9 research outputs found

    The effects of large-sided soccer training games and pitch size manipulation on time-motion profile, spatial exploration and surfaxe área: Tactical opportunities

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    Analysis of the physical, technical and physiological variations induced through the use of different soccer game formats have been widely discussed. However, the coaching justification for the specific use of certain game formats based on individual and collective spatial awareness is unclear. As a result, the purpose of this study was to analyze 11 versus 11 game formats conducted across two pitch sizes (half-size: 54 m × 68 m vs full-size: 108 m × 68 m) to identify effects of time–motion profiles, individual exploration behavior and collective organization. A total of 10 amateur soccer players from the same team (23.39 ± 3.91 years old) participated in this study. Data position of the players was used to calculate the spatial exploration index and the surface area. Distances covered in different speeds were used to observe the time–motion profile. The full-size pitch dimensions significantly contributed to greater distances covered via running (3.86–5.52 m s−1) and sprinting (>5.52 m s−1). Total distance and number of sprints were also significantly greater in the full-size pitch as compared to the half-size pitch. The surface area covered by the team (half-size pitch: 431.83 m2 vs full-size pitch: 589.14 m2) was significantly larger in the full-size pitch condition. However, the reduced half-size pitch significantly contributed to a greater individual spatial exploration. Results of this study suggest that running and sprinting activities increase when large, full-size pitch dimensions are utilized. Smaller surface area half-size pitch contributes to a better exploration of the pitch measured by spatial exploration index while maintaining adequate surface area coverage by the team. In conclusion, the authors suggest that the small half-size pitch is more appropriate for low-intensity training sessions and field exploration for players in different positions. Alternatively, the large full-size pitch is more appropriate for greater physically demanding training sessions with players focused on positional tactical behavio

    Recent Trends in Applying TPM to Cloud Computing

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    Trusted platform modules (TPM) have become important safe-guards against variety of software-based attacks. By providing a limited set of cryptographic services through a well-defined interface, separated from the software itself, TPM can serve as a root of trust and as a building block for higher-level security measures. This article surveys the literature for applications of TPM in the cloud-computing environment, with publication dates comprised between 2013 and 2018. It identifies the current trends and objectives of this technology in the cloud, and the type of threats that it mitigates. Toward the end, the main research gaps are pinpointed and discussed. Since integrity measurement is one of the main usages of TPM, special attention is paid to the assessment of run time phases and software layers it is applied to.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudo comparativo entre o modelo de periodização clássica de Matveev e o modelo de periodização por blocos de Verkhoshanski

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    Periodização é o planejamento geral e detalhado do tempo disponível para o treinamento, de acordo com os objetivos intermediários perfeitamente estabelecidos, respeitando- se os princípios científicos do exercício desportivo (DANTAS, 2003). Este estudo é uma revisão bibliográfica com o objetivo de comparar o modelo clássico de periodização do treinamento (MP) criado por Matveev na década de 50 com o modelo de periodização por blocos de Verkhoshanski. O modelo clássico foi utilizado com muito sucesso pela máquina esportiva da antiga URSS. Até hoje esse modelo é utilizado e defendido por muitos autores e criticado por outros. Talvez o principal crítico do MP de Matveev seja o também russo Verkhoshanski, que diz que o modelo de Matveev não é adequado à nova realidade esportiva atual, em que o atleta tem que competir várias vezes ao ano, por gerar no máximo três peaks por temporada. Verkhoshanski criou, então, o modelo de periodização por blocos que, estruturado de forma totalmente diferente do MP de Matveev permite ao atleta alcançar múltiplos peaks em uma mesma temporada

    Estudo sobre a fundamentação do modelo de periodização de Tudor Bompa do treinamento desportivo sob a óptica da metanálise

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    Planos anuais de treinamento simples são utilizados há séculos. Periodização é o planejamento geral e detalhado do tempo disponível para o treinamento, de acordo com os objetivos intermediários perfeitamente estabelecidos, respeitando-se os princípios científicos do exercício desportivo (DANTAS, 2003). Este estudo efetuou uma comparação entre os modelos de periodização (MP) de Matveev e Bompa, utilizando-se da metanálise como instrumento estatístico, visando parear os MPs dos autores descritos. Em 1965 Matveev publicou o MP que seria utilizado durante décadas. Segundo BOMPA (2002), este MP seria típico de desportos com predominância de potência e velocidade. Portanto segundo o referido autor este MP não poderia servir de parâmetro para desportos com predominância de resistência. Para equacionar tal problema, Bompa propõe uma modificação no modelo tradicional, inserindo cargas de trabalho de alto volume durante praticamente toda a temporada. Outro problema está relacionado com a mudança da nova ordem mundial do esporte de alto nível, com competições distribuídas ao ano inteiro, onde vários peaks são necessários. Bompa também propõe uma equação para este problema com ciclos duplos, triplos e múltiplos de treinamento. No entanto, apesar das mudanças ao modelo tradicional, Bompa não desconsidera o modelo clássico, apenas adapta

    ¿Cómo se comportan los puntos en dos campos diferentes? Análisis del comportamiento táctico basado en los datos de posición en dos tamaños de campo de fútbol

