11 research outputs found

    Genetic, genomic and epigenetic alterations in congenital malformations : implications in genetic counseling

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    Mechanisms underlying congenital malformations are largely unknown despite its high incidence, affecting 2-3% of liveborn infants. A broader knowledge about the causes of birth defects would provide valuable information regarding the outcome and prognosis of the anomaly, the development and establishment of diagnostic protocols, the design of therapeutic strategies and genetic counseling to the family. Different approaches have been used in the present thesis regarding technologies and model diseases to elucidate the contribution of genetic and epigenetic alterations in the etiopathogenesis of congenital malformations. Copy number variations, methylation patterns, as well as point mutations have been explored. Moreover, a study to analyze genetic counseling in relation to one of the new molecular techniques used has been performed. Obtained data reveal a relevant role of genetic and epigenetic alterations in congenital malformations, in some cases as a unique cause to explain the disease and in others as part of an oligogenic or multifactorial model.Els mecanismes causants de les malformacions congènites són poc coneguts malgrat l’elevada incidència d’aquestes patologies, que afecten el 2-3% de recent nascuts. Un coneixement més ampli de les causes de les anomalies congènites proporcionaria informació rellevant pel que fa al pronòstic de l’anomalia, el desenvolupament i establiment de protocols diagnòstics, el disseny d’estratègies terapèutiques, així com l’assessorament genètic a la família. En la tesi que es presenta s’han utilitzat diferents estratègies, pel que fa a tecnologies i models de malalties, amb l’objectiu d’esbrinar la contribució d’alteracions genètiques i epigenètiques en l’etiopatogènia de les malformacions congènites. S’han analitzat variacions en número de còpia, patrons de metilació, així com mutacions puntuals. D’altra banda, també s’ha realitzat un estudi per aprofundir en l’assessorament genètic en relació a una de les noves tècniques moleculars utilitzades. Els resultats obtinguts indiquen que les altercacions genètiques i epigenètiques tenen una contribució molt rellevant en l’etiologia de les malformacions congènites, en alguns casos com a causa única de la malaltia i en altres com a component d’un model oligogènic o multifactorial

    Mutations in pregnancy-associated plasma protein A2 cause short stature due to low IGF-I availability

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    Mutations in multiple genes of the growth hormone/IGF-I axis have been identified in syndromes marked by growth failure. However, no pathogenic human mutations have been reported in the six high-affinity IGF-binding proteins (IGFBPs) or their regulators, such as the metalloproteinase pregnancy-associated plasma protein A2 (PAPP-A2) that is hypothesized to increase IGF-I bioactivity by specific proteolytic cleavage of IGFBP-3 and -5. Multiple members of two unrelated families presented with progressive growth failure, moderate microcephaly, thin long bones, mildly decreased bone density and elevated circulating total IGF-I, IGFBP-3, and -5, acid labile subunit, and IGF-II concentrations. Two different homozygous mutations in PAPPA2, p.D643fs25* and p.Ala1033Val, were associated with this novel syndrome of growth failure. In vitro analysis of IGFBP cleavage demonstrated that both mutations cause a complete absence of PAPP-A2 proteolytic activity. Size-exclusion chromatography showed a significant increase in IGF-I bound in its ternary complex. Free IGF-I concentrations were decreased. These patients provide important insights into the regulation of longitudinal growth in humans, documenting the critical role of PAPP-A2 in releasing IGF-I from its BPs.Research reported in this publication was supported by Fondos de Investigación Sanitaria and fondos FEDER (Grants PI100747 and PI1302195 to JA, PI1302481 to LAPJ), Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Grants BFU2011–27492 and BFU2014‐51836‐C2‐2‐R to JAC), Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red Fisiopatología de Obesidad y Nutrición (CIBEROBN), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (JA), Fundación Endocrinología y Nutrición (JA), the Catalan Government (2014SGR1468 and ICREA Acadèmica to LAPJ), the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health & Human Development of the National Institutes of Health (Award Number K23HD07335 to AD), The Danish Council for Independent Research (FNU), and the Novo Nordisk Foundation (CO). A CIBER for Rare Diseases (CIBERER) fellowship supported CSJ

