24 research outputs found

    Strategy of creative learning

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    Se presentan los resultados de un estudio cuasi experimental que tuvo como objetivo analizar el impacto en el aprendizaje que se obtiene en los alumnos que recibieron una enseñanza impartida por profesores entrenados en una metodología para la liberación y fomento de la creatividad (aprender para crear). El estudio comparó pre-post a tres establecimientos experimentales y tres control, en el segundo grado de enseñanza secundaria. En el grupo experimental se capacitó a los profesores del curso experimental en la metodología, en un entrenamiento que implicó una estrategia de inducción el semestre antes del semestre de aplicación, y una estrategia de acompañamiento grupal y reflexión de las prácticas durante el semestre de aplicación. En el análisis multivariado de la covarianza, se considera la capacitación como variable independiente y las variables de enseñanza (profesor) y rendimiento (alumno) como variables dependientes. Las respectivas mediciones pre-experimento se considerarán como covariantes. Los resultados cuantitativos reportan una diferencia significativa de los estudiantes del grupo experimental, tanto a nivel del rendimiento de los estudiantes en pruebas de conocimiento, como en los actos de habla de los profesores. Las conclusiones apuntan a mostrar la utilidad de la metodología de diseño de enseñanza, y los cuatro principios para el “aprendizaje que permite crear” como estrategia de cambio en las prácticas pedagógicas, valioso como insumo para la línea de investigación en creatividad y sistema escolar.We present the results of a cuasi experimental study, which objective was to analyze the impact in the student’s learning once they where taught by teachers trained in creativity liberation and promotion methodology (learning for creating). The study compared pre – post three experimental institutions and three control, in second grade of high school. In the experimental group, the teachers of the experimental class were trained in the methodology. This implicated an induction strategy the semester before the application and a strategy o group accompaniment and reflection about the implemented practices during the semester of the application. In the analysis of multivariate covariance, training is considered as an independent variable and the variables teaching (teacher) and academic yield (students) as dependent variables. The respective measurements pre – experiment are considered as covariance. The quantitative results report a significant difference in the students of the experimental group in the academic yield level of the students and in the teacher’s acts of speech. Conclusions point to the usefulness of the teaching design methodology, and the four principles for a “learning that allows creativity”, as a useful change strategy in the pedagogic practices, for the investigation in the educational system

    Solución TI para apoyar el aprendizaje matemático a nivel preescolar de la escuela Kurt Moller Bocherens de Paso Rari

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    94 p.Es importante apoyar la educación de los niños de zonas rurales con herramientas que permitan su formación asincrónica con el fin de reforzar sus conocimientos y apoyar a los padres en la enseñanza dentro del hogar. Este es el caso del curso de prekínder/kínder de la Escuela Kurt Moller Bocherens de Paso Rari, para esto se propuso la implementación de una solución apoyada en las TI mediante el estudio de las necesidades y brechas existentes en los apoderados, niños, docente. Se desarrolló un software a medida en base a contenidos vistos en los niveles de aprendizaje pertinentes que permitiera ser usado con y sin conexión a internet, presentando ejercicios interactivos del estilo "listening", "drag and drop", "tiralíneas", "selección múltiple" y "writing". En el proyecto se encontró una aceptación importante de la aplicación desarrollada, como también una clara y común problemática en los apoderados, la falta de una conexión estable a internet, dejando de lado cualquier otro tipo de brecha educativa o económica. Estos resultados implican la adaptación de la aplicación desarrollada para sistemas Android, ya que estos son los que cumplen con la función de suplir aquella falta de conexión y conocimientos tecnológicos, simplificando el uso de dispositivos, en lo que respecta a la aceptación tiene una gran importancia ya que afirma que la aplicación es estable como también que cumple sus funcionalidades principales y secundarias. Se espera que este proyecto en un futuro pueda ser adaptado a más de un nivel, como también expandirse a otros centros educativos. Además de servir de inspiración para la creación de una herramienta más completa para la educación rural a nivel país. // ABSTRACT: It is important to support the education of children in rural areas with tools that allow their asynchronous training in order to reinforce their knowledge and support parents in teaching at home. This is the case of the pre-kindergarten/kindergarten class of the Kurt Moller Bocherens School in Paso Rari, for which the implementation of an IT-supported solution was proposed through the study of the needs and existing gaps of parents, children and teachers. Tailor-made software was developed based on contents seen in the relevant learning levels that could be used with and without internet connection, presenting interactive exercises such as "listening", "drag and drop", "line drawing", "multiple choice" and "writing". The project found an important acceptance of the developed application, as well as a clear and common problem in the parents, the lack of a stable internet connection, leaving aside any other type of educational or economic gap. These results imply the adaptation of the application developed for Android systems, since these are the ones that fulfill the function of making up for that lack of connection and technological knowledge, simplifying the use of devices, with regard to the acceptance has a great importance since it states that the application is stable as well as that it fulfills its main and secondary functionalities. It is hoped that this project can be adapted to more than one level in the future, as well as expanded to other educational centers. In addition to serving as inspiration for the creation of a more complete tool for rural education at the national level

