86 research outputs found

    Estudio del tejido ovárico para mejorar la producción a través del tamaño de camada en conejos

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    [ES] El tamaño de camada es uno de los caracteres con mayor importancia económica en la producción del conejo de carne. La respuesta a la selección por tamaño de camada es baja, alrededor de 0,10 gazapos por generación. Una de las alternativas que se ha propuesto para mejorar la respuesta en tamaño de camada es la selección por tasa de ovulación, que es uno de los componentes más importantes del tamaño de camada. En la UPV se ha llevado a cabo un experimento de selección por tasa de ovulación durante diez generaciones. En la generación base, se recuperaron embriones de las hembras y se vitrificaron. Tras 10 generaciones de selección, estos embriones se desvitrificaron y se transfirieron a hembras receptoras para reconstituir la población de la generación base y disponer de un grupo de hembras control que fueran contemporáneas de las hembras de la generación 10 de selección. La selección por tasa de ovulación ha tenido éxito, la línea seleccionada presenta un aumento de tres óvulos más que la línea control. Sin embargo, no se ha obtenido una respuesta correlacionada en tamaño de camada debido a un aumento en la mortalidad prenatal. Los factores propuestos para explicar el aumento de esta mortalidad en hembras con alta tasa de ovulación son: el aumento del número de óvulos inmaduros, el aumento de la variabilidad en el desarrollo embrionario y el aumento de la competencia entre los embriones o fetos por los recursos que afectan a su desarrollo. El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar cuál ha sido el efecto de la selección sobre la expresión génica diferencial en el tejido ovárico mediante el uso de microarrays. Los resultados de este trabajo permitirán buscar alternativas de mejora más eficaz del tamaño de camada que reporten mayores beneficios económicos a las explotaciones cunícolas.[EN] Litter size is one of the most economically important traits in rabbit meat production. Selection response on litter size is low, about 0.10 kits per generation. Selection for ovulation rates has been proposed to improve the response in litter size. Ovulation rate is one of the most important components of litter size. In UPV farms, one ovulation rate selection experiment has been carried out for ten generations. In the base generation, embryos were recovered from females and vitrified. After 10 generations of selection, these embryos were devitrified and transferred to recipient females to reconstitute a group of control females. Control females were contemporaneous with selected females from generation 10. Selection on ovulation rate has been successfully, selected line showed an increase of three ovules more than control line. However, a correlated response in litter size has not been obtained because of an increase in prenatal mortality. The factors proposed to explain the increase of this mortality in females with high ovulation rate are: the increase in the number of immature eggs, the increase in the variability in the embryonic development and the increase of the competition between the embryos or fetuses by the resources which affect their development. The aim is to study the effect of selection on differential gene expression in ovarian tissue through the use of microarrays. Results of this work will allow searching for alternatives of more efficient improvement of the litter size that report greater economic benefits to the farms.[CA] La grandària de ventrada és un dels caràcters amb major importància econòmica en la producció del conill de carn. La resposta a la selecció per grandària de ventrada és baixa, al voltant de 0,10 catxaps per generació. Una de les alternatives que s'ha proposat per a millorar la resposta en grandària de ventrada és la selecció per taxa d'ovulació, que és un dels components més importants de la grandària de ventrada. En la UPV s'ha dut a terme un experiment de selecció per taxa d'ovulació durant deu generacions. En la generació base, es van recuperar embrions de les femelles i es van vitrificar. Després de 10 generacions de selecció, aquestos embrions es van desvitrificar i es van transferir femelles receptores per a reconstituir la població de la generació base i disposar d'un grup de femelles control que foren contemporànies de les femelles de la generació 10 de selecció. La selecció per taxa d'ovulació ha tingut èxit, la línia seleccionada presenta un augment de tres òvuls més que la línia control. No obstant això, no s'ha obtingut una resposta correlacionada en grandària de ventrada degut a un augment en la mortalitat prenatal. Els factors proposats per a explicar l'augment d'aquesta mortalitat en femelles amb alta taxa d'ovulació són: l'augment del nombre d'òvuls immadurs, l'augment de la variabilitat en el desenvolupament embrionari i l'augment de la competència entre els embrions o fetus pels recursos que afecten el seu desenvolupament. L'objectiu d'aquest treball és estudiar quin ha sigut l'efecte de la selecció sobre l'expressió gènica diferencial en el teixit ovàric per mitjà de l'ús de microarrays. Els resultats d'aquest treball permetran trobar alternatives de millora més eficaç de la grandària de ventrada que reporten majors beneficis econòmics a les explotacions cunícoles.Serna Garcia, M. (2016). Estudio del tejido ovárico para mejorar la producción a través del tamaño de camada en conejos. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/76538.TFG

