745 research outputs found

    Los relatos acerca de tesoros ocultos en las Leggende e tradizioni di Sardegna (1922) de Gino Bottiglioni

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    Colección de leyendas tradicionales de Cerdeña, anotadas por el lingüista Gino Bottiglioni en los dialectos sardos, y publicadas en 1922. Selección de las nueve leyendas que contiene acerca de tesoros ocultos. Traducción y análisis comparativo de algunas de ellas.Collection of folk legends of Sardinia, recorded by linguist Gino Bottiglini in Sardinian dialects, and published in 1922. Anthology of its nine legends about hidden treasures. Translation and comparative analyses of some of them

    Microwave-triggered redox switching of materials enables hydrogen production and green chemistry

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    García-Baños, B.; Serra Alfaro, JM.; Catalá Civera, JM. (2020). Microwave-triggered redox switching of materials enables hydrogen production and green chemistry. AMPERE Newsletter. 105:1-5. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/165731S1510

    Surface Functionalization with Ni of Fe0.7Cr1.3O3/8YSZ Electrode in a Potentiometric Sensor To Selectively Detect C2H4

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    [EN] This work presents a multidevice potentiometric sensor consisting of Fe0.7Cr1.3O3/8YSZ//8YSZ//Pt to detect selectively C2H4 with a low cross-sensitivity to CO in diesel exhaust gases. The device has been designed as a multisensor to measure up to four channels at the same time. A dense 8YSZ disk is employed as oxide-ion conducting electrolyte where four rectangular-shape working electrodes (Fe0.7Cr13O3/8YSZ) are screen-printed in one face while one common cross-shape reference electrode (LSM/8YSZ) is screen printed in the back face. Two major improvements are proposed in this work: first, change the reference electrode from state-of-the-art Pt to LSM/8YSZ, inexpensive and more active to oxygen. And second, increase the catalytic activity of the working electrode to improve the response of the sensor under wet conditions. The surface activation by nickel and ruthenium nanoparticles deposition enables reduction of the cross-sensitivity toward CO even in wet atmospheres. Ni nanoparticles selectively boost the electrochemically driven oxidation to C2H4 with respect to CO oxidation, as inferred by impedance spectroscopy analysisFunding from Spanish Government (Grants AP-2003-03478, SEV-2016-0683, and ENE2014-57651) is kindly acknowledged. FPU scholarship to F.T.-R. from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport is also acknowledged.Toldrá-Reig, F.; Serra Alfaro, JM. (2018). Surface Functionalization with Ni of Fe0.7Cr1.3O3/8YSZ Electrode in a Potentiometric Sensor To Selectively Detect C2H4. ACS Applied Nano Materials. 1(12):6666-6673. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsanm.8b014866666667311

    Influence of ultra-high strength infill in slender concrete-filled steel tubular columns

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    This paper describes 24 tests conducted on slender circular tubular columns filled with normal, high, and ultra-high strength concrete for plain, bar reinforced and steel fiber reinforced columns. These were reinforced and subjected to both concentric and eccentric axial load. It is a continuation of a previous research paper (Portoles et al., 2011 [1]), which presented test results on eccentrically loaded plain concrete columns. The test parameters are nominal strength of concrete (30, 90 and 130 MPa), eccentricity e (0, 20 and 50 mm) and type of reinforcement. A comparison with the corresponding empty tubular columns is performed, as the aim of the paper is to analyze the influence of each type of infill and establish the best option for practical application. For the limited cases analyzed the results show that the addition of high or ultra-high strength infill is more useful for concentric loaded cases than for eccentric loaded ones, where it seems that the best design option is the utilization of bar reinforced concrete filling rather than steel fiber to reinforce CFST columns. The experimental ultimate load of each test was compared with the design loads from Eurocode 4, accurate for the eccentrically loaded tests.The authors wish to express their sincere gratitude to the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for help provided through project BIA 2009_09411, Plan E, and to the European Community for FEDER funds,Portoles Flaj, JM.; Serra Mercé, E.; Romero, ML. (2013). Influence of ultra-high strength infill in slender concrete-filled steel tubular columns. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 86:107-114. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcsr.2013.03.016S1071148

