300 research outputs found

    Co-creating bodily, interactive, and reflexive knowledge through art-based research

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    In the past few decades, there has been a growing amount of interest toward alternative research methods within consumer culture research. The goal of such approaches is to engage understanding in a more multisensory, bodily, and experiential manner. While aiming to transgress traditions of research, alternative approaches often end up inadvertently repeating existing structures of knowledge. To provide a perspective on how alternative methods could utilise the full power of the tools they propose to use in research, this paper introduces art-based research (ABR), a process-oriented methodology that involves taking on artistic practice as part of research. ABR is bodily, interactive, and contextualised, employing a different approach to what knowledge is, how and when knowledge is created, and who is a part of knowledge-creation. The paper suggests that ABR can become an important political tool for critiquing traditions of and discussing power structures within academia

    Территориальная громада: системный подход к усовершенствованию функций отдельных элементов

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    Обґрунтовано, що систему місцевого самоврядування слід розглядати не як сукупність окремих елементів, а як сукупність територіальних громад, що в свою чергу складаються з набору елементів. Зазначено, що приватний сектор слід розглядати як елемент територіальної громади, адже він забезпечує громаду робочими місцями та поповнює бюджет, а також створює додаткові можливості для громади, зокрема, щодо залучення ресурсів в процесі реалізації стратегії розвитку. Доведено, що в соціальній та культурній сферах максимальний ефект в контексті надання послуг може забезпечити громадський сектор, запорукою при цьому виступають: добровільність об’єднання, неприбутковий характер діяльності, особиста зацікавленість у вирішенні проблем. З’ясовано, що становлення громадського сектору як перспективного елементу територіальної громади вимагає підтримки держави, причому не традиційним шляхом фінансуванні статутної діяльності, а шляхом делегування повноважень. Розкрито специфіку сприйняття органів самоорганізації населення як громадських об’єднань, при цьому нівелюється їхня роль в якості органу публічної влади, що дозволяє їм вирішувати питання місцевого значення. Виявлено, що успішною та спроможною територіальна громада може бути лише за умови участі всіх секторів як в процесі прийняття спільних рішень, так і в процесі їхнього втілення в життя. Причому відповідальність за ефективну взаємодію всіх секторів громади слід покласти на місцеву владу. Встановлено, що в умовах територіальної реформи, категорія територіальної громади так само як категорія об’єднана територіальна громада потребують адекватного визначення й закріплення в нормативно-правовій базі.The feature of local governments system is absence of an extensive nationwide structure, in contrast to the system of state government. This stipulates the specific’s research when it should not be viewed as a set of individual elements, but as a collection of communities, which in turn consist of a set of elements. It is determined that despite the lack of attention to the private sector as part of the local community, it plays an important role in community life. After all, businesses both provide the community with jobs and swell the budget, and create opportunities for the community, particularly to attract resources in the implementation of development strategies or reduce the costs of local projects. Like this one can not leave aside the community sector as part of the local community, because there are areas where its involvement can bring the maximum benefit, particularly in some aspects of social and cultural areas. After all voluntary of association, non-profit nature of, personal interest in solving problems in the social sector are signs of community organizations. they are the key to efficient provision of this services. It is shown that the development of social sector as a promising element of the territorial community requires state support. The support should lie not in the traditional funding narrow range of community organizations, but through the practices implementation of European countries, particularly in the direction of the delegation of authority. The specific perception of community organizations like of public associations eliminates their role as a public authority. This would give them the right to address local issues. Only in this case, they will effectively carry out their functions, including the formulation and articulation of social needs.Revealed that successful and wealthy territorial community can only be subject to the participation of all sectors in the process of joint decision-making, and in the process of their implementation. And the responsibility for the effective cooperation of all sectors of the community should be put on local authorities.It is established that in conditions of the administrative-territorial reform, is the need to change in the approach to the basic concepts, in particular, of the territorial communities category as well as of a new category of amalgamated territorial community. New categories need to be identifyed and be enshrined in the legal framework.Обосновано, что систему местного самоуправления следует рассматривать не как совокупность отдельных элементов, а как совокупность территориальных громад, которые, в свою очередь состоят из набора элементов. Обозначено, что предпринимательский сектор следует рассматривать как элемент территориальной громады, так как он обеспечивает громаду рабочими местами и пополняет бюджет, а также создает дополнительные возможности для громады, в частности относительно привлечения ресурсов в процессе реализации стратегии развития. Доказано, что в социальной и культурной сферах максимальный эффект в контексте оказания услуг может обеспечить гражданский сектор. Залогом успешности при этом выступают: добровольный характер объединения, деятельность на неприбыльной основе, личная заинтересованность в решении проблем. Становление гражданского сектора как перспективного элемента территориальной громады требует поддержки государства, к тому же не традиционным путем финансирования статутной деятельности, а путем делегирования полномочий. Раскрыта специфика восприятия органов самоорганизации населения как гражданского объединения, при этом нивелируется их роль в качестве органа публичной власти, что позволяет им решать вопросы местного значения. Определено, что успешной территориальная громада может быть только при условии участия всех секторов как в процессе принятия решений, так и в процессе их воплощения в жизнь. При этом ответственность за эффективное взаимодействие всех секторов громады следует возложить на местную власть. Установлено, что в условиях территориальной реформы, категория территориальной громады, равно как и категория объединенной территориальной громады требуют адекватного определения и закрепления в нормативно-правовой базе

