20 research outputs found


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    Orthopedic temporomandibular joint (TMJ) instability is very common among children and adults. It is often associated with pain in the cervicofacial region, and muscle contraction. To investigate whether muscle contraction can cause permanent posterior rotation of the head and whether treatment with splint and kinetotherapy is efficient, a literature review was carried out of patients with pain in the cervicofacial area. Additionally, the case of a 15-year old patient presenting with permanent posterior rotation of cranium, with no movement between the first two vertebra and pain in the cervicofacial area was reported. Kinetotherapy followed by rapid maxillary expansion improved the function of cervical vertebrae and reduced the cervicofacial pain within the first two weeks. Kinetotherapy, rapid maxillary expansion, and orthodontic treatment with a stable joint position could be a good therapy to control occipital-atlas function

    Razvoj selektivnih biofarmaceutika iz glikoproteina E i I iz Herpes simplex virusa tipa 1 koji blokiraju neutralizaciju onkolitskih virusa posredovanu antitijelima

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    Future cancer therapies will be molecular cures. They will correct, block or destroy cancer cells by targeting molecular changes that lead to carcinogenesis. Destroying cancer cells can be done using oncolytic viruses. By blocking antibody mediated neutralization of oncolytic viruses, Herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoproteins E and I could be used in the adjuvant treatment of cancer for improving the chances of oncolytic viruses to kill cancer cells in vivo.Terapija karcinoma će u budućnosti biti na molekularnoj razini. Bit će moguće promijeniti, blokirati ili uništavati stanice ciljanim utjecanjem na molekularne promjene koje vode do karcinogeneze. Uništavanje stanica karcinoma moći će se ostvariti pomoću onkolitskih virusa. U pomoćnoj terapiji karcinoma moći će se koristiti glikoproteini E i I iz Herpes simplex virusa tipa 1 koji blokiraju neutralizaciju onkolitskih virusa posredovanu antitijelima, čime se povećavaju šanse da onkolitski virusi unište stanice karcinoma in vivo

    Electromagnetic Navigation Bronchoscopy for Peripheral Pulmonary Lesions: One-Year Results of the Prospective, Multicenter NAVIGATE Study

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    Perehdytyskansio Sahanlahti Resort Oy:n tarjoilijoille

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    Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli perustella perehdyttämisen tärkeyttä ja selvittää, mitä on hyvä perehdyttäminen. Opinnäytetyön tuotoksena syntyi perehdytyskansio tarjoilijoina toimiville henkilöille. Työn toimeksiantajana oli Sahanlahti Resort Oy. Perehdytyskansio helpottaa uusien työntekijöiden perehtymistä yritykseen ja sen toimintatapoihin. Teoriaosuus opinnäytetyössä kerättiin eri kirjalähteistä. Teoriaosuudessa käsitellään sisäistä markkinointia, asiakaspalvelua sekä henkilöstöjohtamisen kokonaisuutta. Perehdyttämisen osuudessa on kerrottu perehdyttämisen osa-alueista, perehdyttäjästä sekä eri perehdytysmenetelmistä. Toiminnallista osuutta, eli perehdytyskansiota varten tietoa kerättiin haastattelujen avulla sekä omaa kokemusta hyödyntäen. Opinnäytetyö kuvaa perehdytysprossiin liittyviä asioita sekä kertoo, mitä asioita perehdyttämisessä tulee ottaa huomioon. Perehdytyskansio Sahanlahden tarjoilijoille auttaa työntekijöitä tutustumaan taloon ja sen palveluihin. Perehdy-tyskansion avulla perehdytysprosessia yrityksessä voidaan jakaa kirjalliseen, eli itsenäiseen osuuteen sekä käytännön perehdytykseen. Toimeksiantajan toiveesta perehdytyskansiota ei julkaista Theseuksessa

    Use of Tracheostomy During the COVID-19 Pandemic: American College of Chest Physicians/American Association for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology/Association of Interventional Pulmonology Program Directors Expert Panel Report

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    BACKGROUND: The role of tracheostomy during the COVID-19 pandemic remains unknown. The goal of this consensus statement is to examine the current evidence for performing tracheostomy in patients with respiratory failure from COVID-19 and offer guidance to physicians on the preparation, timing, and technique while minimizing the risk of infection to health care workers (HCWs). METHODS: A panel including intensivists and interventional pulmonologists from three professional societies representing 13 institutions with experience in managing patients with COVID-19 across a spectrum of health-care environments developed key clinical questions addressing specific topics on tracheostomy in COVID-19. A systematic review of the literature and an established modified Delphi consensus methodology were applied to provide a reliable evidence-based consensus statement and expert panel report. RESULTS: Eight key questions, corresponding to 14 decision points, were rated by the panel. The results were aggregated, resulting in eight main recommendations and five additional remarks intended to guide health-care providers in the decision-making process pertinent to tracheostomy in patients with COVID-19-related respiratory failure. CONCLUSION: This panel suggests performing tracheostomy in patients expected to require prolonged mechanical ventilation. A specific timing of tracheostomy cannot be recommended. There is no evidence for routine repeat reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction testing in patients with confirmed COVID-19 evaluated for tracheostomy. To reduce the risk of infection in HCWs, we recommend performing the procedure using techniques that minimize aerosolization while wearing enhanced personal protective equipment. The recommendations presented in this statement may change as more experience is gained during this pandemic

    A cognitive management framework for empowering the internet of things

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    This work presents a Cognitive Management framework for empowering the Internet of Things (IoT). This framework has the ability to dynamically adapt its behaviour, through self-management functionality, taking into account information and knowledge (obtained through machine learning) on the situation (e.g., internal status and status of environment), as well as policies (designating objectives, constraints, rules, etc.). Cognitive technologies constitute a unique and efficient approach for addressing the technological heterogeneity of the IoT and obtaining situation awareness, reliability and efficiency. The paper also presents a first indicative implementation of the proposed framework, comprising real sensors and actuators. The preliminary results of this work demonstrate high potential towards self-reconfigurable IoT. © The Author(s)