52 research outputs found

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    Student teachers' positioning with regard to their key learning experiences in the first practicum

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    This exploratory study consists of a description of which kind of key learning experiences student teachers' have to face during their first practicum in schools and how they positioned their selves in these situations. Twenty-seven second-year student teachers were interviewed. Five key learning experiences were identified: classroom instruction, socialization, conflicting between pre-existing conceptions and the reality, classroom management, and diversity. Two kinds of positions were adopted by them when they faced these experiences: I as a student and I as a teacher. They posi-tioned as students when they focused their attention on observing educational practices and fully and unreservedly accepting their mentors' strategies and they positioned as teachers when they acted and made decisions with autonomy and applied the theoretical knowledge acquired. The difficulties students face in positioning themselves as teachers were found to relate to all the key learning ex-periences except for those connected to do with classroom instruction.Este estudio exploratorio describe el tipo de experiencias clave de aprendizaje a las que se en-frentan los estudiantes docentes durante su primera práctica en las escuelas y cómo se posiciona-ron en estas situaciones. Veintisiete estudiantes de segundo año fueron entrevistados. Se identifi-caron cinco experiencias clave de aprendizaje: instrucción en el aula, socialización, conflicto en-tre las concepciones preexistentes y la realidad, gestión del aula e diversidad. Adoptaron dos tipos de posiciones ante las experiencias: yo como estudiante y yo como maestro/a. Se posicionaron como estudiantes cuando enfocaron su atención en observar las prácticas educativas, aceptando sin reservas las estrategias de sus mentores, y se posicionaron como maestros cuando actuaron y tomaron decisiones con autonomía y aplicaron el conocimiento teórico adquirido en los contextos universitarios. Los resultados muestran que las dificultades que enfrentan los estudiantes para po-sicionarse como maestros se relacionan con todas las experiencias clave de aprendizaje, excepto las relacionadas con la instrucción en el aula

    Language acquisition in a post-pandemic context: the impact of measures against COVID-19 on early language development

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    Language acquisition is influenced by the quality and quantity of input that language learners receive. In particular, early language development has been said to rely on the acoustic speech stream, as well as on language-related visual information, such as the cues provided by the mouth of interlocutors. Furthermore, children's expressive language skills are also influenced by the variability of interlocutors that provided the input. The COVID-19 pandemic has offered an unprecedented opportunity to explore the way these input factors affect language development. On the one hand, the pervasive use of masks diminishes the quality of speech, while it also reduces visual cues to language. On the other hand, lockdowns and restrictions regarding social gatherings have considerably limited the amount of interlocutor variability in children's input. The present study aims at analyzing the effects of the pandemic measures against COVID-19 on early language development. To this end, 41 children born in 2019 and 2020 were compared with 41 children born before 2012 using the Catalan adaptation of the MacArthur Bates Communicative Development Inventories (MB-CDIs). Results do not show significant differences in vocabulary between pre- and post-Covid children, although there is a tendency for children with lower vocabulary levels to be in the post-Covid group. Furthermore, a relationship was found between interlocutor variability and participants' vocabulary, indicating that those participants with fewer opportunities for socio-communicative diversity showed lower expressive vocabulary scores. These results reinforce other recent findings regarding input factors and their impact on early language learning

    The figure of the motivation of the advisers and professors in the advice process

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    El escenario de asesoramiento colaborativo es un espacio sociocultural donde lo que se hace y se dice condiciona el tipo de interacción que se va a dar entre las personas que participan así como la actividad que llevan a cabo de manera conjunta. En este artículo vamos a reflexionar sobre el papel de la motivación de los profesores y asesores para mantener el asesoramiento así como en las posibilidades que tiene el asesor para crear y mantener un contexto que resulte motivante para asesor y asesorados.The collaborative assessment scenario is a sociocultural setting where what is done and said determines the kind of interaction that will take place among the people involved as well as the activity carried out jointly. In this article we will reflect on the role of teachers and educational counselors' motivation to maintain assessment as well as the possibilities for the counselor to create and maintain an environment that is motivating for both him/herself and those being advised.Grupo FORCE (HUM-386). Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar de la Universidad de Granada

    Language acquisition in a post-pandemic context: the impact of measures against COVID-19 on early language development

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    Language acquisition is influenced by the quality and quantity of input that language learners receive. In particular, early language development has been said to rely on the acoustic speech stream, as well as on language-related visual information, such as the cues provided by the mouth of interlocutors. Furthermore, children’s expressive language skills are also influenced by the variability of interlocutors that provided the input. The COVID-19 pandemic has offered an unprecedented opportunity to explore the way these input factors affect language development. On the one hand, the pervasive use of masks diminishes the quality of speech, while it also reduces visual cues to language. On the other hand, lockdowns and restrictions regarding social gatherings have considerably limited the amount of interlocutor variability in children’s input. The present study aims at analyzing the effects of the pandemic measures against COVID-19 on early language development. To this end, 41 children born in 2019 and 2020 were compared with 41 children born before 2012 using the Catalan adaptation of the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories (MB-CDIs). Results do not show significant differences in vocabulary between pre- and post-Covid children, although there is a tendency for children with lower vocabulary levels to be in the post-Covid group. Furthermore, a relationship was found between interlocutor variability and participants’ vocabulary, indicating that those participants with fewer opportunities for socio-communicative diversity showed lower expressive vocabulary scores. These results reinforce other recent findings regarding input factors and their impact on early language learning