    Quaternary mixture designs applied to the development of multi-element oxygen electrocatalysts based on the Ln(0.58)Sr(0.4)Fe(0.8)Co(0.2)O(3-delta) system (Ln = La1-x-y-zPrxSmyBaz): Predictive modeling approaches

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    [EN] The experimental data generated through the optimization of oxygen electrocatalysts based on the perovskite Ln(0.58)Sr(0.4)Fe(0.8)Co(0.2)O(3-delta) system (Ln = La1-x-y-zPrxSmyBaz) have been modeled following different approaches. The main application of these catalysts is as fuel cell (SOFC) cathodes and activation layers on oxygen-transport membranes. Among the different La, Pr and Sm combinations, those containing at a time Sm-La-Ba or alternatively Pr-La-Ba show the lowest polarization resistance values. Within the same substitution degree, Pr-Ba-based compositions have lower electrode resistance than samarium-based ones. The experimental datasets available for the series of materials can be divided into: composition data, structural data (X-ray diffraction patterns), and electrochemical characterization data (electrochemical impedance spectra). Electrochemical characterization was performed for each electrode composition as a function of the operating temperature and oxygen partial pressure. Different ways of reducing the dimensionality of the spectral descriptors (XRD patterns and impedance spectroscopy) were applied based on knowledge-guided and unsupervised approaches. Different material descriptors were studied as input variables in the modeling of the electrochemical properties. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Funding from Universitat Politècnica de València (grant UPV2007-06), the Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation (Project ENE-2008-06302), the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers through the Helmholtz Alliance MEM-BRAIN (Initiative and Networking Fund) and EU through FP7 NASA-OTM Project (NMP3-SL-2009-228701) is kindly acknowledged.Serra Alfaro, JM.; Vert Belenguer, VB. (2011). Quaternary mixture designs applied to the development of multi-element oxygen electrocatalysts based on the Ln(0.58)Sr(0.4)Fe(0.8)Co(0.2)O(3-delta) system (Ln = La1-x-y-zPrxSmyBaz): Predictive modeling approaches. Catalysis Today. 159(1):47-54. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cattod.2010.06.019S4754159

    Balanced scorecard: estudo de caso de uma empresa de serviços de gestão

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    Dissertação para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças Orientadora: Doutora Cláudia LopesCom este trabalho, para além da fundamentação teórica da metodologia Balanced Scorecard, irei analisar o alinhamento interno de uma empresa de serviços partilhados de um grupo económico nacional, a qual se encontra organizada de uma forma divisional. Utilizando os dados existentes, juntamente com informação recolhida através de entrevistas e o sistema de gestão atualmente implementado, irei identificar os aspetos críticos e explicitar as vantagens da implementação da metodologia Balanced Scorecard. A relação entre a estratégia delineada, sua implementação, monitorização e grau de concretização da mesma irá ser o foco principal, bem como a definição de indicadores e medidas para cada uma das quatro perspetivas do Balanced Scorecard, de forma a possibilitar a medição e o acompanhamento do sucesso das estratégias definidas na organização. A implementação desta metodologia tende a provocar na empresa várias mudanças, tanto a nível operacional como comportamental, as quais contribuem para o alinhamento entre todos os intervenientes (quer divisionais, quer pessoais) na obtenção dos objetivos e metas pretendidas pela empresa e, consequentemente, melhorias para o grupo económico a que pertence. No caso analisado constata-se que a implementação desta metodologia irá permitir à empresa concentrar-se nas suas questões essenciais e estabelecer as relações de causa – efeito, de forma a dotar-se do necessário para atingir os seus fins, bem como articular com a avaliação de desempenho dos seus colaboradores através da escolha dos indicadores mais adequados. A implementação da metodologia Balanced Scorecard, além de possível, pode passar a ser uma ferramenta fundamental para os órgãos de gestão e direção de uma organização, bem como para os restantes colaboradores.With this work, besides the theoretical aspect of the Balanced Scorecard methodology, I will analyze the internal alignment of a shared services company of a national economic group, which is organized in a divisional form. Using existing data and the management system currently implemented, I will identify the critical aspects and explain the advantages of implementing the Balanced Scorecard methodology. The relationship between the strategy adopted, its implementation, monitoring and achievement will be the main focus, as well as the definition of indicators and measures for each of the four perspectives of the Balanced Scorecard, in order to enable the measurement and monitoring of the success of the strategies defined in the organization. The implementation of this methodology will lead to several changes in the organization, both operational and behavioral, which will contribute to the alignment between all stakeholders (either divisional or personal) in achieving the desired objectives and goals for the company and, therefore, improvements for the economic group to which it belongs. I want to show that the implementation of this methodology will allow the company to concentrate on its key issues and to establish the cause - effect, in order to equip itself with the necessary to achieve its purposes as well as coordinate with the assessment performance of its employees by choosing the most appropriate indicators. The implementation of the Balanced Scorecard methodology is not only possible, but it can also become a fundamental tool for the organs of management and leadership of an organization, as well as for the other collaborators