    Art-based Research of Consumer Culture

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    Optimal Portfolio Using Factor Graphical Lasso

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    Graphical models are a powerful tool to estimate a high-dimensional inverse covariance (precision) matrix, which has been applied for a portfolio allocation problem. The assumption made by these models is a sparsity of the precision matrix. However, when stock returns are driven by common factors, such assumption does not hold. We address this limitation and develop a framework, Factor Graphical Lasso (FGL), which integrates graphical models with the factor structure in the context of portfolio allocation by decomposing a precision matrix into low-rank and sparse components. Our theoretical results and simulations show that FGL consistently estimates the portfolio weights and risk exposure and also that FGL is robust to heavy-tailed distributions which makes our method suitable for financial applications. FGL-based portfolios are shown to exhibit superior performance over several prominent competitors including equal-weighted and Index portfolios in the empirical application for the S&P500 constituents.Comment: 71 pages, 10 figures, 5 table

    Opportunities for professional growth of students in the process of pedagogical communication in class piano

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    In the article close intercommunication of professional development of student with quality pedagogical communication is traced in the piano classПрослеживается тесная взаимосвязь профессионального развития обучающегося с качеством педагогического общения в фортепианном класс

    Performing Fantasy and Reality

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    Fantasy is a phenomenon that has a strong presence in both everyday life and in research. Fantasy is a central part of contemporary, consumption-oriented culture through its strong ties to the development of identity, the construction of communities, the attainment of desires, and the creation of meanings. Nevertheless, fantasy in itself is rarely the focus of research and thus remains undefined and under-explained. Moreover, research that does note fantasy tends to accentuate only its entertaining and leisurely aspects, presenting it as something unserious, irrational, and escapist. Studies further tend to present fantasy as something purely cognitive and imagery-based. However, fantasy is also a bodily and shared experience that is tied to materiality, space, and culture. It therefore becomes important to explore fantasy as a phenomenon in its own right from a bodily and negotiated point of view. In this research, I explored how individuals engage in the performance of fantasy in order to gain a better understanding of the phenomenon as a subjective experience that is a part of contemporary Western culture. Talking on a performance methodology that focuses on experience, participation, and interaction, I collected data ethnographically in the context of live action role-playing games. I supported the ethnography with art-based research that took form in visual art addressing the theory and data analysis of this study. I propose that fantasy can be described as the conscious engagement in two parallel performances, the performance of reality and its transformation that is outside of our symbolic order. Fantasy is therefore a different approach to and interpretation of normalised performance and reality. I further show that fantasy is intrinsically tied into the performance of reality. Fantasy allows investment into reality through its explicitly reflexive nature that pushes individuals to become aware of and thus also critical of the structures of their everyday performances. Lastly, I map out two different types of fantasy performance, entertainment-driven fantasy and exploration-driven fantasy. These differ in the ways individuals negotiate roles, interaction, space, time, and materiality as part of the performance. Entertainment-driven fantasy allows momentary attainment of personal desires, while exploration-driven fantasy leads to more long-term agency through reflexive learning. All in all, this research brings new insight into the understanding of fantasy as part of contemporary consumer culture, tying it into experiences of space, materiality, agency, desire, Utopia, nostalgia, mass media, and entertainment. Through shedding light on fantasy's intrinsic connection to reality, this study examines not only the human experience of the non-real, but also our current subjective experience of reality, society, and shared meaning

