33 research outputs found

    The Recent Thermohaline Changes in Frontal Areas of the Laptev Sea : Result of Two Sequential Summer Oceanographic Surveys in 2007-2008

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    Regions of Siberia, border upon the Laptev Sea, are the main resource of fresh water for the Arctic Ocean. Hereby they affect its thermohaline structure and predetermine formation of sea ice which influence on changeability of the global climatic system. The large interannual and spatial variability in the freshwater content on the shelves, as well as the insufficient spatial and temporal coverage of hydrographic data, results in unfair detection of long-term tendency in fresh water storage and changes in thermohaline structures associated with climate change. The main objectives of this work are: 1) to analyse the changes in thermohaline structure at the oceanographic polygon located in the central Laptev Sea frontal zone area in summer 2007-2008; 2) to assess the influence of various hydrometeorological factors on this area and to analyse the key processes that might affect the interannual changeability of Laptev Sea thermohaline structure. The following results have been outlined: Thermohaline structure during summer 2007 and 2008 is a dramatic example of high variability of the Laptev Sea hydrography. Temperature and salinity field, sea level pressure and wind patterns are completely different for these two sequential years. Peculiarities of hydrometeorological processes during summer are mirrored in the polygon area hydrography, thereby it can be an indicator of changes that occur in the area of the Laptev Sea shelf as a part of the global Arctic system. Thermohaline characteristics strongly depend on prevailing wind and demonstrate short response time. The atmospheric circulation pattern was predominantly cyclonic in 2007 and anticyclonic in 2008. However, there was no typical river water distribution for those atmospheric conditions because of instability sea level pressure patterns. It is possible to consider, that the analyzed years were a switch period of transition from one type of circulation to another, that correlate with Arctic oscillation quasi-decadal periodicity. The anomalies in ice cover, air temperatures, and wind-driven vertical mixing in 2007, lead to the increase of heat content and thickness of mixed layer. Pycnocline was depressed due to the small influence of river discharge on investigated area. It results in general increasing of heat flux to the bottom layers. As a result, in 2007 heat content of entire water column was extremely high. that result in ice formation delay in autumn-to-winter period. Lena River discharge is relatively stable, but it affects the thermohaline structure of polygon in different ways depending on atmospheric circulation. In 2007 its influence was insignificant in polygon area and the frontal zone was located roughly along the 74.5N. In 2008 the influence of river water was more pronounced, especially in the eastern part of polygon. The frontal zone area was well-detected and located along 129E. The location of polygon in area of Anabar-Lena and Western New Siberian polynyas, as well as closeness to Lena delta, predetermines the importance of this study. This region is a key to further investigation of processes that proceeding in Laptev Sea and in entire Arctic. Of course, this work is only a first step to the understanding of the interannual variability in Laptev Sea shelf. As a next step we should model the processes in the natural layers, taking into account all main factors that determine their variability

    Providing stable friction properties of disc brakes for railway vehicles

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    A new approach is developed to ensure the stability of the coefficient of friction at different braking modes for the entire speed range of braking high-speed ground transport. The new approach is a combination of friction materials with individual effort effects on the brake disc. A brake pad design and its performance are confirmed experimentally

    Состояние и Перспективы Инновационного и Научно-Технологического Развития Региональной Промышленности России