    Influence of murta (Ugni molinae turcz) powder on the frankfurters quality

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    Frankfurters are one of the most demanded meat products in the world due to their low cost and good taste. However, they contain up to 30% animal fat, which is negative for the consumer’s health. Moreover, high-fat contents could also decrease frankfurter sensory properties, since it accelerates the rancidity of the products. This fact is highly dependent on the fatty acids composition since the unsaturation promotes oxidative reactions. Currently, strategies have been developed to replace animal fat with vegetable oils or the inclusion of new raw materials. The murta (Ugni molinae Turcz), an endemic plant in Chile, is a specie that contains high levels of flavonoids in its fruits and has a pleasant flavor, as well as a sweet and floral aroma. However, the effect of the addition of these fruits in the formulation of meat products has been scarcely studied. The present study aims to reduce the use of synthetic additives using natural ones (murta powder). Therefore, this research evaluated the influence of the inclusion of murta on the chemical, sensory, and instrumental parameters of traditional frankfurters. Three batches of frankfurters were manufactured: control sausages without additives (T0); samples with chemical antioxidant (T1); and with murta fruit powder (T2). The chemical composition, physicochemical parameters and sensory properties were determined. Frankfurters made with murta (T2) presented middle values in energy, moisture and sodium compared with control. Also, the reformulated sausages (T2) presented the lowest water holding capacity, redness (a*) and yellowness and the highest values of fat and carbohydrates. Regarding fatty acids content, the most important changes were observed in the C18:0 and C14:0 (T2 presented the lowest values) and C18:2n-6 (T2 had the highest values), but minimal differences were observed in the total SFA, MUFA and PUFA content. Cholesterol content from T2 were similar to the control samples, and T1 presented the highest values. Although these differences, both chemical and nutritional quality of all frankfurters manufactured in the present study were very similar among treatments. Finally, according to the sensory analysis, T2 presented better acceptability and sensory characteristics compared with the other treatments (p ≤ 0.05). Therefore, the inclusion of murta in the production of frankfurters could be a strategy to improve the sensory characteristics of this product with minimal changes in chemical and nutritional properties. However, the effect of murta on oxidative stability and frankfurter shelf-life should be studied in depth in future research.Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de Alimento

