13 research outputs found

    Прогулка 13 ВСТРЕЧИ С ГАЙДАЕМ

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    Walk 13 MEETINGS WITH GAIDAILeonid Gaidai's HouseDevelopment of Gaidai BoulevardExtension of East-Siberian Railway School-Lyceum №42 on Profsoyuznaya StreetAdministration and Amenity BuildingPonton BridgeHabitable Bridge in Irkutsk. Term ThesesПрогулка 13 ВСТРЕЧИ С ГАЙДАЕМДом Леонида ГайдаяЗастройка бульвара ГайдаяРасширение школы-лицея №42 ВСЖД по ул. Профсоюзная в ИркутскеТехническое железнодорожное училищеАдминистративно-хозяйственное зданиеПонтонный мостОбитаемый мост в Иркутске. Курсовые работ

    Study of isotropy of mechanical properties of the TPMS-based cellular structures

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    The study of isotropy of mechanical properties of cellular structures was carried out. The studied objects are based on triply periodic minimal surfaces (“Schwarz primitive”) with various cell size parameter t. The mechanical loading was applied with different loading directions. It was shown, that triply periodic minimal surface (TPMS)-based materials have high isotropy of mechanical properties

    Latent Trait Analysis for Risk Management of Complex Information Technology Projects

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    Abstract-Recent years have seen a major increase in the application of predictive analytics to the service delivery domain as more and more service providers rely on such analytics for proactive risk management. At the pre-contract stage, identifying potential project risks accurately is of vital importance since it allows service providers to avoid profit erosion through proactive risk management. This paper describes a data-driven approach to project failure prediction of complex information technology (IT) projects. We introduce a novel theoretical framework of Latent Trait Analysis (LTA), whose original form was first developed in psychometrics. We take as the input questionnaire data of risk assessment reviews in the quality assurance (QA) process of IT projects before contract signing, and attempt to predict the project health in the delivery phase after contract signing. The idea is to explicitly capture the human cognitive process through LTA, and estimate the latent project failure tendency hidden behind the questionnaire answers collected by QA experts. Using real QA data of an IT service provider, we demonstrate that our approach outperforms existing approaches in project failure prediction while providing practical information on the usefulness of individual question items

    A formalização do território nas constituições dos países da CEI

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    The article presents the analysis of the authors of the CIS constitutions to identify the territorial norms in them, taking into account the integrated approach of the definition of the latter. Typical constitutive formats related to territory have been identified and characterized in the focus group of states. Consideration of options for the constitutional and legal consolidation of territorial norms in the CIS countries is conditional on the fact that at the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union "as a geopolitical reality" the republics received sovereignty and were in a system comparable policy and legal coordinates. The focus of the research is on identifying the constitutional format for territorial rules in the CIS member states and participants (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan).  El artículo presenta el análisis de los autores de las constituciones de la CEI para identificar las normas territoriales en ellas, teniendo en cuenta el enfoque integrado de la definición de esta última. Se han identificado y caracterizado formatos constitutivos típicos relacionados con el territorio en el grupo de enfoque de los estados. La consideración de las opciones para la consolidación constitucional y legal de las normas territoriales en los países de la CEI está condicionada al hecho de que en el momento del colapso de la Unión Soviética "como realidad geopolítica" las repúblicas recibieron soberanía y estaban en un sistema comparable de política y coordenadas legales. La atención de la investigación se centra en la identificación del formato constitucional relativo a las normas territoriales en los Estados miembros y los participantes de la CEI (Armenia, Azerbaiyán, Bielorrusia, Kazajstán, Kirguistán, Moldavia, Tayikistán, Turkmenistán, Uzbekistán).O artigo apresenta a análise dos autores das Constituições IEC para identificar as normas territoriais neles contidas, levando em consideração a abordagem integrada da definição das últimas. Formatos constituintes típicos relacionados ao território foram identificados e caracterizados no grupo focal dos estados. A consideração das opções para a consolidação constitucional e legal das normas territoriais nos países da CEI está condicionada ao fato de que na época do colapso da União Soviética "como uma realidade geopolítica" as repúblicas receberam soberania e estavam em um sistema política comparável e coordenadas jurídicas. Cuidados pesquisa se concentra em identificar o formato constitucional sobre regras territoriais dos Estados-Membros e os participantes da CEI (Arménia, Azerbaijão, Bielorrússia, Cazaquistão, Quirguistão, Moldávia, Tajiquistão, Turquemenistão, Uzbequistão)

    Problems with the assessment of shame and guilt

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    Moral emotions play a significant role in human behavior, and yet scholars are not unanimous in defining, differentiating, and measuring the basic moral experiences: shame and guilt. Because of this problem, the theory goes far beyond the empirical research on these emotions. In this article we analyze the most widely accepted points of view on the difference between guilt and shame; those who espouse each point of view suggest their own assessment tools. Thus, one of the often-used methods, the Test of Self-Conscious Affect-3 (TOSCA-3) (Tangney, Dearing, Wagner, & Gramzow, 2000), is based on a theory that differentiates shame and guilt according to where the negative evaluation of the misbehavior is aimed (at one’s actions or at one’s self). Another widely used questionnaire, the Dimensions of Conscience Questionnaire (DCQ) (Johnson et al., 1987), differentiates these emotions on the basis of whether the event causing them is public or personal. The latest studies have shown that those methods are not contradictory. In addition, both the TOSCA-3 and the DCQ have their disadvantages; for example, they do not differentiate between emotional and behavioral aspects of guilt and shame. Thus, there is a need to develop a new assessment scale that overcomes these disadvantages. One such scale is the Guilt and Shame Proneness Scale (GASP) (Cohen, Wolf, Panter, & Insko, 2011). The research conducted by its authors has established its reliability and validity, which allow us to consider the GASP as a progressive tool in assessing moral emotions, one that has great theoretical and practical value

    Study of isotropy of mechanical properties of the TPMS-based cellular structures

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    The study of isotropy of mechanical properties of cellular structures was carried out. The studied objects are based on triply periodic minimal surfaces (“Schwarz primitive”) with various cell size parameter t. The mechanical loading was applied with different loading directions. It was shown, that triply periodic minimal surface (TPMS)-based materials have high isotropy of mechanical properties