79 research outputs found

    Scattering of the near field of an electric dipole by a single-wall carbon nanotube

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    The use of carbon nanotubes as optical probes for scanning near-field optical microscopy requires an understanding of their near-field response. As a first step in this direction, we investigated the lateral resolution of a carbon nanotube tip with respect to an ideal electric dipole representing an elementary detected object. A Fredholm integral equation of the first kind was formulated for the surface electric current density induced on a single-wall carbon nanotube (SWNT) by the electromagnetic field due to an arbitrarily oriented electric dipole located outside the SWNT. The response of the SWNT to the near field of a source electric dipole can be classified into two types, because surface-wave propagation occurs with (i) low damping at frequencies less than ~ 200-250 THz and (ii) high damping at higher frequencies. The interaction between the source electric dipole and the SWNT depends critically on their relative location and relative orientation, and shows evidence of the geometrical resonances of the SWNT in the low-frequency regime. These resonances disappear when the relaxation time of the SWNT is sufficiently low. The far-field radiation intensity is much higher when the source electric dipole is placed near an edge of SWNT than at the centroid of the SWNT. The use of an SWNT tip in scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy can deliver a resolution less than ~ 20 nm. Moreover, our study shows that the relative orientation and distance between the SWNT and the nanoscale dipole source can be detected.Comment: 23 pages, 16 figure

    Short-length carbon nanotubes as building blocks for high dielectric constant materials in the terahertz range

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    Due to the high polarizability of finite-length carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in the quasi-static regime, they can be considered as building blocks for the fabrication of high dielectric constant material. Our theoretical estimations, based on an effective medium approach and solutions of a boundary value problem for individual CNT, predict that composite materials comprising short-length CNTs can have very high dielectric constants (up to 300) and low dielectric loss tangents (below 0.03) in the terahertz range. In order to prove this, 500–1000 nm thick films comprising single- and multi-walled CNTs of both long (0.5–2 μm) and short (0.1–0.4 μm) lengths have been fabricated. The analysis, based on the time-domain terahertz spectroscopy in the range 0.2–1.0 THz, demonstrated a decrease in the dielectric loss tangents of the CNT-based materials with a reduction in CNT length. In the terahertz range, the films comprising short-length CNTs had a relative effective permittivity with a large real part (25–136) and dielectric loss tangent (0.35–0.60)

    How effectively do carbon nanotube inclusions contribute to theelectromagnetic performance of a composite material? Estimation criteria from microwave and terahertz measurements

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    Screening effect in finite-length carbon nanotubes (CNT) and their agglomerates hinders significantly the electromagnetic interaction in composite materials. Screening effect is strong in the microwave range, and it decreases with increasing frequency resulting in a strong frequency dependence of the effective conductivity of the composite. Since screening effect is rather small in the terahertz range, the effective conductivity in this range is determined directly by the intrinsic conductivity of the inclusions. The ratio of the microwave to terahertz effective conductivities was proposed as a parameter to estimate how effectively carbon nanotube inclusions contribute to the electromagnetic performance of composite materials in the microwave range. CNT film was considered as a material where maximal possible interaction of the CNTs with EM field occurs. Single-walled CNT films and CNT-based composite materials, as well as hybrid film comprising mixtures of WS2 nanotubes and CNTs were fabricated and measured in the microwave and terahertz ranges. The electromagnetic field interaction with the inclusions has been estimated for all the samples fabricated

    Influence of nanotube length and density on the plasmonic terahertz response of single-walled carbon nanotubes

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    We measure the conductivity spectra of thin films comprising bundled single-walled carbon nanotubes (CNTs) of different average lengths in the frequency range 0.3-1000 THz and temperature interval 10-530 K. The observed temperature-induced changes in the terahertz conductivity spectra are shown to depend strongly on the average CNT length, with a conductivity around 1 THz that increases/decreases as the temperature increases for short/long tubes. This behaviour originates from the temperature dependence of the electron scattering rate, which we obtain from Drude fits of the measured conductivity in the range 0.3-2 THz for 10 μ\mum length CNTs. This increasing scattering rate with temperature results in a subsequent broadening of the observed THz conductivity peak at higher temperatures and a shift to lower frequencies for increasing CNT length. Finally, we show that the change in conductivity with temperature depends not only on tube length, but also varies with tube density. We record the effective conductivities of composite films comprising mixtures of WS2_2 nanotubes and CNTs vs CNT density for frequencies in the range 0.3-1 THz, finding that the conductivity increases/decreases for low/high density films as the temperature increases. This effect arises due to the density dependence of the effective length of conducting pathways in the composite films, which again leads to a shift and temperature dependent broadening of the THz conductivity peak.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Physics D. Main manuscript: 9 pages, 8 figures. Supplementary material: 5 pages, 6 figure

    The differences between Cis-and Trans-Gene inactivation caused by heterochromatin in Drosophila

