2,326 research outputs found
Index de les obres ressenyades: Adriana SERBAN ; Anna MATAMALA ; Jean-Marc LAVAUR (eds.). Audiovisual Translation in Close-up: Practical and Theoretical Approache
In a time when the most of us have to cope with globalization, the key for surpassing the negative effects produced by it, resides in choosing the right strategy. This necessary involves a performance management. Through this paper we propose priority management as an efficient way of thinking about gaining the vital competitive advantage.priority management, the Pareto law, 1-3-6 method, competitiveness, efficiency
A Review of Evaluation Techniques for Social Dialogue Systems
In contrast with goal-oriented dialogue, social dialogue has no clear measure
of task success. Consequently, evaluation of these systems is notoriously hard.
In this paper, we review current evaluation methods, focusing on automatic
metrics. We conclude that turn-based metrics often ignore the context and do
not account for the fact that several replies are valid, while end-of-dialogue
rewards are mainly hand-crafted. Both lack grounding in human perceptions.Comment: 2 page
The Trojan Women Project. Building a bridge between cultures through a universal language
The article discusses The Trojan Women Project presented at La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club in New York City in December 2019. The performance was the result of a five-years project that involved La MaMa’s actors, designers and musicians together with artists belonging to worldwide communities. The work was based on the new production of La MaMa’s historical performance directed by Andrei Serban in 1974. This new project engaged with communities with a recent history of conflict with the aim of addressing contemporary issues through theatre. Workshops done within some Guatemalan, Cambodian and Kosovan communities were focused on the exploration of sounds and gestures by using text, music, and scenography originally developed in the Seventies by Elizabeth Swados, Andrei Serban and the Great Jones Repertory Company. Both workshops and rehearsals led to performances created for these communities, who can use them as they wish in their future work. By working with artists and community members in different countries, ‘The Trojan Women Project’ developed a multi-phased kind of exchange, including stories, music and movements of the participants in the original La MaMa’s piece in the workshops and performances. The legacy of the former work was kept creating a new vision of the ancient Greek tragedy, following Serban and Swados’ artistic experimentation in adopting the ancient Greek language with new forms of language. Their aim was to experiment with universal form of communication. This project testifies to the lasting engagement of La MaMa in fostering the sharing of cultures and in supporting the experimentation of new creative way of doing theatre. An objective that was central for its founder, Ellen Stewart, since the foundation of La MaMa Cafe in 1961.L’articolo indaga ‘The Trojan Women Project’, una sperimentazione di cinque anni conclusa nel dicembre 2019 con lo spettacolo presentato a La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club a New York City, che ha visto coinvolti artisti provenienti da diversi paesi, assieme ad attori, musicisti e designer della compagnia di New York, in un lavoro sulla rielaborazione della storica produzione diretta da Andrei Serban nel 1974 a La MaMa. ‘The Trojan Women Project’ è stato proposto a comunità con una recente storia di conflitto, con l’intento di approcciare problematiche socio-politiche attuali attraverso il teatro. I laboratori condotti con gli artisti in Guatemala, in Cambogia e Kosovo sono stati focalizzati sulla ricerca, attraverso il suono e il gesto, di un linguaggio comune, proseguendo le precedenti ricerche di Serban e della musicista Elizabeth Swados con la Great Jones Repertory Company, ma prima ancora di Peter Brook, sul linguaggio universale. Danze e musiche tradizionali sono state integrate nella rappresentazione e hanno facilitato lo scambio culturale e artistico grazie anche alla riproposta delle modalità del lavoro svolto negli anni Settanta. Nello scoprire una naturale identificazione con le donne di Troia e le loro vicende, gli artisti appartenenti alle compagnie provenienti dai tre paesi hanno trovato nella tragedia greca un luogo d’incontro e condivisione in cui elaborare la sofferenza e l’oppressione derivate dal vissuto del conflitto. Un obbiettivo pienamente in linea con l’impegno di La MaMa per la creazione e diffusione di un nuovo modo di fare teatro
How are PMs held to account? A survey of procedures in 32 parliamentary democracies
How are prime ministers held to account by their parliaments, and how do UK mechanisms on the matter fare in comparison to those in other countries? Ruxandra Serban (University College London) explores the different procedures in place across 32 parliamentary democracies to answer these questions
Serban perspektif hadis: Implementasi pemahaman Ali Mustafa Yaqub tentang Hadis 'Imamah
Berpakaian menjadi salah satu ciri khas yang membedakan manusia dengan makhluk lainnya selain dari akal dan pikiran. Berpakaian juga akan menjadikan manusia lebih percaya diri dalam menjalankan aktivitas sehari-hari. Manusia pada umumnya mengenakan pakaiannya sesuai dengan latar belakang budaya dan agamanya masing-masing. Berdasarkan tersebut, pakaian bisa menjadi simbol agama. Berkaitan dengan mekanisme berpakaian, dari sejak masa klasik hingga era modern sekarang menjadi sebuah pembahasan yang cukup kontroversial di kalangan umat Islam, salah satunya serban. Serban dianggap sebagai item yang mencerminkan ke-religius-an seseorang.
Adapun rumusan dari penelitian ini adalah Bagaimana Ali Mustafa Yaqub memahami hadis- hadis tentang serban (’Imamah). Metode apa yang digunakannya dalam memahami hadis serban (‘Imamah) . Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk Untuk mengetahui pemahaman Ali Mustafa Yaqub dalam memahami hadis- hadis tentang serban (‘imamah). Metode penelitian yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah metode riset perpustakaan (Library research).
Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu menurut Ali Mustafa Yaqub, serban bukan termasuk sunnah dan hanya sebuah tradisi bangsa Arab saja yang orang muslim boleh mengikutinya atau mengabaikannya. Pakaian serban hanya merupakan adat yang mengikuti kebiasaan masyarakat di mana seseorang tinggal. Pesan moral yang disampaikan dibalik serban yang dipakai Nabi Saw adalah diwajibkannya memakai pakaian yang menutup aurat dengan syarat-syarat tertentu dan boleh dilengkapi dengan pakaian tambahan sebagai hiasan kehormatan, dan tidak harus dengan serban.
Adapun untuk cara memakai serban yang disunahkan menurutnya yaitu dengan melilitkannya di kepala dua atau tiga lilitan dan menguncirkannya ke belakang. Namun, pendapat beliau tentang hadis keutamaan shalat memakai serban itu kualitasnya da’if bahkan palsu. Sebab, beliau mencari sendiri hadis tersebut dan tidak ditemukan adanya riwayat tentang hadis tersebut.
Metode yang dipakai oleh Ali Mustafa Yaqub dalam memahami hadis tentang serban yaitu dengan mengembangkan pemikiran atas pemikiran Ulama- ulama terdahulu dengan memakai bahasa yang ringan
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