2,152 research outputs found

    Navigability of temporal networks in hyperbolic space

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    Information routing is one of the main tasks in many complex networks with a communication function. Maps produced by embedding the networks in hyperbolic space can assist this task enabling the implementation of efficient navigation strategies. However, only static maps have been considered so far, while navigation in more realistic situations, where the network structure may vary in time, remain largely unexplored. Here, we analyze the navigability of real networks by using greedy routing in hyperbolic space, where the nodes are subject to a stochastic activation-inactivation dynamics. We find that such dynamics enhances navigability with respect to the static case. Interestingly, there exists an optimal intermediate activation value, which ensures the best trade-off between the increase in the number of successful paths and a limited growth of their length. Contrary to expectations, the enhanced navigability is robust even when the most connected nodes inactivate with very high probability. Finally, our results indicate that some real networks are ultranavigable and remain highly navigable even if the network structure is extremely unsteady. These findings have important implications for the design and evaluation of efficient routing protocols that account for the temporal nature of real complex networks.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures. Includes Supplemental Informatio

    Diseño de un carrete de pesca para surfcasting

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    Aquest projecte té com objectiu realitzar un primer disseny, la geometria bàsica i l’anàlisi per elements finits d'un rodet de pesca per a la modalitat de surfcasting. El rodet de pesca és sens dubte una de les parts més importants de la pesca, ja que ens condiciona molt el tipus de modalitat que es va a realitzar i el resultat de les possibles captures. Un bon rodet ajuda al fet que la pesca sigui més abundant i també més emocionant. El prototip es realitzarà mitjançant un procés d'enginyeria inversa, és a dir, es dissenyarà el rodet, adaptant en els seus components la millor solució existent al mercat i intentat millorar-la si és possible. El projecte comença definint les principals idees de metodologia a seguir durant el procés i les característiques principals del rodet. Posteriorment es realitza el disseny de cada part funcional amb les respectives peces que la conformen de manera que s’obtingui un rodet amb les característiques desitjades

    An analysis of the non-economic forces affecting the Paris Stock Market during the late 19th century

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorContiene fe de erratas / List of Errors / CorrigendaPrograma de Doctorado en Historia Económica por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, la Universidad de Barcelona y la Universitat de València (Estudi General)Presidente: Pilar Nogues Marco; Secretario: Vincent Bignon; Vocal: Gabriel Mesevag

    Allergic reactions to β-lactam antibiotics: chemical approaches for improving in vitro diagnosis

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    Moreover, conjugation of CLV with human serum albumin (HSA) was studied by liquid chromatography mass-spectrometry (LC/MS-MS) and a biotinylated derivative of CLV was used as tool for identification of serum proteins target of modification by two-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D SDS-PAGE) and peptide mass fingerprinting. By the other hand, we pursued the amplification of immunoassays detection signal. With this objective, fluorescent dendrons allowing site-specific conjugation to biomolecules and bearing 1, 2 or 8 fluorescent units were designed and synthesized, and their suitability for labeling antibodies and fluorescence amplification capacity evaluated [6]. The main conclusions of this work have been that synthesized cyclized structures derived from cefaclor and cefadroxil (Cef1 and Cef2, respectively) are specifically recognised by sIgE from patients allergic to the corresponding cephalosporin or to penicillins containing the same R1 side chain, shedding light into the mechanism involved in allergy to α-aminocephalosporins and complementing studies previously reported [7, 8]. Also, the ability of our synthetic determinants of CLV to activate basophils from patients with immediate reactions to this drug has been demonstrated to be influenced by the chemical structure and their reactivity to proteins. Clav2, coming from AD-I, activates basophils in a higher proportion of patients compared to CLV itself, and thus represents a promising structure to improve the sensitivity of in vitro diagnosis. Furthermore, a 70 Da mass structure was found to modify Lys 195 and Lys 475 of HSA, being this mass compatible with that of AD-I, which confirms that Clav2 is part of the drug-protein conjugate. Moreover, a water soluble biotinylated derivative of CLV (CLV-TEG-B) showed concentration-dependent protein haptenation capacity in vitro, and made possible the identification of HSA, haptoglobin and heavy and light chains of immunoglobulins as potential serum proteins target of modification by CLV. Finally, synthesized fluorescent dendrons G0-Cy5, G1-Cy5 and G3-Cy5 showed an increment in fluorescence with the number of fluorescent units and they were proved to be suitable for site-specific labeling of a model antibody. The labeling with G1-Cy5 dendron (2 fluorescent units) resulted to be the most suitable for immunoassays signal amplification applications, since it was found to enhance fluorescence by one order of magnitude when compared with the antibody labeled with the monovalent probe G0-Cy5 [6]. Fecha de lectura Tesis Doctoral: 30 octubre 2018.Drug hypersensitivity reactions are a significant public health problem with important consequences on patient health and healthcare costs. It has been reported that only a low percentage of initial cases suspected of allergy to antibiotics are finally confirmed [1, 2], and betalactam antibiotics (BLs) are the drugs most frequently involved [3, 4]. In vivo tests (skin test and drug provocation test) are often the first and only option for diagnosis, nevertheless they could be risky for patients. Thus, in vitro tests are a more convenient and safer alternative for diagnosis, however, a sensitive and specific detection of specific IgE (sIgE), crucial for in vitro allergy diagnosis, is difficult to achieve in cases of allergy to drugs due to the extremely low sIgE concentration present in patients serum [5]. The sensitivity of in vitro tests for diagnosing allergy to BLs depends, among other factors, on: (i) the similarity between the structure used in the assay as emulator of the antigenic determinant (AD) formed in vivo and the structure actually formed after the BL intake, which is related to the mechanisms involved in the allergic process, and (ii) the intensity of the detection signal (radioactivity, enzimatic proccess or fluorescence) at low concentrations of sIgE to drugs. The general objective of this thesis is to carry out studies directed to improve current in vitro tests for diagnosing immediate allergic reactions to BLs. More specifically, by one hand, we aimed to research, from a chemical approach, the structures recognized by sIgE for cephalosporins and clavulanic acid (CLV) since there has been an increase of cases of allergy to these BLs in the last years, due to the change in prescription patterns [1]. For this purpose, structures derived from these BLs were designed and synthesized and their immunological evaluation performed using RadioAllergoSorbent Test (RAST) or Basophil Activation Test (BAT)

