203 research outputs found

    Il corporativismo lusitano tra il fascio e la croce

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    SFRH/BPD/107789/2015 UID/HIS/04209/2013publishersversionpublishe

    Women and the Eighties in Italy through the social history of volleyball

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    SFRH/BPD/107789/2015 UID/HIS/04209/2013In Italia, gli anni Ottanta rappresentano un momento fondamentale per le donne. Esse vennero coinvolte maggiormente nel mondo del lavoro e nello spazio pubblico. Questo paper vuole indagare sul rapporto tra le donne e la società italiana dal punto di vista della storia dello sport. Più nello specifico, si ha l’ambizione di raccontare l’evoluzione del ruolo della donna nello spazio sociale, attraverso lo sviluppo della pallavolo. Negli anni Ottanta, infatti, le donne superarono gli uomini nella pratica del volley, dando definitivamente una connotazione femminile a questo sport. Attraverso lo studio delle vicende che portarono a questo successo, possiamo comprendere come ad un maggior coinvolgimento delle donne nel mondo del lavoro sia corrisposto un loro maggior coinvolgimento nella pratica sportiva. Sullo sfondo di questo affresco: l’Italia opulenta degli anni Ottanta, apparentemente ricca ma non priva di contraddizioni: le differenze tra il nord e il sud, la lotta tra Tv pubblica e la Tv commerciale, lo scontro tra vecchia e nuova imprenditoria. Questa ricerca è stata possibile grazie all’uso di vari tipi di fonti. Sono stai utilizzati: i documenti provenienti dagli archivi pubblici e privati della Federazione italiana pallavolo, i giornali e gli studi relativi alla diffusione dello sport in Italia dell’Istituto nazionale di statistica. Si sono rivelati importanti anche i documenti televisivi: cronache delle partite, cartoni animati dedicati al volley e le pubblicità. Inoltre, si è provveduto ad una serie di interviste a testimoni dell’epoca. The Eighties represent a crucial time for women in Italy. They became more involved in the work and public sphere. This paper aims to investigate the relationship between women and the Italian society through the perspective of the history of sport. More specifically, it has the objective to analyze the social evolution of women's role within the development of volleyball. In the Eighties, in fact, women surpassed men in the volleyball practice, giving a definitely feminine connotation to this sport. By studying the process that led to this result, we can realize how much a greater involvement of women in the workforce suggests a higher participation in sport activity. On the background of this context there was the opulent Italy of the Eighties that was an apparently rich country with a lot of contradictions: great difference between the North and the South, the struggle among public and commercial TV, the clash between the old and new entrepreneurship. This research has been realized through the investigation of various types of sources, for example dossiers classified in the public and private archives of the Italian Volleyball Federation or records from Italian State Statistical Office. Chronicles of volleyball matches, cartoons and advertisements have been very helpful for this study. In addition, I’ve realized some interview with the principles federal managers and players of the time.publishersversionpublishe

    L’Uomo Nuovo: Sport e corporativismo tra fascismo e cattolicesimo italiano nell’Estado Novo portoghese tra le due guerre = El Hombre Nuevo. Deporte y corporativismo entre el fascismo y el catolicismo italiano en el Estado Novo Portugués entre las dos guerras = The New Man Sport and corporatism between fascism and Italian Catholicism in the Portuguese Novo State between the two wars

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    Resumen: Entre las dos guerras, Mihail Manoilsecu calificó al siglo XX como "el siglo del corporativismo". Desde hace algunos años, los historiadores están desarrollando el estudio de la dimensión transnacional del corporativismo, enfocándose especialmente en su impacto en las políticas sociales de distintos regímenes autoritarios. Hasta ahora los casos más analizados han sido Italia y Portugal, puesto que fueron los países donde el intento de aplicar las políticas corporativas fue más duradero. El intérprete de la sociedad corporativa tenía que ser el “hombre nuevo”, para cuya formación espiritual la educación deportiva era esencial. Este artículo se centra en la educación deportiva y pretende demostrar cómo el deporte también fue un ingrediente clave de la retórica corporativa entre las dos guerras.Palabras clave: Deporte, corporativismo, totalitarismo, educación, fascismo.Abstract: Between the two wars, Mihail Manoilsecu defined the 20th century as "the century of corporatism". In recent years, scholars have been focusing on the transnational dimension of corporatism, studying its doctrine and its effects on the social policies of different authoritarian regimes. So far, the most studied countries have been Italy and Portugal, the countries where the attempt to apply corporatist policies was most long-lasting. The interpreter of this corporatist society had to be the “new man”: sport was essential for his spiritual training. This article is based on sport education and it aims to demonstrate how sport was framed within the rhetoric of corporatism between the two wars.Keywords: Sport, corporatism, totalitarianism, education, fascism

    Dalle origini ai giorni nostri

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    UIDB/04209/2020 UIDP/04209/2020publishersversionpublishe