    Provision of genetic services for autism and its impact on Spanish families

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    Although a genetic evaluation can identify the etiology in 15-30% of individuals with autism spectrum disorder, several studies show an underuse of genetic services by affected families. We have explored the access to genetic services and perception of genetics and recurrence risk in parents of autistic children in Spain. Despite the high interest in genetics, our results show a remarkable underutilization of genetic services, with only 30% of families having visited a genetic service and 13% of patients having undergone the recommended genetic test. This poor service provision influenced recurrence risk perception and had a great impact on family planning. The National Health System should ensure their access to genetic services allowing them to take informed decisions with precise information.This study was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (PI1300823 and PI1302481 co-funded by FEDER, and “Programa de Excelencia Maria de Maeztu” MDM-2014-0370), the Generalitat de Catalunya (SRG1468-2014) and the ICREA-Academia Program. CIBERER is an initiative of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spai

    The complex SNP and CNV genetic architecture of the increased risk of congenital heart defects in Down syndrome

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    Congenital heart defect (CHD) occurs in 40% of Down syndrome (DS) cases. While carrying three copies of chromosome 21 increases the risk for CHD, trisomy 21 itself is not sufficient to cause CHD. Thus, additional genetic variation and/or environmental factors could contribute to the CHD risk. Here we report genomic variations that in concert with trisomy 21, determine the risk for CHD in DS. This case-control GWAS includes 187 DS with CHD (AVSD = 69, ASD = 53, VSD = 65) as cases, and 151 DS without CHD as controls. Chromosome 21–specific association studies revealed rs2832616 and rs1943950 as CHD risk alleles (adjusted genotypic P-values <0.05). These signals were confirmed in a replication cohort of 92 DS-CHD cases and 80 DS-without CHD (nominal P-value 0.0022). Furthermore, CNV analyses using a customized chromosome 21 aCGH of 135K probes in 55 DS-AVSD and 53 DS-without CHD revealed three CNV regions associated with AVSD risk (FDR ≤ 0.05). Two of these regions that are located within the previously identified CHD region on chromosome 21 were further confirmed in a replication study of 49 DS-AVSD and 45 DS- without CHD (FDR ≤ 0.05). One of these CNVs maps near the RIPK4 gene, and the second includes the ZBTB21 (previously ZNF295) gene, highlighting the potential role of these genes in the pathogenesis of CHD in DS. We propose that the genetic architecture of the CHD risk of DS is complex and includes trisomy 21, and SNP and CNV variations in chromosome 21. In addition, a yet-unidentified genetic variation in the rest of the genome may contribute to this complex genetic architecture.The study was supported by grants from the NCCR–Frontiers in Genetics, the European AnEuploidy project, the Fondation Child Care, the SNF 144082, the ERC 249968 to S.E.A., and the Spanish Ministry of Ecomomy and Competitivity to X.E. P.M. was supported by a grant from the Bodossaki foundation. K.P. was supported by the EMBO long-term fellowship program ALTF 527-201

    A novel melanocortin-4 receptor mutation MC4R-P272L associated with severe obesity has increased propensity to be ubiquitinated in the ER in the face of correct folding

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    Heterozygous mutations in the melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R) gene represent the most frequent cause of monogenic obesity in humans. MC4R mutation analysis in a cohort of 77 children with morbid obesity identified previously unreported heterozygous mutations (P272L, N74I) in two patients inherited from their obese mothers. A rare polymorphism (I251L, allelic frequency: 1/100) reported to protect against obesity was found in another obese patient. When expressed in neuronal cells, the cell surface abundance of wild-type MC4R and of the N74I and I251L variants and the cAMP generated by these receptors in response to exposure to the agonist, α-MSH, were not different. Conversely, MC4R P272L was retained in the endoplasmic reticulum and had reduced cell surface expression and signaling (by ≈3-fold). The chemical chaperone PBA, which promotes protein folding of wild-type MC4R, had minimal effects on the distribution and signaling of the P272L variant. In contrast, incubation with UBE-41, a specific inhibitor of ubiquitin activating enzyme E1, inhibited ubiquitination of MC4R P272L and increased its cell surface expression and signaling to similar levels as wild-type MC4R. UBE41 had much less profound effects on MC4R I316S, another obesity-linked MC4R variant trapped in the ER. These data suggest that P272L is retained in the ER by a propensity to be ubiquitinated in the face of correct folding, which is only minimally shared by MC4R I316S. Thus, studies that combine clinical screening of obese patients and investigation of the functional defects of the obesity-linked MC4R variants can identify specific ways to correct these defects and are the first steps towards personalized medicineThis work has been funded by Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (PI09/91060, PI10/02512, PI01/00747), CIBERobn Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), Fundación Mutua Madrileña (AP2561/2008), Fundación Endocrinología y Nutrición, the National Institutes of Health (R01DK080424 to GB), and the Arkansas Tobacco Settlement (to GB). CS-J and GAM-M were recipients of fellowships from ISCIII (FI08/00365 and CM05/00100, respectively)

