60 research outputs found

    Analysis of the sanitary survey 2015-2017 conducted in the Gulf of La Spezia (Italy): reclassification of the areas of production of live bivalve molluscs.

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    The sanitary survey is aimed at classify-ingNoand monitoring the production areas of live bivalve molluscs (LBM) and it is performed using standards that are provided by the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science’s Guide to Good Practice. In this study, data from the sanitary survey carried out by the Asl5 Spezzino on the production areas of the gulf of La Spezia during the period 2015-2017 were analysed. The number and type of the analysis performed both on the total sampling and on the individual target species, as well as the number and type of found non-com-pliance (assessed on both mandatory parameters and on parameters fixed by the local monitoring plan) were considered. Data were also compared with those from the sanitary survey 2012-2014. Appropriate statistic tests were used to evaluate data from E. coli and Norovirus monitoring. Overall, 4306 analysis were performed, especially on the species M. galloprovin-cialis (89%) and they were mostly focused on to the search of biological agents. 160 NC were detected. Most of the NC concerns the Norovirus’s positivity (93.75%) in M. galloprovincialis and C. gigas. A correlation between the levels of E. coli and rain-fall/seasonality (higher levels in the colder months) was proved, especially in the sampling points located in the inner part of the dam and in the Portovenere Bay. Class B was reconfirmed for M. galloprovincialis, the production areas of C. gigas were reclassified as A and those of V. verrucosa were definitively closed. The sanitary sur-vey was therefore confirmed as a useful tool for reclassification and for monitoring LBM production areas


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    Bivalve molluscs from Adriatic sea were analyzed for V. parahaemolyticus, V. cholerae e V. vulnificus presence. The isolates on TCBS Agar and m-CPC Agar were selected on the basis of a new biochemical screening, that showed a good performance, because among 2344 strains from primary culture only 237 (10%) were presumptively assigned to the species of interest. The PCR analyses was performed for the target genes toxR hlyA, ctxA, tcpI (V. cholerae), toxR, tl, tdh, trh (V. parahaemolyticus), vvhA and viuB (V. vulnificus). Among the 9 strains confirmed to belong to V. parahaemolyticus specie, 6 were sucrose positive. On 215 samples of molluscs only 5 resulted positive for V. parahaemolyticus being toxR+, tl+, although non pathogenic (tdh-, trh-), and none for V. cholerae e V. vulnificus


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    Vibrio vulnificus, is an ubiquitous marine bacterium responsible of human food-borne disease and wound infection. Notwithstanding the great severity of the cases of septicaemia (with up to 50% of mortality), the incidence of disease is relatively low, probably as a consequence of different virulence characteristics of the strains. At present V. vulnificus is divided into three distinct biotypes (BT): BT1 and BT3 strains cause human disease, while B2 strains infects primarily eels. The present study represent a first attempt to investigate the complete characterization of environmental strains isolated from molluscan shellfish of the North-West Adriatic Sea

    Emergenza sismica nel Frusinate (Ottobre 2009 – Gennaio 2010): l’intervento della Rete Sismica Mobile stand-alone e l’analisi dati

