140 research outputs found

    The Impact of a Distributed Battery Energy Storage System on Transmission and Distribution Power Grids

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    This thesis reports on an investigation of the impact of battery energy storage systems (BESS) on the voltage and frequency stability of a transmission system. It also explores an application of a BESS into an active distribution system which delves the realm of smart grids. Power quality and system stability are two major concerns in the transportation and distribution of electrical energy. It has long been recognised that energy storage is a possible way forward to improve on these parameters; but the battery technology and the ancillary power electronics had not been developed sufficiently, until quite recently; to meet such expectations. Current battery energy storage challenges the paradigm of instantaneous usage of electrical energy. Intermittent renewable energy production has the potential to improve the quality and efficiency of energy production. The thesis gives an explanation of the battery working principles and includes a com-parative study of battery technologies and the main advantages and disadvantages of batteries in comparison to other electrochemical energy storage technologies. Besides, the thesis addresses the all-important issue of power electronic converters. Battery con-verters are responsible for controlling the power exchange between the grid and the BESS. The link between the battery and the DC bus, i.e., DC-DC converter, and the link between the DC bus and the grid, i.e., DC-AC converter, are covered in depth. It has been found that using a BESS in a transmission system significantly improves frequency stability. The damping of oscillations following a transient event is much improved. The BESS can be seen as additional spinning reserve in the system. On the other hand, when a BESS is applied in an active distribution system, the power, deliv-ered by an intermittent energy source is of much higher quality. In particular, it is shown that the BESS has the potential for turning a part of the distribution system with intermittent generation, self-reliable from the energy perspective In brief, the outcome of this thesis shows the positive influence of the BESS in electrical powers grid. Further research is required to develop a more detailed model of the battery which would include battery ageing and temperature dependency

    Evolution de l'enseignement par la simulation

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    Présentation de l'évolution de la simulation avec un focus sur la pédagogie utilisée ainsi que sur les facteurs humains et l'impact sur la qualité des soins et la sécurité des patient

    Implémentation d’un programme de débreffage clinique à distance des étudiants : DISCERN-STUDENT

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    Introduction : En Europe (Belgique), les Ă©tudiants infirmiers prestent 2 300 heures de stage auprès du patient. Il a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©montrĂ© qu’une rĂ©troaction par un professionnel ou un formateur amĂ©liore les apprentissages. Or, les Ă©tudiants sont peu accompagnĂ©s. La COVID-19 a engendrĂ© une diminution voire l’arrĂŞt des supervisions par des formateurs. Afin de faire face Ă  cette situation, un programme de dĂ©breffage clinique Ă  distance intitulĂ© DISCERN-STUDENT a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©. MĂ©thodes : L’objectif de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait d’identifier les compĂ©tences (techniques et non techniques), les Ă©vènements indĂ©sirables et les presque incidents ainsi que les pratiques pĂ©dagogiques (p. ex. questions rĂ©flexives) abordĂ©s lors des dĂ©breffages. Une analyse de contenu des rapports de dĂ©breffage (n=115) a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e. RĂ©sultats : Seuls six rapports (5,2%) n’ont pas abordĂ© de compĂ©tences non-techniques alors que les compĂ©tences techniques ont toujours Ă©tĂ© discutĂ©es. Parmi celles-ci, les procĂ©dures et mĂ©dications (n=52;45,2%) sont les plus frĂ©quemment discutĂ©es. Au niveau des compĂ©tences non-techniques, les problèmes de communication (n=73;63,5%), le stress (n=42;36,5%), la prise de dĂ©cision (n=32;27,8%), la collaboration avec l’équipe (n=26;22,6%) ainsi que la conscience situationnelle (n=25;21,7%) sont les thèmes rĂ©currents. Durant les dĂ©breffages, 64 Ă©vènements indĂ©sirables (55,6%) et 42 presque incidents (36,5%) ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©couverts. Les questions rĂ©flexives (n=111;96,5%), les rĂ©troactions par l’enseignant (n=66;57,4%) et la discussion sur les Ă©motions ressenties par les Ă©tudiants (n=50;34,8%) constituent la majoritĂ© des pratiques pĂ©dagogiques. Discussion et conclusion : DISCERN-STUDENT a permis de dĂ©couvrir des Ă©vènements indĂ©sirables ou des presque incidents alors que tant les compĂ©tences techniques que non-techniques peuvent ĂŞtre discutĂ©es. Cette modalitĂ© pĂ©dagogique pourrait complĂ©ter les pratiques d’accompagnement en stages cliniques. Des Ă©tudes ultĂ©rieures sont nĂ©cessaires pour la valider et analyser les Ă©lĂ©ments dĂ©couverts.Introduction : En Europe (Belgique), les Ă©tudiants infirmiers prestent 2 300 heures de stage auprès du patient. Il a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©montrĂ© qu’une rĂ©troaction par un professionnel ou un formateur amĂ©liore les apprentissages. Or, les Ă©tudiants sont peu accompagnĂ©s. La COVID-19 a engendrĂ© une diminution voire l’arrĂŞt des supervisions par des formateurs. Afin de faire face Ă  cette situation, un programme de dĂ©breffage clinique Ă  distance intitulĂ© DISCERN-STUDENT a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©. MĂ©thodes : L’objectif de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait d’identifier les compĂ©tences (techniques et non techniques), les Ă©vènements indĂ©sirables et les presque incidents ainsi que les pratiques pĂ©dagogiques (p. ex. questions rĂ©flexives) abordĂ©s lors des dĂ©breffages. Une analyse de contenu des rapports de dĂ©breffage (n=115) a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e. RĂ©sultats : Seuls six rapports (5,2%) n’ont pas abordĂ© de compĂ©tences non-techniques alors que les compĂ©tences techniques ont toujours Ă©tĂ© discutĂ©es. Parmi celles-ci, les procĂ©dures et mĂ©dications (n=52;45,2%) sont les plus frĂ©quemment discutĂ©es. Au niveau des compĂ©tences non-techniques, les problèmes de communication (n=73;63,5%), le stress (n=42;36,5%), la prise de dĂ©cision (n=32;27,8%), la collaboration avec l’équipe (n=26;22,6%) ainsi que la conscience situationnelle (n=25;21,7%) sont les thèmes rĂ©currents. Durant les dĂ©breffages, 64 Ă©vènements indĂ©sirables (55,6%) et 42 presque incidents (36,5%) ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©couverts. Les questions rĂ©flexives (n=111;96,5%), les rĂ©troactions par l’enseignant (n=66;57,4%) et la discussion sur les Ă©motions ressenties par les Ă©tudiants (n=50;34,8%) constituent la majoritĂ© des pratiques pĂ©dagogiques. Discussion et conclusion : DISCERN-STUDENT a permis de dĂ©couvrir des Ă©vènements indĂ©sirables ou des presque incidents alors que tant les compĂ©tences techniques que non-techniques peuvent ĂŞtre discutĂ©es. Cette modalitĂ© pĂ©dagogique pourrait complĂ©ter les pratiques d’accompagnement en stages cliniques. Des Ă©tudes ultĂ©rieures sont nĂ©cessaires pour la valider et analyser les Ă©lĂ©ments dĂ©couverts

