37 research outputs found

    Molecular inversion probe-based SPR biosensing for specific, label-free and real-time detection of regional DNA methylation

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    DNA methylation has the potential to be a clinically important biomarker in cancer. This communication reports a real-time and label-free biosensing strategy for DNA methylation detection in the cancer cell line. This has been achieved by using surface plasmon resonance biosensing combined with the highly specific molecular inversion probe based amplification method, which requires only 50 ng of bisulfite treated genomic DNA


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    ABSTRACT By compensating for the aberrations in the eye that cause blur, the adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscope (AOSLO) yields high-magnification, high-resolution, real-time images of the living human retina. Features as small as single cone photoreceptors can be resolved, single leukocytes are recorded in real time as they pass through the smallest retinal capillaries, and the optical sectioning capability can be used to visualize independent layers of the retinal tissue ranging from the nerve fiber layer, through the blood vessels to the photoreceptors. The use of AO technology not only enhances the breadth of applications of conventional SLOs, but it facilitates a host of new applications. Here we provide an overview of AOSLO performance and its applications, including two clinical examples. Finally, we preview two novel applications; one where the AOSLO is used to present AO-corrected stimuli directly onto the retina while simultaneously recording their exact retinal position, and a second application where AOSLO videos are used to provide very precise, high-frequency measures of eye movements. KEY WORDS Scanning laser ophthalmoscope, adaptive optics, blood flow, optical sectioning, ocular aberrations, eye movements RÉSUMÉ En compensant les aberrations de l'oeil causant un flou, l'ophthalmoscope laser à balayage à optique adaptative (OLBOA) permet d'obtenir un fort grossissement, une haute résolution, des images en temps réel de la rétine de l'humain vivant. Des éléments aussi petits que de simples photorécepteurs coniques peuvent être visibles, des leucocytes isolés sont enregistrés en temps réel quand ils passent à travers les plus petits capillaires rétiniens, et la capacité de sectionnement optique peut être utilisée pour visualiser des couches indépendantes du tissu rétinien allant de la couche de fibres nerveuses aux photorécepteurs en passant par les vaisseaux sanguins. L'utilisation de la technologie OA n'améliore pas seulement le champ d'application des OLB conventionnels, mais facilite également une multitude de nouvelles applications. Nous fournissons ici une vue d'ensemble de la performance de l'OLBOA et de ses applications, en incluant deux exemples cliniques. Enfin, nous annonçons deux nouvelles applications : une dans laquelle l'OLBOA est utilisé pour présenter des stimuli corrigés par OA directement sur la rétine tout en enregistrant simultanément leur position rétinienne exacte, et une deuxième application dans laquelle des vidéos d'OLBOA sont utilisées pour fournir des mesures à haute fréquence très précises des mouvements oculaires

    Priorities in Cardio-Oncology Basic and Translational Science

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    Despite improvements in cancer survival, cancer therapy–related cardiovascular toxicity has risen to become a prominent clinical challenge. This has led to the growth of the burgeoning field of cardio-oncology, which aims to advance the cardiovascular health of cancer patients and survivors, through actionable and translatable science. In these Global Cardio-Oncology Symposium 2023 scientific symposium proceedings, we present a focused review on the mechanisms that contribute to common cardiovascular toxicities discussed at this meeting, the ongoing international collaborative efforts to improve patient outcomes, and the bidirectional challenges of translating basic research to clinical care. We acknowledge that there are many additional therapies that are of significance but were not topics of discussion at this symposium. We hope that through this symposium-based review we can highlight the knowledge gaps and clinical priorities to inform the design of future studies that aim to prevent and mitigate cardiovascular disease in cancer patients and survivors.</p

    Optical Forces in Plasmonic Nanoparticle Dimers

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    We present calculations of the optical forces between two metal nanospheres forming a hybridized plasmonic chiller. We consider homo- and heterodimers and investigate different plane wave illumination configurations. The forces between the particles are calculated using kill Mie theory combined with the Maxwell stress tensor (MST) formalism, as well as by approximate methods, such as the Lorentz force (LF) approach taken in the dipole limit and calculations based on an optical potential. We show that the simplified calculation schemes can lead to serious errors in the case of strongly interacting particles and low damping. In particular, we find that equilibrium configurations, corresponding to vanishing optical forces, only are possible for homodimers illuminated in the end-fire configuration and for heterodimers, although multipolar effects and clamping radically reduce the repulsive interactions in the latter case

    Optical Forces in Plasmonic Nanoparticle Dimers

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    We present calculations of the optical forces between two metal nanospheres forming a hybridized plasmonic chiller. We consider homo- and heterodimers and investigate different plane wave illumination configurations. The forces between the particles are calculated using kill Mie theory combined with the Maxwell stress tensor (MST) formalism, as well as by approximate methods, such as the Lorentz force (LF) approach taken in the dipole limit and calculations based on an optical potential. We show that the simplified calculation schemes can lead to serious errors in the case of strongly interacting particles and low damping. In particular, we find that equilibrium configurations, corresponding to vanishing optical forces, only are possible for homodimers illuminated in the end-fire configuration and for heterodimers, although multipolar effects and clamping radically reduce the repulsive interactions in the latter case

    Suitable combination of noble/ferromagnetic metal multilayers for enhanced magneto-plasmonic biosensing

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    We present a theoretical and experimental study on the biosensing sensitivity of Au/Co/Au multilayers as transducers of the magneto-optic surface-plasmon-resonance (MOSPR) sensor. We demonstrate that the sensing response of these magneto-plasmonic (MP) transducers is a trade-off between the optical absorption and the magneto-optical activity, observing that the MP multilayer with larger MO effect does not provide the best sensing response. We show that it is possible to design highly-sensitive MP transducers able to largely surpass the limit of detection of the conventional surface-plasmon-resonance (SPR) sensor. This was proved comparing the biosensing performance of both sensors for the label-free detection of short DNA chains hybridization. For this purpose, we used and tested a novel label-free biofunctionalization protocol based on polyelectrolytes, which increases the resistance of MP transducers in aqueous environments

    Photochemically Activated Motors: From Electrokinetic to Diffusion Motion Control

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    Self-propelled micro/nanomotors that can transform chemical energy from the surrounding environment into mechanical motion are cutting edge nanotechnologies with potential applications in biomedicine and environmental remediation. These applications require full understanding of the propulsion mechanisms to improve the performance and controllability of the motors. In this work, we demonstrate that there are two competing chemomechanical mechanisms at semiconductor/metal (Si/Pt) micromotors in a pump configuration under visible light exposure. The first propulsion mechanism is driven by an electro-osmotic process stemmed from a photoactivation reaction mediated by H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>, which takes place in two separated redox reactions at the Si and Pt interfaces. One reaction involves the oxidation of H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> at the silicon side, and the other the H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> reduction at the metal side. The second mechanism is not light responsive and is triggered by the redox decomposition of H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> exclusively at the Pt surface. We show that it is possible to enhance/suppress one mechanism over the other by tuning the surface roughness of the micromotor metal. More specifically, the actuation mechanism can be switched from light-controlled electrokinetics to light-insensitive diffusio-osmosis by only increasing the metal surface roughness. The different actuation mechanisms yield strikingly different fluid flow velocities, electric fields, and light sensitivities. Consequently, these findings are very relevant and can have a remarkable impact on the design and optimization of photoactivated catalytic devices and, in general, on bimetallic or insulating-metallic motors