949 research outputs found

    Experimental joint immobilization in guinea pigs. Effects on the knee joint

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    In young and adult guinea pigs, the aftermath experimentally induced by the immobilization of the knee joint in hyperextended forced position was studied. Joint immobilization which varied from one to nine weeks was attained by plaster. Eighty knee joints were examined macro and microscopically. Findings included: (1) muscular hypotrophy and joint stiffness in all animals, directly proportional to the length of immobilization; (2) haemoarthrosis in the first week; (3) intra-articular fibrous tissue proliferation ending up with fibrous ankylosis; (4) hyaline articular cartilage erosions; (5) various degrees of destructive menisci changes. A tentative explanation of the fibrous tissue proliferation and of the cartilage changes is offered

    Dimensionamento do agronegócio do café no Brasil.

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    Resumo: O objetivo deste estudo foi dimensionar o agronegócio do café no Brasil, seus indicadores e os impactos econômicos das exportações, por meio da matriz de insumo-produto com enfoque produto x produto do ano de 2017. A cadeia produtiva foi dividida em insumos agropecuários, produção de café em grão, café beneficiado (indústria) e serviços. Os resultados mostraram que o agronegócio do café geraram 30,7 bilhões de reais de renda e 695 mil empregos diretos e indiretos, com médias salariais que variaram entre 5 mil (setor agrícola) e 33 mil reais (comércio e serviços). O agregado com maior participação na geração de valor foi o serviço, com 47% do produto interno bruto (PIB Café), e a produção agrícola foi responsável por 50% dos empregos. As exportações de café em grão somaram 13,6 bilhões de reais e geraram 303 mil empregos diretos e indiretos, 11 bilhões de reais de renda (PIB) e 729 milhões de reais em impostos líquidos. As exportações de café beneficiado somaram 1,5 bilhão de reais, com a geração de 25 mil empregos, 1,2 bilhão de reais de renda e 159 milhões de reais em impostos. A aproximação dos elos da cadeia tem potencial para aumentar a diferenciação de produtos, agregação de valor e geração de emprego e renda. Abstract: The objective of this study was to measure the coffee agribusiness in Brazil, its indicators, and the economic impacts of exports, using the input-product matrix with a product x product focus for the year 2017. The production chain was divided into agricultural inputs, production of coffee beans, processed coffee (industry), and services. The results showed that the agribusiness of coffee generated 30.7 billion reais of income and 695 thousand direct and indirect jobs, with average wages that varied between 5,000 (agricultural sector) and 33 thousand reais (trade and services). The service sector was the aggregate with the largest share in the generation of value, with 47% of the gross domestic product (GDP Coffee), and the agricultural production was responsible for 50% jobs. Exports of coffee beans totaled 13.6 billion reais and generated 303 thousand direct and indirect jobs, 11 billion reais in income (GDP), and 729 million reais in net taxes. Exports of processed coffee totaled 1.5 billion reais with the generation of 25 thousand jobs, 1.2 billion reais of income, and 159 million reais of taxes. The approximation of the links in the chain has the potential to increase the product differentiation, adding value, and to generate jobs and income.Título em inglês: Measuring the coffee agribusiness in Brazil

    Análise exploratória de dados espaciais da produção de café no estado do Paraná, 1980-2018.

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    Resumo: O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar a análise exploratória dos dados espaciais (Aede) da produção de café dos municípios do estado do Paraná, no período 1980-2018. A fonte dos dados foi o Instituto Paranaense de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (Ipardes). Nesse período, a produtividade da cultura do café no estado do Paraná aumentou de cerca de 900 para 1.500 kg ha-1, com tendência de crescimento de 16,48 kg ha-1 por ano. A introdução de novas tecnologias na década de 1990 propiciou menor risco aos produtores, e o aumento da produtividade implicou a redução do custo médio da saca de café e o aumento da competitividade. No período de análise, ocorreu o deslocamento da maior parte da área colhida e da produção para as Mesorregiões Norte Pioneiro e Norte Central, que passaram a concentrar a produção e os municípios mais produtivos. Verificou-se uma autocorrelação espacial da produtividade dos municípios, e identificaram-se agrupamentos espaciais Alto-Alto dos municípios localizados, principalmente, nas Mesorregiões Norte Pioneiro e Norte Central do estado do Paraná, no ano de 2018. Abstract: The objective of this study was to carry out an exploratory analysis of spatial data (AEDE) for coffee production in municipalities of Paraná state, Brazil, in the period 1980-2018. The data source was the Instituto Paranaense de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (Ipardes). In that period, the productivity of the coffee culture in Parana state increased from about 900 to 1,500 kg ha-1, with a growth trend of 16.48 kg ha-1 per year. The introduction of new technologies in the 1990 decade provided less risk to producers, and the increase of productivity implied the reduction of the average cost of coffee bag and the increase of competitiveness. In the period analysed, most of the harvested area and production moved to the Mesoregions Norte Pioneiro and Norte Central, which started to concentrate the production and more productive municipalities. A spatial autocorrelation was found for the municipalities? productivity, and Alto-Alto spatial clusters were identified for the municipalities located mainly in the Paraná state Mesoregions North Pioneiro and Central North, in 2018.Título em inglês: Exploratory analysis of spatial data of the coffee production in Paraná state, 1980-2018

