61 research outputs found

    «Один пояс, один путь» в системе глобального управления: парадоксы перестройки инициативы

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    Involvement in the project of foreign experts on the "One Belt, One Road" initiative of the Renmin University of China has provided an opportunity to comprehend how and for what purpose information is formed on the initiative of Chinese President Xi Jinping, as well as the role of the mass media in the formation of a positive image of the proposed initiative. The study deals with the information component of the initiative of the People's Republic of China in the framework of the vector focused on the Russian Federation. More than five years have passed since Chinese President Xi Jinping announced in Astana, Kazakhstan a new Chinese initiative called "One Belt, One Road". From the reports of various Chinese agencies, it follows that the initiative of the People's Republic of China is quite successfully implemented in all areas. The forums held in Beijing in 2018 and 2019 showed that the main emphasis was made on the image component of the "One Belt, One Road" concept, which was a demonstration of the increased role of China as an independent center of power. According to some Chinese scientists, China no longer denies its desire to become a leader in the current world order. Moreover, while until recently China has been limited to economic domination, today its influence extends into the (geo) political sphere.La participación en el proyecto de expertos extranjeros en la iniciativa "One Belt, One Road" de la Universidad Renmin de China ha brindado la oportunidad de comprender cómo y para qué propósito se forma la información por iniciativa del presidente chino Xi Jinping, así como papel de los medios de comunicación en la formación de una imagen positiva de la iniciativa propuesta. El estudio aborda el componente de información de la iniciativa de la República Popular de China en el marco del vector centrado en la Federación de Rusia. Han pasado más de cinco años desde que el presidente chino, Xi Jinping, anunció en Astana, Kazajstán, una nueva iniciativa china llamada "One Belt, One Road". De los informes de varias agencias chinas, se deduce que la iniciativa de la República Popular de China se implementa con bastante éxito en todas las áreas. Los foros celebrados en Beijing en 2018 y 2019 mostraron que el énfasis principal se hizo en el componente de imagen del concepto "One Belt, One Road", que era una demostración del mayor papel de China como un centro de poder independiente. Según algunos científicos chinos, China ya no niega su deseo de convertirse en un líder en el orden mundial actual. Además, aunque hasta hace poco China se había limitado a la dominación económica, hoy su influencia se extiende a la esfera (geo) políticaРабота в проекте иностранных экспертов инициативы «Один пояс, один путь» Renmin University of Chinа предоставила возможность понять, как и с какой целью формируется информация по инициативе Председателя КНР Си Цзиньпина, роль СМИ в формировании позитивного имиджа инициативы. Исследование посвящено информационной составляющей инициативы Китайской Народной республики по вектору, направленному в сторону Российской Федерации. Прошло более пяти лет, как председатель КНР Си Цзиньпин, в Казахстанской Астане, огласил новую китайскую инициативу, получившую название «Один пояс, один путь». Из отчетов различных китайских ведомств, следует что инициатива Китайской Народной республики достаточно успешно реализуется на всех ее направлениях. Проведенные Форумы в Пекине в 2018 и 2019 годах показали, что основной упор делался на имиджевую составляющую концепции «Один пояс, один путь» - демонстрацию возросшей роли Китая как самостоятельного «Центра силы». По мнению некоторых китайских ученых, Китай уже не отрицает своего стремления стать лидером в нынешнем мировом порядке. Причем, если до последнего времени Китай ограничивался экономическим господством, то сегодня его влияние перетекает и в (гео)политическую сферу

    Theoretical investigation of the dynamics of friction stir welding process by movable cellular automaton method

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    The paper is devoted to development of a new approach to study of friction stir welding (FSW) process on the mesoscopic scale. This approach is based on computer-aided simulation by movable cellular automaton (MCA) method. In the framework of developed formalism of MCA method the dynamics of the friction stir welding process of duralumin plates was investigated. It was shown that ratio of rotation velocity to velocity of translation motion of rotating tool greatly influences the quality of welded joint. Optimal choice of the ratio of these parameters could significantly decrease volume content of pores and microcracks in the welded joint

