361 research outputs found

    Analisi di istanze di valutazione dei progetti mediante l'uso di soluzioni conformi del codice di prevenzione incendi. Confronto delle soluzioni adottate rispetto ai limiti di inviluppo

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    La prevenzione incendi, con l'entrata in vigore del D.M. 18/10/2019, mira ad evolversi in una vera e propria disciplina progettuale, con un rafforzamento della figura del professionista antincendio. Dato il prevalente ricorso alle soluzioni conformi, il presente lavoro propone un approccio metodologico innovativo per la visualizzazione e l'analisi immediata dei set di soluzioni impiegati dai professionisti.ope

    Cardiac influence of the β3-adrenoceptor in the goldfish (Carassius auratus): a protective role under hypoxia?

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    The goldfish (Carassius auratus) exhibits a remarkable capacity to survive and remain active under prolonged and severe hypoxia, representing a well-suited model to study cardiac function when oxygen availability represents a limiting factor. Under hypoxia, the goldfish heart increases its performance, this representing a putative component of hypoxia tolerance; however, underlying mechanisms have not been yet elucidated. We aimed to investigate the role of β3-ARs in the mechanisms which modulate the goldfish heart performance, also in relation to oxygen levels. By western blotting analysis, we found that the goldfish heart expresses β3-ARs, and this expression increases under hypoxia. Effects of β3-ARs stimulation were analysed by using an ex vivo working heart preparation. Under normoxia, the β3-ARs selective agonist BRL37344 (10−12-10−7M) elicited a concentration-dependent increase of contractility abolished by the specific β3-AR antagonist (SR59230A; 10−8M), but not by α/β1/β2-ARs inhibitors (phentolamine, nadolol, and ICI118,551; 10−7M). Under acute hypoxia, BRL37344 did not affect the goldfish heart performance. However, SR59230A, but not phentolamine, nadolol, and ICI118,551, abolished the time-dependent enhancement of contractility which characterizes the hypoxic goldfish heart. Under both normoxia and hypoxia, adenylate cyclase and cAMP were found to be involved in the β3-ARs-dependent downstream transduction pathway. Our findings suggest the presence of functional β3-ARs in the goldfish heart, whose activation modulates the basal performance and contributes to the hypoxia-dependent increase of contractility

    Role of exosomes released by chronic myelogenous leukemia cells in angiogenesis

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    The present study is designed to assess if exosomes released from Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML) cells may modulate angiogenesis. We have isolated and characterized the exosomes generated from LAMA84 CML cells and demonstrated that addition of exosomes to human vascular endothelial cells (HUVEC) induces an increase of both ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 cell adhesion molecules and interleukin-8 expression. The stimulation of cell-cell adhesion molecules was paralleled by a dose-dependent increase of adhesion of CML cells to a HUVEC monolayer. We further showed that the treatment with exosomes from CML cells caused an increase in endothelial cell motility accompanied by a loss of VE-cadherin and β-catenin from the endothelial cell surface. Functional characterization of exosomes isolated from CML patients confirmed the data obtained with exosomes derived from CML cell line. CML exosomes caused reorganization into tubes of HUVEC cells cultured on Matrigel. When added to Matrigel plugs in vivo, exosomes induced ingrowth of murine endothelial cells and vascularization of the Matrigel plugs. Our results suggest for the first time that exosomes released from CML cells directly affect endothelial cells modulating the process of neovascularization

    Selenoprotein T as a new positive inotrope in the goldfish, Carassius auratus.

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    Selenoprotein T (SELENOT) is a thioredoxin-like protein, which mediates oxidoreductase functions via its redox active motif Cys-X-X-Sec. In mammals, SELENOT is expressed during ontogenesis and progressively decreases in adult tissues. In the heart, it is re-expressed after ischemia and induces cardioprotection against ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury. SELENOT is present in teleost fish, including the goldfish Carassius auratus. This study aimed to evaluate the cardiac expression of SELENOT, and the effects of exogenous PSELT (a 43-52 SELENOT derived-peptide) on the heart function of C. auratus, a hypoxia tolerance fish model. We found that SELENOT was expressed in cardiac extracts of juvenile and adult fish, located in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) together with calsequestrin-2. Expression increased under acute hypoxia. On ex vivo isolated and perfused goldfish heart preparations, under normoxia, PSELT dose-dependently increased Stroke Volume (SV), Cardiac Output (Q̇), and Stroke Work (SW), by involving cAMP, PKA, L-type calcium channels, SERCA2a pumps, and pAkt. Under hypoxia, PSELT did not affect myocardial contractility. Only at higher concentrations (10−8 -10−7 M) an increase of SV and Q̇ was observed. It also reduced the cardiac expression of 3-NT, a tissue marker of nitrosative stress which increases under low oxygen availability. These data are the first to propose SELENOT 43-52, PSELT, as a cardiac modulator in fish, with a potential protective role under hypoxia

    Influência de cortes simulando pastejo na composição química de grãos de cereais de inverno