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    Tra il 30 settembre ed il 22 ottobre del 2009 una piccola area della provincia di Frosinone, presso la località di Campoli Appennino, non lontana dalla città di Sora e dal confine con l’Abruzzo, è stata interessata da uno sciame sismico la cui fase più intensa è stata raggiunta nella notte tra il 7 e l’8 di ottobre con due scosse di magnitudo locale (ML) 3.6 e 3.4. Nei primi 23 giorni della sequenza (30 settembre – 22 ottobre) sono state registrate ben 1075 scosse, tutte con magnitudo non superiore a 3.6. In precedenza, nei mesi di maggio e giugno del 2009, si era attivata una piccola area posta ad una quindicina di chilometri a NW di Campoli Appennino, esattamente nella zona montuosa che separa la Val Roveto dalla Vallelonga in territorio abruzzese. Questo piccolo sciame è stato caratterizzato da 64 eventi con ML non superiore a 2.7. Diverse sono state le ragioni che hanno indotto il team scientifico alla guida della Rete Sismica Mobile della sede di Roma [Re.Mo., Moretti et al., 2010a] a disporre nei primi giorni del mese di ottobre un intervento di emergenza nell’area che include i comuni di Sora, Atina, San Donato in Val Comino e Pescasseroli tra le provincie di Frosinone e de L’Aquila: 1) la relativa vicinanza delle due zone epicentrali sopra descritte alla regione dell’Aquilano colpita solo pochi mesi prima dal forte evento sismico del 6 aprile 2009 (ML 5.8, MW 6.31) [Chiarabba et al., 2009; Margheriti et al., 2010], 2) l’emotività della popolazione originatasi a seguito del forte trauma vissuto e 3) non ultimo la psicosi collettiva notevolmente alimentata dai media locali e nazionali. In tutto, sono state installate 4 stazioni sismiche temporanee ad integrazione delle permanenti già presenti in area epicentrale al fine di migliorarne il monitoraggio. In questo lavoro viene presentato l’intervento della Re.Mo. riportando le motivazioni che lo hanno guidato e la tempistica delle operazioni svolte. Inoltre, verrà fornita una breve descrizione delle caratteristiche geologico-strutturali e sismotettoniche dell’area e saranno mostrate alcune analisi eseguite sui dati acquisiti in campagna


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    The aim of this study was to assess the contamination levels of L. monocytogenes in retail smoked salmon of different geographical origin, comparing the performance of two isolation methods, ISO 11290-1 (qualitative) and ISO 11290-2 (quantitative), and also by molecular methods (16S rDNA sequencing, PCR with specific primers). Among 35 samples (7 batches, 5 samples per batch), only 1 sample from Denmark resulted positive for L. monocytogenes. The strains isolated on ALOA and Palcam Agar by the qualitative methods, were confirmed to the specie level (iap+, InlA+, InlB+), belonging to the serotype 1/2c - 3c (D2+), and positive for the virulence genes (InlC+ e InlJ+)

    Multifactorial causes of chronic mortality in juvenile sturgeon (Huso huso)

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    This investigation focused on an episode of chronic mortality observed in juvenile Huso huso sturgeons. The examined subjects underwent pathological, microbiological, molecular, and chemical investigations. Grossly severe body shape deformities, epaxial muscle softening, and multifocal ulcerative dermatitis were the main observed findings. The more constant histopathologic findings were moderate to severe rarefaction and disorganization of the lymphohematopoietic lymphoid tissues, myofiber degeneration, atrophy and interstitial edema of skeletal epaxial muscles, and degeneration and atrophy of the gangliar neurons close to the myofibers. Chemical investigations showed a lower selenium concentration in affected animals, suggesting nutritional myopathy. Other manifestations were nephrocalcinosis and splenic vessel wall hyalinosis. Septicemia due to bacteria such as Aeromonas veronii, Shewanella putrefaciens, Citrobacter freundii, Chryseobacterium sp., and pigmented hyphae were found. No major sturgeon viral pathogens were detected by classical methods. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) analysis confirmed the absence of viral pathogens, with the exception of herpesvirus, at the order level; also, the presence of Aeromonas veronii and Shewanella putrefaciens was confirmed at the family level by the metagenomic classification of NGS data. In the absence of a primary yet undetected biological cause, it is supposed that environmental stressors, including nutritional imbalances, may have led to immune system impairment, facilitating the entry of opportunistic bacteria and mycotic hyphae

    Comorbidities of primary headache disorders: a literature review with meta-analysis

