9 research outputs found
Trend of the cardiorespiratory fitness of the eighth grade students of primary schools in the period from 1999 to 2012
Glavni cilj ovoga rada je prikazati trend kretanja kardiorespiracijskog fitnesa kod uÄenika osmih razreda u periodu izmeÄu 1999. i 2012. godine. U svijetu i u Hrvatskoj bilježi se pad razine tjelesne aktivnosti kod djece i mladih, posebno u razdoblju adolescencije. Jedan od važnih Äimbenika koji je povezan s tjelesnom aktivnosti je kardiorespiracijski fitnes. Nije dovoljno poznat trend kretanja razine kardiorespiracijskog fitnesa kod djece osnovnoÅ”kolske dobi u Republici Hrvatskoj u razdoblju od posljednjih 15-ak godina. Uzorak ispitanika sastojao se od 687 ispitanika (304 uÄenika i 383 uÄenice) osmih razreda dvije zagrebaÄke osnovne Å”kole. Provodilo se testiranje trÄanja u 6 minuta, kao inicijalno testiranje na poÄetku Å”kolske godine, te se rezultati prikazuju u metrima. Testom se procjenjuje razina kardiorespiracijskog fitnesa. Podaci pokazuju da su rezultati testa trÄanja kod uÄenica u 6 minuta u 1999. godini (1178,1 Ā± 174,5 m) znaÄajno bolji od rezultata iz 2012. godine (1030,2 Ā± 205 m). Kod uÄenika takoÄer su bolji rezultati zabilježeni 1999. godine (1281,9 Ā± 163,9 m), nego 2012. godine (1185,6 Ā± 200,3 m).The main aim of this study was to show the trend of the cardiorespiratory fitness in the eighth-grade students between 1999 and 2012. In the world and in Croatia there are decreasing levels of physical activity among children and youth, especially in adolescence. Not enough is known about the trend in the level of cardiorespiratory fitness among children of primary school age in the Republic of Croatia in the period of the last 15 years. The examinee sample consisted of a total of 687 subjects (304 male students and 383 female students) of the eighth grade of primary schools in Zagreb. The tests of running in 6
minutes were conducted, as initial testing at the beginning of the school year, and the results are shown in meters. The test assesses the level of cardiorespiratory fitness. The data show that the results of the test run in schoolgirls in 6 minutes in 1999 (1178,1 Ā± 174,5 m) were significantly better than the results in 2012 (1030,2 Ā± 205 m). Also, the boys recorded better results in 1999 (1281,9 Ā± 163,9 m) than in 2012 (1185,6 Ā± 200,3 m)
Validity of Neuroimaging in Juvenile Headaches
Aim: The objectives of this study are to evaluate the incidence of headache considering the type of headache, to define the types of headaches, to determine the difference in the status of diagnostic scanning in children with headaches, to establish a correlation between the psychological profile of the child and the incidence of headache, and to establish a correlation between socio-demographic characteristics and the type of headache.
Patients and Methods: The study included 139 patients with headache symptoms up to the age of 18, hospitalized at the Pediatric Clinic of the University Hospital Center Osijek from 1/1/2017 to 31/12/2018. The data included demographic data, diagnosis, environmental factors, EEG findings, neuroimaging data processing and other indicated medical tests.
Results: A headache usually occurs between the ages of 12 and 18 (69.8%). It is more common in girls (70.5%). The common localizations are frontal and occipital. Altered standard EEG findings were reported in 26.7% of patients. Additional neuroradiological processing (brain MRI) was indicated in 98 patients (70.5%), with changes found in 56 patients (57.1%). Psychological assessment indicated that patients with functional headaches predominantly suffer from anxiety, emotional instability and somatization, while patients with organic headaches reported high stress levels (82%).
Conclusion: Headaches occur more frequently in pubescent girls. The most common concomitant symptoms include nausea and vomiting, while the most common localization is frontal. Patients also report emotional instability, cognitive deficits and somatization, as well as high stress levels. Headache as a result of psychological tension is the most common diagnosis in the observed group of patients.
(SerdaruÅ”iÄ I, PuÅ”eljiÄ S, Tomac V, RomiÄ M. Validity of Neuroimaging in Juvenile Headaches. SEEMEDJ 2020; 4(2); 69-76
Readmission of late preterm and term neonates in the neonatal period
Objective: To determine the incidence of hospital readmissions in late preterm and term neonates, the most common reasons for readmission, and analyze the risk factors for readmission in the neonatal period.
