441 research outputs found

    Pengawasan Dana Kampung Oleh Badan Permusyawaratan Desa

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the supervision of village funds by the village consultative body (BPD) in Kampung Poo, Jagebob District, Merauke Regency. The research method used is a qualitative method, descriptive qualitative research type. The research was conducted through observation and in-depth interviews. After that the data obtained is collected to be described and analyzed to draw a conclusion. The results showed that the supervision of the Village Funds by the Village Consultative Body (BPD) in Kampung Poo has not been going well, especially at the pre-distribution stage and the distribution and use of Village funds, only the third stage has been carried out well, but the Pre-Distribution Stage of Village Funds is still not carried out well, especially in the Aspect of Appropriateness of the Village Fund Planning Arrangement Procedure because the village head did not make a decision letter regarding the Village Fund Implementing Technical Officer (PTPD) but only made direct appointments to the village secretary and head of financial affairs, and the distribution and use stage, namely in the financial aspect and use, where the People's Consultative Body (BPD), which is the representative of the community at large to oversee the Village Fund Budget, does not get the opportunity to consult to determine priority programs funded by village funds so that supervision of village funds is still not very effective


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    Sumber daya, upaya, ancaman, dan intervensi untuk menjamin food security telah dihidupi oleh manusia pada waktu dan tempat tertentu sebagai mekanisme survival. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pemahaman masyarakat Atoni Meto di Desa Sainoni tentang ancaman terhadap Food Security dan bagaiaman respon preventif terhadap ancaman tersebut melalui ritus-ritus pertanian, serta bagaimana pemahaman yang demikian didiskusikan dengan konsep umum tentang security dalam paradigma konstruktivisme. Penelitian yang dilakukan pada Mei-September 2023 ini menggunakan data kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  Masyarakat Suku Atoni Meto di Desa Sainoni meyakini bahwa kondisi food security bertalian erat dengan intervensi kekuatan supranatural yang menguasai bumi (Usi Pah). Melalui ritus-ritus pertanian, masyarakat Suku Atoni Meto di Desa Sainoni menyampaikan persembahan dan permohonan kepada Usi Pah melalui arwah para leluhur agar aktivitas pertanian yang dilakukan mendapat restu dan berhasil

    Penyelesaian Sengketa Perbatasan Indonesia dan Timor Leste dalam Perspektif Budaya Kewarganegaraan (Civic Culture)

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    Penelitian ini di latarbelakangi oleh sengketa perbatasan antara Indonesia dan Timor Leste di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara dan Distrik Oekusi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji dan mendeskripsiakan nilai-nilai kearifan dalam penyelesaian sengketa perbatasan negara Indonesia dan Timor Leste dalam perspektif budaya kewarganegaraan (civic culture).Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Subyek penelitian adalah tokoh adat, tokoh masyarakat dan tokoh agama di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara dan Distrik Oekusi. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai-nilai kearifan lokal yang terkandung dalam penyelesaian sengketa perbatasan Indonesia dan Timor Leste dalam perspektif budaya kewarganegaraan (civic culture) sebagai berikut; saling menghargai dan menghormati, kebersamaan, persaudaraan, tolong menolong, persatuan dan keadilan.  Kata kunci: Sengketa Perbatasan; Budaya Kewarganegaraa


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    The present research was aimed to identify how controlling function was implemented in the APBD (Local Budget) and their obstacles encountered and efforts to perform in solving problems of good governance realization.         Method used was gualitative-descriptive method by analyzing and interpreting primary and secondary results of interviews and observation obtained in the research.Based on results and analyses, it was found that controlling function that the DPRD (Local Legislative Assembly) on the APBD in Merauke districk regency had not been optimally performed yet. This was true in planning/arrangement stages of the APBD ( Local Budged Draft ), the mechanism that the executives adopted had not fully accommodated public aspirations to be stated by the DPRD as the general policies and directions (AKU) of the APBD. In the APBD discussion, available budgeting posts, in fact, had not considered priority scale of public needs as resulted from discussed mechanism referring of the previous-year APBD and they tended to be based on agreements between the executives and legislative and less fulfilled the performance-based budgeting principles. In the realization stage of APBD, controlling performed through field monitoring activities and work-metting (evaluation) actually had encountered technical and juridical obstacles. Meanwhile, controlling the Responsibility Report (LPJ) of regent as evaluation measure faced political aspects differences in maintaining the credibility of authority for the sake leadership existence. Also, it neglected technical aspects that should be directed to the APBD management ang exploitation to measure performance results of apparatus (executives) in order to realize good governance.The research recommends that to optimize controlling function of the DPRD in the APBD realization, warking standard on prioritized development to identify its synchronization with implemented budgeting posts on the APBD and monthly regular monitoring toward government pervormance to early detect available deviation are required.The empowerment of the DPRD members is performed through understanding better budgating posts in development sectors and routine budged that the executive propose. Improved controlling function of the DPRD (Local Legislative Assembly) on the Responsibility Report (LPJ) of Regent should be performent through governments pervormence assessment that ultimately leads to good governance indicated from minimum deviation of realized APBD in Merauke districk

    Analisi e implementazione di gerarchie di memoria a tempo d'accesso non uniforme per sistemi multicore.