    Gloria (Love Seat Design)

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    My inspiration for this love seat was the beautiful mountain sunsets we see almost every day at Liberty University. I love how the dark mountains stand out against the brilliant oranges, pinks, and purples of the sky. I chose to add the curvature of the backrest to resemble the rise and fall of the mountains. While this is a fun design element it also helps to clearly define the two seats of the chair. I chose not to use legs for this piece of furniture as legs would make it easier for things to roll underneath. From my experience as a college student we tend to drop things a lot, and the harder it is for something to get under a piece of furniture the better! As evidenced in the drawing, I have added tables to each arm. Many times college students are looking for a place to sit to work on homework or have a quick bite to eat. Having a table makes it much easier to do either of these things. My fabrics were selected from Mayer Fabrics. The seat and chair back are Fairy Tales Puss ‘N Boots #WC963-004. This fabric corresponds to the curve of the backrest and my idea of mountain inspiration. However, instead of having the pattern run vertically as it does in the examples on the website, I would like it to run horizontally. The arm rests are Silverweave Tangerine. This orange most closely resembled the brilliant orange of the sky at sunset. I thought these two colors and fabrics worked well together to create the design I envisioned. Below are pictures of the fabrics along with links to the website. Drawings of the chair are in separate attachments


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    UIDB/04209/2020 UIDP/04209/2020publishersversionpublishe

    Sport e Educazione in Portogallo tra Religione e Fascismo (1918-1940)

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    UIDB/04209/2020 UIDP/04209/2020This paper investigates the relationship between the Church and modernity in Portugal, through the study of the development of Catholic sport in inter-war period. This gives an original way of looking at the relationship between Estado Novo and the Catholic Church, highlighting how Lusitanian Catholics thought of modernity as an indispensable element for the construction of Estado Novo and especially for the theorization of the Portuguese "new man". This will make it possible to reflect on the very nature of the Salazarist regime debating the fascist and totalitarian vocation.publishersversionpublishe

    Sia lodato il Grande Torino. La tragedia di Superga e la costruzione della comunità immaginata cattolica

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    On 4 May 1949, all the players of the top Italian team of the time, Il Grande Torino, died in an air crash. The tragedy of Superga seemed to be representative of Italy in the immediate post-war period and for this reason it managed to connect with almost the entire nation. The images of the carcass of the plane at the base of Turin’s basilica evoked the war images broadcast by the newsreels between 1940 and 1945. The Torino players were heroes and as heroes were celebrated at their funeral, which seemed to indirectly refer to the cult of the fallen in fascist culture. The funeral held in Turin was attended by 500,000 people and managed to unite a large part of the population in a public rite, during which not only did the deaths of the Grande Torino appear to be celebrated, but also those who had died in the Second World War. Public funerals such as those of the Grande Torino gave Italians the opportunity to openly vent intimate emotions linked to personal experience, helping to build the new nationalCatholicpost-war community

    la stampa dell’Estado Novo di fronte alla guerra d’Etiopia

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    SFRH/BPD/107789/2015 UID/HIS/04209/2013The Ethiopian war had a huge global impact: it challenged the international order established by the Versailles Peace Conference. It also brought into question the relationship between Italy and Portugal. A war in Africa could endanger the stability of Portuguese colonies. This article wants to deepen the impact of the Ethiopian war on the Portuguese press. The final aim is to understand to what extend the Estado Novo considered more important the maintenence of the Portuguese Empire than the ideological linkage with Mussolini’s Italy.publishersversionpublishe

    Correlations of expression of cell wall biosynthesis genes with variation in biomass composition in shrub willow ( Salix spp.) biomass crops

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    We have measured significant genetically determined variation in biomass composition among breeding populations of shrub willow, a biomass feedstock crop. This project was aimed to ask whether patterns of cell wall gene expression can be correlated with genetic variation in biomass composition at harvest, in order to develop assays of early differences in gene expression as indicators of harvestable biomass chemical composition and potentially reduce the time of selection for new willow genotypes. Previous studies have demonstrated that manipulation of expression of cell wall biosynthetic genes results in altered biomass chemical composition. We analyzed genes encoding enzymes involved in lignin biosynthesis and carbohydrate active enzymes selected based on their functional characterization and conservation in Populus trichocarpa and Arabidopsis thaliana. Fragments of 20 genes were cloned from young stem cDNA of Salix sachalinensis and Salix miyabeana. Expression profiling in willow stem apical tissue and developing stem tissue was performed for each isolated gene using probe-based quantitative real-time PCR. Two willow parental genotypes and six progeny within a hybrid family were selected for analysis, and significant differences in expression among the individuals and between tissue types were observed for most of the genes. Significant correlations between patterns of gene expression and variation in the biomass chemical composition of those genotypes provide insight into the genetic regulation of lignocellulosic deposition in this important bioenergy crop and could be utilized as a tool for early selection of new genotype