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    Results of the analysis of innovation-driven, scientific and technological development of Russian regions are provided in the article, which allow to identify regional leaders in this area, estimate their potential for the country's economic growth, and understand possibilities of the regions lagging behind in innovation-driven, scientific and technological development for their establishment as new landmarks of scientific and technological progress. Content of the scientific approach to assessing the level of innovation-driven growth of the Russian economy sectors is described in detail based on characteristics of the four innovative archetypes of sectors: performance, engineering, scientific, and consumer. The unevenness of the sectoral development is shown both within one innovation archetype and in the whole sector, based on the calculation of the relative market share index for the Russian economy sectors. Description of the specifics and success factors of the innovation process for each of the innovative archetypes of sectors is provided. It is emphasized that the criticality ranking for success factors associated with the demand for innovation and the innovation proposals is defined by the archetype of innovations, each requiring a special approach from the state and private business. Results of a comparative analysis of possible scenarios for the innovation-driven growth of the national economy and their forecast results are provided, with due consideration for the leading trends in economic development in the national and global markets. The necessity of the scientific and technological modernization of the Russian economy towards the model of innovation-driven growth is substantiated. Conclusions are made about the inevitability of Russia’s transition to a new technological paradigm, which requires the formation of a new scientific, innovation-driven and industrial policy focused on innovation and technological renewal of the entire economic landscape, making the economy truly innovative.El artículo presenta los resultados del análisis de la innovación y el desarrollo científico y tecnológico de las regiones rusas, lo que permite identificar líderes regionales en esta área y evaluar su potencial para el crecimiento económico del país, así como para comprender las posibilidades de las regiones que se encuentran rezagadas en materia de innovación, desarrollo científico y tecnológico. Como nuevos puntos de progreso científico y tecnológico. El contenido del enfoque científico para evaluar el nivel de desarrollo innovador de las ramas de la economía rusa se describe en detalle sobre la base de las características de los cuatro arquetipos innovadores de industrias: eficiencia, ingeniería, ciencia y consumo. Sobre la base del cálculo del índice de la cuota de mercado relativa de los sectores de la economía rusa, la desigualdad del desarrollo sectorial se muestra dentro de los límites de un arquetipo de innovación y en toda la industria. Se proporciona la descripción de los aspectos específicos y los factores de éxito del proceso de innovación para cada uno de los arquetipos innovadores de las industrias. Se enfatiza que el grado de criticidad de los factores de éxito asociados con la demanda de innovación y con la propuesta de innovaciones está determinado por el arquetipo de innovaciones, cada uno de los cuales requiere un enfoque especial por parte de las empresas estatales y privadas. Se presentan los resultados de un análisis comparativo de posibles escenarios para el desarrollo innovador de la economía nacional y sus resultados de previsión, teniendo en cuenta las principales tendencias del desarrollo económico en los mercados nacional y mundial. Se justifica la necesidad de la modernización científica y tecnológica de la economía rusa en el camino hacia el modelo de desarrollo innovador. Se concluye sobre la inevitabilidad de la transición de Rusia a un nuevo orden tecnológico, que requiere la formación de una nueva política científica, innovadora e industrial, centrada en la innovación y la renovación tecnológica de todo el panorama económico, dando a la economía un carácter verdaderamente innovador.В статье приводятся результаты анализа инновационного и научно-технологического развития российских регионов, дающего возможность выявить в этой сфере региональных лидеров и оценить их потенциал для экономического роста страны, а также осмыслить возможности отстающих в инновационно-научно-технологическом развитии регионов в становлении их в качестве новых точек научно-технического прогресса. Обстоятельно раскрывается содержание научного подхода к оценке уровня инновационного развития отраслей российской экономики на основе характеристик четырех инновационных архетипов отраслей – эффективности, инженерного, научного, потребительского. На основе расчета индекса относительной рыночной доли отраслей российской экономики показана неравномерность отраслевого развития как в границах одного инновационного архетипа, так и в целом по отраслям. Приводится описание специфики и факторов успеха инновационного процесса для каждого из инновационных архетипов отраслей. Подчеркивается, что степень критичности факторов успеха, связанных со спросом на инновации и с предложением инноваций, определяется архетипом инноваций, для каждого из которых требуется особый подход со стороны государства и частного бизнеса. Представлены результаты сравнительного анализа возможных сценариев инновационного развития национальной экономики и их прогнозных результатов с учетом ведущих трендов экономического развития на национальном и глобальном рынках. Обосновывается необходимость научно-технологической модернизации российской экономики на пути к модели инновационного развития. Делается вывод о неизбежности перехода России к новому технологическому укладу, требующему формирования новой научной, инновационной и промышленной политики, ориентированной на инновационно-технологическое обновление всего хозяйственного ландшафта, придающего экономике действительно инновационный характер

    Improvement of Adhesion of the Wheels of the Railway Carriage to the Rails by Means of Supply of the Scale and Magnetite Particles to the Contact Zone

