150 research outputs found


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    Introduction: Section caesarean laboring is one of the difficulties to do early initiation of breastfeeding. It is correlated with painful because of post of injury, anesthesia influence, uncomfortable mom, and the breastfeeds which is not ready to produce after operation. Although she already had an anesthesia, but she still suffers the painful. The readiness of mother to give the baby breastfeed, it needs more preparation psychologically, because the mother had her role. The mother’s role achievement can be success if the mother become closer with the baby and get the support from the spouse (as father). The spouse’s role in the implementation of early breast feeds initiation is very important. Because the spouse will be assist to determine reflect fluency of breastfeeds which is most affected to the emotional or mother’s soul. The spouse has an active role in support mother when giving the breast feeds. He can help mother in supporting the breastfeeds with emotional supported and other assistance. Methods: This research used descriptive with cross sectional approach, the aims to gain the data from respondents to answer the strategic issues which happen. The factors that make mother of Post SC did not do the early breastfeed initiation. The respondents were 60 mother of post SC that fulfills the criteria of inclusion and exclusion. Results: The Spouse mostly had positive support and interaction in early initiation of breastfeeding (43%), but still low number of breastfeeding implementation (9%). Discussion: The support and intteraction of spouse to the mother who giving a experience the SC is one of the important factor of early initiation of breastfeeding. But, the low number of the implementation of ealy initiation of breastfeeding showed that there are still many factor that cant influenced the positive achievement of early initiation of breast feeding. Key words: Caesarian Delivery, Initiation of Breast Feeding, Spouse’s Involvemen


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    Abstrak Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang penerapan model pembelajaran PBI pendekatan SETS pada tema banjir yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan keterlaksanaan model tersebut, perbedaan rata-rata hasil belajar siswa antara kelas yang diberi model pembelajaran PBI pendekatan SETS dengan kelas yang diberi pembelajaran konvensional serta mendeskripsikan respon siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental yaitu Quasi Experimental Design dengan rancangan penelitian Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dan kualitatif deskriptif. Sampel dalam penelitian adalah siswa kelas VII-B sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas VII-C sebagai kelas kontrol. Hasil pengamatan keterlaksanaan pembelajaran mendapatkan skor 3,41 dalam kategori baik. Berdasarkan hasil uji-t satu pihak untuk menguji hipotesis diperoleh th = 3,07  >  tt = 1,69, yang artinya rata-rata hasil belajar kognitif  siswa kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi daripada kelas kontrol. Selain itu, rata-rata hasil belajar afektif adalah 3,21 untuk kelas eksperimen dan 2,89 untuk kelas kontrol sama-sama dalam kategori baik. Hal ini menunjukkan, bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran PBI pendekatan SETS pada tema Banjir dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Sebagian besar respon siswa terhadap penerapan model pembelajaran PBI pendekatan SETS adalah sangat baik, dengan presentase rata-rata siswa menjawab positif adalah 98,43%. Kata kunci : Model pembelajaran PBI pendekatan SETS, hasil belajar siswa, respon siswa   Abstract Has done research about application of PBI learning model with SETS approach in flood theme that aims to describe the implementation of this model, the difference of student learning outcomes between the class that was given PBI learning model SETS approach with the class that was given conventional learning, and also to describe student response. This research is experimental research which is Quasi Experimental Design with ‘Nonequivalent Control Group Design’ research design. Data analyzed that was used is quantitative and descriptive qualitative. Sample of this research are students of VII-B as experimental class and VII-C as control class. The result of learning implementation observation get score 3,41 was on good category. One side t-test that was used for examined hypothesis about average of cognitive student learning outcomes obtained th = 3,07 > tt = 1,69. It means that average of cognitive student learning outcomes from experimental class higher than control class. In addition, average affective student learning obtained 3,21 for experimental class and 2,89 for control class was equally in good category. It showed that application of PBI learning model with SETS approach in flood theme has It showed that application of PBI learning model with SETS approach in flood theme has to improve student learning outcomes. Most of student response to the PBI learning model SETS approach was very good, with average percentage of the students response that  answered  positively is 98,43%. Keywords: PBI learning model in SETS approach, student learning outcomes, student respons

    An Integrative Framework of Family Firms and Foreign Entry Strategies

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    While there is a vast amount of research on entry mode in general and family firms’ internationalisation, little attention has been paid to family firms’ foreign entry strategies. Integrating contributions to transaction cost theory and resource-based view from both streams of research, this chapter provides an integrative framework to guide further the development of the research on how family firms choose between different entry modes. Moreover, it identifies gaps in the literature and highlights some research questions based on the framework provided

