46 research outputs found

    Aplicaci贸n en el tiempo del cambio de precedente judicial en las tres altas cortes : din谩mica actual y propuesta de soluci贸n

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    83 p谩ginasThe current study is divided into two parts. In the first one we take into consideration the temporary effects in the judgments of the three Colombian high courts in those cases when a precedent is overruled. The Supreme Court of Justice and the Council of State usually apply the new binding rule in a prospective way, i.e. to the future cases. On the contrary, the Constitutional Court usually give restrospective effects to their judgments, i.e. the new rule would have a binding effect to the parties of the original suit. In the second part, we first make a proposal for a solution about the absence of univocal criteria that determine whether the new precedent will be applied to the case under review. After that, we explain its justification based on principies like favorability, equality, legality, the protection of due process and other typical clauses in the Colombian legal system.En este trabajo que se encuentra dividido en dos partes, enfocamos la primera de ellas en examinar los efectos temporales que actualmente las tres altas cortes dan al cambio de precedente. Para esto, nos valemos de una divisi贸n en la que se estudia primero la din谩mica de la Corte Suprema de Justicia y el Consejo de Estado (encontrando que por lo general otorgan efectos prospectivos), y luego, la de la Corte Constitucional (en donde a diferencia de las dos primeras los efectos suelen ser retrospectivos): En la segunda parte, primero hacemos una propuesta de soluci贸n ante la falta de criterios un铆vocos que determinen si el nuevo precedente tendr谩 o no aplicaci贸n al caso bajo examen. Luego de ello, exponemos su justificaci贸n de un lado, a partir del principio pro homine o pro persona, el principio de favorabilidad, la cl谩usula general de libertad y el principio de igualdad. Y de otro, a partir de la protecci贸n del derecho al debido proceso y con 茅ste al principio de legalidad, la seguridad jur铆dica y la confianza leg铆tima.PregradoAbogado(a

    Expression of Integrin and TGFBI in Human Retinal Pericytes

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    Purpose: The aim for this study is to investigate the expression of integrin 伪3, 尾1 and TGF-尾 induced protein (TGFBI) and the secretion of TGFBI by primary culture of human retinal pericytes (pHRP). Evidence suggests that chronic diabetes associate with HRP apoptosis leading to the development of diabetic retinopathy. Methods: pHRP (Cell Systems) were cultured in complete media (15mM glucose) in a humidified, 5% CO2, 37掳C condition. Cells were seeded at passage 6 to 8 into a 24 well-plate with coverslips or P10 dishes. Cells (85% confluence) media were then replaced by DMEM media with euglycemic glucose (5.5mM) or hyperglycemic glucose (30mM) and cells were incubated for 48 or 72 hours. Gene and protein expressions of 伪3, 尾1 were detected by Real-Time PCR and flow cytometry. TGFBI gene expression was detected by Real-Time PCR and ELISA was used to measure protein level in cell media. Results: Real-Time PCR showed expression of 伪3, 尾1 and TGFBI in pHRP at 48 hrs of incubation in both glucose concentrations. Expression of a3 in pHRP in 30 mM glucose was 1.3 times higher than cells in 5.5mM glucose whereas expressions of b1 and TGFBI were comparable in two glucose concentrations. Flow cytometry results also showed expression of integrin subunits in pHRP at 72 hr of incubation. Expression of a3 in pHRP in 30mM glucose was similar to those in cells in 5.5m M (MFI of 251 vs 221 respectively). However, expression of b1 was higher in cells in the higher glucose concentration (MFI: 422 vs 343). ELISA data showed secretion TGFBI protein by HRP at 48 hr of incubation. Protein concentration in media of cell in 30mM glucose was significantly higher than those in 5.5mM (97 vs 57 pg/ml; p=0.0318). Conclusions: This is the first report on the expression of integrin subunits in HPR in euglycemic and hyperglycemic conditions. Both RT-PCR and flow cytometry results show 伪3, 尾1 subunits expressions, the level of which may be affected by glucose concentration in the cell media. Furthermore, our ELISA results confirm the secretion of TGFB1 by HRP and a significantly higher protein secretion in hyperglycemic condition. Overall, our data support the hypothesis of integrin and TGFBI expression in HRP. The increase in TGFBI secretion in hyperglycemia suggest a possible role of diabetes. Further studies will provide insight into the role of integrin and TGFBI interaction on the signaling pathway of HRP apoptosis and diabetic retinopathy