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    The article proposes a method to improve adhesion of the wheels to the rails of the railway carriage by means of supply of abrasive loose materials as an alternative to quartz sand to the zone of their contact: metal scale (Fe₃O₄ ) being the waste of rolling and forging, as well as the iron oxide—magnetite (FeO·Fe₂O₃) of the natural origin. The comparative assessment of efficiency of use of scale and magnetite was carried out in relation to quartz sand traditionally used for railway transport. The adhesion coefficient and wear intensity are used as comparison criteria

    Urban solid waste management system in primorsky territory, Russia - New technologies

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    Russian Academy of SciencesFar Eastern State UniversityFar Eastern State Technical UniversityProceeding : International Symposium of Kanazawa University 21st-Century COE Program Vol.2(2004),Schedule: February 29(SUN)-March 3(WED), Venue: 29 FEB, Ishikawa Life-Long Learning Center(Former Prefectural Government Building) / 1-3 MAR Kanazawa Art Hall, Organized by: Kanazawa University 21st-Century COE Program / Ishikawa International Cooperation Research Centre / United Nations University-Institute of Advanced Studies, Supported by: Ishikawa Prefectural Government / City of Kanazawa, Eds : Hayakawa, Kazuichi / Kizu, Ryoichi / Kamata, Naok

    Littoral phytocenoses of marshes located in different tidal conditions of the White Sea

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    This paper describes the distribution of plant communities from various associations, identified from the standpoint of the ecological-phytocenotic approach, occupying the tidal flat of low and medium marshes, which are under the influence of tide range, different values of pH and water salinity. According to the degree of pH influence, we identified acidotrophic, alkalotrophic, and indifferent phytocenoses, combined into different associations. Most associations of the estuaries with different tide range are alkalotrophic, there are noticeably fewer acidotrophic ones; a few eurytopic communities from the Phragmitetum australis, Bolboschoenetum maritimae, and Caricetum aquatilis associations are classified as indifferent. The study shows that the coastal vegetation of the marshes of the mesotidal estuaries of the White Sea develops in stable pH conditions in the range from 7.2 to 7.6. The formation of coastal vegetation is less stable in the macrotidal estuaries of the Mezen Bay, most of them form at pH = 7.0-8.3. Halophyte vegetation forms in the widest range of pH (6.2-8.3) in the marshes of microtidal estuaries in the Dvina Bay of the White Sea, which are more affected by floods than other estuaries. The halophytic vegetation of the White Sea develops in a wide range of salinity fluctuations from brackish to marine waters. However, the majority of plant associations in the rivers estuaries occupy the habitats of weakly saline waters with 10 to 25% salinity

    Urban solid waste management system in primorsky territory, Russia - New technologies

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    Повышение коэффициента трения дискового тормоза подвижного состава путем жидкостного охлаждения его фрикционных элементов

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    The paper presents the results of theoretical and experimental investigations in the effect of a partial heat energy removal in the friction contact zone upon the disc brake coefficient of friction during braking. A fluid cooling system for the disc brake friction elements has been proposed based on a recuperative liquid-pneumatic heat-exchange apparatus

    Endovascular treatment of arteriovenous anastomoses in the cavernous sinus region

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    Introduction. Arteriovenous fistula in the cavernous sinus is a complex vascular pathology of the brain, its’ treatment is a scabrous problem that requires optimization of used techniques.Materials and methods. In the neurosurgical clinic of Kharkov Regional Hospital — Emergency and Disaster Medicine Center 23 endovascular surgeries were performed in 21 patients with carotid-cavernous sinus and arteriovenous fistulas. Preference was given to endovascular separation using detachable balloons «GoldBalloon» BALT (France).Results. In 16 (76%) cases after endovascular surgery complete regression of ophthalmic disorders was observed. In 2 (9.5%) patients with indirect fistulas repeat embolization of external carotid artery branches was performed 6 months after first operation, complete regression of ophthalmic disorders was achieved.Conclusions. The method of choice in treatment of arteriovenous fistulas of cavernous sinus is endovascular separation using modern materials and different adhesive compositions, which significantly increase treatment effectiveness in these patients