6,097 research outputs found

    Contrastive Analysis on the Theme/rheme Structure on Headlines of the Jakarta Post and Media Indonesia

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    This study is to investigate the contrastive structure of Theme/ Rheme analysis in identifying marked and unmarked Themes in English and Indonesian headlines. The study takes as its starting point the assumption that the different choices of Theme/ Rheme, their organization at the local and global structures and the pres-entation of Given/New information of the headlines presented in English and Indonesian. This study designs a Discourse Analysis. It analyzes Theme/Rheme in Indonesian and English clauses. The study seeks to ana-lyze and compare the different choices of Theme/Rheme in the thematic structures. These issues are investi-gated in a corpus of English and Indonesian headline about lieu of law on direct regional election. Most of the Theme used was marked themes. Keywords: Contrastive, Theme and Rheme, Headline

    The Effectiveness of Low-Level Structure-based Approach Toward Source Code Plagiarism Level Taxonomy

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    Low-level approach is a novel way to detect source code plagiarism. Such approach is proven to be effective when compared to baseline approach (i.e., an approach which relies on source code token subsequence matching) in controlled environment. We evaluate the effectiveness of state of the art in low-level approach based on Faidhi \& Robinson's plagiarism level taxonomy; real plagiarism cases are employed as dataset in this work. Our evaluation shows that state of the art in low-level approach is effective to handle most plagiarism attacks. Further, it also outperforms its predecessor and baseline approach in most plagiarism levels.Comment: The 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technolog

    A Review on A.R Wirawan’s Novel The Adventure of Wanara Trilogy: Garuda Riders Book one

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    Novel merupakan salah satu karya sastra yang paling digemari banyak orang. Dari bermacam-macam jenis novel, novel fantasi merupakan salah satu alternatif bagi para pembaca, terutama kaum remaja. Banyaknya novel fantasi yang beredar dewasa ini menuntut penulis untuk menciptakan ide cerita yang lebih segar dan tidak biasa untuk menarik perhatian para pembaca. The Adventure of Wanara Trilogy: Garuda Riders, salah satu novel fantasi yang ditulis oleh seorang dosen muda bernama Adhicipta Raharja Wirawan ini menyuguhkan jalan cerita yang unik dan menarik. Kekuatan dari novel ini tidak hanya terdapat pada jalan ceritanya yang berbeda, tetapi juga dari pesan moral, gaya bahasa, humor yang menggelitik, dan sudut pandang yang tidak biasa. Terlepas dari kekuatan-kekuatan tersebut, The Adventure of Wanara Trilogy: Garuda Riders juga memiliki beberapa kelemahan, antara lain kurangnya perhatian penulis terhadap tokoh-tokoh pembantu di dalam cerita . Dengan adanya kekuatan dan kelemahan tersebut, para pembaca diajak untuk menjadi pembaca yang cerdas dalam menelaah setiap informasi yang tertuang di sepanjang jalan cerita

    On-Farm Costos of Reducing environmental degradation under risk

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    Farmers respond to environmental regulations by adjusting production practices so as to comply while minimizing their loss in expected income. Ultimately the cost of agro environmental regulation is determined by farm level adjust¬ments. Our farm level simulation framework assesses economic and environmental impacts of hypothetical pesticide restrictions in the context of continuing soil conservation efforts.


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    Polifenol merupakan senyawa alam yang dapat mereduksi ion Fe3+/Fe2+ menjadi Fe0 (nZVI). Penggunaan polifenol sebagai reduktor adalah alternatif untuk mengurangi sifat toksisitas dari efek samping hasil sintesis nZVI dengan reduktor NaBH4. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan bahwa ekstrak bahan alam yang mengandung polifenol dapat mensintesis nZVI sedangkan ekstrak yang tidak mengandung polifenol tidak dapat mensintesis nZVI. Sintesis nZVI dilakukan dengan mencampurkan FeSO4 dengan ekstrak CGA dan ekstrak non-CGA biji kopi robusta. Hasil uji FTIR menunjukkan nZVI berhasil disintesis hanya dengan reduktor ekstrak CGA. Partikel nZVI diukur dengan PSA yang menunjukkan rata-rata ukuran partikel terkecil terbentuk pada perbandingan FeSO4:ekstrak CGA sebesar 1:4 yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai D2 sebesar 71,96 nm

    The Impact of Minimum Wage Province to Economic Growth (Study in Sumedang Regency, West Java Province Indonesia)

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    This article studies the expansion of employment opportunities, the use of productive labor force, and the provision of decent wages, which are instrumental in determining long-term economic growth. A decent wage will increase labor income, the increase in income will increase the purchasing power of workers, and the increase in purchasing power will in turn increase effective demand. General issues that apply in relation to minimum wage increases are trends that have a positive impact on income, prices and employment opportunities, and economic growth. The problems in this study were analyzed using Input-Output analysis with the Supply Side approach. Analysis results show that wage increases will positively impact employment opportunities. To achieve optimal allocation, the government should not issue unemployment compensation or subsidies for recruitment costs. In addition, because companies and households experience catastrophic consequences related to minimum wages, the government does not intervene in the labor market to influence wage levels and does not set minimum wages. What the government can do is to make the right expenditure for the right success
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