    Ovarian transcriptomic analysis reveals differential expression genes associated with cell death process after selection for ovulation rate in rabbits

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    [EN] Transcriptomic analysis showed nineteen potential biomarkers in ovarian tissue from females belonged to a rabbit line selected for ovulation rate for 10 generations and the control line. These females differed not only in ovulation rate but also in prenatal survival since similar litter size were observed. Litter size is an essential trait in rabbit meat production but with low heritability. A selection experiment for ovulation rate has been performed for 10 generations to improve litter size in rabbits. The selected line increased two ova more than the control line but nevertheless a negative correlation was observed with prenatal survival. A transcriptomic study was performed, using microarrays, in ovarian tissue from females belonging to the selected line and the control line. Our results showed 1357 differential expressed genes and nineteen potential biomarkers associated with prenatal mortality, which could explain differences between litter size in rabbits. Cell death was the most relevant process.This research was supported by MEC (AGL2014-55921-C2-1-P) and Generalitat Valenciana (Prometeo 2009/125).Serna-García, M.; Peiró Barber, RM.; Serna, E.; Santacreu Jerez, MA. (2020). Ovarian transcriptomic analysis reveals differential expression genes associated with cell death process after selection for ovulation rate in rabbits. Animals. 10(10):1-11. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani10101924S1111010Laborda, P., Mocé, M. L., Blasco, A., & Santacreu, M. A. (2012). Selection for ovulation rate in rabbits: Genetic parameters and correlated responses on survival rates1. Journal of Animal Science, 90(2), 439-446. doi:10.2527/jas.2011-4219Laborda, P., Mocé, M. L., Santacreu, M. A., & Blasco, A. (2011). Selection for ovulation rate in rabbits: Genetic parameters, direct response, and correlated response on litter size1. Journal of Animal Science, 89(10), 2981-2987. doi:10.2527/jas.2011-3906Laborda, P., Santacreu, M. A., Blasco, A., & Mocé, M. L. (2012). Selection for ovulation rate in rabbits: Direct and correlated responses estimated with a cryopreserved control population1. Journal of Animal Science, 90(10), 3392-3397. doi:10.2527/jas.2011-4837Cunningham, P. J., England, M. E., Young, L. D., & Zimmerman, D. R. (1979). Selection for Ovulation Rate in Swine: Correlated Response in Litter Size and Weight. Journal of Animal Science, 48(3), 509-516. doi:10.2527/jas1979.483509xRosendo, A., Druet, T., Gogué, J., & Bidanel, J. P. (2007). Direct responses to six generations of selection for ovulation rate or prenatal survival in Large White pigs. Journal of Animal Science, 85(2), 356-364. doi:10.2527/jas.2006-507Johnson, R. K., Zimmerman, D. R., & Kittok, R. J. (1984). Selection for components of reproduction in swine. Livestock Production Science, 11(6), 541-558. doi:10.1016/0301-6226(84)90070-8Rodrigues, P., Limback, D., McGinnis, L. K., Plancha, C. E., & Albertini, D. F. (2008). Oogenesis: Prospects and challenges for the future. 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    Production of molecular weight fractionated hemicelluloses hydrolyzates from spent coffee grounds combining hydrothermal extraction and a multistep ultrafiltration/diafiltration

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    Producción CientíficaSpent coffee grounds are a huge residual stream from instant coffee makers. The production of spent coffee oil and molecular weight fractionated hemicellulose hydrolysates via supercritical CO2 and a hydrothermal treatment followed by concentration, separation, and purification through cascade ultrafiltration/diafiltration (30-10-5 kDa) was studied. Hemicelluloses extraction yield reached 3.49 g/100 g of dry defatted spent coffee after 40 min at 160 °C. The ultrafiltration system allowed concentrating up to 5-fold certain groups of hemicellulose, being most of them retained in the first membrane. Hemicellulose concentration and molecular weight of the feed exerted a great influence on the mass transfer through the membrane due to the formation of aggregates. However, purification through diafiltration allowed both to decrease by-products retentions from 45.6% to 8.7%, increasing the molecular weight of each fraction. Six hemicellulose products were obtained with purities between 83.7 and 97.8 wt% and weight-average molecular weights between 1641 and 49,733 Da.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Project CTQ2015-64892-R and FEDER)Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deportes (reference FPU15/06366

    Biorefinery of discarded carrot juice to produce carotenoids and fermentation products

