5 research outputs found


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    POÉTICA es un sistema gráfico que transcribe visualmente la poesía lírica. El sistema analiza de manera automatizada los sentimientos que expresa el autor en el poema. El proyecto quiere fusionar la poesía lírica con la tecnología digital para conseguir un resultado visual y comunicativo que resalte las similitudes y diferencias entre los diferentes poemas y autores. Se sistematizan los sentimientos para que a través de un software se pueda interpretar cualquier poema lírico de una manera objetiva y completamente racional. El sistema se aplica a una colección editorial formada por tres obras poéticas de tres autores diferentes para entender visualmente las diferencias que existen entre ellos. Las obras y los autores elegidos son: Soledades de Antonio Machado, Romancero Gitano de Federico García Lorca y Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada de Pablo Neruda.POÈTICA és un sistema gràfic que transcriu visualment la poesia lírica. El sistema analitza de manera automatitzada els sentiments que expressa l’autor en el poema. El projecte vol fusionar la poesia lírica amb la tecnologia digital per aconseguir un resultat visual i comunicatiu que ressalti les similituds i diferències entre els diferents poemes i autors. Es sistematitzen els sentiments perquè a través d’un software es pugui interpretar qualsevol poema líric d’una manera objectiva i completament racional. El sistema s’aplica a una col·lecció editorial formada per tres obres poètiques de tres autors diferents per entendre visualment les diferències que hi ha entre ells. Les obres i els autors triats són: Soledades de Antonio Machado, Romancero Gitano de Federico García Lorca i Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada de Pablo Neruda.POÉTICA is a graphic system that visually transcribes lyric poetry. The system analyzes in an automated way the feelings expressed by the author in the poem. The project wants to merge lyric poetry with digital technology to achieve a visual and communicative result that highlights the similarities and differences between the different poems and authors. The feelings are systematized so that through a software any lyrical poem can be interpreted in an objective and completely rational way. The system is applied to an editorial collection consisting of three poetic works by three different authors to visually understand the differences that exist between them. The works and the chosen authors are: Soledades by Antonio Machado, Romancero Gitano by Federico García Lorca and Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada by Pablo Neruda

    Methicillin-resistant and methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus in pork industry workers, Catalonia, Spain

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    Methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) especially ST398, is a zoonotic agent. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) and MRSA among workers in the pork production chain. 659 workers associated with 123 pig farms, livestock transporters, one pig slaughterhouse, pork transporters and 23 pork butcheries were studied for S. aureus recovery, and all isolates were characterized (antibiotic resistance, MLST and spa -typing). The prevalence of S. aureus was 35.5%, 75.6% of isolates being MRSA. The prevalence of MRSA was 68.7% (149/217) among pig farm, 33.9% (19/56) livestock transporters, 2.9% (9/306) slaughterhouse, 0% in pork transporters (0/36) and butchery workers (0/44). Of the 234 S. aureus -positive workers, 100% (149/149) of pig farm workers, 82.6% (19/23) of livestock transporters, and 16.4% (9/55) of slaughterhouse workers carried MRSA isolates (p < 0.001). Of the workers who had contact with live swine, 61.8% (178/288) were S. aureus -positive, MRSA being detected in 96.1% of cases (p < 0.001). The most frequent lineage among MRSA were: ST398 (97.7%; 173/177) and ST1 (1.7%; 3/177); and among MSSA were ST30 (19.2%; 11/57) and ST5 (10.5%; 6/57). The most frequent spa -types among MRSA were t011 (93.8%, 166/177) and t1451 (2.25%, 4/177), and among MSSA: t084 (10.5%, 6/57) and t021 (7.0%, 4/57). All MRSA isolates showed resistance to tetracycline, 92.7% to clindamycin, 81.9% to erythromycin and 40.1% to cotrimoxazole. Pig industry workers having occupational contact with live animals present a high risk of colonization of MRSA, especially by MRSA-ST398. Prevention measures should be intensified in any employment sector involving live animals

    Last deglacial reorganization of the western Mediterranean thermohaline circulation: evidences from sedimentological and Nd isotopes proxies

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    Last glacial/interglacial transition involved significant changes in western Mediterranean (Med) thermohaline circulation that culminated with the formation of an organic rich layer (ORL) in the Alboran Sea from 14.5 to 9 ka BP. This event pre-dated the eastern Med stagnation associated with the Last Sapropel (S1: 10.8-7.1 kyr BP). Here we aim to gain in the understanding that those two events had in the oceanography of the westernmost Med and ultimately its impact on the Med outflow waters (MOW). Our approach combines sedimentological indicators (grain-size and XRF-core scanner data) with Nd isotopes measured in foraminifera diagenetic coatings as a proxy of water mass source. The studied material includes a set of cores covering a depth range from the Alboran Sea (from 300 to 1800 m) combined with a core from the Balearic Basin and another from the Gulf of Cadiz..