    Estimação da Matriz Insumo-Produto a Partir De Dados Preliminares das Contas Nacionais

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    The goal of this study is to present and to analyze a methodology to estimate Input-Output Matrices using preliminary data from the Brazilian National Accounts. This methodology is tested for the years of 1994 and 1996, where the results obtained from the input-output matrices (definitive version) available from IBGE are compared with the matrices estimated using the proposed methodology. The results analyzed refer to: a) type I production multipliers; b) Rasmussen-Hirschman backward and forward linkages; and c) Pure backward and forward linkages. Based on statistical methods (correlation indexes), the results show that the estimated matrices are similar to the ones released by IBGE. As so, this methodology can be used to estimate Brazilian national input-output matrices for the time periods where there are only preliminary data, and the economic structural analysis made with the estimated matrices are valid for the years analyzed

    Grammatical comprehension in italian children with autism spectrum disorder

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    Language deficits represent one of the most relevant factors that determine the clinical phenotype of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The main aim of the research was to study the grammatical comprehension of children with ASD. A sample of 70 well-diagnosed children (60 boys and 10 girls; aged 4.9–8 years) were prospectively recruited. The results showed that language comprehension is the most impaired language domain in ASD. These findings have important clinical implications, since the persistence of grammatical receptive deficits may have a negative impact on social, adaptive and learning achievements. As for the grammatical profiles, persistent difficulties were found during the school-age years in morphological and syntactic decoding in children with relatively preserved cognitive and expressive language skills. These data and the lack of a statistically significant correlation between the severity of ASD symptoms and language skills are in line with the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition) perspective that considers the socio-communication disorder as a nuclear feature of ASD and the language disorder as a specifier of the diagnosis and not as a secondary symptom anymore. The presence of receptive difficulties in school-age ASD children with relatively preserved non-verbal cognitive abilities provides important hints to establish rehabilitative treatments

    Estimação da Matriz Insumo-Produto a Partir De Dados Preliminares das Contas Nacionais

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    The goal of this study is to present and to analyze a methodology to estimate Input-Output Matrices using preliminary data from the Brazilian National Accounts. This methodology is tested for the years of 1994 and 1996, where the results obtained from the input-output matrices (definitive version) available from IBGE are compared with the matrices estimated using the proposed methodology. The results analyzed refer to: a) type I production multipliers; b) Rasmussen-Hirschman backward and forward linkages; and c) Pure backward and forward linkages. Based on statistical methods (correlation indexes), the results show that the estimated matrices are similar to the ones released by IBGE. As so, this methodology can be used to estimate Brazilian national input-output matrices for the time periods where there are only preliminary data, and the economic structural analysis made with the estimated matrices are valid for the years analyzed

    Light-to-moderate alcohol consumption and mortality in the physicians’ health study enrollment cohort

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    AbstractOBJECTIVESThis study examined the relationship between light-to-moderate alcohol consumption and cause-specific mortality.BACKGROUNDPrevious studies suggest a J-shaped relation between alcohol and total mortality in men. A decrease in cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality without a significant increase in other causes of mortality may explain the overall risk reduction at light-to-moderate levels.METHODSWe conducted a prospective cohort study of 89,299 U.S. men from the Physicians’ Health Study enrollment cohort who were 40 to 84 years old in 1982 and free of known myocardial infarction, stroke, cancer or liver disease at baseline. Usual alcohol consumption was estimated by a limited food frequency questionnaire.RESULTSThere were 3,216 deaths over 5.5 years of follow-up. We observed a U-shaped relationship between alcohol consumption and total mortality. Compared with rarely/never drinkers, consumers of 1, 2 to 4 and 5 to 6 drinks per week and 1 drink per day had significant reductions in risk of death (multivariate relative risks [RRs] of 0.74, 0.77, 0.78 and 0.82, respectively) with no overall benefit or harm detected at the ≥2 drinks per day level (RR = 0.95; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.79 to 1.14). The relationship with CVD mortality was inverse or L-shaped with apparent risk reductions even in the highest category of ≥2 drinks per day (RR = 0.76; 95% CI, 0.57 to 1.01). We found no clear harm or benefit for total or common site-specific cancers. For remaining other cancers, there was a nonsignificant 28% increased risk for those consuming ≥2 drinks per day.CONCLUSIONSThese data support a U-shaped relation between alcohol and total mortality among light-to-moderate drinking men. The U-shaped curve may reflect an inverse association for CVD mortality, no association for common site-specific cancers and a possible positive association for less common cancers