    Valoración de las funciones del profesor de orientación educativa en Cataluña

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    ABSTRACTResults from an empirical study with the aim of analysing the level of satisfaction of teachers specialized in Educational Guidance and the obstacles that they face in Cataluña (Spain) are presented in this paper.  This is a quantitative study carry out applying a questionnaire to a one-stage sample from 65 centres, whose participation was of 65 headmasters, 59 Educational Guidance teachers, and 170 Compulsory Secondary Education tutors. Results show that, regarding satisfaction, Educational Guidance teachers are satisfied in the development of their role as counsellors, and at the same time are well considered by the teaching staff and managers of their centre. This satisfaction is also extended to the coordination they keep with educational services, particularly with psychopedagogical guidance and counselling teams, although it is slightly different related to other services. Concerning obstacles, the variable time is stable, but educational guidance processes with pupils and coordination with tutors are considered complex issues. Guidance to families has such difficulties as receiving demands that exceed the role of the Educational Guidance teacher. The tutorial intervention is affected by a scarce coordination among the staff of tutors and their lack of training. And, finally, the coordination with psychopedagogical guidance and counselling teams is hindered by the lack of specific training in the professional services and shortage of resources.RESUMENSe presentan los resultados de un estudio empírico cuya finalidad es analizar el nivel de satisfacción y los obstáculos con los que se encuentra el profesor de la especialidad de orientación educativa en Cataluña.  Estudio de carácter cuantitativo a través de un cuestionario aplicado a una muestra monoetápica de 65 centros, participando 65 directores, 59 profesores de la especialidad de orientación educativa y 170 tutores de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. Los resultados muestran que, respecto a la satisfacción, el profesor en orientación educativa está satisfecho en el desempeño de sus funciones como orientador, a la vez que es bien valorado por el profesorado y la dirección de los centros. Esta satisfacción también se extiende a su coordinación con los servicios educativos, especialmente con los equipos de orientación y asesoramiento psicopedagógico, aunque difiere respecto a otros servicios. En relación a los obstáculos, la variable tiempo se mantiene pero en concreto, la orientación al alumnado y la coordinación con los tutores es compleja. La orientación a las familias presenta dificultades como la formulación de demandas que extralimitan las funciones del profesor en orientación educativa.  La función tutorial se ve afectada por la escasa coordinación con los tutores y la falta de formación de éstos. Y finalmente, la coordinación con los equipos de orientación y asesoramiento psicopedagógico se obstaculiza por la falta de formación específica de los profesionales del servicio y la escasez de recursos.ABSTRACT Results from an empirical study with the aim of analysing the level of satisfaction of teachers specialized in Educational Guidance and the obstacles that they face in Cataluña (Spain) are presented in this paper.  This is a quantitative study carry out applying a questionnaire to a one-stage sample from 65 centres, whose participation was of 65 headmasters, 59 Educational Guidance teachers, and 170 Compulsory Secondary Education tutors. Results show that, regarding satisfaction, Educational Guidance teachers are satisfied in the development of their role as counsellors, and at the same time are well considered by the teaching staff and managers of their centre. This satisfaction is also extended to the coordination they keep with educational services, particularly with psychopedagogical guidance and counselling teams, although it is slightly different related to other services. Concerning obstacles, the variable time is stable, but educational guidance processes with pupils and coordination with tutors are considered complex issues. Guidance to families has such difficulties as receiving demands that exceed the role of the Educational Guidance teacher. The tutorial intervention is affected by a scarce coordination among the staff of tutors and their lack of training. And, finally, the coordination with psychopedagogical guidance and counselling teams is hindered by the lack of specific training in the professional services and shortage of resources

    Attention to diversity in compulsory secondary education: the professional’ perspectives

