726 research outputs found

    Energy poverty in Brazil: A systematic analysis

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    The utilization of firewood for cooking in approximately 13 million Brazilian households in 2022 raises pressing concerns regarding its multifaceted impact on key development indicators. This impact stems from the profound connection between access to modern energy sources and fundamental rights, including education, health, housing, and leisure. Despite Brazil’s remarkable diversity in its energy matrix, the equitable distribution of this essential resource remains a persistent and significant challenge. To construct the present work, it was undertaking a systematic review of the technical literature, uncovering a stark disparity in energy access closely correlated with income levels. This inequality in energy access underscores the urgent need for comprehensive analysis and intervention. The present work endeavors to delve deeper into this complex issue, aiming to illuminate the profound implications of both broad energy access and the consequences of energy deprivation on individual well-being and broader socio-economic dynamics. Also, this work aims to provide a holistic understanding of the challenges faced by communities with limited access to modern energy sources and, concurrently, the opportunities and improvements that can be brought about through enhanced energy accessibility. In addition, this study seeks to identify and evaluate potential solutions to address this critical issue. This work is driven by the recognition that equitable energy distribution is not only a matter of environmental sustainability but also a fundamental human right, pivotal to social and economic progress

    In vitro embryo rescue of interspecific hybrids of oil palm (Elaeis oleifera x Elaeis guineensis)

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    The oil palm (Elaeis guineennsis Jacq.) is the plant with major oil yield in tropical areas over the world. Pará state is the major producer of Brazil. However, the production of resistant hybrids (Elaeis oleifera x Elaeis guinennsis) to several diseases is necessary, in spite of less productive, is a viable alternative for areas where occur more aggressive diseases. The aim of this research was to rescue in vitro embryos of four varieties of interspecific hybrids of oil palm (Elaeis oleifera x Elaeis guineensis) in different media. Four varieties were tested: (1) Cj-2141; (2) CI-2061; (3) Cj-502 and (4) Cj-494. Four media were tested: (T1) half strength MS medium (½ MS), (T2) MS, (T3) MS + 0.5mg L-1 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) and (T4) ½ MS+ 0.5mg.L-1 NAA and BAP. All media were supplemented with 0.17g.L-1 NaH2PO4, activated charcoal (0.25%), sucrose (3%) and solidified with phytagel (0.2%). The most germination rate of interspecific hybrids embryos was obtained on ½ MS medium, supplemented with 0.17g.L-1 NaH2PO4, activated charcoal (0.25%), sucrose (3%) and solidified with phytagel (0.2%). The variety CI-2061 presents the best capacity to develop normal seedlings.O Dendezeiro (Elaeis guineennsis Jacq.) é a oleaginosa com a maior produtividade por hectare em áreas tropicais do mundo. O estado do Pará é o maior produtor nacional. Entretanto, é necessário a produção de híbridos (Elaeis oleifera x Elaeis guineennsis) resistentes a varias doenças encontrada na área de plantio.O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi resgatar embriões de quatro variedades de híbridos interespecíficos do dendezeiro (Elaeis oleifera x Elaeis guineennsis) em diferentes meios de cultura. As seguintes variedades (CI-2061,Cj-2141,Cj-502 e Cj-492) e os meios de cultura: (1) ½ MS, (2) MS, (3) MS + 0,5 mg.L-1de ácido naftalenoacético (ANA) e 6-benzilaminopurina (BAP) e (4) ½ MS + 0,5 mg.L-1de ANA e BAP foram testados. Todos os meios de cultura foram suplementados com 0,17 g.L-1de NaH2PO4, 0,25% de carvão ativado, 3% de sacarose e solidificado com 0,2% de phytagel. A maior taxa de germinação dos embriões de híbridos interespecíficos foi obtida no meio ½ MS suplementado com 0,17 g.L-1de NaH2PO4, 0,25% de carvão ativado, 3% de sacarose e solidificado com 0,2% de phytagel. A variedade CI-2061 apresentou maior capacidade de desenvolver plântulas normais


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    O presente trabalho de pesquisa teve como objetivo verificar perfil das capacidades aeróbicas, potência de membros superiores e estilo de vida de atletas cadeirantes praticantes de basquetebol do município de Xanxerê-sc. A pesquisa se caracterizou como estudo descritivo, qualitativo e quantitativo, tendo como publico alvo os atletas de basquete sobre rodas da FCDX (Fraternidade Cristã da Pessoa com Deficiência de Xanxerê). A coleta dos dados fez-se mediante à dois testes e um questionário, O primeiro teste trata da capacidade aeróbica: teste de caminhada e ou corrida (adaptado para cadeirantes), o segundo instrumento de avaliação é o teste de potência: arremesso de medicine ball e por fim um questionário que trata do Perfil do Estilo de Vida Individual, que estabelece “o Pentáculo do bem- star” para traçar o perfil do estilo de vida das pessoas. Neste estudo os indivíduos foram retratados como sujeito (exemplo: sujeito 1, sujeito 2, etc). Os Resultados obtidos mostraram que os seis indivíduos estudados apresentam idade média de 32,5. No teste de potência aeróbica os atletas se classificaram em médio33,3% (dois atletas), fraca 33,3% (dois atletas) e muito fraca 33,3% (dois atletas); no teste de potência de membros superiores 100% (seis atletas) dos indivíduos pesquisados se classificaram como intermediário; no questionário de perfil de estilo de vida, os atletas se classificaram 66,6% apresentam saúde positiva e 33,3% apresentam saúde negativa.Palavras-chave: Basquete em cadeira de rodas. Capacidade aeróbica. Potência de membros superiores. Estilo de vida

