7 research outputs found

    Caracterización de la oferta de moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam.) en México

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    Objective: To characterize the Moringa oleifera Lam. offer system in Mexico. Design / methodology / approach: Compilation and analysis of primary information sources, through interviews with producers and key informants who participate in the process of commercialization of products derived from moringa. In total, there were eight companies. To collect the information, the snowball chain sampling technique was used. Results: All moringa producing companies analyzed started activities less than 10 years ago. The owners of the companies are small and medium producers, with an average of 6.5 ha, characterized by an organic management and constant training. The main products offered in the Mexican market are: the crushed leaf, flour and capsules, whose main market is the national one. On the other hand, it was detected that the producers in the market do not interact among each other, which generates asymmetry of information. In addition, the real inventory of the total number of producers and moringa producing companies in Mexico is unknown, which limits the characterization of production and benefit. Limitations/implications: The producers are not so accessible in certain information; for example, regarding the sale prices of their products. Findings/conclusions: Moringa is a multipurpose tree with great potential, a database of producers is unknown. The products offered are organic and healthy products. However, more research is needed on the commercialization of moringa in Mexico.Objetivo: Caracterizar el sistema de la oferta de Moringa oleifera Lam. en México. Diseño/metodología/aproximación: Recopilación y análisis de fuentes de información primarias, a través de entrevistas a productores e informantes clave que participan en el proceso de comercialización de los productos derivados de la moringa; en total fueron ocho empresas. Para recabar la información se utilizó la técnica de muestreo en cadena de bola de nieve. Resultados: El total de las empresas de producción de moringa iniciaron actividades hace menos de 10 años. Los dueños de las empresas son pequeños y medianos productores, con un promedio de 6.5 ha, caracterizados por un manejo orgánico y constante capacitación. Los principales productos ofertados en el mercado mexicano son: la hoja triturada, harina y cápsulas, cuyo principal mercado es el nacional. Por otro lado, se detectó que los productores en el mercado no interaccionan, lo cual genera asimetría de información. Sumado a ello se desconoce el inventario real del número total de productores y de empresas productoras de moringa en México, que limita la caracterización de la producción y de su beneficiado. Limitaciones/implicaciones: Los productores no son tan accesibles en cierta información, por ejemplo, la referente a los precios de venta de sus productos. Hallazgos/conclusiones: La moringa es un árbol multipropósitos con gran potencial, y no se cuenta con una base de datos de productores. Los productos ofertados son productos orgánicos y saludables. Sin embargo, faltan más investigaciones sobre la comercialización de moringa en México

    Specialty Coffee Shops in Mexico: Factors Influencing the Likelihood of Purchasing High-Quality Coffee

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    This study models the purchasing behavior of specialty coffee by 114 coffee shops across 15 cities in nine states in Mexico. Simple and multilevel mixed-effects logistic models are tested. Our models extend the framework used in prior research. We model the purchase of specialty coffee as a function of: (a) material attributes, (b) symbolic attributes, (c) coffee shop characteristics, (d) profile of the coffee shop’s owner, and (e) socio-economic variables of the cities where the coffee shops were located. Overall, our results are consistent with expectations developed from the coffee literature. That is, the likelihood of purchasing specialty coffee increases when: coffee’s aroma drives the purchase, coffee purchased is from the state of Oaxaca, the coffee shop has a value-added business model, the coffee shop is diversified selling both ground coffee and coffee drinks, the coffee shop owner’s knowledge on coffee supply chain activities is high, and the coffee shop is located in a city with a higher education index. In contrast, the likelihood of purchasing specialty coffee decreases when a coffee professional tastes the coffee before the purchase, when coffee shops are not given the opportunity to roast their own coffee, and in coffee shops located in larger cities. Overall, our research suggests that the specialty coffee niche in Mexico has some elements required for this segment to transition from a supply chain approach to a value-based supply chain approach. This might be particularly beneficial for smallholder coffee growers, who despite several constraints contribute to the sustainability of coffee supply chains

    What sets cooperative farmers apart from non-cooperative farmers? A transaction cost economics analysis of coffee farmers in Mexico