    Gambaran Perawatan Pasien Covid-19 di RS Darurat Rumah Dinas Walikota Semarang Covid-19 Patient Treatment in Emergency Hospital at the Semarang Mayor's Official House

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    Ketanggapan Pemerintah Kota Semarang dalam penanganan covid-19 ditunjukkan dengan mengoptimalkan Rumah Dinas Walikota sebagai rumah isolasi dan rumah sakit darurat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan aktivitas perawatan, lama rawat inap hingga sembuh, dan kepuasan pasien. Desain penelitian adalah observasional deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi terhadap 4.326 data pasien selama tiga bulan (Mei-Juli) serta wawancara kepada dokter penanggung jawab dan 30 orang pasien yang sedang dirawat. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwa aktivitas harian selama perawatan meliputi: senam pagi dan sore, pemeriksaan tanda vital dua kali sehari, evaluasi swab test setiap hari, kegiatan spiritual bersama, hiburan, dan dukungan psikologis, serta peningkatan keterampilan yang melibatkan perguruan tinggi dan organisasi profesi. Rata-rata lama waktu pemulihan adalah tiga hari dengan tingkat kesembuhan 95% dan sebagian besar pasien merespon puas (77%) terhadap perawatan di rumah sakit darurat. Terdapat kesinambungan antara kegiatan perawatan, kepuasan pasien dan waktu pemulihan

    Novel Physical Vapor Deposition Approach to Hybrid Perovskites: Growth of MAPbI3 Thin Films by RF-Magnetron Sputtering

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    Solution-based methods represent the most widespread approach used to deposit hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite films for low-cost but efficient solar cells. However, solution-process techniques offer limited control over film morphology and crystallinity, and most importantly do not allow sequential film deposition to produce perovskite-perovskite heterostructures. Here the successful deposition of CH3NH3PbI3 (MAPI) thin films by RF-magnetron sputtering is reported, an industry-tested method to grow large area devices with precisely controlled stoichiometry. MAPI films are grown starting from a single-target made of CH3NH3I (MAI) and PbI2. Films are single-phase, with a barely detectable content of unreacted PbI2, full surface coverage and thickness ranging from less than 200 nm to more than 3 {\mu}m. Light absorption and emission properties of the deposited films are comparable to as-grown solution-processed MAPI films. The development of vapor-phase deposition methods is of interest to advance perovskite photovoltaic devices with the possibility of fabricating perovskite multijunction solar cells or multicolor bright light-emitting devices in the whole visible spectrum

    Systematic Review Depression and Relationships to the Quality of Life Menopause Women

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    Background: Depression is a psychological change that occurs mostly in menopausal women. there are studies explaining the symptoms of depression that arise when women experience menopause and its relationship to quality of life. The purpose of this research to review evidence of the relationship between menopause and depression, and between depression and quality of life that is one of the main symptoms of menopause. Method: A systematic review was conducted based on literature published between 2002 and 2018. Using medline, science direct, JAMA, Pubmed and PsychINFO databases. The key terms "depression"," menopause "," climacterium "," quality of life ", are incorporated into the search. Results: Ten studies reported an association between menopause and depression, eight studies that investigated the association between depression and quality of life. Women with low levels of depression and a positive attitude towards menopause have positive body image values. Conclusion: There are studies that provide solid data on the prevalence of depression that meets the diagnostic criteria, as well as the suitability of the measuring instruments used to assess the quality of life. It takes a good management strategy to reduce the severity of depression so as to improve the quality of life menopausal women

    The Correlation of Duration of Hormonal Contraception with the Case of Breast Cancer at RSUD Jombang

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    Breast cancer is the most deadly case for women. One of the causes is duration of hormonal contraception use. The purpose is to determine correlation of duration hormonal contraception use with breast cancer cases. Study design used analytic correlation with a cross-sectional method. The population is all users of hormonal contraception at RSUD Jombang (396 people). The sample size used purposive sampling technique with 364 respondents. Independent variable is duration of hormonal contraception use and dependent variable is breast cancer cases. Furthermore, analysis test used chi-square with α = 0.05. The result indicated that 60 (48.1%) from 125 respondents using hormonal contraception >5 years had got breast cancer. However, all of 239 respondents (65.8%) t using hormonal contraception 5 years will increase the risk of breast cancer cases. Keywords: hormonal contraception, breast cancer
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