    DNA methylation abnormalities in congenital heart disease

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    Congenital heart defects represent the most common malformation at birth, occurring also in ∼50% of individuals with Down syndrome. Congenital heart defects are thought to have multifactorial etiology, but the main causes are largely unknown. We have explored the global methylation profile of fetal heart DNA in comparison to blood DNA from control subjects: an absolute correlation with the type of tissue was detected. Pathway analysis revealed a significant enrichment of differential methylation at genes related to muscle contraction and cardiomyopathies in the developing heart DNA. We have also searched for abnormal methylation profiles on developing heart-tissue DNA of syndromic and non-syndromic congenital heart defects. On average, 3 regions with aberrant methylation were detected per sample and 18 regions were found differentially methylated between groups. Several epimutations were detected in candidate genes involved in growth regulation, apoptosis and folate pathway. A likely pathogenic hypermethylation of several intragenic sites at the MSX1 gene, involved in outflow tract morphogenesis, was found in a fetus with isolated heart malformation. In addition, hypermethylation of the GATA4 gene was present in fetuses with Down syndrome with or without congenital heart defects, as well as in fetuses with isolated heart malformations. Expression deregulation of the abnormally methylated genes was detected. Our data indicate that epigenetic alterations of relevant genes are present in developing heart DNA in fetuses with both isolated and syndromic heart malformations. These epimutations likely contribute to the pathogenesis of the malformation by cis-acting effects on gene expression.This work was supported by grants of the Spanish Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and FEDER funds [FIS PI10/2512 and PI13/2812], an intramural project of the CIBERER, the Catalan Government [SGR2009/1274, SGR2014/1468 and ICREA Acadèmia] and a predoctoral fellowship of the Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria [FIS FI08/00365] to CS-J

    DNA methylation abnormalities in congenital heart disease

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    Congenital heart defects represent the most common malformation at birth, occurring also in ∼50% of individuals with Down syndrome. Congenital heart defects are thought to have multifactorial etiology, but the main causes are largely unknown. We have explored the global methylation profile of fetal heart DNA in comparison to blood DNA from control subjects: an absolute correlation with the type of tissue was detected. Pathway analysis revealed a significant enrichment of differential methylation at genes related to muscle contraction and cardiomyopathies in the developing heart DNA. We have also searched for abnormal methylation profiles on developing heart-tissue DNA of syndromic and non-syndromic congenital heart defects. On average, 3 regions with aberrant methylation were detected per sample and 18 regions were found differentially methylated between groups. Several epimutations were detected in candidate genes involved in growth regulation, apoptosis and folate pathway. A likely pathogenic hypermethylation of several intragenic sites at the MSX1 gene, involved in outflow tract morphogenesis, was found in a fetus with isolated heart malformation. In addition, hypermethylation of the GATA4 gene was present in fetuses with Down syndrome with or without congenital heart defects, as well as in fetuses with isolated heart malformations. Expression deregulation of the abnormally methylated genes was detected. Our data indicate that epigenetic alterations of relevant genes are present in developing heart DNA in fetuses with both isolated and syndromic heart malformations. These epimutations likely contribute to the pathogenesis of the malformation by cis-acting effects on gene expression.This work was supported by grants of the Spanish Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and FEDER funds [FIS PI10/2512 and PI13/2812], an intramural project of the CIBERER, the Catalan Government [SGR2009/1274, SGR2014/1468 and ICREA Acadèmia] and a predoctoral fellowship of the Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria [FIS FI08/00365] to CS-J