    Multiscale Voter Model on Real Networks

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    We introduce the Multiscale Voter Model (MVM) to investigate clan influence at multiple scale -- family, neighborhood, political party... -- in opinion formation on real complex networks. Clans, consisting of similar nodes, are constructed using a coarse-graining procedure on network embeddings that allows us to control for the length scale of interactions. We ran numerical simulations to monitor the evolution of MVM dynamics in real and synthetic networks, and identified a transition between a final stage of full consensus and one with mixed binary opinions. The transition depends on the scale of the clans and on the strength of their influence. We found that enhancing group diversity promotes consensus while strong kinship yields to metastable clusters of same opinion. The segregated domains, which signal opinion polarization, are discernible as spatial patterns in the hyperbolic embeddings of the networks. Our multiscale framework can be easily applied to other dynamical processes affected by scale and group influence.Comment: 3 Figures. Requires Supplementa

    Estilo de inversión en los fondos internacionales del mercado español

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    Los artículos publicados quedan en propiedad del Instituto Español de Analistas Financieros (IEAF), que administra los derechos de reproducción y copia de los mismo

    Student workload estimation to pass a statistics course in Economics and Business Administration

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    The convergence process in Higher Education in Europe implies a radical change in the teacher’s practice. One of the fundamental questions in the harmonization process stems from the way credits are allocated by the ECTS (European Credit Transfer System). This article analyzes diverse methodologies for the estimation of student workload, with results regarding the time students need to successfully complete the Descriptive Statistics course in Economics and Business Administration. The obtained estimated time is slightly below the 25-30 hours of credit that are usually established as a reference

    Severe poverty determinants in Spain using both a monetary and a deprivation approach

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    Los cambios experimentados por la sociedad española en las últimas décadas pueden haber modificado la distribución de la renta y el perfil de pobreza en nuestro país. El presente trabajo tiene como principal objetivo retomar el análisis de los factores socioeconómicos que determinan las situaciones de pobreza extrema en el nuevo milenio. Utilizando algunos indicadores monetarios tradicionales para la medición de la pobreza, los resultados demuestran que existen ciertos factores que perduran en el tiempo como determinantes de la pobreza extrema, mientras que otras variables han modificado su impacto. Esta visión monetaria de la pobreza se completa con un estudio de la misma desde un punto de vista de privación, comprobándose que, cuando se adopta un enfoque multidimensional, algunos de los factores que determinan la pobreza extrema cambian su efecto.Changes in Spanish society in last decades may have modified the income distribution and the poverty profile in our country. The main aim of this paper is to bring up to date the analysis of socioeconomic factors determining situations of severe poverty in the new millennium. Using some of the traditional monetary indexes for poverty measuring, results show the prevalence in time of several factors as determinants of severe poverty, whereas some other variables have modified their impact. This monetary vision of poverty is completed using a deprivation poverty approach; we may conclude that when a multidimensional approach is adopted, some of the factors determining severe poverty have a different effect

    Geometric randomization of real networks with prescribed degree sequence

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    We introduce a model for the randomization of complex networks with geometric structure. The geometric randomization (GR) model assumes a homogeneous distribution of the nodes in a hidden similarity space and uses rewirings of the links to find configurations that maximize a connection probability akin to that of the popularity-similarity geometric network models. The rewiring preserves exactly the original degree sequence, thus preventing fluctuations in the degree cutoff. The GR model is manifestly simple as it relies upon a single free parameter controlling the clustering of the rewired network, and it does not require the explicit estimation of hidden degree variables. We demonstrate the applicability of GR by implementing it as a null model for the analysis of community structure. As a result, we find that geometric and topological communities detected in real networks are consistent, while topological communities are also detected in randomized counterparts as an effect of structural constraints.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version