14 research outputs found

    Heavy Ion Fragmentation Reactions at Energies of 35-140 MeV in a Combined Transport and Statistical Approach

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    Fragment formation in heavy ion collisions at low to intermediate energy is described by a combined application of transport theory of the Boltzmann type and of a statistical program for the decay of the fragments at the late stage. The transport equations are solved by simulations using the test particle method as a finite element representation of the phase space distribution. The description of experimental data is reasonable overall, but the fragment velocity distributions point to the presence of other mechanisms and the role of fluctuations


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    The agrarian sector in global trade, as well as processes related to the liberalization of international agricultural trade, is still a subject of long-standing discussions at the international level. The Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU, on the one hand, opens up good prospects for increasing the competitiveness of Ukrainian agricultural producers, on the other hand, it causes a lot of difficulties related to the general state of the Ukrainian society. Purpose of the paper is to analyze the international standards for trade of agricultural products, codified in international agreements and specified in the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU, as well as in identification on its basis the prospects and challenges (risks) for the Ukrainian agricultural market in the course of this Agreement provisions implementation. In the paper historical-sociological and system-structural analysis have been used, which helped to reveal the fluctuations of eurointegration sentiments in Ukraine and establish their connection with the inertia of unsolved social contradictions inherited since the existence of the Union of Soviet Socialistic Republics, which are particularly visible in a modern Ukrainian village. Comparative-legal, formal-logical and hermeneutical methods have been used in the study of international universal and regional treaties in order to understand the contents of international standards related to international trade and the processes of its liberalization and the specifics of their applying in the agricultural sector during the acting of the General Trade Tariffs-47 and under the auspices of the World Trade Organization. Statistical method has been used to study the data of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, which made it possible to assume a social status of rural communities, and others. The result of the research revealed the fluctuations of eurointegration sentiments in Ukraine. The attention has been paid to the duration of the inertia of the unresolved social contradictions caused by those fluctuations. It has been proved that the prospects of cooperation between Ukraine and the EU and ways of their implementation should be understood in the context of historical circumstances that have developed over the previous century and have a powerful inertia of counteracting innovations, reinforced by mistrust between the new elite and the bulk of the impoverished population. The position has been supported that a key to success of reforms in Ukraine is to exclude caste privileges and build a civil society, taking into account the experience of the Western legal tradition. Implementing its European choice, Ukraine should focus not on superficial indicators of well-being that do not have a real basis, but also to master the philosophical-legal context of the acquis of European law in its broadest interpretation.Ukrainos ir ES asociacijos susitarimas, viena vertus, atveria geras perspektyvas didinti Ukrai-nos žemės ūkio gamintojų konkurencingumą, kita vertus, tai sukelia daug sunkumų, susijusių su bendra Ukrainos visuomenės padėtimi. Šio darbo tikslas - nustatyti Ukrainos žemės ūkio rinkos perspektyvas ir iššūkius (riziką) įgy-vendinant Ukrainos ir ES asociacijos susitarimą. Tyrimo metodai: istorinė-sociologinė, sisteminė-struktūrinė, lyginamoji-teisinė, formali-loginė analizė ir hermeneutiniai tyrimai padėjo ištirti tarp-tautines visuotines ir regionines sutartis, siekiant suprasti tarptautinių standartų, susijusių su tarptau-tine prekyba ir jos procesais, turinį, liberalizavimą ir jų taikymo ypatumus žemės ūkio sektoriuje taikant Bendrąjį prekybos tarifą (47) ir globojant Pasaulio prekybos organizacijai. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė eurointegracijos nuotaikų svyravimus Ukrainoje. Įrodyta, kad Uk-rainos ir ES bendradarbiavimo perspektyvos ir jų įgyvendinimo būdai Ukrainos žemės ūkio rinkoje turėtų būti interpretuojami atsižvelgiant į istorines aplinkybes. Ukrainos reformų sėkmės raktas - pa-šalinti kastų privilegijas ir kurti pilietinę visuomenę, atsižvelgiant į Vakarų teisinės tradicijos patirtį. Raktiniai žodžiai: tarptautinė žemės ūkio prekyba, Asociacijos susitarimas, Ukrainos visuo-menė, Ac-quis communautaire, pilietinė visuomenė, žemės ūkis, perspektyvos ir iššūkiai. JEL kodai: K33, Q13