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    Producción CientíficaDiscarded carrots are a major food waste that is produced from cultivation to sale. This waste has high humidity, which generates not only economic but also environmental problems, requiring a specific biorefinery for its valorization. The pulp and the juice were separated and received a different treatment. The juice was subjected to a process of separation and purification using several diafiltration cycles (30 kDa) giving rise to a fraction rich in carotenoids (4996.4 μg/g) and a fraction rich in sugars (84.83 ± 3.26 g/L) and nutrients. The carotenoids have potential applications in the food and pharmaceutical industry; therefore, they were formulated through encapsulation with gum Arabic using spray drying and freeze drying. Encapsulation using spray drying was effective as it improved stability in water and reduced degradation by 51.9% compared to unencapsulated carotenoids. The sugar-rich fraction was valorized to obtain lactic acid and ethanol through three types of fermentation: with autochthonous microorganisms, with lactic acid bacteria, and with yeast, resulting in obtaining mostly lactic acid (17.64 ± 1.54 g/L) or ethanol (49.46 ± 0.28 g/L). The addition of 6% (w/v) of NaCl to the medium allowed the production of pure lactic acid with both autochthonous microorganisms and lactic bacteria. Sugar consumption was high (92.4–97.5%) except in cases with autochthonous microorganisms (23.3%) and lactic bacteria (43.8%) where a pH control seems to be necessary for total sugar consumption.Junta de Castilla y León - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (project CLU-2019-04)Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (project PID2019-105975GB-I00)Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (project FPU15/06366

    Production of purified hemicellulose-pectin fractions of different molecular weight from discarded carrots by hydrothermal treatment followed by multistep ultrafiltration/diafiltration

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    Producción CientíficaHemicelluloses and pectins are good candidates as biopolymers for the formation of products such as packaging films. Purified freeze-dried fractions of hemicelluloses and pectins, of different molecular weights, were obtained by treating hydrothermal extracts (140, 160, and 180 °C) of discarded carrots with ultrafiltration membranes (30, 10, 5, and 1 kDa). After each ultrafiltration, several cycles of diafiltration with partial water reuse were applied, obtaining a better separation and purification. A cascade configuration (30-10-5-1 kDa) was used in the 140 and 160 °C extracts, and a mixed configuration (5-10-1 kDa) in the 180 °C extract. High molecular weight hemicelluloses increased in concentration by a factor of 5 in the cascade configuration and by a factor of 16.67 in the mixed configuration. A high removal of free sugars (98.9–99.5 wt%) and by-products (94.4–99.2 wt%) through 1 kDa permeate and diafiltration waters was obtained. The system allowed moving from feeds with molecular weight, polydispersity, and purity in the ranges 9.02–18.83 kDa, 16.2–31.6, and 30.12–33.51 wt% to fractions with values in the ranges 2.59–102.75 kDa, 1.2–4.0, and 73.1–100 wt%.Junta de Castilla y León - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (project CLU-2019-04)Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (project PID2019-105975GB-I00)Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (contract FPU15/06366

    A Novel Niosome-Encapsulated Essential Oil Formulation to Prevent Aspergillus flavus Growth and Aflatoxin Contamination of Maize Grains During Storage

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    Aflatoxin (AF) contamination of maize is a major concern for food safety. The use of chemical fungicides is controversial, and it is necessary to develop new effective methods to control Aspergillus flavus growth and, therefore, to avoid the presence of AFs in grains. In this work, we tested in vitro the effect of six essential oils (EOs) extracted from aromatic plants. We selected those from Satureja montana and Origanum virens because they show high levels of antifungal and antitoxigenic activity at low concentrations against A. flavus. EOs are highly volatile compounds and we have developed a new niosome-based encapsulation method to extend their shelf life and activity. These new formulations have been successfully applied to reduce fungal growth and AF accumulation in maize grains in a small-scale test, as well as placing the maize into polypropylene woven bags to simulate common storage conditions. In this latter case, the antifungal properties lasted up to 75 days after the first applicatio

    A Comprehensive Study on the Occurrence of Mycotoxins and Their Producing Fungi during the Maize Production Cycle in Spain

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    Mycotoxin contamination is one of the main problems affecting corn production, due to its significant risk to human and animal health. The Fusarium and Aspergillus species are the main producers of mycotoxins in maize, infecting both pre-harvest and during storage. In this work, we evaluated the presence of mycotoxins and their producing species along maize production cycles in three different stages (anthesis, harvest, and storage) during three consecutive seasons (2016–2018). Fungal occurrences were studied using species-specific PCR protocols, whereas mycotoxin levels were determined by LC-MS/MS. Fumonisin-producing Fusarium species (F. verticillioides and F. proliferatum), as well as the aflatoxin producer Aspergillus flavus, were the most predominant species at all stages; although, during some seasons, the presence of F. graminearum and A. niger aggregate species were also identified. Contrastingly, fumonisins were the only mycotoxins detected and levels were always under legal regulations. The results presented here demonstrate that even when fungal contamination occurs at the early stages of the maize production cycle, the application of good agricultural and storage practices might be crucial to ensure mycotoxin-free grains

