90 research outputs found

    Evolving MultiAlgebras unify all usual sequential computation models

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    It is well-known that Abstract State Machines (ASMs) can simulate "step-by-step" any type of machines (Turing machines, RAMs, etc.). We aim to overcome two facts: 1) simulation is not identification, 2) the ASMs simulating machines of some type do not constitute a natural class among all ASMs. We modify Gurevich's notion of ASM to that of EMA ("Evolving MultiAlgebra") by replacing the program (which is a syntactic object) by a semantic object: a functional which has to be very simply definable over the static part of the ASM. We prove that very natural classes of EMAs correspond via "literal identifications" to slight extensions of the usual machine models and also to grammar models. Though we modify these models, we keep their computation approach: only some contingencies are modified. Thus, EMAs appear as the mathematical model unifying all kinds of sequential computation paradigms.Comment: 12 pages, Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Scienc

    Kolmogorov Complexity in perspective. Part I: Information Theory and Randomnes

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    We survey diverse approaches to the notion of information: from Shannon entropy to Kolmogorov complexity. Two of the main applications of Kolmogorov complexity are presented: randomness and classification. The survey is divided in two parts in the same volume. Part I is dedicated to information theory and the mathematical formalization of randomness based on Kolmogorov complexity. This last application goes back to the 60's and 70's with the work of Martin-L\"of, Schnorr, Chaitin, Levin, and has gained new impetus in the last years.Comment: 40 page

    Kolmogorov complexity in perspective

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    We survey the diverse approaches to the notion of information content: from Shannon entropy to Kolmogorov complexity. The main applications of Kolmogorov complexity are presented namely, the mathematical notion of randomness (which goes back to the 60's with the work of Martin-Lof, Schnorr, Chaitin, Levin), and classification, which is a recent idea with provocative implementation by Vitanyi and Cilibrasi.Comment: 37 page

    Refinment of the "up to a constant" ordering using contructive co-immunity and alike. Application to the Min/Max hierarchy of Kolmogorov complexities

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    We introduce orderings between total functions f,g: N -> N which refine the pointwise "up to a constant" ordering <=cte and also insure that f(x) is often much less thang(x). With such orderings, we prove a strong hierarchy theorem for Kolmogorov complexities obtained with jump oracles and/or Max or Min of partial recursive functions. We introduce a notion of second order conditional Kolmogorov complexity which yields a uniform bound for the "up to a constant" comparisons involved in the hierarchy theorem.Comment: 41 page

    Set theoretical Representations of Integers, I

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    We reconsider some classical natural semantics of integers (namely iterators of functions, cardinals of sets, index of equivalence relations), in the perspective of Kolmogorov complexity. To each such semantics one can attach a simple representation of integers that we suitably effectivize in order to develop an associated Kolmogorov theory. Such effectivizations are particular instances of a general notion of "self-enumerated system" that we introduce in this paper. Our main result asserts that, with such effectivizations, Kolmogorov theory allows to quantitatively distinguish the underlying semantics. We characterize the families obtained by such effectivizations and prove that the associated Kolmogorov complexities constitute a hierarchy which coincides with that of Kolmogorov complexities defined via jump oracles and/or infinite computations. This contrasts with the well-known fact that usual Kolmogorov complexity does not depend (up to a constant) on the chosen arithmetic representation of integers, let it be in any base unary, binary et so on. Also, in a conceptual point of view, our result can be seen as a mean to measure the degree of abstraction of these diverse semantics.Comment: 56 page

    The algebra of binary trees is affine complete

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    A function on an algebra is congruence preserving if, for any congruence, it maps pairs of congruent elements onto pairs of congruent elements. We show that on the algebra of binary trees whose leaves are labeled by letters of an alphabet containing at least three letters, a function is congruence preserving if and only if it is polynomial.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur

    Random reals Ă  la Chaitin with or without prefix-freeness

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    AbstractWe give a general theorem that provides examples of n-random reals Ă  la Chaitin, for every n≄1; these are halting probabilities of partial computable functions that are universal by adjunction for the class of all partial computable functions, The same result holds for the class functions of partial computable functions with prefix-free domain. Thus, the usual technical requirement of prefix-freeness on domains is an option which we show to be non-critical when dealing with universality by adjunction. We also prove that the condition of universality by adjunction (which, though particular, is a very natural case of optimality) is essential in our theorem