    Hierarchical Order Parameters for Macromolecular Assembly Simulations. 1. Construction and Dynamical Properties of Order Parameters

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    Macromolecular assemblies often display a hierarchical organization of macromolecules or their subassemblies. To model this, we have formulated a space warping method that enables capturing overall macromolecular structure and dynamics via a set of coarse-grained order parameters (OPs). This article is the first of two describing the construction and computational implementation of an additional class of OPs that has built into them the hierarchical architecture of macromolecular assemblies. To accomplish this, first, the system is divided into subsystems, each of which is described via a representative set of OPs. Then, a global set of variables is constructed from these subsystem-centered OPs to capture overall system organization. Dynamical properties of the resulting OPs are compared to those of our previous nonhierarchical ones, and implied conceptual and computational advantages are discussed for a 100 ns, 2 million atom solvated human Papillomavirus-like particle simulation. In the second article, the hierarchical OPs are shown to enable a multiscale analysis that starts with the <i>N</i>-atom Liouville equation and yields rigorous Langevin equations of stochastic OP dynamics. The latter is demonstrated via a force-field-based simulation algorithm that probes key structural transition pathways, simultaneously accounting for all-atom details and overall structure

    Heavy Ion Fragmentation Reactions at Energies of 35–140 MeV in a Combined Transport and Statistical Approach

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    Fragment formation in heavy ion collisions at low to intermediate energy is described by a combined application of transport theory of the Boltzmann type and of a statistical program for the decay of the fragments at the late stage. The transport equations are solved by simulations using the test particle method as a finite element representation of the phase space distribution. The description of experimental data is reasonable overall, but the fragment velocity distributions point to the presence of other mechanisms and the role of fluctuations

    Early Stage P22 Viral Capsid Self-Assembly Mediated by Scaffolding Protein: Atom-Resolved Model and Molecular Dynamics Simulation

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    Molecular dynamics simulation of an atom-resolved bacteriophage P22 capsid model is used to delineate the underlying mechanism of early stage P22 self-assembly. A dimer formed by the C-terminal fragment of scaffolding protein with a new conformation is demonstrated to catalyze capsomer (hexamer and pentamer) aggregation efficiently. Effects of scaffolding protein/coat protein binding patterns and scaffolding protein concentration on efficiency, fidelity, and capsid curvature of P22 self-assembly are identified

    Contribution of an Integrated Maritime Policy to the Dialogue of Civilisations: The Asia-Pacific Case

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    Sustainable development of marine resources requires a robust national coastal and ocean policy and harmonization of environmental management systems in areas of overlapping interests among nations. This is becoming increasingly important in the efforts of governments worldwide. Critical issues related to the exploitation of natural resources and the degradation of marine ecosystems, coupled with global crosscutting environmental issues such as climate change and climate-related hazards, require forging cross-border cooperation and international consensus on ensuring ecosystem-based approach principles in marine management and maritime domain awareness and security as reflected in the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals. Increasing the scale of marine planning processes entails increased cooperation on humankind’s shared endowment of global oceans and interconnected marine systems. As a result, interactions across the world are multiplying, which intensifies the dialogue of civilisations. The following exploration of a roadmap for developing an Integrated Marine/Maritime Policy in the Asia-Pacific region reveals enhanced opportunities for maintaining environmental integrity and sustainability in transboundary areas while considering local, regional, and global socio-economic and environmental challenges. This is a science-policy analysis of the marine-related practices of the region under consideration. The key here is to improve environmental safety and strengthen global security because of coherent actions jointly adopted in a setting of mutual respect and unity by a shared purpose to create reliable foundations for sustainable development in the Asia-Pacific region