Methods: Newborn infants admitted to a well-baby nursery ā„ 36 weeks gestation were included in this retrospective cohort study. Data for all infants born in a 3-year period and readmitted in the first 28 days of life were analyzed. Indication for readmission was one diagnosed during initial workup in the pediatric emergency room visit before readmission.
Results: The final cohort consisted of 5408 infants. The readmission rate was 4.0% (219/5408). Leading readmission causes were respiratory tract infection (29.58%), jaundice (13.70%), and urinary tract infection (9.59%). The mean Ā± SD age of readmitted infants was 13.3 Ā± 7.1 days. The mean Ā± SD treatment duration of treatment was 5.5 Ā± 3.0 days. In the multivariate regression analysis, infants that were during the initial hospitalization transferred to special care/NICU had a lower chance of readmission during the neonatal period (p = 0.04, OR = 0.23, 95% CI 0.06ā0.93). Infants with mothers aged from 19ā24 years had a higher risk of readmission (p = 0.005, OR = 1.62, 95% CI 1.16ā2.26).
Conclusions: Finding that infants that were during the initial hospitalization transferred to special care or a NICU setting were less likely to require hospitalization in the neonatal period is an interesting one. Further research into how different approach in these settings reduce the risk of readmission is necessary
Respiratory manifestation of SARS CoV-2 infection in children
Koronavirusna bolest je pogodila mnoge segmente civilizacije. Od 11. ožujka 2020. Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija proglasila je pandemiju. VeÄina mladih ljudi i djece ima blage simptome, s upalom pluÄa ili bez nje, ili proÄe asimptomatski. Bolest je u djeÄjoj dobi blažeg tijeka nego u odraslih. TeÅ”ki oblici bolesti zabilježeni su u 4,4% djece. Incidencija koronavirusne bolesti u djece do 18 godina od ukupnog broja oboljelih iznosi 2,1%. Simptomi infekcije kod djece manifestiraju se veÄinom blažim respiratornim simptomima, no zabilježeni su i sluÄajevi multisistemskog upalnog odgovara u djece oboljele od infekcije COVID-19. Dijagnoza se postavlja dokazom virusnoga geneticĢkog materijala u respiratornim uzorcima (uglavnom brisevi nazofarinksa i orofarinks). Važno je provoditi preventivne postupke u borbi protiv Å”irenja bolesti te uoÄiti prve simptome bolesti zbog pravovremenog zapoÄinjanja lijeÄenja.The coronavirus disease has affected many segments of civilization. From 11 March 2020 The World Health Organization has declared a pandemic. Most young people and children have mild symptoms, with or without pneumonia, or are asymptomatic. The disease has a milder course in children than in adults. Severe forms of the disease were recorded in 4.4% of children. The incidence of coronavirus disease in children up to 18 years of age is 2.1% of the total number of patients. The symptoms of infection in children are mostly manifested by mild respiratory symptoms, but cases of multisystemic inflammatory response have also been recorded in children
suffering from COVID 19 infection. The diagnosis is established by evidence of viral genetic material in respiratory samples (mainly swabs of the nasopharynx and oropharynx). It is important to carry out preventive procedures in the fight against the spread of the disease, and to notice the first symptoms of the disease due to the timely initiation of treatment
Cilj ovoga rada je pobuÄivanje svijesti populacije o zdravlju, zdravom naÄinu života te tjelesnom vježbanju kao važnom obrascu koji doprinosi opÄem zdravstvenom stanju. Globalna neaktivnost bilježi visok porast jer ljudi danas provode sve manje vremena baveÄi se razliÄitim tjelesnim aktivnostima.The aim of this article is to raise awareness concerning health, healthy lifestyle and physical activity as a pattern that leads to general well-being. Global inactivity has increased as more people spend less time engaged in some type of physical activity