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    Con l'aumentare del livello di integrazione sui chip, i sistemi multiprocessore sono passati dalle implementazioni di sistemi multi-chip a sistemi a singolo chip (Chip Multiprocessor, o CMP). Per raggiungere prestazioni ottimali tali sistemi necessitano di una comunicazione ad elevata banda e bassa latenza sia tra processore e processore che tra gli stessi e le memorie cache. Con l'obiettivo di avere sistemi di elaborazione basati su cache condivisa di grande capacità che siano anche in grado di mascherare gli effetti del ritardo sui fili, che cresce all'aumentare: i) della capacità della cache, in quanto la maggior parte del tempo di risposta di una memoria cache è speso nella propagazione dei segnali sulle linee di comunicazione, e ii) della frequenza di lavoro del processore, in quanto tanto più essa è alta tanti più cicli di stall saranno visti dal processore per ogni accesso alla gerarchia di memoria, sono state proposte architetture di cache non convenzionali, caratterizzate dall'avere un tempo medio di accesso non uniforme (Non-Uniform Cache Access, NUCA). Una NUCA è una memoria cache il cui spazio di storage è organizzato in sottobanchi indipendenti, accessibili tramite un'infrastruttura di comunicazione scalabile, tipicamente una Network-on-Chip (NoC). Il tempo di accesso ad una NUCA è funzione della distanza fisica tra il processore richiedente ed il banco che contiene il blocco di cache indirizzato. Grazie alla proprietà di non uniformità del tempo di accesso, ed adottando politiche di gestione dei dati che determinano un piazzamento ottimale dei blocchi all'interno della cache, è possibile ottenere un mascheramento degli effetti negativi che il crescente ritardo sui fili on-chip ha sulle prestazioni totali del sistema processore-memoria. Le politiche di gestione dei dati possono essere statiche (si parla di S-NUCA) o dinamiche (si parla di D-NUCA). In particolare, nelle S-NUCA i blocchi sono staticamente piazzati su un singolo sottobanco, mentre in una D-NUCA possono essere memorizzati in un insieme di sottobanchi per spostarsi fra essi in funzione delle condizioni dinamiche dell'applicazione che li accede. Schemi più avanzati prevedono la possibilità di introdurre un sistema di replicazione (si parla di Re-NUCA) di determinate categorie di blocchi, in modo da avere più copie indipendenti che si spostano dinamicamente con l'obiettivo di piazzarsi nella posizione più vicina ai richiedenti. Il presente lavoro di tesi si propone di studiare il trade-off tra una Re-NUCA, che adotta un sistema ottimizzato di replicazione in grado di tenere sotto controllo il miss-rate, ed una configurazione S-NUCA a cache private, che qui chiameremo Private S-NUCA (PS-NUCA), in cui ogni core mantiene una propria copia locale nella cache di ultimo livello. A tale scopo, nel presente lavoro è stata progettata, realizzata e testata l'architettura di gerarchie di memoria PS-NUCA, in cui i banchi di una S-NUCA vengono esplicitamente suddivisi e mappati come privati di ciascun processore. I risultati sperimentali, ottenuti per via simulativa, vengono analizzati e confrontati con architetture ti tipo S-NUCA, D-NUCA e Re-NUCA, al fine di valutare i comportamenti delle varie configurazioni dal punti di vista delle prestazioni e della scalabilità

    Ablation of Calsequestrin-1, Ca2+ unbalance, and susceptibility to heat stroke

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    Introduction: Ca2+ levels in adult skeletal muscle fibers are mainly controlled by excitation-contraction (EC) coupling, a mechanism that translates action potentials in release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) release channels, i.e. the ryanodine receptors type-1 (RyR1). Calsequestrin (Casq) is a protein that binds large amounts of Ca2+ in the lumen of the SR terminal cisternae, near sites of Ca2+ release. There is general agreement that Casq is not only important for the SR ability to store Ca2+, but also for modulating the opening probability of the RyR Ca2+ release channels. The initial studies: About 20 years ago we generated a mouse model lacking Casq1 (Casq1-null mice), the isoform predominantly expressed in adult fast twitch skeletal muscle. While the knockout was not lethal as expected, lack of Casq1 caused a striking remodeling of membranes of SR and of transverse tubules (TTs), and mitochondrial damage. Functionally, CASQ1-knockout resulted in reduced SR Ca2+ content, smaller Ca2+ transients, and severe SR depletion during repetitive stimulation. The myopathic phenotype of Casq1-null mice: After the initial studies, we discovered that Casq1-null mice were prone to sudden death when exposed to halogenated anaesthetics, heat and even strenuous exercise. These syndromes are similar to human malignant hyperthermia susceptibility (MHS) and environmental-exertional heat stroke (HS). We learned that mechanisms underlying these syndromes involved excessive SR Ca2+ leak and excessive production of oxidative species: indeed, mortality and mitochondrial damage were significantly prevented by administration of antioxidants and reduction of oxidative stress. Though, how Casq1-null mice could survive without the most important SR Ca2+ binding protein was a puzzling issue that was not solved. Unravelling the mystery: The mystery was finally solved in 2020, when we discovered that in Casq1-null mice the SR undergoes adaptations that result in constitutively active store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE). SOCE is a mechanism that allows skeletal fibers to use external Ca2+ when SR stores are depleted. The post-natal compensatory mechanism that allows Casq1-null mice to survive involves the assembly of new SR-TT junctions (named Ca2+ entry units) containing Stim1 and Orai1, the two proteins that mediate SOCE

