546 research outputs found

    Handling confidentiality and privacy on cloud-based health information systems

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    Health-related data include not only the patient’s personal information, but also specific information about the patient health problems, supplementary diagnostic examination results, and much more. All this information is extremely sensitive and should only be accessed by the proper entities and actors, for special specific purposes. Described herein is an approach to address security and privacy of health-related data based on rights management technologies, with an architecture to minimize security risks and privacy conerns. This approach consists of the reutilisation of an open-source and open-specifications rights management system, and designing and adapting the necessary components to address the specific security and privacy requirements that must be faced when managing health and patient data.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Vulnerability assessment of Angolan university web applications

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    Vulnerability assessment is one of the technical procedures that can help prevent serious security breaches, which, when exploited, can undermine brand credibility and or the continuity of a business. Universities hold and process important relevant and sensitive student and staff information appealing to attackers and might affect the organisations' credibility if such information is disclosed. This work presents a study conducted to assess the security status of the Angolan universities' web applications, identifying the most frequent security vulnerabilities and their criticality, based on OWASP Top 10 and CWE Top 25 references to identify and validate the findings discovered during the automatic vulnerability assessment process.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Major shifts at the range edge of marine forests: the combined effects of climate changes and limited dispersal

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    Global climate change is likely to constrain low latitude range edges across many taxa and habitats. Such is the case for NE Atlantic marine macroalgal forests, important ecosystems whose main structuring species is the annual kelp Saccorhiza polyschides. We coupled ecological niche modelling with simulations of potential dispersal and delayed development stages to infer the major forces shaping range edges and to predict their dynamics. Models indicated that the southern limit is set by high winter temperatures above the physiological tolerance of overwintering microscopic stages and reduced upwelling during recruitment. The best range predictions were achieved assuming low spatial dispersal (5 km) and delayed stages up to two years (temporal dispersal). Reconstructing distributions through time indicated losses of similar to 30% from 1986 to 2014, restricting S. polyschides to upwelling regions at the southern edge. Future predictions further restrict populations to a unique refugium in northwestern Iberia. Losses were dependent on the emissions scenario, with the most drastic one shifting similar to 38% of the current distribution by 2100. Such distributional changes might not be rescued by dispersal in space or time (as shown for the recent past) and are expected to drive major biodiversity loss and changes in ecosystem functioning.Electricity of Portugal (Fundo EDP para a Biodiversidade); FCT - Portuguese Science Foundation [PTDC/MAR-EST/6053/2014, EXTANT-EXCL/AAG-GLO/0661/2012, SFRH/BPD/111003/2015

    Nidification of Polybia platycephala and Polistes versicolor (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) on Plants of Musa spp. In Minas Gerais State, Brazil

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    Social wasps are natural enemies of caterpillars and, therefore, they have potential to control insect pests in various crops. Three colonies of Polybia platycephala (Richards) and one of Polistes versicolor (Olivier) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) were found on plants of banana (Musa spp.) in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. These colonies were at 3.50 m high, under the leaves, which provide shelter from environmental stress

    Capim braquiaria.

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    Are public banks a “necessary evil”? : an analysis on the impacts of public ownership in banks

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    This thesis studies the impacts of ownership in the Eurozone banks in the period from 2011 to 2016. Three main moments are found in previous literature: The first moment, from the 1960s to the 1990s, was characterized by a lack of comprehensive quantitative research. The second period starts with La Porta et al.’s (2002) critique on public banks. A profusion of research on public ownership of banks followed, generally presenting evidence that public banks tend to be less efficient, less profitable and riskier. With the financial crisis of 2007/2008, many banks were nationalized and the discussion about the impacts of public ownership restarted. In this context, I wanted to understand whether ownership continues to produce the same effects and whether those effects are dependent on the country where the bank is located. By using a Random Effects model, this thesis finds evidence that public ownership tends to decrease both profitability and efficiency. Additionally, evidence was found that effects of ownership on risk are dependent on the country where the bank is located. These results are interesting considering that the banks in the sample are mainly regulated by the same entity, the ECB. This raises the question of what mechanisms should be put in place to enhance the performance of these banks.A presente tese procura estudar quais os impactos que a estrutura acionista exerceu sobre os bancos da Zona Euro, no período compreendido entre 2011 e 2016. Podem ser identificados três momentos distintos na literatura académica: o primeiro momento decorre entre os anos 60 e 90, em que a discussão era essencialmente política. O segundo momento é impulsionado pela crítica feita por La Porta et al. (2002) aos bancos públicos, seguida por uma grande diversidade de autores que, em geral, apresentam evidências de que os bancos públicos tendem a ser menos eficientes, menos lucrativos e a ter mais risco nos seus balanços. Com a crise financeira de 2007/2008 e com a nacionalização de vários bancos, a discussão sobre os impactos da presença do Estado na estrutura acionista recomeçou. Neste contexto, pretende-se compreender se a estrutura acionista continua a ter os mesmos efeitos e se esses efeitos dependem do país onde o banco está localizado. Esta tese utiliza um modelo de Random Effects, encontrando evidências de que a presença do Estado na estrutura acionista dos bancos tende a diminuir o seu nível de lucro e a sua eficiência. Além disso, são encontrados indícios de que o efeito no risco dos bancos é dependente do país onde o banco está localizado. Estes resultados são interessantes tendo em conta que os bancos presentes na amostra são essencialmente regulados pela mesma entidade, o BCE. Levanta-se, portanto, a questão sobre que mecanismos podem ser utilizados para harmonizar a performance dos bancos

    Uso do fogo no controle de pragas das pastagens.

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    Recuperação de pastagem de capim colonião (Panicum maximum) através de níveis de fósforo e introdução de leguminosas em Paragominas, Pará.

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