    Uso del debate como herramienta metodológica docente en estudios del Grado en Medicina: DEBATMITAL

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    [EN] The main purpose of the DEBATMITAL project is to increase the participation of students in the practical session on "Myths of Food" that is part of the optional subject “Nutrition and Dietetics" of the degree in Medicine of the University of Valencia. In front of the master class, which was basically the tool used in previous courses, students are organized into discussion groups to debate some food-related statements commonly heard. The assessment that students make of this initiative is very positive. They indicate that they have learned, they have had fun while participating in the debates, and that they prefer this tool to the master class. Therefore, the debate is a teaching tool that can not only be used in Social Sciences area, but can also be very useful for certain topics in Health Sciences, as in the case of the degree in Medicine.[ES] El proyecto DEBATMITAL tiene como objetivo principal aumentar la participación de los alumnos en la sesión práctica sobre “Mitos de la Alimentación” que forma parte de la asignatura optativa “Alimentación y Dietética” del grado en Medicina de la Universidad de Valencia. Frente a la clase magistral, que era básicamente la herramienta utilizada en cursos anteriores, se organiza la clase en grupos de debate para tratar diversas afirmaciones relacionadas con la alimentación que se pueden escuchar comúnmente. La valoración que los estudiantes hacen de esta iniciativa es muy positiva. Indican que han aprendido, que se han divertido mientras participaban en los debates, y que prefieren esta herramienta a la clase magistral. Por tanto, el debate es una herramienta docente que no solo se puede utilizar en el área de las Ciencias Sociales, sino que también puede ser muy útil para determinados temas en grados del área de Ciencias de la Salud, como es el caso del grado en Medicina.Olaso-González, G.; Romá-Mateo, C.; Serna García, E.; Gambini, J.; Correas, ÁG.; Gimeno, L.; Escrivá, C.... (2019). Uso del debate como herramienta metodológica docente en estudios del Grado en Medicina: DEBATMITAL. En IN-RED 2019. V Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1022-1033. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2019.2019.10471OCS1022103

    Contraste de la metodología de adsorción de colorantes en MOF’s versus ozonación

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    En este trabajo se presenta el contraste de dos metodologías: una química y otra física, empleadas en el tratamiento de aguas y suelos contaminados con compuestos orgánicos. Por una parte, los procesos de oxidación avanzada ofrecen una rápida remoción del color ya que son oxidantes fuertes. La otra alternativa es la adsorción, que se basa en solo adsorber las moléculas de los colorantes mediante compuestos metal orgánicos porosos, o redes metal orgánicas, - denominados MOF (por sus siglas en inglés: metal organic frameworks)- que poseen propiedades adsorbentes y catalíticas y favorecen la retención de moléculas orgánicas, sin dañar su estructura. El estudio se centró en una MOF de Cobre (Cu₃(BTC)₂) con estructura cúbica y de fácil síntesis. En ambas metodologías se experimenta con el colorante violeta cristal.This work presents the contrast of two methodologies, one chemical and one physical, used in the treatment of water and soil contaminated with organic compounds. The first one, ozonation, an advanced oxidation process, offer a quick color removal as they are strong oxidants. The second one, adsorption, is based on adsorbing the molecules of the dyes with Metal Organic Frameworks (MOF’s), which have adsorptive and catalytic properties that favor the retention of Organic Molecules, as some dyes, without damaging their structure. The study is focused on a copper (Cu₃(BTC)₂) MOF, with cubic structure and easy synthesis. Both methodologies are tested using crystal violet dye

    Internacionalización de las asignaturas de mediación de la Facultad de Trabajo Social de la UCM

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    Este proyecto pretende mejorar "internacionalización del currículum" así como el desarrollo de las competencias trasversales de los alumnos de la Facultad de Trabajo Social y de la UCM en general, mediante la oferta de una asignatura de 3 ECTS complementaria de mediación que será impartida en la Facultad de Trabajo social y ofrecida a todos los estudiantes de la UCM. La creación de este seminario sobre mediación ofrecerá al alumnado las técnicas y herramientas necesarias para la negociación y la gestión colaborativa de conflictos, mejorando sus competencias transversales, pero además se hará desde la perspectiva internacional e interdisciplinar que requiere la mediación, puesto que se trata de una materia con un profundo carácter interdisciplinario y con una gran proyección internacional.La estructura de este seminario se organiza en torno a la intervención de diferentes profesores a lo largo de todo del segundo semestre académico. Se aprovechará la experiencia previa de los miembros del grupo en el ámbito de las relaciones internacionales y coordinación de seminarios y eventos internacionales, así como contribuye a las competencias generales y específicas del Grado en Trabajo Social, con especial atención en las transversales, desde la CT1 hasta la CT6