    Comprehensive analysis of Hox gene expression in the amphipod crustacean Parhyale hawaiensis.

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    Hox genes play crucial roles in establishing regional identity along the anterior-posterior axis in bilaterian animals, and have been implicated in generating morphological diversity throughout evolution. Here we report the identification, expression, and initial genomic characterization of the complete set of Hox genes from the amphipod crustacean Parhyale hawaiensis. Parhyale is an emerging model system that is amenable to experimental manipulations and evolutionary comparisons among the arthropods. Our analyses indicate that the Parhyale genome contains a single copy of each canonical Hox gene with the exception of fushi tarazu, and preliminary mapping suggests that at least some of these genes are clustered together in the genome. With few exceptions, Parhyale Hox genes exhibit both temporal and spatial colinearity, and expression boundaries correlate with morphological differences between segments and their associated appendages. This work represents the most comprehensive analysis of Hox gene expression in a crustacean to date, and provides a foundation for functional studies aimed at elucidating the role of Hox genes in arthropod development and evolution

    La figure de l’ennemi musulman dans les Indes occidentales et orientales dans au XVIe et XVIIe siècles

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    Le principal objectif de cet article est de montrer l’extrême variété des formes de l’altérité dans la Monarchie hispanique, aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles en prenant pour objet d’étude la figure du morisque. Comment la Castille métropolitaine a-t-elle exporté l’image du musulman vers ses territoires d’outre-mer ? Forgée au fil de siècles de combats et de cohabitation christiano-musulmane, cette image est, au XVIe siècle, fortement liée à des tensions croissantes. Tandis qu’en Afrique du Nord, con..

    1973: Año cero del Capitalismo Global

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    El artículo analiza las claves que conforman la coyuntura crítica en la que nace el capitalismo global. Durante el año 1973, en menos de diez meses y en lugares muy distantes del planeta, tienen lugar una serie de acontecimientos que aportan los ingredientes esenciales de lo que, pasado el tiempo, hemos denominado capitalismo global. En la coyuntura de 1973 tienen su coordenada de origen los vectores más característicos de esta nueva fase del capitalismo: en el orden económico, la inestabilidad en los mercados de divisas, la práctica del neoliberalismo y un progreso tecnológico sin precedentes; en lo político, el ensayo con éxito del modelo de transición a la democracia como fórmula alternativa a la revolución social, y en el ámbito de la cultura, la hegemonía del discurso globalista, asentado en la malla del paradigma global


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    ABSTRAK IN Tailor merupakan salah satu bisnis jasa jahit yang beralamat di Komp.Seno no 25 Rawajati, Kalibata, Jakarta Selatan. Terdapat beberapa masalah pada IN Tailor karena masih menggunakan sistem manual dalam kegiatan sehari-hari baik seperti pencatatan data, pengolahan data transaksi, dan pembuatan laporan. Semua proses masih dilakukan dengan pencatatan manual, sehingga sering terjadi kesalahan pencatatan transaksi, pencatatan data pesanan, serta perhitungan laporan. Dari masalah-masalah tersebut maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa IN Tailor membutuhkan sebuah sistem informasi yang lebih tepat, akurat dan terkomputerisasi. Metodologi yang digunakan untuk merancang sistem informasi IN Tailor yaitu dengan metodologi siklus hidup pengembangan sistem atau system development life cycle (SDLC). SDLC yang digunakan yaitu metode waterfall yang terdiri dari tahap communication, planning, modeling, construction, dan deployment. Perangkat lunak yang digunakan yaitu Balsamiq Mockups 3 sebagai prototype interface, Visual studio 2008 sebagai bahasa pemrograman dan interface, Microsoft Access sebagai database dan Crystal Report sebagai laporan. Adanya perancangan sistem informasi IN Tailor yang mencakup data transaksi, data pelanggan, dan pembuatan laporan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan mutu dan kinerja IN Tailor serta dapat membantu pendataan pada IN Tailor menjadi lebih tepat dan akurat. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan pada sistem informasi IN Tailor diperoleh tingkat kepuasaan user sebesar 87,5% dan apabila dilihat dari skala penilaian maka tingkat kepuasan user termasuk ke dalam skala sangat tinggi. Kata Kunci : IN Tailor, Sistem Informasi, Transaksi, Keuangan, Waterfal
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