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    Position-effect variegation (PEV) is the epigenetic disruption of gene expression near the de novo-formed euchromatin-heterochromatin border. Heterochromatic cis-inactivation may be accompanied by the trans-inactivation of genes on a normal homologous chromosome in trans-heterozygous combination with a PEV-inducing rearrangement. We characterize a new genetic system, inversion In(2)A4, demonstrating cis-acting PEV as well as trans-inactivation of the reporter transgenes on the homologous nonrearranged chromosome. The cis-effect of heterochromatin in the inversion results not only in repression but also in activation of genes, and it varies at different developmental stages. While cis-actions affect only a few juxtaposed genes, trans-inactivation is observed in a 500-kb region and demonstrates а nonuniform pattern of repression with intermingled regions where no transgene repression occurs. There is no repression around the histone gene cluster and in some other euchromatic sites. trans-Inactivation is accompanied by dragging of euchromatic regions into the heterochromatic compartment, but the histone gene cluster, located in the middle of the trans-inactivated region, was shown to be evicted from the heterochromatin. We demonstrate that trans-inactivation is followed by de novo HP1a accumulation in the affected transgene; trans-inactivation is specifically favored by the chromatin remodeler SAYP and prevented by Argonaute AGO2


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    A mechanism of stimulated emission of electromagnetic radiation by an electron beam in metal carbon nanotubes and graphene is theoretically considered. Three basic properties of graphene and carbon nanotubes: strong slowing down of surface electromagnetic waves, anomalously large electron free path length, and extremely high electron current density to be reached in the structures considered allow us to propose them as candidates for the development of Cherenkovtype nanoscale emitters analogous to a traveling-wave tube and a free electron-based laser. In graphene/polymer multi-layered structures exposed to an external electron beam, the generation is possible on a macroscopic scale, and the generation frequency tuning is proposed by varying the graphene doping, the number of graphene sheets, a distance between sheets, etc. Теоретически рассматривается механизм стимулированной эмиссии электромагнитного излучения электронным пучком, взаимодействующим с графеном и металлическими углеродными нанотрубками. Базовые физические свойства таких углеродных наноструктур: сильное замедление поверхностных электромагнитных волн, аномально большая длина свободного пробега и экстремально большая достижимая плотность тока электронов, позволяют предложить их в качестве кандидатов для разработки наноразмерных излучателей черенковского типа, подобных лампе бегущей волны и лазеру на свободных электронах. При использовании внешнего электронного пучка в графен/ полимерных слоистых структурах возможна макроскопическая генерация, причем частота генерации может перестраиваться путем допирования графена или изменением числа слоев в структуре и расстояния между слоями.

    Transport mechanisms and dielectric relaxation of epoxy nanocomposites in DC to microwave range

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    Using several methods we measure the effective complex permittivity of epoxy composites realized by shear mixing and filled with carbonaceous carbon black (CB), single wall CNT (SWCNT), and multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) over nine decades of frequency. The spectral analysis of permittivity of these nanocomposites is in good agreement with Jonscher's modelling. We point out, taking these examples, that the experimental frequency dependence of the effective permittivity has a range of interesting properties. Likely transport mechanisms responsible for the dielectric relaxation in these samples can be modeled by the dipolar relaxation and anomalous low frequency dispersion (LFD) below and above percolation, respectively

    Effects of radionuclide contamination on leaf litter decomposition in the Chernobyl exclusion zone

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    The effects of radioactive contamination on ecosystem processes such as litter decomposition remain largely un- known. Because radionuclides accumulated in soil and plant biomass can be harmful for organisms, the function- ing of ecosystems may be altered by radioactive contamination. Here, we tested the hypothesis that decomposition is impaired by increasing levels of radioactivity in the environment by exposing uncontaminated leaf litter from silver birch and black alder at (i) eleven distant forest sites differing in ambient radiation levels (0.22–15 μGy h−1) and (ii) along a short distance gradient of radioactive contamination (1.2–29 μGy h−1) within a single forest in the Chernobyl exclusion zone. In addition to measuring ambient external dose rates, we estimat- ed the average total dose rates (ATDRs) absorbed by decomposers for an accurate estimate of dose-induced eco- logical consequences of radioactive pollution. Taking into account potential confounding factors (soil pH, moisture, texture, and organic carbon content), the results from the eleven distant forest sites, and from the single forest, showed increased litter mass loss with increasing ATDRs from 0.3 to 150 μGy h−1. This unexpected result may be due to (i) overcompensation of decomposer organisms exposed to radionuclides leading to a higher decomposer abundance (hormetic effect), and/or (ii) from preferred feeding by decomposers on the un- contaminated leaf litter used for our experiment compared to locally produced, contaminated leaf litter. Our data indicate that radio-contamination of forest ecosystems over more than two decades does not necessarily have detrimental effects on organic matter decay. However, further studies are needed to unravel the underlying mechanisms of the results reported here, in order to draw firmer conclusions on how radio-contamination affects decomposition and associated ecosystem processes

    Shielding effects in thin films of carbon nanotubes within microwave range

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    The electromagnetic shielding properties of thin films comprising different types of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were analysed in the microwave frequency range (26–36 GHz). A comparative analysis of the shielding properties was achieved for films based on long and short single-, double- and multi-walled CNTs. The experimental results proved that long-length single-walled CNTs demonstrate the highest interaction with the electromagnetic (EM) field, thereby providing the best shielding efficiency. At the same time, double-walled CNTs demonstrate a higher level of absorption ability (50%) along with the overall high EM shielding efficiency (88%), which makes them attractive for using in nanoelectronics screens as they produce the smallest secondary EM pollution