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of two different field sizes (full and half of an official size field) on the tactical behaviors measured by position data of players. Ten amateur soccer players (age = 23.39 ± 3.91 years old) were tracked with GPS units during two situations of 11 vs. 11, one in each field size. The position data was treated and the centroid and stretch index of the team were calculated with the Ultimate Performance Analysis Tool. Significantly greater values of centroid in goalto-goal axis (p = 0.001; ES = 3.794), centroid in lateral-to-lateral axis (p = 0.001; ES = 0.729) and total stretch index (p = 0.001; ES = 1.185) were found in the full-size game. The full-size of the field increased the distances between teammates and the distances to the centroid. Moreover, the position of geometrical center of the team was beyond of the middle line in the full size.El propósito de este trabajo fue analizar el efecto de la modificación del espacio de juego sobre los comportamientos tácticos en fútbol, mediante variables de posicionamiento de jugadores. Se monitorizó a 10 jugadores amateur (edad = 23.39 ± 3.91 años) con unidades GPS en dos partidos 11 vs. 11 diferentes en cuanto al tamaño del campo (medio campo y campo entero). Se calculó el centroide y el índice de elasticidad de los equipos mediante el software Ultimate Performance Analysis Tool (Instrumento de análisis de alto rendimiento). Se observaron valores significativamente superiores de los centroid portería-a-portería (p = 0.001; ES = 3.794), centroid banda-a-banda (p = 0.001; ES = 0.729) y índice total de elasticidad (p = 0.001; ES = 1.185) en la situación de campo entero. La situación de campo entero incrementó las distancias entre compañeros y distancias de los jugadores respecto al centroide. Además, la posición geométrica del centro del equipo se situó por delante de la línea media del campo en la situación de campo entero

    How dots behave in two different pitch sizes? Analysis of tactical behavior based on position data in two soccer field sizes

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of two different field sizes (full and half of an official size field) on the tactical behaviors measured by position data of players. Ten amateur soccer players (age = 23.39 +/- 3.91 years old) were tracked with GPS units during two situations of 11 vs. 11, one in each field size. The position data was treated and the centroid and stretch index of the team were calculated with the Ultimate Performance Analysis Tool. Significantly greater values of centroid in goal-to-goal axis (p = 0.001; ES = 3.794), centroid in lateral-to-lateral axis (p = 0.001; ES = 0.729) and total stretch index (p = 0.001; ES = 1.185) were found in the full-size game. The full-size of the field increased the distances between teammates and the distances to the centroid. Moreover, the position of geometrical center of the team was beyond of the middle line in the full size

    The effects of large-sided soccer training games and pitch size manipulation on time-motion profile, spatial exploration and surface area: Tactical opportunities

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    Analysis of the physical, technical and physiological variations induced through the use of different soccer game formats have been widely discussed. However, the coaching justification for the specific use of certain game formats based on individual and collective spatial awareness is unclear. As a result, the purpose of this study was to analyze 11 versus 11 game formats conducted across two pitch sizes (half-size: 54mx68m vs full-size: 108mx68m) to identify effects of time-motion profiles, individual exploration behavior and collective organization. A total of 10 amateur soccer players from the same team (23.39 +/- 3.91years old) participated in this study. Data position of the players was used to calculate the spatial exploration index and the surface area. Distances covered in different speeds were used to observe the time-motion profile. The full-size pitch dimensions significantly contributed to greater distances covered via running (3.86-5.52ms(-1)) and sprinting (>5.52ms(-1)). Total distance and number of sprints were also significantly greater in the full-size pitch as compared to the half-size pitch. The surface area covered by the team (half-size pitch: 431.83m(2) vs full-size pitch: 589.14m(2)) was significantly larger in the full-size pitch condition. However, the reduced half-size pitch significantly contributed to a greater individual spatial exploration. Results of this study suggest that running and sprinting activities increase when large, full-size pitch dimensions are utilized. Smaller surface area half-size pitch contributes to a better exploration of the pitch measured by spatial exploration index while maintaining adequate surface area coverage by the team. In conclusion, the authors suggest that the small half-size pitch is more appropriate for low-intensity training sessions and field exploration for players in different positions. Alternatively, the large full-size pitch is more appropriate for greater physically demanding training sessions with players focused on positional tactical behavior

    Predominância do Tipo de Fibra Muscular e sua Relação com a Capacidade Aeróbica de Corredores de Provas de Fundo

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a predominância do tipo de fibra muscular e sua relação com a capacidade aeróbica. A amostra foi composta por 09 indivíduos, corredores de provas de fundo da equipe da Polícia Militar do Rio de Janeiro, com idade média de 34.9 ± 7.3 anos, 14,00 ± 6,38 anos de prática e as seguintes medidas antropométrica: peso 66,32 ± 8,37, estatura 1,76 ± 0,07, % de gordura com protocolo de Pollock & Jackson (1993) de 3 dobras 7,21 ± 3,52; e somatotipo obtido com o protocolo de Heath & Carter (1990): endomorfia 1,8 ± 1,02; mesomorfia 4,1 ± 1,20 e ectomorfia 3,2 ± 1,34. Para avaliar a capacidade aeróbica foi utilizado o teste de corrida de Ribisl & Kachodorian (3.200 metros). Para a determinação do tipo de fibra, utilizou-se o Método Dermatoglífico, de Cummins e Midlo (1942) para se obter o tipo de desenho das impressões digitais (SQTL =137,4 ± 22,2; D10 = 12,9 ± 2,5). O tratamento estatístico empregado foi o descritivo. Os resultados permitiram concluir que atletas de provas de fundo do Rio de Janeiro apresentam, de acordo com parâmetros dermatoglíficos, predominância de fibras glicolíticas em relação as oxidativas. Sugere-se que pelo elevado número encontrado de SQTL, existe um predomínio da fibra glicolítica lenta em relação a fibra glicolítica rápida