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    Abstract This study investigates what factors relate to the coffee farmer’s cooperative affiliation decision and whether this decision impacts the farmer’s cash holdings. First, we propose a cooperative affiliation model based on transaction cost economics theory. There is a lack of consensus in the literature on what factors explain the farmer’s cooperative affiliation decision in the coffee sector. Overall, we find that the more specialized coffee farmers are, the more likely they will become cooperative affiliates. This is consistent with transaction cost economics predicting that cooperatives are business structures that can reduce transaction costs and safeguard specialized assets from opportunistic behavior. Specifically, logit regression models suggest that shade-grown coffee plantations, off-farm income, coffee farming experience, low-level market competition, farmland size, altitude, and private farmland are statistically related to the farmer’s decision to affiliate with cooperatives. Results on farmland size and shade-grown coffee plantations can be particularly relevant for scholars, policymakers, cooperative leaders, and extension professionals in the region. Second, based on the affiliation model, we employ propensity score matching to evaluate the impact of the farmer’s cooperative affiliation decision on cash holdings, particularly on cash shortness. It is often claimed that farmers do not affiliate with cooperatives because these organizations cannot pay them in full at harvest and coffee collection time. It is believed that cooperatives’ inability to pay farmers early increases the likelihood of farmers’ cash shortness and their need for additional financing to operate or cover household needs. However, this study finds no evidence that the affiliation decision is related to the likelihood of the farmer experiencing cash shortness around harvesting and selling time

    Prácticas colaborativas y costos de transacción en el sector cafetalero en México

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    The commercialization of differentiated coffees has taken on great relevance because it is an option for small producers to access international markets and improve their economic well-being. This requires new strategies to respond to changes in demand along the supply chain. Through the development of a case study that includes a total of seventeen interviews, ten to producers, five interviews applied to the representatives of each cooperative, one to the representative of the company IntegratorINCAFESAM,and one to the representative of the company Malongo , the present study shows how the collaborative practices adopted allow to be a solution to achieve a reduction in transaction costs and greater coordination in the coffee supply chain of the region of Cordoba, Veracruz. The research was carried out between the months of September 2015 and May 2016. The results obtained show that the standardization, certification and associated procurement practices have contributed to the reduction of transaction costssuch as information on the quantity of supply, quality of the product, and costs for monitoring and negotiation. On the other hand, the practical exchange of information has made it possible to improve coordination among members of the supply chain, whichresults in better product planning and availability based on the quality required in the market. Keywords: Coffea arabica, supply chain, technical solutions, uncertaintyLa comercialización de cafés diferenciados ha tomado una gran relevancia debido a que es una opción para los pequeños productores para acceder a mercados internacionales y mejorar su bienestar económico. Lo anterior requiere de nuevas estrategias para responder a los cambios en la demanda a lo largo de la cadena de abastecimiento. Mediante el desarrollo de un estudio de caso en el que se incluye un total de diecisiete entrevistas, diez a productores, cinco entrevistas aplicadas a los representantes de cada cooperativa, una al representante de la empresa Integradora INCAFESAM, y una al representante de la empresa Malongo, el presente estudio muestra como las prácticas colaborativas adoptadas permiten ser una solución para lograr una reducción en los costos de transacción y mayor coordinación en la cadena de abastecimiento del café de la región de Córdoba, Veracruz. La investigación se llevó a cabo entre los meses de septiembre de 2015 y mayo de 2016. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que,las prácticas de estandarización, certificación y aprovisionamiento asociado han contribuido en la reducción de los costos de transacción tales como de información sobre la cantidad de abastecimiento, calidad del producto, y costos por monitoreo y de negociación.Por otra parte,la práctica intercambio de información ha permitido mejorar la coordinación entre los miembros dela cadena de abastecimiento lo que resulta en una mejor planeación y disponibilidad de producto con base en la calidad requerida en el mercado. Palabras clave: Coffea arabica, cadena de abastecimiento, incertidumbre, soluciones técnica

    Factores determinantes del uso de sorgo para alimentación de ganado bovino en el noroeste de México