    Cumulative Burden of Morbidity Among Testicular Cancer Survivors After Standard Cisplatin-Based Chemotherapy: A Multi-Institutional Study

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    Purpose In this multicenter study, we evaluated the cumulative burden of morbidity (CBM) among > 1,200 testicular cancer survivors and applied factor analysis to determine the co-occurrence of adverse health outcomes (AHOs). Patients and Methods Participants were ≤ 55 years of age at diagnosis, finished first-line chemotherapy ≥ 1 year previously, completed a comprehensive questionnaire, and underwent physical examination. Treatment data were abstracted from medical records. A CBM score encompassed the number and severity of AHOs, with ordinal logistic regression used to assess associations with exposures. Nonlinear factor analysis and the nonparametric dimensionality evaluation to enumerate contributing traits procedure determined which AHOs co-occurred. Results Among 1,214 participants, approximately 20% had a high (15%) or very high/severe (4.1%) CBM score, whereas approximately 80% scored medium (30%) or low/very low (47%). Increased risks of higher scores were associated with four cycles of either ifosfamide, etoposide, and cisplatin (odds ratio [OR], 1.96; 95% CI, 1.04 to 3.71) or bleomycin, etoposide, and cisplatin (OR, 1.44; 95% CI, 1.04 to 1.98), older attained age (OR, 1.18; 95% CI, 1.10 to 1.26), current disability leave (OR, 3.53; 95% CI, 1.57 to 7.95), less than a college education (OR, 1.44; 95% CI, 1.11 to 1.87), and current or former smoking (OR, 1.28; 95% CI, 1.02 to 1.63). CBM score did not differ after either chemotherapy regimen ( P = .36). Asian race (OR, 0.41; 95% CI, 0.23 to 0.72) and vigorous exercise (OR, 0.68; 95% CI, 0.52 to 0.89) were protective. Variable clustering analyses identified six significant AHO clusters (χ2 P < .001): hearing loss/damage, tinnitus (OR, 16.3); hyperlipidemia, hypertension, diabetes (OR, 9.8); neuropathy, pain, Raynaud phenomenon (OR, 5.5); cardiovascular and related conditions (OR, 5.0); thyroid disease, erectile dysfunction (OR, 4.2); and depression/anxiety, hypogonadism (OR, 2.8). Conclusion Factors associated with higher CBM may identify testicular cancer survivors in need of closer monitoring. If confirmed, identified AHO clusters could guide the development of survivorship care strategies

    Interações sinérgicas e transbordamento do efeito multiplicador de produção das grandes regiões do Brasil

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    The objective of this paper is to estimate and analyze the level of synergetic interactions and overflow of production multiplier effect of the sectors between the five regions (South, Southwest, Center west, North and Northwest) and the Rest of Brazil, using estimated input-output inter-regional systems in the year 1999. The results are: a) the output of North Region is the most dependent of commerce between this and the Rest of Brazil (29%) follow by the Northwest Region (25%), Center West (24%) and South (16%); b) the Region Southwest is the less dependent of sells to the Rest of Brazil, those represented 11%; c) 13% of the Rest of Brazil�s output depended of the commerce of input (goods and services) between this and the Southwest Region, this is the biggest value between the Brazil Regions; d) in the period between 1995/99, the dependency of the Regions South, Southwest and Center West of the Rest of Brazil decreased, while the commerce between the Regions North and Northwest with the Rest of Brazil increased, e) the biggest overflow effect occurs in the sectors of Regions Center West (22% average) and North (average 19%); and f) the overflow effect of the Rest of Brazil to the Region Southwest was the biggest value, 10

    Interações sinérgicas e transbordamento do efeito multiplicador de produção das grandes regiões do Brasil

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    The objective of this paper is to estimate and analyze the level of synergetic interactions and overflow of production multiplier effect of the sectors between the five regions (South, Southwest, Center west, North and Northwest) and the Rest of Brazil, using estimated input-output inter-regional systems in the year 1999. The results are: a) the output of North Region is the most dependent of commerce between this and the Rest of Brazil (29%) follow by the Northwest Region (25%), Center West (24%) and South (16%); b) the Region Southwest is the less dependent of sells to the Rest of Brazil, those represented 11%; c) 13% of the Rest of Brazil�s output depended of the commerce of input (goods and services) between this and the Southwest Region, this is the biggest value between the Brazil Regions; d) in the period between 1995/99, the dependency of the Regions South, Southwest and Center West of the Rest of Brazil decreased, while the commerce between the Regions North and Northwest with the Rest of Brazil increased, e) the biggest overflow effect occurs in the sectors of Regions Center West (22% average) and North (average 19%); and f) the overflow effect of the Rest of Brazil to the Region Southwest was the biggest value, 10