    Features of the microstructure development under conditions, reproducing the process of friction stir welding. Molecular-dynamics study

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    Friction stir welding is a recently developed technology which is used in various branches of modern engineering. The basis of this technology is the friction of the rotating cylindrical or specially shaped tool between two metal plates brought together either to meet their ends of one above another with the overlap. When applying the FSW process in various economical sectors, the important task is to study the mechanisms and identify the physical laws and factors leading to formation of structural inhomogeneities and discontinuities in the weld seam. This paper analyzes the basic mechanisms behind the structural state generation in the material subjected to severe plastic deformation and heating. To investigate the atomic mechanisms of structural changes in FSW, the modeling at atomic scale has been carried out. Results of work can be a basis for new knowledge about the microstructure evolution in FSW

    Structural models of the consumer goods industry in China, Turkey and Italy

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    The work researches foreign experience of developing consumer goods enterprises to define methodic basics of the economic entity management system, and optimal use of positive external and internal forces. Within the comparative analysis the history of developing the countries that have strong competitive positions in the consumer goods industry is systemized, factors that had an impact on industrial production are revealed, the role of the state in the development is analyzed, and mechanisms of regulating the consumer goods industry are defined. The authors form structural models of the industry functioning that make it possible to analyze competitiveness, sustainability and economic safety of the industry in the countries under consideration. Based on the conducted research, the main factors that make the basis for development and growth of the industry in foreign countries are generalized. Besides, methods and techniques are recommended by the authors for domestic enterprises. These recommendations can improve the efficiency of active internal production counteraction to both internal and especially external destabilization forces.peer-reviewe

    Effect of adhesion transfer on the surface pattern regularity in nanostructuring burnishing

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    In the paper the influence of friction-induced adhesion of metal to the tool on the formation of surface topography under nanostructuring burnishing was studied. A comprehensive approach, including both experimental (optical microscopy and profilometry) and theoretical (computer-aided simulation) methods was used. The results showed a direct connection between values of adhesion strength of materials in contact with the workpiece surface pattern quality caused by the tool movement. Results of the experimental and theoretical study are in good agreement and allow us to identify the reason of regular profile forming during surface burnishing

    Features of interface formation in crystallites under mechanically activated diffusion. A molecular dynamics study.

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    In this paper, we carried out investigation of behavior of the material under loading condition identical those used in FSW using molecular dynamic method. The loading was modelled by a rigid rotating “tool” that movies along boundary between two grains. We considered pairing of two crystallites of copper, crystallites of copper and iron, and two crystallites of aluminum 2024. Analysis of the structure of the sample showed the intermixing and stirring of dissimilar atoms as a result the FSW tool pass at the inter-crystallite boundary. It was shown, that under certain condition of loading when tool passes there a region where atoms can occupying the original position of the crystal lattice. We also show influence of an additional oscillating impact applied to the moving tool on the structure of the resulting weld. The simulation results obtained can be used for understanding the processes realized under mechanically activated diffusion

    Quaternary Ammonium Silane-Functionalized, Methacrylate Resin Composition With Antimicrobial Activities and Self-Repair Potential

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    The design of antimicrobial polymers to address healthcare issues and minimize environmental problems is an important endeavor with both fundamental and practical implications. Quaternary ammonium silane-functionalized methacrylate (QAMS) represents an example of antimicrobial macromonomers synthesized by a sol–gel chemical route; these compounds possess flexible Si–O–Si bonds. In present work, a partially hydrolyzed QAMS co-polymerized with 2,2-[4(2-hydroxy 3-methacryloxypropoxy)-phenyl]propane is introduced. This methacrylate resin was shown to possess desirable mechanical properties with both a high degree of conversion and minimal polymerization shrinkage. The kill-on-contact microbiocidal activities of this resin were demonstrated using single-species biofilms of Streptococcus mutans (ATCC 36558), Actinomyces naeslundii (ATCC 12104) and Candida albicans (ATCC 90028). Improved mechanical properties after hydration provided the proof-of-concept that QAMS-incorporated resin exhibits self-repair potential via water-induced condensation of organic modified silicate (ormosil) phases within the polymerized resin matrix