    Influence of Murta (Ugni molinae Turcz) Powder on the Frankfurters Quality

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    Frankfurters are one of the most demanded meat products in the world due to their low cost and good taste. However, they contain up to 30% animal fat, which is negative for the consumer’s health. Moreover, high-fat contents could also decrease frankfurter sensory properties, since it accelerates the rancidity of the products. This fact is highly dependent on the fatty acids composition since the unsaturation promotes oxidative reactions. Currently, strategies have been developed to replace animal fat with vegetable oils or the inclusion of new raw materials. The murta (Ugni molinae Turcz), an endemic plant in Chile, is a specie that contains high levels of flavonoids in its fruits and has a pleasant flavor, as well as a sweet and floral aroma. However, the effect of the addition of these fruits in the formulation of meat products has been scarcely studied. The present study aims to reduce the use of synthetic additives using natural ones (murta powder). Therefore, this research evaluated the influence of the inclusion of murta on the chemical, sensory, and instrumental parameters of traditional frankfurters. Three batches of frankfurters were manufactured: control sausages without additives (T0); samples with chemical antioxidant (T1); and with murta fruit powder (T2). The chemical composition, physicochemical parameters and sensory properties were determined. Frankfurters made with murta (T2) presented middle values in energy, moisture and sodium compared with control. Also, the reformulated sausages (T2) presented the lowest water holding capacity, redness (a*) and yellowness and the highest values of fat and carbohydrates. Regarding fatty acids content, the most important changes were observed in the C18:0 and C14:0 (T2 presented the lowest values) and C18:2n-6 (T2 had the highest values), but minimal differences were observed in the total SFA, MUFA and PUFA content. Cholesterol content from T2 were similar to the control samples, and T1 presented the highest values. Although these differences, both chemical and nutritional quality of all frankfurters manufactured in the present study were very similar among treatments. Finally, according to the sensory analysis, T2 presented better acceptability and sensory characteristics compared with the other treatments (p 0.05). Therefore, the inclusion of murta in the production of frankfurters could be a strategy to improve the sensory characteristics of this product with minimal changes in chemical and nutritional properties. However, the effect of murta on oxidative stability and frankfurter shelf-life should be studied in depth in future research.Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de Alimento

    Trends of maxillofacial trauma : an update from the prospective register of a multicenter study in emergency services of Chile

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    Determine the behavior of the maxillofacial trauma of adults treated in 3 tertiary care centers in the central zone of Chile. Descriptive, cross-sectional, multicenter study, based on the prospective records of maxillofacial trauma cases attended between May 2016 and April 2017 by dental and maxillofacial clinical teams of Adult Emergency Units of hospitals Dr. Sótero del Río (metropolitan region), Carlos Van Buren and Dr. Gustavo Fricke (region V). Age, sex, date of occurrence, type of trauma according to ICD-10, etiology, legal medical prognosis and associated injuries were recorded, stratifying by sex and age. Chi square and unpaired Wilcoxon tests were used to compare by groups. 2.485 cases and 3.285 injuries were investigated. The male: female ratio was 1.7: 1 with age under 30 predominant, followed by older adults. Variability was observed in the yearly, weekly and daily presentation. The highest frequencies were in January and September, weekends and at night. The main etiologies were violence (42.3%), falls (13.1%) and road traffic crashes (12.9%) with differences by age and sex (p<0.05). 31,9% of the injuries occurred in hard tissue, being fractures in nasal bones predominant (S02.2). The profile of the maxillofacial trauma in Chile seems to be mixed by age, affecting young people and the elderly. The male sex predominates; the main cause, which varies by age group, is violence. Their surveillance is possible from hospital emergency records

    Vitalidad Etnolingüística de la Lengua Araucana

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    En el largo proceso histórico vivido por el o los pueblos araucanos quizás el rasgo cultural más persistente haya sido y sea su lengua. Un examen de la primera gramática escrita para ella por el jesuita Luis de Valdivia en 1606, hace 377 años, muestra en realidad muy poca diferencia con el idioma que aún hablan en determinadas situaciones sociales los mapuches contemporáneos a lo largo y ancho del territorio que ocupan

    Vitalidad Etnolingüística de la Lengua Araucana

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    En el largo proceso histórico vivido por el o los pueblos araucanos quizás el rasgo cultural más persistente haya sido y sea su lengua. Un examen de la primera gramática escrita para ella por el jesuita Luis de Valdivia en 1606, hace 377 años, muestra en realidad muy poca diferencia con el idioma que aún hablan en determinadas situaciones sociales los mapuches contemporáneos a lo largo y ancho del territorio que ocupan

    Estrategia de aprendizaje creativo. Cuatro principios para el diseño de la enseñanza