    750 Natalia the economic and legal analysis of the terms of international delivery contracts involving Russian suppliers

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    Purpose: The article presents an economic and legal analysis of the terms of contracts for international delivery of goods involving Russian suppliers. Design/Methodology/Approach: The authors analysed the international norms of regulating relations for the goods’ delivery involving the foreign element. Terms of the goods delivery are investigated according to the national legislation of the Russian Federation. Findings: As a result, it is necessary to use an economic and legal approach when developing contract terms for the goods’ delivery to take into account norms of international law, the national legislation of the supplier country and in accordance with the calculations of the contract price and payment terms. Practical Implications: The proposed method is in accordance with the international legal framework and it can be adopted by the Russian Federation easily. Originality/Value: There is no such an approach eligible to modernize the existing system in the country.peer-reviewe

    Fanaticism - Its development and meanings in consumers' lives

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    Objective of the Study The aim of the study is to understand the development and meanings of fanaticism in consumers’ lives in order to gain a better grasp of the concept of fanaticism itself in terms of consumer research. More specifically, the main objective is to see how consumers’ identities are related to fanaticism and its development. To further understand this, the study also concerns itself with how the overall phenomenon of fanaticism actually develops and what factors influence this development, as well as how communality is present in fanaticism. Based on drawbacks of previous research, this study will take a view that sees fanaticism as a positive and developing phenomenon that should be studied subjectively. Thus narrative identity theory is used as a basis for the study. Further, because fanaticism has not been thoroughly studied in the field of consumer research, but is nonetheless a relevant part of it, this study will hopefully bring new insights to the topic. Research Method In order to gain a subjective understanding of fanaticism, the research data was collected through the means of narrative interviews. The data was then analysed by using narrative analysis, which involves constructing coherent stories out of the interviews followed by interpretation and analysis of said life stories in order to find common themes that present explanatory knowledge. Findings The research presents a personal view on the subjectively felt experience of fanaticism, its development, and meanings in consumers’ lives through the fan narratives. The concept of fanaticism is related to topics of loyalty, devotion, consumer-brand relationships, as well as identity building, and a connection of fanaticism to the creation of narrative identity is suggested. The four stages of development of fanaticism were identified, which allow for better understanding of the processes involved in being a fan. The fanatical relationship is further established to represent core values for the fans, which help build identity and become a common thread in the consumer’s life as well as their diverse fanaticisms. Moreover, different factors influencing fanaticism and its development to start, and become more or less intense were presented. These included physical and emotional life changes, influences of the object of fanaticism, and influences of the society. The role of communality was also looked at, and it was established that consumers see belonging to a community as being a fan for others, while not being a part of a community is seen as being a fan for yourself. Nonetheless, both a need to belong to a bigger whole and to have a private relationship with the fanaticism is present in all fans. From these themes emerge the concepts of public and private fanaticism, a balance of which is present in all fanaticisms in different proportions. Understanding this relationship could further unravel consumers’ attitudes and actions within fanaticism, as distinct combinations of the two elements could possibly result in differing development and meaning of fanaticism, presence of communality, and even overall consumer behaviour