    Contribution of rare copy number variants to isolated human malformations

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    Background: Congenital malformations are present in approximately 2–3% of liveborn babies and 20% of stillborn fetuses. The mechanisms underlying the majority of sporadic and isolated congenital malformations are poorly understood, although it is hypothesized that the accumulation of rare genetic, genomic and epigenetic variants converge to deregulate developmental networks. Methodology/Principal Findings: We selected samples from 95 fetuses with congenital malformations not ascribed to a specific syndrome (68 with isolated malformations, 27 with multiple malformations). Karyotyping and Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA) discarded recurrent genomic and cytogenetic rearrangements. DNA extracted from the affected tissue (46%) or from lung or liver (54%) was analyzed by molecular karyotyping. Validations and inheritance were obtained by MLPA. We identified 22 rare copy number variants (CNV) [>100 kb, either absent (n = 7) or very uncommon (n = 15, <1/2,000) in the control population] in 20/95 fetuses with congenital malformations (21%), including 11 deletions and 11 duplications. One of the 9 tested rearrangements was de novo while the remaining were inherited from a healthy parent. The highest frequency was observed in fetuses with heart hypoplasia (8/17, 62.5%), with two events previously related with the phenotype. Double events hitting candidate genes were detected in two samples with brain malformations. Globally, the burden of deletions was significantly higher in fetuses with malformations compared to controls./nConclusions/Significance: Our data reveal a significant contribution of rare deletion-type CNV, mostly inherited but also de novo, to human congenital malformations, especially heart hypoplasia, and reinforce the hypothesis of a multifactorial etiology in most cases.This work was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Health (PI042063), the CIBERER (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Raras)(U735-3) and the VI Framework Programme of the European Union (LSHG-CT-2006-037627). CS-J and BR-S were supported by predoctoral (FIS FI08/00365) and posdoctoral fellowships (FIS CD06/00019) of the Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria, respectivel

    Novel genes involved in severe early-onset obesity revealed by rare copy number and sequence variants

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    Obesity is a multifactorial disorder with high heritability (50–75%), which is probably higher in early-onset and severe cases. Although rare monogenic forms and several genes and regions of susceptibility, including copy number variants (CNVs), have been described, the genetic causes underlying the disease still remain largely unknown. We searched for rare CNVs (>100kb in size, altering genes and present in 3 standard deviations above the mean at <3 years of age) using SNP array molecular karyotypes. We then performed case control studies (480 EOO cases/480 non-obese controls) with the validated CNVs and rare sequence variants (RSVs) detected by targeted resequencing of selected CNV genes (n = 14), and also studied the inheritance patterns in available first-degree relatives. A higher burden of gain-type CNVs was detected in EOO cases versus controls (OR = 1.71, p-value = 0.0358). In addition to a gain of the NPY gene in a familial case with EOO and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, likely pathogenic CNVs included gains of glutamate receptors (GRIK1, GRM7) and the X-linked gastrin-peptide receptor (GRPR), all inherited from obese parents. Putatively functional RSVs absent in controls were also identified in EOO cases at NPY, GRIK1 and GRPR. A patient with a heterozygous deletion disrupting two contiguous and related genes, SLCO4C1 and SLCO6A1, also had a missense RSV at SLCO4C1 on the other allele, suggestive of a recessive model. The genes identified showed a clear enrichment of shared co-expression partners with known genes strongly related to obesity, reinforcing their role in the pathophysiology of the disease. Our data reveal a higher burden of rare CNVs and RSVs in several related genes in patients with EOO compared to controls, and implicate NPY, GRPR, two glutamate receptors and SLCO4C1 in highly penetrant forms of familial obesity.LAPJ was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Health (FIS-PI1302481, co-funded by FEDER), the Generalitat de Catalunya (2014SRG1468), the Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA Academia program), and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competiveness “Programa de Excelencia María de Maeztu” (MDM-2014-0370). JA was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Health (FIS-PI13/02195 & PI16/00485, co-funded by FEDER) and the Fundación de Endocrinología y Nutrición. JRG was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MTM2011-26515) and Statistical Genetics Network - GENOMET (MTM2010-09526-E). The "Centro de Investigación Biomèdica en Red" for rare diseases (CIBERER), obesity and nutrition (CIBEROBN), and epidemiology and public health (CIBERESP) are initiatives of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain