13 research outputs found

    Tuberculosis/HIV/AIDS coinfection in Porto Alegre, RS/Brazil - invisibility and silencing of the most affected groups

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze how belonging to certain social groups contributes to constituting the vulnerabilities associated with illnesses due to tuberculosis/HIV/AIDS coinfection. METHODOLOGYThis is a qualitative study carried out in the city of Porto Alegre, state of Rio Grande do Sul, in regions of high social vulnerability. Twenty coinfected people were interviewed in specialized health services between August and December 2016. The analysis was based on the frameworks The Sound of Silence and Vulnerability and Human Rights. RESULTS: Socioeconomic conditions were decisive for the constitution of the vulnerability conditions. Processes of people invisibilization, and the silencing of their voices, in a scenario marked by economic, racial and gender inequalities, contributed for their health needs not to be understood and effectively taken into account in the services actions. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: The more effective strategies are to legitimize voices and to understand the needs of those affected by coinfection, the greater the chances that programmatic responses to the problem will be successful

    The Silences Framework: A Method for researching sensitive themes and marginalized health perspectives (English version)

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    Objective: To describe the experience of applying of The Silences Framework to underpin health research investigating Tuberculosis/HIV/AIDS coinfection . Method: The Silences Framework originally developed following a study exploring the decisions and silences surrounding black Caribbean men living in England, discussing the themes 'sexual health' and 'ethnicity'. Following this study a conceptual a theory for research on sensitive issues and health care of marginalized populations was developed called 'Screaming Silences' which forms the foundation of The Silences Framework. Screaming Silences define research areas and experiences that are poorly studied, little understood or silenced. Results: The Silences Framework supports researchers in revealing "silences" in the subjects they study - as such results may reflect how beliefs, values, and experiences of some groups influence their health. This framework provides the application of four complementary stages: working the silences, hearing silences, voicing silences and working with the silences. The analysis occurs cyclically and can be repeated as long as the silences inherent in a study are not revealed. Conclusion: this article presents The Silences Framework and the application of the notion of "sounds of silence", mapping an antiessentialist theoretical framework for its use in sensitive research in health and nursing areas, being a reference for other researchers in studies involving marginalized populations. KEYWORDS: Inequalities in health. Methods. Nursing. Coinfection. Research. Tuberculosis. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

    Identification of nursing assessment models/tools validated in clinical practice for use with diverse ethno-cultural groups: an integrative review of the literature

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>High income nations are currently exhibiting increasing ethno-cultural diversity which may present challenges for nursing practice. We performed an integrative review of literature published in North America and Europe between 1990 and 2007, to map the state of knowledge and to identify nursing assessment tools/models which are have an associated research or empirical perspective in relation to ethno-cultural dimensions of nursing care.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data was retrieved from a wide variety of sources, including key electronic bibliographic databases covering research in biomedical fields, nursing and allied health, and culture, e.g. CINAHL, MEDline, PUBmed, Cochrane library, PsycINFO, Web of Science, and HAPI. We used the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme tools for quality assessment. We applied Torraco's definition and method of an integrative review that aims to create new knowledge and perspectives on a given phenomena. To add methodological rigor with respect to the search strategy and other key review components we also used the principles established by the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Thirteen thousand and thirteen articles were retrieved, from which 53 full papers were assessed for inclusion. Eight papers met the inclusion criteria, describing research on a total of eight ethno-cultural assessment tools/models. The tools/models are described and synthesized.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>While many ethno-cultural assessment tools exist to guide nursing practice, few are informed by research perspectives. An increased focus on the efficiency and effectiveness of health services, patient safety, and risk management, means that provision of culturally responsive and competent health services will inevitably become paramount.</p

    Young people of minority ethnic origin in England and early parenthood: Views from young parents and service providers

