33 research outputs found

    Yerli ve Yabancı Ticari Kahverengi Yumurtacı Tavukların Serbest (Free-Range) Yetiştirme Sisteminde Verim Özelliklerinin Karşılaştırılması

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    Araştırma serbest sistem yumurta tavukçuluğunda kullanılacak uygun tavuk materyalini belirlemek üzere yürütülmüştür. Bu amaçla yerli kahverengi yumurtacı Atak-S genotipi ile YB kodu verilen yabancı kahverengi ticari yumurtacı genotip verim ve yumurta özellikleri bakımından karşılaştırılmıştır. Araştırmada her bir genotipten 150’şer adet olmak üzere toplam 300 adet tavuk kullanılmıştır. Her genotip kendi arasında üç parsele ayrılmış ve her parselde 50 tavuk barındırılmıştır. Derin altlıklı yer sistemli kümes içerisinde birim alanda (m2) 5 tavuk yetiştirilirken, otlatma alanında ise tavuk başına 4 m2 alan ayrılmıştır. Aynı gün kuluçka çıkışı yapılmış olan yarkalar 16 haftalık yaşta özel bir firmadan temin edilmiştir. Araştırma 80 haftalık yaşa kadar sürdürülmüş olup bu süre zarfında verim ve yumurta kalite özellikleri tespit edilmiştir. Bu özelliklerden, %50 yumurta verim yaşı, yumurta ağırlığı, tavuk-gün yumurta verimi, tavuk-kümes yumurta verimi, yaşama gücü, ak indeksi, sarı indeksi, haugh birimi ve sarı rengi bakımından genotipler arasında farklılık bulunmamıştır. Buna karşın, 18-80. hafta canlı ağırlığı, yem tüketimi, yemden yararlanma oranı, şekil indeksi, kabuk kalınlığı, kabuk direnci, et-kan lekesi oranı ve kabuk rengi bakımından ise genotipler arasındaki farklılığın önemli olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Araştırmada, genotiplerden herhangi birisinin bütün özellikler bakımından öne çıkmadığı belirlenmiştir. Ancak, piyasa şartları dikkate alınarak yapılan ekonomik analiz sonuçları ve hayvan hassasiyetleri bakımından yapılan gözlemler neticesinde Atak-S genotipinin serbest sistem yumurta tavukçuluğuna daha uygun olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır

    Examination of competitiveness of irradiated (Caesium-137) Hyalomma marginatum males in copulation

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    Daha önce yapmış olduğumuz bir çalışmada, irradie Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum erkeklerinin, aynı sayıdaki irradie edilmemiş erkeklerle, dişi keneleri dölleme faaliyetinde rekabet edemedikleri görülmüştür. Bu çalışmada ise, irradie H. marginatum erkeklerinin döllemede rekabet gücü sınırlarının sayısal üstünlüklerine göre saptanması ve sahada yararlanılabilecek olası uygulama oranlarının ve esaslarının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada, erkek keneler caesium137 kaynaklı Gamma radyasyon ile 10 Gy’lik dozda ışınlanmıştır. İstatistiksel farklılıkları ortaya koyabilecek sayısal oranlarda ışınlanmış ve ışınlanmamış erkekler ile aynı tavşan kulağına konan 34 dişinin ağırlıkları, dişilerin doyma süreleri, yumurta sayısı ve yumurtadan çıkan larva sayısı gibi biyolojik parametreler kaydedilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, gerçekleştirilen istatistiksel analizler, irradie H. marginatum erkeklerinin de sayısal eşitlik söz konusu olduğu taktir de ışınlanmamış erkeklerle belli bir rekabet gücüne sahip olmadıklarını göstermiştir. Ancak, eşitliğin erkekler lehine bozulduğu gruplarda yumurtasından larva çıkan dişi sayısı ile yumurta ve larva sayılarının azaldığı görülmüş, bu durumun istatistiksel olarak da önemli olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Elde edilen bu verilerin de olası saha denemelerinde göz önünde bulundurulması gereken parametrelerden biri olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.We had previously reported in one of our studies that the irradiated males of Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum were not able to compete with the normal males while mating with the females. In this study, it is aimed to determine the limitations of the competitiveness of irradiated males of H. marginatum in copulation in accordance with their numerical superiority over the nonirradiated males. We also intend to assign the applicable propotions and furthermore we would like to identify the main principles and conditions of possible field examinations. In this study, the male ticks were subjected to gamma radiation with a dose of 10 Gy emitted by a gamma-ray source of Caesium 137. Biological parameters such as feeding periods, weight, number of eggs and larvae hatching from the eggs of female 34 ticks that were placed in rabbit ears together with different numbers of irradiated, nonirradiated or a combination of both irradiated and nonirradiated male ticks were recorded. Reasonable numbers of ticks were employed in order to reach statistically reliable results. In conclusion, statistical analyses showed that the irradiated males of H. marginatum could not compete with the nonirradiated males in the case where these two groups had equal numbers of males. However, data analyzed from the study also deduced that the average number of eggs and larvae of females showed a reduction in trials for cases in which there were more irradiated males and this incident was found to be statistically significant. Finally, we came to the conclusion that our presented results have to be one of the key parameters which must be considered for field applications

    Effects of Irradiation with UV (Ultraviolet) at Different Wave Length to Broiler Hatching Eggs from Different Genotype on Hatchability and Performance Characteristics

