33,241 research outputs found

    A L’EMBOLIC, un documental sobre Intramurs

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    Treball Final de Grau en Comunicació Audiovisual. Codi: CA0932. Curs acadèmic: 2016-2017A L’EMBOLIC, un documental sobre Intramurs es un corto documental realizado por tres alumnas de 4º de Comunicación Audiovisual de la Universidad Jaume I de Castellón como Trabajo de Final de Grado. Lo que comenzó como un mero proyecto extracurricular ha terminado por convertirse en un gran producto audiovisual sobre el propio festival, hasta el punto de haberse convertido, a la par, en un Trabajo de Final de Grado. En él se muestran todas las posibilidades artísticas y culturales que Intramurs ofrece, tratando temas que irán desde su nacimiento en 2013 hasta la última edición el pasado mes de octubre de 2016. El documental conjuga una serie de entrevistas a organizadores, artistas y colaboradores con imágenes del festival. Con ello, el documental pretende mostrar al público qué es Intramurs y qué es lo que le hace diferente del resto de festivales, en un contexto en el que resulta interesante ver cómo pueden llegar a confluir tantas y tan dispares disciplinas artísticas en un mismo festival durante 10 días en los que la música, la poesía, las performances, el teatro, los talleres, la pintura y el graffiti se unen para llenar el barrio del Carmen de vida.A L’embolic, a Documentary film about Intramurs is a documentary short film realized by three students of the 4th course of Media Studies of Jaume I University in Castellón as a Final Degree Project. What started as extracurricular project, turned into a huge audiovisual product about the festival itself, and ended up becoming their Final Degree Project. In the documentary, there’s an intention of showing all the artistic and cultural possibilities that Intramurs offers, dealing with topics ranging from its birth in 2013 until the last edition the past October 2016. The project combines a serie of interviews with organizers, artists and collaborators with images of the festival. With this, the documental pretends to show to the public what intramurs is and what is what makes it different artistic disciplines can converge in a single festival during 10 days which music, poetry, performances, theatre, workshops, paint and graffiti unite to fill the Carmen neighborhood of life

    The small settlements of the Valencian Bronze Age: Concerning the Cabezo Polovar (Villena, Alicante)

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    Se presentan los datos obtenidos de las excavaciones en el yacimiento de la Edad del Bronce de Cabezo del Polovar (Villena), conocido desde los años 1960 gracias a los trabajos realizados por J. Mª Soler en Villena. Los trabajos llevados a cabo han permitido conocer mejor las características de los pequeños asentamientos del “Bronce Valenciano”, así como obtener datos preliminares sobre la organización de estas comunidades.S’hi presenten les dades obtingudes de les excavacions al jaciment de l’Edat del Bronze del Cabezo del Polovar (Villena), conegut des dels anys 1960 gràcies als treballs realitzats per J. M.ª Soler a Villena. Els treballs duts a terme han permès conèixer millor les característiques dels petits assentaments del “Bronze Valencià”, així com obtenir dades preliminars sobre l’organització d’aquestes comunitats.In this paper we present the data obtained from the excavations at the Bronze Age settlement of Cabezo del Polovar (Villena). The archaeological site is known since the 1960s through the work realised by J. Mª Soler in Villena. All the work which has been carried out so far has allowed us to learn more about the small settlements of the Valencian Bronze Age and to obtain preliminary data about the organization of these communities as well

    Becoming “Arturo Ripstein”? On collaboration and the “author function” in the transnational film adaptation of El lugar sin límites

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    The article sets out a detailed case study of Mexican director Arturo Ripstein’s film adaptation of Chilean writer José Donoso’s 1966 short novel El lugar sin límites (‘The Place without Limits’, aka ‘Hell Has No Limits’), which featured a significant, though uncredited, contribution from the exiled Argentine author Manuel Puig. Non-mainstream and oppositional filmmakers and critics in Latin America — for example, Grupo Cine Liberación with their late 1960s formulation of ‘Second Cinema’ in ‘Hacia un tercer cine’/’Towards a Third Cinema’ (Solanas and Getino) — have often attacked, as ‘ideologically limited’, ‘ extranjerizante’ or ‘Eurocentric,’ and ‘literary’ or ‘individualistic,’ the kind of film auteurism in which Ripstein has engaged over four decades. Despite these and other similar attacks, it seems clear that this model of film production (along with Ripstein’s ‘brand’ of it) has been particularly resilient in the face of the political, economic and cultural vicissitudes of the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s and 2000s in a number of countries in the continent. Few sustained studies of auteurism as an internationally successful mode of production in Latin America exist, however. In this article, then, rather than focusing solely on the similarities and differences between the homonymous film and literary texts (the p rincipal critical activity in which studies of the adaptation process engage [Grant 2002]), I propose to use the transnational story of the adaptation of El lugar sin límites — as told from the point of view of its diverse ‘authors’ (Donoso, Puig and Ripstein) — to explore some questions concerning collaborative authorship across film and literary culture in Latin America after the end of the period of the literary ‘Boom’. I focus on the differences in the accounts that I reproduce here not in order to discover, or distil, a ‘true story’, but instead to show, and to work with, the diversity of authorial discourse about the adaptation of Donoso’s novel. While this particular case of transnational auteurist adaptation is a compelling anecdote in its own right, my examination of it will move beyond the biographical. As my title suggests, the discussion here is underwritten throughout by an interest in Michel Foucault’s concept of the ‘author function.