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    The paper explores the phenomenon of early parenthood in minority ethnic communities in England. The data were collected using focus group interviews, in-depth semi-structured interviews and a telephone survey. The sample consisted of 139 participants (41 service providers, 10 grandmothers, 88 young parents). The findings map out the complexity and diversity of experience of early parenthood amongst young people of minority ethnic origin, not least the multiple attachments many experience in relation to their social groups, religious affiliations and the traditional patterns of parenting within their immediate and extended family. Both the young parents and professionals in this study constructed early parenthood in more positive terms than is currently portrayed in the contemporary policy. The findings are analysed and discussed in relation to ethnic identity, social inclusion and exclusion. We explore participants' attempts to counter negative 'deficit' models of early parenthood with reference to perspectives on youth, parenthood and contemporary strategic policy. In conclusion, we suggest an unambiguous focus on the reduction of pregnancy is not a credible message when teenage pregnancy is a social norm for a particular ethnic or cultural group. For young parents of Muslim faith in particular, teenage parenting within marriage is not necessarily considered a 'problem' or seen as a distinctive event. Most participants did not view early parenthood as a barrier to re-establishing career and educational aspirations. A wide diversity of experience amongst young parents is evidenced in the communities studied; this needs to be reflected more comprehensively both in UK policy and in support services.Minority ethnic young people Early parenthood Social exclusion UK England

    The sound of 'silence': a framework for researching sensitive issues or marginalised perspectives in health

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    This paper arises from the conceptual framework underpinning a research study focusing on black Caribbean men’s sexual decisions and health behaviour. In investigating these issues the notion of ‘screaming silences’ was developed to unite the theoretical and philosophical approaches that underpinned the research, the experiences of the researcher and participants involved. While ‘screaming silences’ was initially applied to a sexual health and ethnicity context it provides a useful basis for a theoretical framework for researching sensitive issues or the health care needs of marginalised populations. ‘Screaming silences’ (or ‘silences’) define areas of research and experience which are little researched, understood or silenced. ‘Silences’ reflect the unsaid or unshared aspects of how beliefs, values and experiences of (or about) some groups affect their health and life chances. They exposed issues which shape, influence and inform both individual and group understandings of health and health behaviour. This paper presents the notion of ‘screaming silences’ with reference to the original study and maps out a four-stage framework for its utilisation in ethnicities based and sensitive research. It is presented here for use by other researchers as a vehicle for exposing additional perspectives in studies involving sensitive subjects or marginalised populations

    Breaking traditions: sexual health and ethnicity in nursing research: a literature review.

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    AIM: The aim of this paper is to explore some reasons for the lack of focus on ethnicity and sexual health in nursing research, and suggest ways to advance the nursing evidence-base required for practice development. BACKGROUND: The United Kingdom National Strategy for Sexual Health and human immunodeficiency virus published in July 2001 highlighted the continued rise in sexual ill health amongst minority ethnic groups. In order to improve sexual health, research evidence is needed explain why particular ethnic groups appear to be at greater risk of sexual ill health. The Strategy identified nurses as key to bringing about improvements in sexual health. Nursing research includes many studies exploring links between ethnicity and health. However, with the exception of extensive work on human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome as a specific disease, nursing research into ethnicity has not systematically included sexual health. METHODS: Literature searches were conducted using the BIDS database, World Wide Web and United Kingdom Department of health website between June 2000 and August 2003. Papers written in English incorporating the keywords 'sexual health', 'sexually transmitted infection' and 'health and ethnicity' in the title or abstract were selected for review. FINDINGS: Nursing research into the association between sexual health and ethnicity is rare. It has been hampered by a variety of political and social constraints concerning the nature of sexual health practice in nursing, researching sexual health, and researching ethnicity and health. The result is a dearth of research evidence to support the development of sexual health practice and the education of healthcare professionals to underpin care of minority ethnic clients. CONCLUSIONS: Barriers to researching ethnicity and sexual health by nurses must be addressed through nursing education and practice. Without this, a detailed evidence base will fail to materialize and healthcare practices to implement the priorities to improve sexual health in minority ethnic communities will remain undeveloped