755 research outputs found

    Neural-Based Nonlinear Device Models for Intermodulation Analysis

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    A new procedure to learn a nonlinear model together with its derivative parameters using a composite neural network is presented.So far neural networks have never been used to extract large-signal device model accounting for distortion parameters.Applying this method to FET devices leads to nonlinear models for current- voltage functions which allow improved prediction of weak and mildly device nonlinearities in the whole bias region. The resulting models have demonstrated to be suitable for both small-signal and large-signal analyses,including intermodulation distortion prediction

    Sintering behavior of a six-oxide silicate bioactive glass for scaffold manufacturing

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    The intrinsic brittleness of bioactive glasses (BGs) is one of the main barriers to the widespread use of three-dimensional porous BG-derived bone grafts (scaffolds) in clinical practice. Among all the available strategies for improving the mechanical properties of BG-based scaffolds, strut densification upon sintering treatments at high temperatures represents a relatively easy approach, but its implementation might lead to undesired and poorly predictable decrease in porosity, mass transport properties and bioactivity resulting from densification and devitrification phenomena occurring in the material upon heating. The aim of the present work was to investigate the sinter-crystallization of a highly bioactive SiO2-P2O5-CaO–MgO–Na2O–K2O glass (47.5B composition) in reference to its suitability for the fabrication of bonelike foams. The thermal behavior of 47.5B glass particles was investigated upon sintering at different temperatures in the range of 600–850◩C by means of combined thermal analyses (differential thermal analysis (DTA) and hot-stage microscopy (HSM)). Then, XRD measurements were carried out to identify crystalline phases developed upon sintering. Finally, porous scaffolds were produced by a foam replica method in order to evaluate the effect of the sintering temperature on the mechanical properties under compression loading conditions. Assessing a relationship between mechanical properties and sintering temperature, or in other words between scaffold performance and fabrication process, is a key step towards the rationale design of optimized scaffolds for tissue repair

    Pulmonary gas exchange after foam sclerotherapy

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    Healthcare workers training courses on vaccinations: A flexible format easily adaptable to different healthcare settings.

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    Since 2017, Italy has expanded the compulsory vaccination from 4 to 10 for those aged 0 to 16 years. Because of the great organizational effort required for the immunization services, minor attention was given to the vaccinations not included among the mandatory ones. This situation led to a real difficulty in harmonizing the vaccination procedures even inside a single region. In the Lazio region, the Laboratory of Vaccinology of the University of Rome Tor Vergata established a working group to create a new training model for healthcare professionals. The course program proposed an update of three vaccinations which are not mandatory but actively offered. It included the same part of scientific updating and a variable part based on local experiences. A specific anonymous questionnaire on knowledge and attitude was administered. The study aimed to propose a general format of training courses for vaccination centers adaptable to the individual local health units (ASLs) and to evaluate through questionnaires. The results show differences in knowledge and attitudes toward non‐mandatory vaccinations among the ASLs of Lazio, confirming the usefulness of a support to make knowledge and procedures homogeneous. This model could be adapted to any healthcare setting and exported to other services

    Empathizing with others: Social Norms and Membership in Self-Reported Empathy

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    In this paper we focus o

    Dilaton Interactions and the Anomalous Breaking of Scale Invariance of the Standard Model

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    We discuss the main features of dilaton interactions for fundamental and effective dilaton fields. In particular, we elaborate on the various ways in which dilatons can couple to the Standard Model and on the role played by the conformal anomaly as a way to characterize their interactions. In the case of a dilaton derived from a metric compactification (graviscalar), we present the structure of the radiative corrections to its decay into two photons, a photon and a ZZ, two ZZ gauge bosons and two gluons, together with their renormalization properties. We prove that, in the electroweak sector, the renormalization of the theory is guaranteed only if the Higgs is conformally coupled. For such a dilaton, its coupling to the trace anomaly is quite general, and determines, for instance, an enhancement of its decay rates into two photons and two gluons. We then turn our attention to theories containing a non-gravitational (effective) dilaton, which, in our perturbative analysis, manifests as a pseudo-Nambu Goldstone mode of the dilatation current (JDJ_D). The infrared coupling of such a state to the two-photons and to the two-gluons sector, and the corresponding anomaly enhancements of its decay rates in these channels, is critically analyzed.Comment: Revised version, 42 pages, 5 figure

