530 research outputs found

    Tartu ja Põlva hoonete siseõhu radoonisisaldus ning selle sõltuvus õhurõhust ja ventilatsioonist

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    Eesti rannaliivade radooni emanatsioon ja ekshalatsioon

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    Health Issues of Migrant Workers: An Awareness Campaign Project for Middle School Students

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    César E. Chávez was one of the most significant and influential civil rights leaders of our time. Chávez devoted himself to social justice and improving the lives of the impoverished and oppressed. His name, like that of Martin Luther King, Jr., symbolizes character and commitment. This project, part of the “Educating the Heart” series, has been developed to honor of the life and work of César E. Chávez. The César E. Chávez “Health Issues of Migrant Workers” project provides a multi-faceted service-learning experience that will give high school students an understanding of César E. Chávez’s core values, specifically service to others, determination, acceptance of all people, and helping the neediest. This unit addresses health issues and facilitates acquisition of life skills as students learn the California State Curriculum Standards. Whether used to celebrate César E. Chávez Day or as a part of regular classroom studies, this project will help enhance and support the academic curriculum. It also provides students with an opportunity to gain a sense of civic responsibility and understand the importance of giving back to their communities. In essence, the project educates both heart and mind through the performance and reflection on service

    Izbor i polimorfizam: organizacijska prijelazna razdoblja

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    Mnoga djeca u Nizozemskoj se tijekom dana suočavaju s čak tri prijelazna razdoblja. Serv Vinders objašnjava zašto je to tako i kako tu situaciju vide roditelji i društvo

    Impact of Provider Incentives on Quality and Value of Health Care

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    The use of financial incentives to improve quality in health care has become widespread. Yet evidence on the effectiveness of incentives suggests that they have generally had limited impact on the value of care and have not led to better patient outcomes. Lessons from social psychology and behavioral economics indicate that incentive programs in health care have not been effectively designed to achieve their intended impact. In the United States, Medicare's Hospital Readmission Reduction Program and Hospital Value- Based Purchasing Program, created under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), provide evidence on how variations in the design of incentive programs correspond with differences in effect. As financial incentives continue to be used as a tool to increase the value and quality of health care, improving the design of programs will be crucial to ensure their success. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Public Health Volume 38 is March 20, 2017. Please see http://www.annualreviews.org/page/journal/pubdates for revised estimates

    The Impact of Regulation on Growth and Informality: Cross-Country Evidence

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    This paper studies the effects of regulation on economic growth and the relative size of the informal sector in a large sample of industrial and developing countries. Along with firm dynamics, informality is an important channel through which regulation affects macroeconomic performance and economic growth in particular. The paper concludes that a heavier regulatory burden -- particularly in product and labor markets -- reduces growth and induces informality. These effects are, however, mitigated as the overall institutional framework improves.

    Breeding birds and small mammals in pole-sized lodgepole pine and small inclusions of aspen in central Colorado

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    "March 1988."Caption title.Bibliography: p. 3-4.Mode of access: Internet

    Distinct Effects of Memory Retrieval and Articulatory Preparation when Learning and Accessing New Word Forms

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    Temporal and frontal activations have been implicated in learning of novel word forms, but their specific roles remain poorly understood. The present magnetoencephalography (MEG) study examines the roles of these areas in processing newly-established word form representations. The cortical effects related to acquiring new phonological word forms during incidental learning were localized. Participants listened to and repeated back new word form stimuli that adhered to native phonology (Finnish pseudowords) or were foreign (Korean words), with a subset of the stimuli recurring four times. Subsequently, a modified 1-back task and a recognition task addressed whether the activations modulated by learning were related to planning for overt articulation, while parametrically added noise probed reliance on developing memory representations during effortful perception. Learning resulted in decreased left superior temporal and increased bilateral frontal premotor activation for familiar compared to new items. The left temporal learning effect persisted in all tasks and was strongest when stimuli were embedded in intermediate noise. In the noisy conditions, native phonotactics evoked overall enhanced left temporal activation. In contrast, the frontal learning effects were present only in conditions requiring overt repetition and were more pronounced for the foreign language. The results indicate a functional dissociation between temporal and frontal activations in learning new phonological word forms: the left superior temporal responses reflect activation of newlyestablished word-form representations, also during degraded sensory input, whereas the frontal premotor effects are related to planning for articulation and are not preserved in noise.Peer reviewe