    Phosphatidylserine Exposure by Toxoplasma gondii Is Fundamental to Balance the Immune Response Granting Survival of the Parasite and of the Host

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    Phosphatidylserine (PS) exposure on the cell surface indicates apoptosis, but has also been related to evasion mechanisms of parasites, a concept known as apoptotic mimicry. Toxoplasma gondii mimics apoptotic cells by exposing PS, inducing secretion of TGF-beta1 by infected activated macrophages leading to degradation of inducible nitric oxide (NO) synthase, NO production inhibition and consequently persisting in these cells. Here PS+ and PS− subpopulation of tachyzoites were separated and the entrance mechanism, growth and NO inhibition in murine macrophages, and mice survival and pathology were analyzed. Infection index in resident macrophages was similar for both PS subpopulations but lower when compared to the total T. gondii population. Growth in resident macrophages was higher for the total T. gondii population, intermediate for the PS+ and lower for the PS− subpopulation. Production of NO by activated macrophages was inhibited after infection with the PS+ subpopulation and the total populations of tachyzoites. However, the PS− subpopulation was not able to inhibit NO production. PS+ subpopulation invaded macrophages by active penetration as indicated by tight-fitting vacuoles, but the PS− subpopulation entered macrophages by phagocytosis as suggested by loose-fitting vacuoles containing these tachyzoites. The entrance mechanism of both subpopulations was confirmed in a non-professional phagocytic cell line where only the PS+ tachyzoites were found inside these cells in tight-fitting vacuoles. Both subpopulations of T. gondii killed mice faster than the total population. Clear signs of inflammation and no tachyzoites were seen in the peritoneal cavity of mice infected with the PS− subpopulation. Moreover, mice infected with the PS+ subpopulation had no sign of inflammation and the parasite burden was intense. These results show that PS+ and PS− subpopulations of T. gondii are necessary for a successful toxoplasma infection indicating that both subpopulations are required to maintain the balance between inflammation and parasite growth

    Low-grade inflammation and spinal cord injury: exercise as therapy?

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    An increase in the prevalence of obesity in people with spinal cord injury can contribute to low-grade chronic inflammation and increase the risk of infection in this population. A decrease in sympathetic activity contributes to immunosuppression due to the lower activation of immune cells in the blood. the effects of physical exercise on inflammatory parameters in individuals with spinal cord injury have not been well described. We conducted a review of the literature published from 1974 to 2012. This review explored the relationships between low-grade inflammation, spinal cord injury, and exercise to discuss a novel mechanism that might explain the beneficial effects of exercise involving an increase in catecholamines and cytokines in people with spinal cord injury.Associação Fundo de Incentivo à Pesquisa (AFIP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Centro Multidisciplinar em Sonolência e Acidentes (CEMSA)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Centros de Pesquisa, Expansão e Difusão do Instituto do Sono CEPID/SONOCEPIDUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Centro de Estudos em Psicobiologia e Exercicio (CEPE)Universidade Federal de São Paulo, UNIFESP, Dept Psicobiol, BR-04020050 São Paulo, BrazilCtr Estudos Psicobiol & Exercicio, BR-04020050 São Paulo, BrazilUniv Extremo Sul Catarinense, Programa Posgrad Ciencias Saude, Lab Fisiol & Bioquim Exercicio, Criciuma, SC, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, UNIFESP, Dept Biociencias, BR-04020050 São Paulo, BrazilUniv Sao Judas Tadeu, Lab Movimento Humano, BR-04020050 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, UNIFESP, Dept Psicobiol, BR-04020050 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, UNIFESP, Dept Biociencias, BR-04020050 São Paulo, BrazilCEPID: 98/143003-3Web of Scienc

    Vibrational analysis of coordination compounds of nickel (II): an approach to the teaching of point groups

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    This paper presents an IR and Raman experiment executed during the teaching of the course "Chemical Bonds" for undergraduated students of Science and Technology and Chemistry at the Federal University of ABC, in order to facilitate and encourage the teaching and learning of group theory. Some key aspects of this theory are also outlined. We believe that student learning was more significant with the introduction of this experiment, because there was an increase in the discussions level and in the performance during evaluations. This work also proposes a multidisciplinary approach to include the use of quantum chemistry tools

    Scientific production about the sexuality of women in climacteric: an integrative review

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    Objetivo: Analisar a produção científica publicada sobre sexualidade de mulheres no climatério. Metódos: Revisão integrativa de abordagem bibliométrica, realizada através de consulta online, avançada e sistemática na Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde, utilizando-se a técnica da metapesquisa. Resultados: Os autores estavam vinculados a 20 instituições, 53,2% eram médicos, 61,7% eram doutores. O país com maior número de autores foi o Brasil. O tema mais abordado foi a função sexual. A maioria das publicações era quantitativa, ocorreram em 2008 e foram publicados no idioma português brasileiro. O nível de evidência mais frequente foi o quatro. A aplicação da lei de Bradford resultou em três zonas de produtividade. Conclusão: Observou-se a necessidade de mais pesquisas qualitativas, principalmente na área de enfermagem, além de estudos com maior poder de evidência, assim como mais investimentos em outras regiões do Brasil