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    El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la evolución que la atención a la diversidad ha tenido en Cataluña durante la última década a partir de las valoraciones de distintos profesionales del mundo de la educación implicados en el tema. El estudio, de carácter cualitativo, se llevó a cabo a partir de un diseño de estudio de casos. Las personas informantes fueron seleccionadas por su especial vinculación con el sistema educativo catalán. Los resultados muestran que no se han introducido, de una manera clara y decidida, las políticas que hacen posible un modelo de escuela inclusiva ni se ha generado en los profesores una clara voluntad para fomentar una escuela donde todos puedan trabajar juntos. El camino hacia la inclusión educativa es largo y requiere que diferentes perfiles profesionales trabajen colaborativamente creando una red de apoyo y recursos que hagan posible una escolaridad de calidad.The aim of this research is to analyze the evolution of attention to diversity in Catalonia in the last decade on the basis of the opinions of different professionals in the world of education. The research, of a qualitative nature, was designed as a case study. Respondents were selected for their particular link to the Catalan educational system. Results show that the policies to make possible a model of inclusive schools have not been introduced clearly and resolutely. Likewise, a clear will to promote a school where everyone can work together has not been created among teachers. The way towards educational inclusion is long and requires different professional profiles to work together in the creation of a network of support and resources to facilitate quality schooling.Grupo FORCE (HUM-386). Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar de la Universidad de Granada. El presente trabajo es fruto de una investigación más amplia vinculada a un Proyecto de Excelencia (P07-SEJ 03305), concedido en el año 2008, subvencionado por la Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa de la Junta de Andalucía, y con fondos FEDER

    Daratumumab displays in vitro and in vivo anti-tumor activity in models of B cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma and improves responses to standard chemo-immunotherapy regimens

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    CD38 is expressed in several types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma and constitutes a promising target for antibody-based therapy. Daratumumab (Darzalex) is a first-in-class anti-CD38 antibody approved for the treatment of relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma. It has also demonstrated clinical activity in Waldenstrom macroglobulinaemia and amyloidosis. Here, we have evaluated the activity and mechanism of action of daratumumab in preclinical in vitro and in vivo models of mantle cell lymphoma, follicular lymphoma and diffuse large B cell lymphoma, as monotherapy or in combination with standard chemo-immunotherapy. In vitro, daratumumab engages Fc-mediated cytotoxicity by antibody-dependent cell cytotoxicity and antibody-dependent cell phagocytosis in all lymphoma subtypes. In the presence of human serum, complement-dependent cell cytotoxicity was marginally engaged. We demonstrated by Selective Plane Illumination Microscopy that daratumumab fully penetrated a 3D lymphoma organoid and decreased organoid volume. In vivo, daratumumab completely prevents tumor outgrowth in models of mantle cell and follicular lymphoma, and shows comparable activity to rituximab in a disseminated in vivo model of blastic mantle cell lymphoma. Moreover, daratumumab improves overall survival in a mouse model of transformed CD20dim follicular lymphoma, where rituximab showed limited activity. Daratumumab potentiates the antitumor activity of CHOP and R-CHOP in mantle cell and follicular lymphoma xenografts. Furthermore, in a patient-derived diffuse large B cell lymphoma xenograft model, daratumumab anti-tumor activity was comparable to R-CHOP and the addition of daratumumab to either CHOP or R-CHOP led to full tumor regression. In summary, daratumumab constitutes a novel therapeutic opportunity in certain scenarios and these results warrant further clinical development

    Neurocognitive profile of the post-COVID condition in adults in Catalonia. A mixed method prospective cohort and nested case-control study: Study Protocol

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    The diagnosis of the post-COVID condition is usually achieved by excluding other diseases; however, cognitive changes are often found in the post-COVID disorder. Therefore, monitoring and treating the recovery from the post-COVID condition is necessary to establish biomarkers to guide the diagnosis of symptoms, including cognitive impairment. Our study employs a prospected cohort and nested case-control design with mixed methods, including statistical analyses, interviews, and focus groups. Our main aim is to identify biomarkers (functional and structural neural changes, inflammatory and immune status, vascular and vestibular signs and symptoms) easily applied in primary care to detect cognitive changes in post-COVID cases. The results will open up a new line of research to inform diagnostic and therapeutic decisions with special considerations for cognitive impairment in the post-COVID condition

    Genetically predicted telomere length and Alzheimer’s disease endophenotypes: a Mendelian randomization study

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    Telomere length (TL) is associated with biological aging, consequently influencing the risk of age-related diseases such as Alzheimer's disease (AD). We aimed to evaluate the potential causal role of TL in AD endophenotypes (i.e., cognitive performance, N = 2233; brain age and AD-related signatures, N = 1134; and cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers (CSF) of AD and neurodegeneration, N = 304) through a Mendelian randomization (MR) analysis. Our analysis was conducted in the context of the ALFA (ALzheimer and FAmilies) study, a population of cognitively healthy individuals at risk of AD. A total of 20 single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with TL were used to determine the effect of TL on AD endophenotypes. Analyses were adjusted by age, sex, and years of education. Stratified analyses by APOE-epsilon 4 status and polygenic risk score of AD were conducted. MR analysis revealed significant associations between genetically predicted longer TL and lower levels of CSF A beta and higher levels of CSF NfL only in APOE-epsilon 4 non-carriers. Moreover, inheriting longer TL was associated with greater cortical thickness in age and AD-related brain signatures and lower levels of CSF p-tau among individuals at a high genetic predisposition to AD. Further observational analyses are warranted to better understand these associations