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    We present the results of a cuasi experimental study, which objective was to analyze the impact in the student’s learning once they where taught by teachers trained in creativity liberation and promotion methodology (learning for creating). The study compared pre – post three experimental institutions and three control, in second grade of high school. In the experimental group, the teachers of the experimental class were trained in the methodology. This implicated an induction strategy the semester before the application and a strategy o group accompaniment and reflection about the implemented practices during the semester of the application. In the analysis of multivariate covariance, training is considered as an independent variable and the variables teaching (teacher) and academic yield (students) as dependent variables. The respective measurements pre – experiment are considered as covariance. The quantitative results report a significant difference in the students of the experimental group in the academic yield level of the students and in the teacher’s acts of speech. Conclusions point to the usefulness of the teaching design methodology, and the four principles for a “learning that allows creativity”, as a useful change strategy in the pedagogic practices, for the investigation in the educational system

    Strategy of creative learning

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    Se presentan los resultados de un estudio cuasi experimental que tuvo como objetivo analizar el impacto en el aprendizaje que se obtiene en los alumnos que recibieron una enseñanza impartida por profesores entrenados en una metodología para la liberación y fomento de la creatividad (aprender para crear). El estudio comparó pre-post a tres establecimientos experimentales y tres control, en el segundo grado de enseñanza secundaria. En el grupo experimental se capacitó a los profesores del curso experimental en la metodología, en un entrenamiento que implicó una estrategia de inducción el semestre antes del semestre de aplicación, y una estrategia de acompañamiento grupal y reflexión de las prácticas durante el semestre de aplicación. En el análisis multivariado de la covarianza, se considera la capacitación como variable independiente y las variables de enseñanza (profesor) y rendimiento (alumno) como variables dependientes. Las respectivas mediciones pre-experimento se considerarán como covariantes. Los resultados cuantitativos reportan una diferencia significativa de los estudiantes del grupo experimental, tanto a nivel del rendimiento de los estudiantes en pruebas de conocimiento, como en los actos de habla de los profesores. Las conclusiones apuntan a mostrar la utilidad de la metodología de diseño de enseñanza, y los cuatro principios para el “aprendizaje que permite crear” como estrategia de cambio en las prácticas pedagógicas, valioso como insumo para la línea de investigación en creatividad y sistema escolar.We present the results of a cuasi experimental study, which objective was to analyze the impact in the student’s learning once they where taught by teachers trained in creativity liberation and promotion methodology (learning for creating). The study compared pre – post three experimental institutions and three control, in second grade of high school. In the experimental group, the teachers of the experimental class were trained in the methodology. This implicated an induction strategy the semester before the application and a strategy o group accompaniment and reflection about the implemented practices during the semester of the application. In the analysis of multivariate covariance, training is considered as an independent variable and the variables teaching (teacher) and academic yield (students) as dependent variables. The respective measurements pre – experiment are considered as covariance. The quantitative results report a significant difference in the students of the experimental group in the academic yield level of the students and in the teacher’s acts of speech. Conclusions point to the usefulness of the teaching design methodology, and the four principles for a “learning that allows creativity”, as a useful change strategy in the pedagogic practices, for the investigation in the educational system

    Comprensión pública de la ciencia en Chile: adaptación de instrumentos y medición

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    La comprensión pública de la ciencia se ha consolidado como campo de investigación teórica y aplicada en los principales países desarrollados, desde hace más de tres décadas. La relación ciencia-público ha sido medida a través de encuestas aplicadas al público en general, entre las que destacan la de la National Science Foundation, en Estados Unidos, y el Eurobarómetro, en la Unión Europea, las cuales se han convertido en instrumentos internacionales de referencia. En América Latina, a diferencia de lo anterior, recién en la última década se han iniciado con sistematicidad este tipo de mediciones. Este artículo presenta resultados generales de la primera medición de interés, conocimiento y percepción de ciencia a nivel regional dentro de Chile. Se aplicó una encuesta en cuatro capitales regionales del sur del país, utilizándose un cuestionario adaptado a partir de los instrumentos internacionales de referencia, lo cual permite su comparación con mediciones internacionales