
Abstrak Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang penerapan model pembelajaran PBI pendekatan SETS pada tema banjir yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan keterlaksanaan model tersebut, perbedaan rata-rata hasil belajar siswa antara kelas yang diberi model pembelajaran PBI pendekatan SETS dengan kelas yang diberi pembelajaran konvensional serta mendeskripsikan respon siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental yaitu Quasi Experimental Design dengan rancangan penelitian Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dan kualitatif deskriptif. Sampel dalam penelitian adalah siswa kelas VII-B sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas VII-C sebagai kelas kontrol. Hasil pengamatan keterlaksanaan pembelajaran mendapatkan skor 3,41 dalam kategori baik. Berdasarkan hasil uji-t satu pihak untuk menguji hipotesis diperoleh th = 3,07  >  tt = 1,69, yang artinya rata-rata hasil belajar kognitif  siswa kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi daripada kelas kontrol. Selain itu, rata-rata hasil belajar afektif adalah 3,21 untuk kelas eksperimen dan 2,89 untuk kelas kontrol sama-sama dalam kategori baik. Hal ini menunjukkan, bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran PBI pendekatan SETS pada tema Banjir dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Sebagian besar respon siswa terhadap penerapan model pembelajaran PBI pendekatan SETS adalah sangat baik, dengan presentase rata-rata siswa menjawab positif adalah 98,43%. Kata kunci : Model pembelajaran PBI pendekatan SETS, hasil belajar siswa, respon siswa   Abstract Has done research about application of PBI learning model with SETS approach in flood theme that aims to describe the implementation of this model, the difference of student learning outcomes between the class that was given PBI learning model SETS approach with the class that was given conventional learning, and also to describe student response. This research is experimental research which is Quasi Experimental Design with ‘Nonequivalent Control Group Design’ research design. Data analyzed that was used is quantitative and descriptive qualitative. Sample of this research are students of VII-B as experimental class and VII-C as control class. The result of learning implementation observation get score 3,41 was on good category. One side t-test that was used for examined hypothesis about average of cognitive student learning outcomes obtained th = 3,07 > tt = 1,69. It means that average of cognitive student learning outcomes from experimental class higher than control class. In addition, average affective student learning obtained 3,21 for experimental class and 2,89 for control class was equally in good category. It showed that application of PBI learning model with SETS approach in flood theme has It showed that application of PBI learning model with SETS approach in flood theme has to improve student learning outcomes. Most of student response to the PBI learning model SETS approach was very good, with average percentage of the students response that  answered  positively is 98,43%. Keywords: PBI learning model in SETS approach, student learning outcomes, student respons

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