    Caracterização das práticas de retenção de talento utilizadas pelas empresas de tecnologias de informação e comunicação

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    O talento é uma temática relativamente recente no seio das organizações. O ambiente cada vez mais competitivo e dinâmico que as organizações enfrentam atualmente leva a que estas considerem que o capital humano é a sua verdadeira vantagem competitiva. Nesse sentido reter talento é uma prioridade para a Gestão de Recursos Humanos, pois apenas com colaboradores talentosos, comprometidos e alinhados com os valores da organização estas podem atingir o sucesso. O objetivo principal desta investigação é caracterizar as práticas de retenção de talento utilizadas pelas empresas de tecnologias de informação e comunicação. O estudo foca-se apenas nas empresas da área das tecnologias de informação e comunicação, uma vez que este é um mercado em crescimento, onde os profissionais mais talentosos são extremamente cobiçados. Estes fatores tornam a retenção de talento um desafio, sendo interessante analisar quais as práticas que estas organizações utilizam para promover a satisfação dos colaboradores e promover a sua retenção. Assim, para a realização deste estudo foram analisadas onze empresas de tecnologias de informação e comunicação da área geográfica do Porto. A metodologia utilizada foi a qualitativa, para efetuar a recolha de dados recorreu-se à entrevista semiestruturada. O estudo é constituído por onze entrevistas das quais oito foram realizadas a Responsáveis de Recursos Humanos e três foram realizadas a responsáveis pela área de talento em empresas de tecnologias de informação e comunicação. Os resultados da investigação sugerem que o talento e todas as suas dimensões merecem grande atenção por parte das empresas analisadas. A retenção de talento é uma das grandes preocupações destas empresas, que encaram os seus colaboradores como a sua grande mais-valia, utilizando um vasto conjunto de práticas para os reter o máximo de tempo na empresa. As práticas de retenção mais importantes enumeradas são a remuneração, benefícios, formação, progressão na carreira e feedback regular.Talent is a relatively recent topic in organizations. The increasingly competitive and dynamic environment that organizations face today leads them to believe that human capital is their true competitive advantage. In this sense, retaining talent is a priority for Human Resources Management, since only with employees that are talented, committed and aligned with the organization principles success can be achieved. The main objective of this research is to characterize the talent retention practices used by information and communication technology companies. The study focuses only on information and communication technology companies, as this is a growing market where the most talented professionals are extremely coveted. These factors make talent retention a challenge, and it is interesting to analyze the practices that these organizations use to promote employee satisfaction and promote retention. In order to accomplish this study eleven information and communication technology companies of the geographical area of Porto were analyzed. The methodology used was the qualitative and in order to collect the data the semi-structured interview was applied. The study is made up of eleven interviews of which eight were carried out by Human Resources Officers and three were carried out by talent managers in information and communication technology companies. The results of the research suggest that the talent and all its dimensions deserve great attention on the part of the analyzed companies. Retention of talent is one of the great concerns of these companies, who see their employees as their great asset, using a wide range of practices to retain them for maximum time in the company. The most important retention practices listed are pay, benefits, training, career advancement and regular feedback.N/