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    Background: Primary headache disorders are common and burdensome conditions. They are associated to several comorbidities, such as cardiovascular or psychiatric ones, which, in turn, contribute to the global burden of headache. The aim of this study is to provide a comprehensive description of the pooled prevalence of comorbidities of primary headache disorders using a meta-analytical approach based on studies published between 2000 and 2020. Methods: Scopus was searched for primary research (clinical and population studies) in which medical comorbidities were described in adults with primary headache disorders. Comorbidities were extracted using a taxonomy derived from the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study. We compared prevalence of comorbidities among headache sufferers against general population using GBD-2019 estimates, and compared comorbidities’ proportions in clinical vs. population studies, and by age and gender. Results: A total of 139 studies reporting information on 4.19 million subjects with primary headaches were included: in total 2.75 million comorbidities were reported (median per subject 0.64, interquartile range 0.32–1.07). The most frequently addressed comorbidities were: depressive disorders, addressed in 51 studies (pooled proportion 23 %, 95 % CI 20–26 %); hypertension, addressed in 48 studies (pooled proportion 24 %, 95 % CI 22–26 %); anxiety disorders addressed in 40 studies (pooled proportion 25 %, 95 % CI 22–28 %). For conditions such as anxiety, depression and back pain, prevalence among headache sufferers was higher than in GBD-2109 estimates. Associations with average age and female prevalence within studies showed that hypertension was more frequent in studies with higher age and less females, whereas fibromyalgia, restless leg syndrome, and depressive disorders were more frequent in studies with younger age and more female. Conclusions: Some of the most relevant comorbidities of primary headache disorders – back pain, anxiety and depression, diabetes, ischemic heart disease and stroke – are among the most burdensome conditions, together with headache themselves, according to the GBD study. A joint treatment of headaches and of these comorbidities may positively impact on headache sufferers’ health status and contribute to reduce the impact of a group of highly burdensome diseases

    “Operazione Blue Mountains 2008”: la partecipazione dell’INGV all’esercitazione della Protezione Civile della Regione Marche (23-25 maggio 2008)

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    Dal 23 al 25 maggio 2008, la località Pian Di Pieca di San Ginesio in provincia di Macerata (Marche), è stata lo scenario della prima esercitazione sul rischio sismico, a valenza regionale, organizzata dal Dipartimento per le Politiche Integrate di Sicurezza e per la Protezione Civile (DSPC) della Regione Marche. L’esercitazione, denominata “Operazione Blue Mountains 2008”, aveva lo scopo di simulare la risposta degli enti locali nel caso di un evento sismico classificato come “severo”. La manifestazione ha visto la partecipazione di circa 700 volontari della Protezione civile, 200 tra Croce Rossa e Associazioni del volontariato, 70 Vigili del Fuoco provenienti dai diversi comandi delle Marche e più di 20 agenti del Corpo Forestale dello Stato e delle Forze dell’Ordine. Tutti sono stati coordinati dalla Sala Operativa Unificata Permanente della regione (SOUP), in contatto con la Sala Operativa Integrata (SOI) dell’Amministrazione Provinciale di Macerata, il Centro Operativo Intercomunale (COI) e il Dipartimento Nazionale della Protezione Civile. All’esercitazione ha aderito anche l’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) che è intervenuto con la nuova struttura di Pronto Intervento del Centro Nazionale Terremoti (CNT) che si attiva in occasione di un forte terremoto (generalmente per terremoti di magnitudo superiore a 5 sul territorio nazionale). Oltre a simulare le diverse fasi d’intervento che l’Istituto si troverebbe ad affrontare in caso di emergenza, l’INGV ha prodotto anche lo scenario sismico su cui è stata basata l’intera l’esercitazione. Scopo di questo breve rapporto tecnico è raccontare come l’INGV ha operato durante l’ “Operazione Blue Mountains 2008” sin dall’invito offertoci dal DSPC della Regione Marche. Saranno descritte le difficoltà incontrate e le soluzione adottate, evidenziando come questa importante esperienza sia diventata un fondamentale test per la nuova struttura di Pronto Intervento dell’INGV.Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e VulcanologiaPublished1.1. TTC - Monitoraggio sismico del territorio nazionaleope
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