    Implementaci贸n de una gu铆a de comunicaci贸n para los pacientes con ventilaci贸n invasiva conscientes en la unidad de cuidado intensivo

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    El trabajo parte de la necesidad de establecer una estrategia de comunicaci贸n efectiva entre el personal de enfermer铆a y los pacientes a su cuidado, es una propuesta cuyo objetivo es la implantaci贸n y evaluaci贸n de una gu铆a de comunicaci贸n que incluye una herramienta comunicativa desarrollada por Granados 2012, para los pacientes con ventilaci贸n invasiva conscientes. Se parte de planteamientos te贸ricos realizados por la teorista de enfermer铆a Hildelgard Peplau sobre las relaciones interpersonales y se retoman conceptos generales que apoyan la importancia de una comunicaci贸n efectiva y bidireccional entre el paciente con ventilaci贸n invasiva y la enfermera en la unidad de cuidados intensivos. Con la implementaci贸n de la gu铆a, se busca aportar a la disciplina de enfermer铆a una propuesta sencilla y de f谩cil aplicaci贸n que mejore la comunicaci贸n con el paciente que se encuentra ventilado.Abstract. The work needed to establish a strategy for effective communication between nurses and patients in their care is a proposal whose aim is to implement and evaluate a communication guide that includes a communication tool developed by Granados 2012 for conscious patients with invasive ventilation. These said theoretical approaches made by the nursing theorist Hildelgard Peplau on interpersonal relations and general concepts are taken up that support the importance of effective two-way communication between the patient with invasive ventilation and nurse in the intensive care unit. With the implementation of the guide, it seeks to contribute to the discipline of nursing, a simple and easily applicable approach to improve communication with the ventilated patient.Otr

    Calidad de la audici贸n en docentes de una instituci贸n educativa de la localidad Barrios Unidos de Bogot谩, D.C.

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    La hipoacusia relacionada con exposici贸n a ruido ambiental es un problema conocido en diferentes sectores de la econom铆a, sin embargo, es poco lo que se conoce acerca de este problema en docentes expuestos en algunas ocasiones a niveles de ruido m谩s elevados que los de algunas industrias.Objetivo:Explorar la funci贸n auditiva de un grupo de docentes mediante un procedimiento de tamizaje y posibles factores de riesgo asociados a p茅rdida de la audici贸n.Metodolog铆a:Se llev贸 a cabo un estudio exploratorio en el que se indag贸 acerca de la existencia de factores de riesgo asociados a hipoacusia y un tamizaje auditivo de las frecuencias afectadas con mayor frecuencia en las fases iniciales de la p茅rdida auditiva.Resultados:Fueron evaluados 58 docentes (116 o铆dos) de una instituci贸n educativa p煤blica, encontr谩ndose quejas de hipoacusia en una proporci贸n importante de los sujetos incluidos en la muestra y alteraci贸n de la valoraci贸n audiom茅trica en m谩s de la mitad de los profesores evaluados.Conclusiones:Aunque se detectaron anormalidades en la audici贸n de los profesores evaluados, se requieren estudios de base amplia que permitan establecer la prevalencia de hipoacusia asociada a ruido. Los resultados obtenidos pueden presentar sesgos derivados de la exposici贸n a fuentes de ruido fuera del aula de clase

    Prevalencia de hipertensi贸n arterial y sobrepeso en empleados de una empresa de vigilancia de Bogot谩 y dos empresas de transporte p煤blico del municipio de Tenjo, Cundinamarca durante el periodo comprendido entre junio y noviembre del a帽o 2017

