ini adalah untuk meningkatkan dan mengembangkan lembaga TK sendiri. Kata Kunci : Pendidikan, Kompetensi Guru, Pelatihan, Supervisi Akademi

    Chromosomal instability in the lymphocytes of breast cancer patients

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    Genomic instability in the tumor tissue has been correlated with tumor progression. In the present study, chromosomal aberrations (CAs) in peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) of breast tumor patients were studied to assess whether chromosomal instability (CIN) in PBLs correlates with aggressiveness of breast tumor (i.e., disease stage) and has any prognostic utility. Cultured blood lymphocyte metaphases were scored for aberrations in 31 breast cancer patients and 20 healthy age and sex-matched controls. A variety of CAs, including aneuploidy, polyploidy, terminal deletions, acentric fragments, double minutes, chromatid separations, ring chromosome, marker chromosome, chromatid gaps, and breaks were seen in PBLs of the patients. The CAs in patients were higher than in controls. A comparison of the frequency of metaphases with aberrations by grouping the patients according to the stage of advancement of disease did not reveal any consistent pattern of variation in lymphocytic CIN. Neither was any specific chromosomal abnormality found to be associated with the stage of cancer. This might be indicative of the fact that cancer patients have constitutional CIN, which predisposes them to the disease, and this inherent difference in the level of genomic instability might play a role in disease progression and response to treatment

    Characteristics of a Large Shared Memory Production Workload

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    This paper characterizes the production workload that highly utilizes the NCSA Origin 2000. The characterization includes the distributions of job interarrival time, requested number of processors, requested memory, requested runtime, actual runtime as a fraction of requested runtime, and the ratio of memory usage to memory request. Conditional distributions are defined as needed for generating a synthetic workload with the same characteristics, including the key correlations observed among the job parameters. Characteristics of the O2K workload that differ from previously reported production workload characteristics are also noted.

    Pitfalls in Parallel Job Scheduling Evaluation

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    There are many choices to make when evaluating the performance of a complex system. In the context of parallel job scheduling, one must decide what workload to use and what measurements to take. These decisions sometimes have subtle implications that are easy to overlook. In this paper we document numerous pitfalls one may fall into, with the hope of providing at least some help in avoiding them. Along the way, we also identify topics that could benefit from additional research

    Parâmetros sangüíneos e urinários, no pré e pós parto, de búfalas criadas em sistema exclusivo de pastejo The blood and urinary values in the pre and pos-parturient period of buffaloes, kept on exclusive pasture feeding

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    Foi avaliada a ocorrência de alterações nas concentrações de glicose sanguínea, proteína plasmática total, hematócrito e presença de corpos cetônicos na urina de oito búfalas leiteiras da raça Murrah, com idade variando entre 5 e 10 anos, com no mínimo duas lactações, clinicamente sadias, desde 60 dias antes até 60 dias pós-parto. As concentrações médias de glicose sangüínea e o valor médio do hematócrito diminuíram significativamente no pós-parto (p<0,05). As concentrações de proteína plasmática total não sofreram variações significativas do pré para o pós-parto. No período pré-parto os corpos cetônicos só foram detectados na urina de uma búfala; entretanto, a partir do 32º dia de lactação foram detectados em todos os animais. Houve uma relação direta entre a coloração da urina positiva para o teste de Rothera e as concentrações de glicose sangüínea. Pode-se concluir que na fase inicial da lactação as búfalas utilizadas sofreram um déficit energético, caracterizado pela diminuição nas concentrações sangüíneas de glicose e presença de corpos cetônicos na urina, e que a lactação causou um declínio progressivo no hematócrito, enquanto que as concentrações da proteína plasmática total não sofreram variações do pré para o pós-parto.<br>Eight lactating buffaloes of the Murrah breed were used from 60 days before up to 60 days after calving, in order to evaluate alterations in the concentration of blood glucose, total plasmatic protein, haematocrit and the presence of ketonic bodies in the urine. The 5 to 10- year old buffaloes were clinically healthy and had had at least two lactations. During the experimental period the animals were maintained on Brachiaria brizantha pasture and supplemented with a mineral mixture and water.The media concentrations of blood glucose and the media values of the haematocrit diminished significantly after calving (p<0,05). The concentrations of total plasmatic protein did not show significant variation during the pre and post-calving period. The ketonic bodies in the pre-calving period were only detected in the urine of one buffaloe, but after the 32nd day of lactation ketonic bodies were detected in all animals. There was a direct relationship between the color of the urine positive by the Rothera test and blood glucose concentrations. It can be concluded that at the beginning of lactation the buffaloes had an energetic deficit, characterized by a decline of blood glucose concentrations and the presence of ketonic bodies in the urine, and that lactation caused a progressive decline of the hematocrit, but that the concentration of total plasmatic protein did not vary during the pre and post-calving period