    Corporativismo y relaciones laborales en España: una historia de la organización del trabajo como sistema de Política Social

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    This article realizes a historical approximation to the instrumental development of the Corporatism as a modality of Social Policy in Spain, and especially in relation to the industrial relations system. For it we establish five general phases in the technical definition the systems of executive management and of legislative representation, highlighting the impact of the theories centred on the idea of the "organized work”. For it, we introduce the philosophical keys, so much juridical as policies, of a phenomenon, not always warned, of relation between technology and policy; present phenomenon in the western societies, and that in case of the corporatism, it has generated and generates a social Policy determined by sociolabour criteria.Este trabajo realiza una aproximación histórica al desarrollo instrumental de los “expedientes técnicos” de naturaleza tecnocrática en España, y en especial de carácter corporativo. Para ello establecemos cinco fases generales en su itinerario histórico, buscando las claves generales y compartidas en la definición técnica de los sistemas de gestión ejecutiva y de representación legislativa, resaltando el impacto de las teorías centradas en la idea del “trabajo organizado”. Para ello introducimos las claves filosóficas, tanto políticas como jurídicas, de un fenómeno, no siempre advertido, de relación entre economía y política, en clave de gestión técnica y armonía social; una tendencia presente en el complejo proceso de modernización española, y que en el caso del corporativismo, ha generado y genera una Política social condicionada por criterios sociolaborales

    Similarities and differences on Latin American sustainability agroecosystems evaluations

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    El trabajo compara tres propuestas metodológicas de evaluación de agroecosistemas en clave de sustentabilidad que buscan superar el reduccionismo de los enfoques clásicos propuestos por la disciplina económica. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica en los principales motores de búsqueda, identificando tres propuestas metodológicas de amplia difusión (Metodología para la Evaluación de Sistemas de Manejo incorporando Indicadores de Sustentabilidad: MESMIS, Sistema Agroecológico Rápido de Evaluación de Calidad de Suelo y Sanidad de Cultivo: SARSyC y Evaluación de Agroecosistemas Mediante Indicadores de Sustentabilidad (EAMIS) desarrolladas en Latinoamérica y se complementó la exploración mediante la búsqueda de artículos representativos de las mismas. Las propuestas con sus respectivos casos de aplicación se evaluaron mediante criterios temporales, escalares, conceptuales, etc. y se identificaron similitudes y diferencias en las mismas. Concluimos que si bien predominan las similitudes entre las propuestas, el abordaje conceptual y la participación son elementos de fuerte distinción entre el MESMIS y las demás propuestas. Por su parte el SARSyC se distingue por abordar solo aspectos ambientales de los agroecosistemas.The work compares three methodological proposals of agroecosystems evaluation in terms of sustainability which seek to overcome the reductionism of classical ones proposed by economic discipline. A bibliographic review was made in the main search engines, identifying three methodological proposals widely spread (Methodology for the Evaluation of Management Systems incorporating Sustainability Indicators: MESMIS, Rapid Agroecological System for the Evaluation of Soil Quality and Crop Health: SARSyC and Agroecosystem Assessment Through EAMIS Sustainability Indicators: EAMIS), developed in Latin America and the exploration was complemented by the search of representative articles of them. The proposals with their respective application cases were evaluated using temporal, scalar, conceptual criteria, etc. and similarities and differences were identified in them. We conclude that although the similarities between the proposals predominate, the conceptual approach and participation are elements of strong distinction between the MESMIS and the other proposals. On the other hand, SARSyC is distinguished by addressing only environmental aspects of agroecosystems.Fil: Tonolli, Alejandro Javier. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas <IADIZA

    Revision of the Chiapan deer mouse, Peromyscus zarhynchus, with the description of a new species

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    We analyzed morphometric and molecular variation among 8 populations of Peromyscus zarhynchus grouped into 5 pooled samples representing separate physiographic regions across the range of this species in Chiapas, Mexico, and western Guatemala. Mitochondrial sequence data identify 2 well-supported and reciprocally monophyletic clades, separating all Chiapas specimens from those in Guatemala. These 2 clades group as a strongly supported monophyletic lineage aligned with other members of the Peromyscus mexicanus species group. The Chiapas clade is further subdivided into 4 subclades: 1) samples from the western part of the state, 2) specimens from a single locality in Northern Chiapas, 3) all central localities, and 4) those from a single locality in Eastern Chiapas. The molecular distance in the mitochondrial cytochrome-b gene (Cytb) between the 2 major clades is relatively low (mean p-distance = 3.66%); those between the 4 Chiapas subclades are even less (mean p-distance 2.73%). Multivariate analyses of external and craniodental morphometric variables also distinguish 2 major groups, separating Guatemalan from Chiapas samples but with the latter also divided into 2 subgroups, one that segregates the Northern Chiapas sample from those distributed elsewhere in that state. The Guatemalan and Chiapas samples differ in both cranial size and shape variables. The second-level separation of samples from within Chiapas (northern versus all others) is interpreted to result from the combination of local adaptation to distinct physiographic regions and geographic isolation generated by patches of suitable habitat. We describe the Guatemalan samples as a distinct species based on their molecular and morphological uniqueness, and argue that P. zarhynchus itself is divided into definable subspecies, with the nominotypical form P. z. zarhynchus, restricted to the vicinity of its type locality (Tumbalá) in Northern Chiapas, and P. z. cristobalensis with type locality of San Cristobal, over the remainder of the species range in the state

    Boletín oficial de la provincia de León: Número 32 - (08/02/1996)

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2011-201

    Boletín oficial de la provincia de León: Número 32 - (08/02/1996)

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2011-201