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    The study was made in order to find the prevalence of hypertension and overweight in public service drivers and security guards. By this way we seeked to raise awareness of the health status of workers, and provide recommendations to improve life styles and habits, so as to be able to provide recommendations that will help to improve life habits in order to avoid complications and illnesses brought about by the occupation. The population that was taken into account were two companies of public service drivers and one of private security workers, in which blood pressure, weight, height , 11 and abdominal perimeter were taken twice, with an interval of one month in each of the shots, on the other hand, the individuals who required a third blood pressure, their intake interval was three weeks. In addition, a survey was conducted on each worker to characterize the population and establish the risk factors. Results were obtained as the prevalence of arterial hypertension in public service drivers is 4% and for security guards 9% in this group the value is due to the difference in population number; On the other hand, the prevalence of overweight in drivers is 15% and 8% for security guards, underestimating the two significant risk factors, including alcohol consumption and sedentary lifestyle. The results show that there is a greater prevalence of overweight in both populations compared to the rate of arterial hypertension found in both groups.El estudio se realiz贸 con el fin de hallar la prevalencia de hipertensi贸n arterial y sobrepeso en conductores de servicio p煤blico y guardas de seguridad. De esta forma se busc贸 dar a conocer el estado de salud de los trabajadores, para poder as铆 proporcionar recomendaciones que ayudaran a mejorar h谩bitos de vida con el fin de evitar complicaciones y enfermedades que trae consigo la ocupaci贸n. La poblaci贸n que se tom贸 en cuenta fue, empleados de empresas de transporte de servicio p煤blico y trabajadores de seguridad privada, en quienes se realizo toma de tensi贸n arterial, peso, talla y per铆metro abdominal en dos ocasiones con intervalo de un mes en cada una de las tomas, por otro lado, los individuos que requirieron una tercera toma de tensi贸n arterial, su intervalo de toma fue de tres semanas. Adicionalmente se realiz贸 una encuesta a cada uno de los trabajadores para de esta manera caracterizar la poblaci贸n y establecer los factores de riesgo. Se obtuvieron resultados como la prevalencia de 4% de hipertensi贸n arterial en conductores de servicio p煤blico y para los guardas de seguridad de 9%, en este grupo el valor se debe a la diferencia en n煤mero de poblaci贸n; por otro lado, la prevalencia de sobrepeso en conductores es de 15% y 8% para los guardas de seguridad, subestimando as铆 los dos factores de riesgo significativos, entre ellos el consumo de alcohol y el sedentarismo. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que existe una mayor prevalencia de sobrepeso en ambas poblaciones comparado con la tasa de hipertensi贸n arterial encontrada en los dos grupos.PregradoM茅dico(a) Cirujan

    The Central Nervous System Contains ILC1s That Differ From NK Cells in the Response to Inflammation

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    Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) are tissue resident cells with organ-specific properties. Here, we show that the central nervous system (CNS) encompasses ILCs. In particular, CD3-NK1.1+ cells present in the murine CNS comprise natural killer (NK) cells, ILC1s, intermediate ILC1s (intILC1s) and ex-ILC3s. We investigated the properties of CNS-ILC1s in comparison with CNS-NK cells during steady state and experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). ILC1s characteristically express CXCR3, CXCR6, DNAM-1, TRAIL, and CD200R and display heightened TNF-伪 production upon stimulation. In addition, ILC1s express perforin and are able to degranulate, although in a lesser extent than NK cells. Within the CNS compartments, ILC1s are enriched in the choroid plexus where very few NK cells are present, and also reside in the brain parenchyma and meninges. During EAE, ILC1s maintain stable IFN-纬 and TNF-伪 levels while in NK cells the production of these cytokines increases as EAE progresses. Moreover, the amount of ILC1s and intILC1s increase in the parenchyma during EAE, but in contrast to NK cells, they show no signs of local proliferation. The upregulation in the inflamed brain of chemokines involved in ILC1 migration, such as CXCL9, CXCL10, and CXCL16 may lead to a recruitment of ILC1s from meninges or choroid plexus into the brain parenchyma. In sum, CNS-ILC1 phenotype, distribution and moderate inflammatory response during EAE suggest that they may act as gatekeepers involved in the control of neuroinflammation

    Dynamic and Thermodynamic Influences on Precipitation in Northeast Mexico on Orbital to Millennial Timescales

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    The timing and mechanisms of past hydroclimate change in northeast Mexico are poorly constrained, limiting our ability to evaluate climate model performance. To address this, we present a multiproxy speleothem record of past hydroclimate variability spanning 62.5 to 5.1 ka from Tamaulipas, Mexico. Here we show a strong influence of Atlantic and Pacific sea surface temperatures on orbital and millennial scale precipitation changes in the region. Multiple proxies show no clear response to insolation forcing, but strong evidence for dry conditions during Heinrich Stadials. While these trends are consistent with other records from across Mesoamerica and the Caribbean, the relative importance of thermodynamic and dynamic controls in driving this response is debated. An isotope-enabled climate model shows that cool Atlantic SSTs and stronger easterlies drive a strong inter-basin sea surface temperature gradient and a southward shift in moisture convergence, causing drying in this region

    Identificaci贸n de impactos que deterioran la calidad del servicio de entregas en la empresa Bavaria, planta Itag眉铆, en el transcurso del a帽o 2023