    Methicillin-resistant and methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus in pork industry workers, Catalonia, Spain

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    Background: Methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) especially ST398, is a zoonotic agent. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) and MRSA among workers in the pork production chain. Methods: 659 workers associated with 123 pig farms, livestock transporters, one pig slaughterhouse, pork transporters and 23 pork butcheries were studied for S. aureus recovery, and all isolates were characterized (antibiotic resistance, MLST and spa-typing). Results: The prevalence of S. aureus was 35.5%, 75.6% of isolates being MRSA. The prevalence of MRSA was 68.7% (149/217) among pig farm, 33.9% (19/56) livestock transporters, 2.9% (9/306) slaughterhouse, 0% in pork transporters (0/36) and butchery workers (0/44). Of the 234 S. aureus-positive workers, 100% (149/149) of pig farm workers, 82.6% (19/23) of livestock transporters, and 16.4% (9/55) of slaughterhouse workers carried MRSA isolates (p < 0.001). Of the workers who had contact with live swine, 61.8% (178/288) were S. aureus-positive, MRSA being detected in 96.1% of cases (p < 0.001). The most frequent lineage among MRSA were: ST398 (97.7%; 173/177) and ST1 (1.7%; 3/177); and among MSSA were ST30 (19.2%; 11/57) and ST5 (10.5%; 6/57). The most frequent spa-types among MRSA were t011 (93.8%, 166/177) and t1451 (2.25%, 4/177), and among MSSA: t084 (10.5%, 6/57) and t021 (7.0%, 4/57). All MRSA isolates showed resistance to tetracycline, 92.7% to clindamycin, 81.9% to erythromycin and 40.1% to cotrimoxazole. Conclusions: Pig industry workers having occupational contact with live animals present a high risk of colonization of MRSA, especially by MRSA-ST398. Prevention measures should be intensified in any employment sector involving live animals

    EINA360 2020

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    Aquesta publicació és un recull del treball realitzat pels estudiants i exestudiants d’EINA. Mitjançant una selecció de projectes, es mostra el rigor acadèmic i la capacitat d’anàlisi i experimentació que tenen els alumnes del Grau de Disseny i dels diferents Màsters i Postgraus d’EINA. Aquesta filosofia, que fomenta el potencial innovador del disseny i l’art, també es recull en la praxis professional que duen a terme els nostres alumni. Tots els projectes publicats són una síntesi de l’aprenentatge enriquidor, obert a diferents sistemes de pensament i llenguatges, amb què EINA treballa des de la seva fundació el 1967. Una metodologia en constant evolució a d’avançar-se a les necessitats i exigències de la nostra societat canviant, per poder donar resposta als nous reptes i fer realitat nous productes, nous serveis i noves experiències. En definitiva, aquesta publicació és el testimoni de la trajectòria de l’escola com a plataforma de cultura i coneixement de generacions de professionals del disseny i l’art que participen activament en el desenvolupament d’una societat més sostenible, ètica, reflexiva i compromesa.Esta publicación es una recopilación del trabajo realizado por los estudiantes y exestudiantes de EINA. Mediante una selección de proyectos se muestra el rigor académico y la capacidad de análisis y experimentación que tienen los alumnos del Grado de Diseño y de los diferentes Másters y Postgrados de EINA. Esta filosofía, que fomenta el potencial innovador del diseño y el arte, también se recoge en la praxis profesional que llevan a cabo nuestro alumni. Todos los proyectos publicados son una síntesis del aprendizaje enriquecedor, abierto a diferentes sistemas de pensamiento y lenguajes, con que EINA trabaja desde su fundación en 1967. Una metodología en constante evolución con el fin de adelantarse a las necesidades y exigencias de nuestra sociedad cambiante, para poder dar respuesta a los nuevos retos y hacer realidad nuevos productos, nuevos servicios y nuevas experiencias. En definitiva, esta publicación es el testimonio de la trayectoria de la escuela como plataforma de cultura y conocimiento de generaciones de profesionales del diseño y el arte que participan activamente en el desarrollo de una sociedad más sostenible, ética, reflexiva y comprometida.This publication is a collection of the work of EINA’s students past and present, a selection of projects from the Degree in Design and the various Masters’ and Postgraduate programmes, chosen for their academic rigor and analytic and experimental capacity. This foundation, which fosters the innovative potential of design and art, is also reflected in the professional practice of our alumni. All of the published projects are a synthesis of the enriching learning style, open to different systems of thought and language, which EINA has prioritized since its founding in 1967. It is a methodology in constant evolution, whose aim is to advance to meet the needs and demands of our changing society, so as to be able to respond to new challenges and make new products, new services and new experiences a reality. In short, this publication is witness to the trajectory of the school as the platform for knowledge and culture behind generations of art and design professionals who actively participate in the development of a more sustainable, ethical, thoughtful and committed society