    Probing X-ray burst -- accretion disk interaction in low mass X-ray binaries through kilohertz quasiperiodic oscillations

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    The intense radiation flux of Type I X-ray bursts is expected to interact with the accretion flow around neutron stars. High frequency quasiperiodic oscillations (kHz QPOs), observed at frequencies matching orbital frequencies at tens of gravitational radii, offer a unique probe of the innermost disk regions. In this paper, we follow the lower kHz QPOs, in response to Type I X-ray bursts, in two prototypical QPO sources, namely 4U 1636-536 and 4U 1608-522, as observed by the Proportional Counter Array of the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer. We have selected a sample of 15 bursts for which the kHz QPO frequency can be tracked on timescales commensurable with the burst durations (tens of seconds). We find evidence that the QPOs are affected for over ~200 s during one exceptionally long burst and ~100 s during two others (although at a less significant level), while the burst emission has already decayed to a level that would enable the pre-burst QPO to be detected. On the other hand, for most of our burst-kHz QPO sample, we show that the QPO is detected as soon as the statistics allow and in the best cases, we are able to set an upper limit of ~20 s on the recovery time of the QPO. This diversity of behavior cannot be related to differences in burst peak luminosity. We discuss these results in the framework of recent findings that accretion onto the neutron star may be enhanced during Type I X-ray bursts. The subsequent disk depletion could explain the disappearance of the QPO for ~100 s, as possibly observed in two events. However, alternative scenarios would have to be invoked for explaining the short recovery timescales inferred from most bursts. Clearly the combination of fast timing and spectral information of Type I X-ray bursts holds great potential in the study of the dynamics of the inner accretion flow around neutron stars.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, appears in Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 567, id.A80, published 07/201

    Alexithymia and immunoendocrine parameters in patients affected by systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis

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    Objective: Aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of alexithymia in patients affected by SLE or RA and to investigate the correlation between alexithymia and immunoendocrine parameters (PRL, hGH, IL-6 and TNF-alfa). Methods: Twenty-five patients (12 and 13 affected by SLE and RA, respectively) were enrolled into the study. The Toronto Alexithymia Scale-20 (TAS-20) was administered. PRL, hGH, IL-6 and TNF-alfa levels were measured by commercially available ELISA kits. Results: Alexithymia prevalence (TAS-20≄51) was 54% in RA and 42% in SLE patients. hGH serum levels were 3.1±4.2 and 1.1±0.9 IU/ml in SLE and RA, respectively. PRL concentration was 18.4±6.5 ng/ml and 14.2±4.0 ng/ml in SLE and RA patients, respectively (p=0.03). In RA group, TNF-alpha was 20±36.2 whereas in SLE it was 4.9±12.8 pg/ml (p=0.03); IL-6 serum concentrations were 24.4±25.1 and 2.9±5.4 pg/ml, in RA and SLE respectively (p=0.004). The serum level of hGH showed slight increase in alexithymic group (A) compared to non alexithymic group (NA) in both SLE and RA patients. PRL serum levels in SLE-A patients was 26.7±17.3 ng/ml while in SLE-NA patients was 12.4±3.3 ng/ml (p=0.04). In RA patients increased values of IL-6 and TNF-alpha were present in the A group compared to NA group (IL-6: 35.3±28 pg/mL vs 3.5±3.9 pg/mL, p=0.01; TNF-alpha: 34.7±39 pg/mL vs 3.1±3.4 pg/mL, p=0.01). Conclusions: In this preliminary results we found an high prevalence of alexithymia and a correlation between immunoendocrine parameters and alexhytimic features in SLE and RA, suggesting that an immunomodulatory pathway could influence this cognitive style in patients with autoimmune disorders. Other studies should contribute to find a common biological pathway linking alexithymia and autoimmunity