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    no aplicaEl servicio al cliente con el transcurrir de los a帽os, se ha convertido en el foco principal de las empresas, por esto a diario se implementan estrategias que ayudan a la mejora continua de este indicador, con el fin de sostener el nivel de satisfacci贸n conservando clientes actuales y adquiriendo sostenibilidad en el mercado, por tal raz贸n este trabajo investigativo, tiene como finalidad proponer soluciones a las problem谩ticas que se presentan en la actualidad dentro del 谩rea de gesti贸n de talento humano de la empresa Bavaria con sede en el municipio de Itag眉铆, las cuales est谩n afectando de manera significativa las pol铆ticas del servicio al cliente. En esta investigaci贸n el enfoque metodol贸gico utilizado fue de car谩cter cualitativo y cuantitativo, en el cual se emplearon: la entrevista al profesional de talento humano y encuestas a clientes y empleados como t茅cnicas de recolecci贸n de datos, lo cual nos dio como resultado una serie de falencias que est谩n provocando un deterioro constante en la calidad del servicio y en todas y cada una de las fases del proceso de selecci贸n, en donde se lleg贸 a la conclusi贸n que el 谩rea de entregas carece de funcionalidad, motivaci贸n, sentido de pertenencia pero ante todo requiere capacitaciones y seguimiento continuo a sus labores diarias; aunado a esto se propone evaluar, reestructurar y poner en pr谩ctica los procedimientos establecidos, seg煤n la normatividad vigente en todas de las fases del proceso de selecci贸n, con el fin de contar con el personal id贸neo para desempe帽ar esta labor, lo cual facilita el cumplimiento de los par谩metros que exige y requiere la empresa para mejorar y fortalecer el servicio al cliente; en conclusi贸n se plantean una serie de recomendaciones que puede implementar la compa帽铆a, para mitigar el impacto actual, tomar medidas puntuales y fortalecer la calidad del servicio para que Bavaria contin煤e gozando del reconocimiento que la hace l铆der del mercado.Over the years, customer service has become the main focus of companies, therefore strategies are implemented daily to help the continuous improvement of it, aiming to maintain satisfaction levels, retain current customers, and achieve sustainability in the market. For this reason, this investigative work aims to propose solutions to the current problems within the human talent management area of the company Bavaria, located in the municipality of Itag眉铆. These issues are significantly affecting customer service policies. In this research, a qualitative and quantitative methodological approach was used. Data collection techniques included interviews with human talent professionals and surveys of both customers and employees. The results revealed several shortcomings causing a constant deterioration in service quality and in every phase of the selection process. The conclusion drawn was that the delivery department lacks functionality, motivation, a sense of belonging, and, above all, requires training and continuous monitoring of daily tasks. In addition to this, it is proposed to evaluate, restructure, and implement established procedures in all phases of the selection process according to current regulations. The goal is to have suitable personnel to perform this task, facilitating compliance with the parameters demanded by the company to improve and strengthen customer service. In conclusion, a series of recommendations are presented that the company can implement to mitigate the current impact, take specific measures, and enhance service quality, allowing Bavaria to continue enjoying the recognition that makes it a market leader

    Residual ridge resorption on mandibular bone. Pathology and quality of life

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    La colocaci贸n de implantes dentales y de dentaduras artificiales en pacientes parcial o totalmente desdentados, ha mejorado la calidad y la esperanza de vida de millones de estos pacientes en el mundo. Sin embargo, de existir atrofia mandibular a causa de la reabsorci贸n 贸sea de los bordes residuales mandibulares, las posibilidades de tratamiento por estos medios prot茅sicos y de cirug铆a maxilofacial disminuyen en forma considerable. En este trabajo de revisi贸n se ha definido el concepto de atrofia mandibular, su etiolog铆a y patolog铆a. As铆 mismo se han revisado los tratamientos buco-dentales y los pron贸sticos m谩s frecuentes relacionados con la atrofia mandibular, que pueden incrementar las expectativas de la calidad de vida de estos pacientes.Abstract. The employment of titanium dental implants and total dentures in edentulous patients has increased the quality and life expectancy of millions of these patients around the world. Nevertheless, if mandibular atrophy exists because of bone resorption of mandibular residual ridges, related prosthetic and maxillofacial treatment possibilities fall considerably. In this review it has been defined the concept of mandibular resorption, its etiology and pathology. Also buco-dental treatments and the most frequent prognoses related to the mandibular atrophy have been reviewed, which can increase the expectations of the quality of life of these patients