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    An increased demand for activities integrating crop-cattle production in the Rio Grande do Sul plateau has contributed to a dual purpose use (forage and grain) of winter small grains. Therefore, a better knowledge on how to use these cereals for pasture, as well as on the economic value of grains and their potential use in human and animal foods, is necessary. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of cuts (one and two) simulating cattle grazing in the chemical composition of the grain of white oats (UPF 14), black oats Avena strigosa (comum), rye (BR 1), triticale (BR 4), barley (BR 2), and wheat (IPF 55204 and PF 87451). In the cereal average, cuts did not affect the values of crude fiber, fat, crude energy, and ureatic activity and led to increased levels of ash with two cuts. Excepting black oats and barley, an increase in crude protein percentuals with the cuts was observed. Nevertheless, a reduction in non-nitrogeneous substances was observed in the cereal average, with the cuts. These results suggest the possibility of using the winter cereals for dual purpose, using the grains without greater damages in their chemical composition.A demanda crescente pela integração lavoura-pecuária no planalto sul-rio-grandense direciona ao aproveitamento dos cereais de inverno para duplo propósito (forragem e grão). Assim, é necessário um melhor conhecimento dessas culturas relativamente à utilização como forragem e ao valor econômico dos grãos no uso potencial para alimentação humana ou animal. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência de cortes (um e dois), simulando pastejo bovino, na composição química dos grãos de aveia-branca (UPF 14), de aveia-preta (comum), de centeio (BR 1), de triticale (BR 4), de cevada (BR 2) e de trigo (IPF 55204 e PF 87451). Os cortes não afetaram, na média dos cereais, os valores de fibra bruta, de extrato etéreo, de energia bruta e de atividade ureática, tendo o teor de matéria mineral aumentado com dois cortes. Excetuando aveia-preta e cevada, com os cortes verificou-se incremento nos percentuais de proteína bruta. Entretanto, observou-se, na média dos cereais, redução com os cortes nos teores de extrativos não-nitrogenados. Os resultados obtidos conduzem à possibilidade de uso dos cereais de inverno para duplo propósito, com aproveitamento dos grãos sem maiores prejuízos à sua composição química

    BRS 277: Wheat cultivar

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    The wheat cultivar ‘BRS 277’ was developed by Embrapa (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária),resulting from a cross between OR1 and Coker 97-33. The plant height of ‘BRS 277’ is short, frost resistance in the vegetativestage is good and resistance to leaf rust moderate

    Patient engagement in multimorbidity: a systematic review of patient-reported outcome measures

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    BackgroundPeople with multimorbidity are increasingly engaged, enabled, and empowered to take responsibility for managing their health status. The purpose of the study was to systematically review and appraise the psychometric properties of tools measuring patient engagement in adults with multimorbidity and their applicability for use within engagement programs.MethodsPubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and PsycInfo were searched from inception to 1 July 2021. Gray literature was searched using EBSCO host-database “Open dissertation”. The reference lists of studies meeting the inclusion criteria were searched to identify additional eligible studies. The screening of the search results and the data extraction were performed independently by two reviewers. The methodological quality of the included studies was evaluated with the COSMIN checklist. Relevant data from all included articles were extracted and summarized in evidence synthesis tables.ResultsTwenty articles on eight tools were included. We included tools that measure all four dimensions of patient engagement (i.e., engagement, empowerment, activation, and participation). Their psychometric properties were analyzed separately. Most tools were developed in the last 10 years in Europe or the USA. The comparison of the estimated psychometric properties of the retrieved tools highlighted a significant lack of reliable patient engagement measures for people with multimorbidity. Available measures capture a diversity of constructs and have very limited evidence of psychometric properties that are vital for patient-reported measures, such as invariance, reliability, and responsiveness.ConclusionThis review clarifies how patient engagement, as operationalized in measures purporting to capture this concept, overlaps with, and differs from other related constructs in adults with multimorbidity. The methodological quality of psychometric tools measuring patient engagement in adults with multimorbidity could be improved.Systematic review registrationhttps://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display_record.php?RecordID=259968, identifier CRD42021259968.</jats:sec

    Scientific Opportunities with an X-ray Free-Electron Laser Oscillator

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    An X-ray free-electron laser oscillator (XFELO) is a new type of hard X-ray source that would produce fully coherent pulses with meV bandwidth and stable intensity. The XFELO complements existing sources based on self-amplified spontaneous emission (SASE) from high-gain X-ray free-electron lasers (XFEL) that produce ultra-short pulses with broad-band chaotic spectra. This report is based on discussions of scientific opportunities enabled by an XFELO during a workshop held at SLAC on June 29 - July 1, 2016Comment: 21 pages, 12 figure

    Cross-sectional study of coeliac autoimmunity in a population of Vietnamese children

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    Objective: The prevalence of coeliac disease (CD) inVietnam is unknown. To fill this void, we assessed the prevalence of serological markers of CD autoimmunity in a population of children in Hanoi. Setting: The outpatient blood drawing laboratory of the largest paediatric hospital in North Vietnam was used for the study, which was part of an international project of collaboration between Italy and Vietnam. Participants: Children having blood drawn for any reason were included. Exclusion criteria were age younger than 2 years, acquired or congenital immune deficiency and inadequate sample. A total of 1961 children (96%) were enrolled (838 females, 1123 males, median age 5.3 years). Outcomes: Primary outcome was the prevalence of positive autoimmunity to both IgA antitransglutaminase antibodies (anti-tTG) assessed with an ELISA test and antiendomysial antibodies (EMA). Secondary outcome was the prevalence of CD predisposing human leucocyte antigens (HLA) (HLA DQ2/8) in the positive children and in a random group of samples negative for IgA anti-tTG. Results: The IgA anti-tTG test was positive in 21/1961 (1%; 95% CI 0.61% to 1.53%); however, EMA antibodies were negative in all. HLA DQ2/8 was present in 7/21 (33%; 95% CI 14.5% to 56.9%) of the anti-tTG-positive children and in 72/275 (26%; 95% CI 21% to 32%) of those who were negative. Conclusions: Coeliac autoimmunity is rare in Vietnam, although prevalence of HLA DQ2/8 is similar to that of other countries. We hypothesise that the scarce exposure to gluten could be responsible for these findings