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    The objective of the study was to analyze the factors that determine the use of free pollination varieties of sorghum in the north of the state of Sinaloa, in order to characterize the type of producers that use this type of seeds. A discrete choice model was utilized to identify the factors that influence the adoption of sorghum by 199 farmers. Later, adopters (n= 11) and non-adopters (n= 188) of the technology were characterized based on non-parametric tests. The results show that 5.5 % of the producers have adopted sorghum varieties. The number of years with technical assistance and milk production were significant (P<0.05) for the adoption. Also, the characterization of the farmers showed that those who have more resources—infrastructure, machinery, livestock, land, wages and technical assistance, —were the ones who adopted the varieties of sorghum. It is concluded that the adoption of seeds is low and requires public goods, such as agricultural outreach programs, for the dissemination of its benefits to allow greater appropriation by farmers in the region of study.El objetivo del estudio fue analizar los factores que determinan el uso de variedades de polinización libre de sorgo en el norte del estado de Sinaloa, con la finalidad de caracterizar el tipo de productores que utilizan este tipo de semillas. Se utilizó un modelo de elección discreta para identificar los factores que inciden en la adopción de sorgo de 199 ganaderos. Posteriormente, a través de pruebas no paramétricas se caracterizaron los adoptadores (n= 11) y no adoptadores (n= 188) de la tecnología. Los resultados muestran que 5.5 % de los productores han adoptado variedades de sorgo. El número de años con asistencia técnica y la producción de leche resultaron significativas (P<0.05) para la adopción. En tanto, la caracterización de los ganaderos mostró que aquellos que cuentan con mayor cantidad de recursos: infraestructura, maquinaria, ganado, tierra, jornales y asistencia técnica, son los que adoptaron las variedades de sorgo. Se concluye que la adopción de semillas es baja y necesita de bienes públicos, como la extensión agrícola, para la difusión de sus beneficios que permita una mayor apropiación de los ganaderos en la región de estudio.

    Perfiles de creación de microempresas en las zonas rurales: el caso de Santa Bárbara Almoloya, Cholula, Puebla

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    Actualmente el emprendimiento tiene gran importancia, tanto para emprendedores como para instituciones públicas y privadas. La creación de empresas se vuelve un tema de investigación importante. El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar las diferencias que existen entre la manera de crear las microempresas. El trabajo se desarrolló en la comunidad de Santa Bárbara Almoloya con 73 microempresarios. Mediante un cuestionario se levantó la información necesaria y se han podido formar cuatro grupos que se diferencian entre sí, tanto en capitales financiero, social y humano como en motivaciones. Se concluye que los objetivos y el capital financiero son los elementos indispensables para la creación de las microempresas, pero este último pierde su importancia si las personas tienen un nivel de capital social alto. Las implicaciones de este trabajo sirven para los interesados en la promoción del emprendimiento en el medio rural, como instituciones de microfinanzas (IMF), gobierno e investigadores, así como futuros emprendedores.Presently, business venture is very important, both for entrepreneurs and for public and private institutions. The creation of businesses becomes an important research theme. The objective of this study is to determine the differences there are between ways of creating microenterprises. The work was developed in the community of Santa Bárbara Almoloya with 73 micro entrepreneurs. The necessary information was obtained through a questionnaire and four groups have been established which differentiate between them, both in financial, social and human capitals, and in motivations. It is concluded that the objectives and the financial capital are the essential elements for the creation of microenterprises, although the latter loses its importance if people have a high level of social capital. The implications of this work serve for those interested in the promotion of business venture in the rural environment, such as microfinance institutions (MFI), governments and researchers, as well as future entrepreneurs


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    In Mexico, “Piloncillo” (unrefined brown sugar) production participates with 2.3% of the national production of sweeteners from sugar cane, with an average of 115 thousand tons. Among the major Piloncillo producing regions in the state of Veracruz the town of Huatusco has a 1,050 (ha) sugarcane crop area and a production of 73,500 ton (OIEDRUS, 2012). This is carried out in small peasant farms by traditional processes in which prevails a high intensity of family work and traditional manufacturing technology (Rodriguez, 2001) In this article the analysis of the critical factors of the success in the administration of the Piloncillo mills in the region of Huatusco is presented. The critical factors of success comprise a remarkable driving and regulating force of the power of adaptation, through which the strategic resources concentrates and allows to focus on the precise application of the resources for the creation of the competitive advantage. In the first part there is a diagnosis of Piloncillo production in the region. The second stage aims to define a framework for the issues raised in which the incidence of administration in the profitability of agribusinesses is analyzed. Finally, in the third stage there is the analysis of the results of the surveys and the conclusions and recommendations for the producers are presented