Cilj ovoga rada je pobuÄivanje svijesti populacije o zdravlju, zdravom naÄinu života te tjelesnom vježbanju kao važnom obrascu koji doprinosi opÄem zdravstvenom stanju. Globalna neaktivnost bilježi visok porast jer ljudi danas provode sve manje vremena baveÄi se razliÄitim tjelesnim aktivnostima.The aim of this article is to raise awareness concerning health, healthy lifestyle and physical activity as a pattern that leads to general well-being. Global inactivity has increased as more people spend less time engaged in some type of physical activity
Financijska tržiÅ”ta i institucije Republike Hrvatske u procesu ukljuÄivanja u Europsku uniju
Približavanjem datumu ulaska Republike Hrvatske u Europsku uniju, katedre za financije ekonomskih fakulteta u Hrvatskoj i regiji održale su meÄukatedarski skup na Ekonomskom fakultetu SveuÄiliÅ”ta u Rijeci 17. lipnja 2011. godine. Na temelju provedene rasprave o aktualnoj gospodarskoj situaciji i ekonomskoj politici u Republici Hrvatskoj, regiji i Europskoj uniji te daljnjih istraživanja, objavljeni su radovi u predmetnoj znanstvenoj monografiji naslova āFinancijska tržiÅ”ta i institucije Republike Hrvatske u procesu ukljuÄivanja u Europsku unijuā. Prezentirani radovi uglavnom se odnose na dijelove financijskog sustava kao Å”to su depozitne i nedepozitne financijske institucije, tržiÅ”ta kapitala, porezni sustav, monetarne integracije, ali se obraÄuju i raÄunovodstvene implikacije, rizici, nelikvidnost poduzeÄa i pitanje financiranja visokog obrazovanja u Republici Hrvatskoj i Europskoj uniji. Radovi u monografiji su namijenjeni kako studentima ekonomskih i drugih fakulteta u Republici Hrvatskoj i regiji, tako i Å”iroj znanstvenoj i struÄnoj javnosti, gospodarstvu, javnom sektoru, te nositeljima ekonomske politike u Hrvatskoj
Financijska tržiÅ”ta i institucije Republike Hrvatske u procesu ukljuÄivanja u Europsku uniju
Približavanjem datumu ulaska Republike Hrvatske u Europsku uniju, katedre za financije ekonomskih fakulteta u Hrvatskoj i regiji održale su meÄukatedarski skup na Ekonomskom fakultetu SveuÄiliÅ”ta u Rijeci 17. lipnja 2011. godine. Na temelju provedene rasprave o aktualnoj gospodarskoj situaciji i ekonomskoj politici u Republici Hrvatskoj, regiji i Europskoj uniji te daljnjih istraživanja, objavljeni su radovi u predmetnoj znanstvenoj monografiji naslova āFinancijska tržiÅ”ta i institucije Republike Hrvatske u procesu ukljuÄivanja u Europsku unijuā. Prezentirani radovi uglavnom se odnose na dijelove financijskog sustava kao Å”to su depozitne i nedepozitne financijske institucije, tržiÅ”ta kapitala, porezni sustav, monetarne integracije, ali se obraÄuju i raÄunovodstvene implikacije, rizici, nelikvidnost poduzeÄa i pitanje financiranja visokog obrazovanja u Republici Hrvatskoj i Europskoj uniji. Radovi u monografiji su namijenjeni kako studentima ekonomskih i drugih fakulteta u Republici Hrvatskoj i regiji, tako i Å”iroj znanstvenoj i struÄnoj javnosti, gospodarstvu, javnom sektoru, te nositeljima ekonomske politike u Hrvatskoj
First Reported Case of Gabriele-de Vries Syndrome with Spinal Dysraphism
Gabriele-de Vries syndrome is a rare autosomal dominant genetic disease caused by de novo pathogenic variants in the Yin Yang 1 (YY1) gene. Individuals with this syndrome present with multiple congenital anomalies, as well as a delay in development and intellectual disability. Herein, we report the case of a newborn male patient with a novel de novo pathogenic variant in the Guanine Nucleotide-Binding Protein, Alpha Stimulating (GNAS) gene, which was identified by whole-exome sequencing. Our patient suffered from a large open spinal dysraphism which was treated surgically immediately after birth. During the follow-up, facial dysmorphism, bladder and bowel incontinence, and mildly delayed motor and speech development were observed. Congenital central nervous system disorders were also confirmed radiologically. In this case report, we present our diagnostic and treatment approaches to this patient. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of Gabriele-de Vries syndrome presenting with spinal dysraphism. Extensive genetic evaluation is the cornerstone in treatment of patients with suspected Gabriele-de Vries syndrome. However, in cases with potentially life-threatening conditions, surgery should be strongly considered