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    This research is carried out to determine the effects of 5 minutes UV irradiation with different wave lengths (UV-A, UV-B and UV-C) at the beginning of the incubation on embryo development, hatchability and post hatch performance. According to the results; UV treatments did not significantly affect hatching results. The hatchability were determined as 77.0, 82.6, 78.9 and 79.3 %, in K, UV-A, UV-B and UV-C groups, respectively. Mean live weights (LW) at first day, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 weeks of age were determined as 45.64, 177.8, 358.7, 794.0, 1329.6 and 2286 g, respectively. At the end of the 6 weeks, difference between genotypes for LW was found significantly different. Cobb 500 genotype have 93.3 g higher LW than those of Ross 308. Live weights of chicks at 3, 4 and 5 weeks of age were significantly affected by UV treatments. There was an interaction between genotype x UV on hatching weight and first week live weight. Mean cumulative feed consumption (FC) in 1-6 weeks were determined as 143.25, 477.25, 1207.00, 2015.50, 3092.50, and 4116.50 g, respectively. As a general effect, it is determined that genotype and UV treatments not affected FC significantly. The FC was affected significantly by genotype x UV interaction in first week. In this week, while no significant differences were found between UV treatments in Cobb 500 groups, there were significant differences in Ross 308 groups. Cumulative feed conversion ratios (FCR) in 1-6 weeks were determined as 0.81, 1.34, 1.53, 1.60, 1.74 and 1.80, respectively. At 6 weeks of age, significantly differences were found on FCR between genotypes. Effects of UV treatments have been found significantly important, as well. The FCR of Cobb 500 group was found lower than those of Ross 308. Cobb 500 genotype, with mixed sex type, has better FCR than those of Ross 308. Effects of UV treatments on FCR in 3th and 4th weeks were found significantly different

    Factors influencing outcome of inpatient pediatric resuscitation

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    WOS: 000243778900006PubMed: 17290565The aims of this study were: 1) To define the rate of long-term survivors (LTS) after cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in children; 2) To identify the predictors of survival in pediatric resuscitation; and 3) To assess the outcome six months after discharge. Three groups of patients were identified based on outcome: 1. Long-term survivors (LTS), who were discharged, 2. Short-term survivors (STS), who survived longer than 24 hours after CPR but not until discharge, and 3. Nonsurvivors (NS), who died within 24 hours after their arrest. Of the 67 patients, 10 (14.9%) children were STS, while 46 (68.7%) were NS. Only eleven (16.4%) were LTS who were eventually discharged from the hospital and six were alive six months after discharge. Four patients had neurological sequelae. Less than 5 minutes' duration of CPR and reactive pupils at the onset of cardiopulmonary arrest (CPA) were the most important factors that predicted long term survival. We suggest that a positive pupillary light reflex at the onset of CPA and the duration of CPR should be considered as important predictors of survival in children with CPA

    Effect of Egg Orientation on Malposition in Hatching Eggs

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    This research was conducted to determine the effects of orientation in the hatching eggs on hatching results and position disorders, so the eggs were placed in incubator for 3 groups as orientation of normal, horizontal and small end up. In this study, 1680 hatching eggs were divided into 3 groups with 7 replicates of 80 eggs in each. Hatchability of fertile eggs, malformation ratio, malposition ratio, weight loss ratio, chick quality, embryo death ratios in the early, middle and late stage of embriogenesis and mortality ratio were investigated in this research. There were significant differences among the groups in terms of egg weight loss ratio, embryo death in the late stage of embriogenesis, malposition ratio, hatching rate , whereas no significant differences among the groups in respect to malformation ratio, chick quality, embryo death in early and late embriogenesis. It was determined that the late embrionic mortality increased because of the position errors in case of hatching eggs orientation and the head of the embryo in small end up of eggs

    The Effect of Different Storage Temperature on Sperm Parameters and DNA Damage in Liquid Stored New Zealand Rabbit Spermatozoa

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    The effect of two different temperatures (4 degrees C and 15 degrees C) on motility, plasma membrane integrity, acrosome abnormality and DNA damage of rabbit spermatozoa was evaluated at 0 and 24 h of liquid storage. Ejaculates collected from six New Zealand male rabbits by artificial vagina and pooled at 37 degrees C following evaluation. Pooled ejaculate was divided into two equal aliquots and diluted with the Tris based semen extender at a final concentration of approximately 40x10(6) sperms/ml in a Eppendorf plastic tube. There were no significant differences in the percentage of above mentioned parameters between 4 degrees C or 15 degrees C at the beginning of liquid storage (0 h). The percentages of motility (75.0+/-1.83%) and plasma membrane functional integrity (71.2+/-1.14%) at 15 degrees C was significantly better than that of liquid stored semen at 4 degrees C (67.9+/-1.01% and 65.3+/-1.38%, P<0.05, respectively) at 24 h of storage. The percentage of acrosome abnormality at 24 h wasn't affected by the different storage temperature. The influence of storage temperature and the length of time on spermatozoa DNA damage was found statistically significant (P<0.001). The storage period for up to 24 h lead to an increase in the percentage of spermatozoa DNA damage (P<0.001). The percentages of DNA damage at 4 degrees C was statistically higher than 15 degrees C (P<0.001). In conclusion, 15 degrees C may be prefered when liquid stored rabbit semen are used for 24 h

    Prevalance of Eimeria Species in Cattle in Mucur District of Kirsehir

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    The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of coccidia species in cattle in the region of Mucur (Kirsehir). The study was carried out between April and May 2009, in 18 barns and farms at 4 different localities. Coccidian oocysts were found in 50.6% of all samples examined by Sheather's sugar flotation technique. Infection prevalence was found higher (68.3%) in cattle aged between 6 and 12 months and also in males (61.5%). The identified coccidia species were E. auburnensis, E. canadensis, E. ellipsoidalis, E. zuernii, E. bovis, E. cylindrica, E. alabamensis, E. bukidnonensis and Isospora spp in infected cattle. The pure and mix infection rates were 41.2% and 58.8%, respectively