    Development and implementation of an end-of-shift clinical debriefing method for emergency departments during COVID-19.

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    BACKGROUND: Multiple guidelines recommend debriefing after clinical events in the emergency department (ED) to improve performance, but their implementation has been limited. We aimed to start a clinical debriefing program to identify opportunities to address teamwork and patient safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. METHODS: We reviewed existing literature on best-practice guidelines to answer key clinical debriefing program design questions. An end-of-shift huddle format for the debriefs allowed multiple cases of suspected or confirmed COVID-19 illness to be discussed in the same session, promoting situational awareness and team learning. A novel ED-based clinical debriefing tool was implemented and titled Debriefing In Situ COVID-19 to Encourage Reflection and Plus-Delta in Healthcare After Shifts End (DISCOVER-PHASE). A facilitator experienced in simulation debriefings would facilitate a short (10-25 min) discussion of the relevant cases by following a scripted series of stages for debriefing. Data on the number of debriefing opportunities, frequency of utilization of debriefing, debriefing location, and professional background of the facilitator were analyzed. RESULTS: During the study period, the ED treated 3386 suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases, with 11 deaths and 77 ICU admissions. Of the 187 debriefing opportunities in the first 8-week period, 163 (87.2%) were performed. Of the 24 debriefings not performed, 21 (87.5%) of these were during the four first weeks (21/24; 87.5%). Clinical debriefings had a median duration of 10 min (IQR 7-13). They were mostly facilitated by a nurse (85.9%) and mainly performed remotely (89.8%). CONCLUSION: Debriefing with DISCOVER-PHASE during the COVID-19 pandemic were performed often, were relatively brief, and were most often led remotely by a nurse facilitator. Future research should describe the clinical and organizational impact of this DISCOVER-PHASE

    Some novel applications of VR in the domain of health

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    Recent progress in virtual reality (VR) technologies make immersion more accessible to everyone, and, in particular, developments aimed at the entertainment industry are being brought into to the domain of health. The main uses of VR in health are of two forms. First, it is a new method to diagnose and to treat patients; second, it is a new method to train and/or teach healthcare and emergency-response professionals. There are several reasons for using VR in healthcare. First, virtual environments (VE) are fully under control, so that the user (patient or professional) is then safe from any harm and the session can be interrupted if necessary. Second, there are many instances where placing the user in a real environment would be very hard to do and/or very costly. A major advantage of VR is that this user can instead be immerged in an equivalent artificial/virtual environment through the use of immersive technologies. Third, with regard to teaching, a significant advantage of VR is that it allows one “to bring the body to learning”, thereby effectively embedding new knowledge into the muscles. Below, we describe several uses of VR at our university in the domain of health. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
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